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Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Many are now aware of and justifiably concerned about Lake Mead soon becoming what is known as a “dead pool”. When this milestone is reached, the ramifications for tens of millions of Americans is beyond grave. What is not being discussed is the Lake Mead 3rd intake drain that was designed to drain every last drop from this diminishing and dying largest reservoir in the US. The remaining water will keep Las Vegas Nevada partying till the last possible moment. Even more dire is the official denial of the ongoing drought inducing covert climate engineering operations that are the core causal factor behind the unprecedented drought in the Western US. The six minute video below provides much needed information on the unfolding cataclysm surrounding the collapsing Colorado River water source. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. DW Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​ For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.          

Is It Game Over? New NASA Report

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations have been pushed and propagated on the premise of cooling the planet by saturating Earth's skies with sun blocking aerosols. The jet sprayed aerosols are intended to mimic the affect of extended volcanic eruptions. A new NASA science study has now confirmed that extended volcanic eruptions caused long term warming, not cooling. Worse, the ozone layer was decimated in the process. The 5+ minute video below exposes the flawed foundations of the climate engineering narrative and the grave dangers geoengineering operations pose to all life on Earth. Climate engineering operations are: Destroying the ozone layer. Accelerating planetary meltdown. Completely disrupting the global hydrological cycle. Establishing the conditions for unprecedented wildfires. Ubiquitously contaminating the entire planet and every breath we take. Saturating the biosphere with extremely harmful RF / Microwave transmissions. Being used as a covert weapon of war. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. DW Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

Geoengineering: Fire And Ice

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Geoengineering is wreaking havoc all over the world, from fires to ice. After the passing of the recent engineered winter weather onslaught on Northern California, the climate engineers are yet again cutting off the flow of precipitation to parts of the US West. Even in winter, forest fires are burning with unprecedented ferocity. What will be left after the weather-makers have wrought their decimation on formerly thriving forests? Scorched mountains, ridges and canyons, all of it devoid of life. Above it all the atmospheric aerosol dispersions continue unabated. The new installment of Into The Wild is below. This image was taken from my backyard in Northern California, in December. Photo credit: Jovyde Wigington For the previous episodes, click here: Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. DW For those that have not yet seen our recent post on “The Dimming”, it is a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production. This documentary film will provide answers and proof of the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare operations. Below is a 4+ minute trailer on the upcoming film.

Geoengineering Creating Freeze Fry Extremes

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations are creating ever more extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios. The immense scale of climate forcing being carried out by the geoengineers is wreaking havoc on the biosphere. Over 70 years of covert climate intervention and weather warfare (along with countless other forms of anthropogenic activity) has done unimaginable damage to the planet’s life support systems. The blowback is already unfolding and will get rapidly worse. The extreme and unprecedented temperature imbalances already occurring in the US, and forecasted (scheduled) to occur, are beyond alarming. The 15 minute video below exposes some of the most primary agendas of the ongoing climate engineering operations. The climate engineering / weather / biological warfare operations must be brought to light, and to a halt. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Governor Newsom, Geoengineering And Unprecedented Wildfires

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Newly elected California governor Gavin Newsom has had to declare state of emergency due to the latest unprecedented firestorms. Will Newsom disclose the climate engineering factor that is fueling the firestorms? For the record, Governor Gavin Newsom was fully briefed on climate engineering facts nearly 5 years ago, and has done nothing (explanation further down in this article).  California is yet again ablaze, even in November. "Official sources" have tried to convince the masses that the record raging wildfires are because we are not cutting down enough trees, but is this the truth? The short answer is a resounding no. In fact, such a narrative flies in the face of countless verifiable facts. All available data makes clear that the single greatest causal factor relating to the epic wildfires all over the globe are illegal and ongoing geoengineering operations.  The "Camp Fire" has exploded with blinding speed and has already become the most destructive wildfire in California history. How bad do conditions have to become before populations are willing to wake up to the global climate engineering insanity? Below is film footage from the Woolsey Fire which is also raging in California. Will governor Gavin Newsom (after gloating over his victory) ever acknowledge the climate engineering assault that is wreaking havoc on the drought stricken and scorched state of California? Don’t count on it. Has Governor Newsom ever been fully informed of the climate engineering issue? As already stated, the answer is yes, and I can say this with absolute firsthand knowledge. On February 7th, 2014, I attended a private meeting at the State Capitol with then Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (and his top aid) to present irrefutable data on the critical climate engineering issue (the meeting consisted of only the three of us in Gavin's office). The meeting was facilitated through mutual contact between Gavin Newsom and myself. Gavin and his staff member did not dispute any of the data presented in the meeting. At one point during the meeting / data presentation, Gavin sat back in his leather chair, took a very deep breath, and stated “I didn’t need this” (an absolute acknowledgment of the geoengineering operations). Unfortunately, then Lieutenant Governor Newsom (now governor Newsom) quickly turned his back on the geoengineering issue. Were Gavin's career aspirations the superseding priority? Is there really any question about this? Below is a short communication exchange between myself and Gavin that took place in January of 2016 ( a full 2 years after the climate engineering briefing in Gavin's office). The communication reveals exactly what one would expect from an individual whose political aspirations are the bottom line. On Jan 20, 2016, Dane Wigington wrote: Hello, Gavin, what will the public feel when they finally wake to the ongoing climate engineering nightmare and they find out that you have been aware of it all along? Since I personally presented the science on this critical issue to you and your top aid in your office some 2 years ago (February 7th 2014), you have disclosed nothing about the ongoing geoengineering atrocities in our skies. The population is waking up, and I can only imagine that they will not be pleased with all those that have helped to hide the climate engineering crimes and instead were focused on mailing out letters like the one your group sent on the message below.  Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/a-climate-engineering-introduction-to-media-and-the-uninformed/ Governor Newsom’s response to my message is below: On Jan 20, 2016, at 10:58 AM, Gavin Newsom wrote: Won't apologize for focusing on gun  violence , appreciate your passionate  point of view and respectfully took the time to meet with you and researched  your concerns , while we  may not share the same conclusion , I wish you the best and will  happily remove your email address from  our database as to no longer burden  you with issues that clearly are not  resonant with you  Sent from my iPhone My reply to Governor Newsom: With all due respect, Gavin, mathematically speaking, the amount of human mortality already caused by the highly toxic aerosol heavy metals being sprayed is so vast it could never be quantified. This is not even to mention the endless list of wider threats that are all connected to the ongoing geoengineering insanity. Though I am, of course, all for ending gun violence, the amount of human mortality being caused by this subject (gun violence) is dwarfed beyond belief by the massive climate engineering assault on the planet and the human race. Our legal team will soon file suit on this critical issue which so many state agencies are doing their best to hide from public view. The public has a right to know what is going on above their heads and we have the data to prove it.  Though California governor Gavin Newsom has absolutely known about the ongoing illegal climate engineering operations for nearly 5 years (at minimum), he has continued to play his part in the ongoing criminal climate engineering cover-up. All the while the once "Golden State" has continued to dry out and incinerate as a direct result of the climate engineering assault. What are the agendas of the weather makers? What were the composition and conclusions of the information passed on to Governor Newsom in the 2014 meeting at the State Capitol? Below is an outline, but with current data. Though we cannot know all the objectives of the geoengineers, available data makes clear that heating and drying some regions in order to engineer large scale temporary cool-downs in other regions is a core part of the equation. The NOAA "departure from normal high temperature" map below reveals nothing less than the scheduled weather for the US for the period from November 12th through the 16th, 2018. Private defense contractor and geoengineering climate modification patent holder Raytheon does all the weather modeling for the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This amounts to dictating the "forecasts" (scheduled weather) to the nation's weather "forecasting" personnel. How are the engineered Eastern US cool-downs achieved? The "ridiculously resilient ridge" (RRR) heat dome of ionosphere heater created high pressure (over the US West) effectively blocks any inflow of storms

Carr Fire Catastrophe, Front-Line Footage

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The global climate engineering assault continues to be ramped up, geoengineering operations are mathematically the greatest and most immediate threat we collectively face. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere and climate system, in regard to the off the scale increases in wildfires, and in regard to the unprecedented fire behavior, geoengineering is the core causal factor. The Carr Fire in Northern California continues to rage out of control. All over the planet unprecedented wildfires are consuming forests, homes, property, and most tragically, lives. Carr Fire, Redding, California (7/26/18). Photo credit: Kathy Burns What has caused such an immediate and dramatic increase in wildfire catastrophes? What massive factor in the equation is not being acknowledged by any “official" source? The global weather warfare assault. How bad must conditions get before the majority are willing to actually investigate facts and face reality? The short video below contains front-line footage of the Carr Fire devastation. GeoengineeringWatch.org wishes to extend our most sincere sympathy to those that have lost property, homes, and even more tragically, loved ones. We wish to also extend our deepest gratitude to all the firefighting personnel who are doing their best to battle the blazes. The conditions we now face on our planet are completely unnatural, the consequences of continuing on the current course are unthinkable. All of us are needed in the critical effort to expose and halt climate engineering. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. DW Additional important article links that connect climate engineering and wildfires: Engineered Drought Catastrophe, Target California (live presentation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsYG5emdZp8 Engineered Drought Catastrophe, Target California (posted article) https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-drought-catastrophe-target-california/ Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-is-fueling-firestorm-catastrophes/ California Firestorms: Geoengineered Catastrophe https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/california-firestorms-geoengineered-catastrophe/ Engineered Western Meltdown To Cool The East https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-western-meltdown-to-cool-the-east/ Geoengineering Creating Freeze Fry Extremes https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-creating-freeze-fry-extremes/ Climate Engineering Fuels Fires Of Global Incineration https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/climate-engineering-fuels-fires-of-global-incineration/ The commentary below was added to this "Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes" post in response to many sensationalized claims, narratives and conclusions that are being circulated about the creation and / or causes of the recent and ongoing catastrophic California firestorms. How do we most effectively expose and halt the catastrophic global climate engineering assault?  We must stand on solid verifiable ground in regard to the data and conclusions we share, or we will lose all credibility in this most important battle for the greater good. Any propagation of implausible sensationalized factually unsupportable speculation (that by its very nature provokes disbelief) only undermines credibility as we attempt to expose the very real and terrible climate engineering crimes being perpetrated against our dying planet. Are recent and current California fires behaving in unprecedented ways and burning at exceptionally high temperatures? Yes. Are there reasons to believe the public is not being informed of key core issues that are directly related to the exponential increase in global forest fires? Yes. Does available data make clear that climate engineering in countless ways set the stage for the firestorm nightmares? Without question.  All this being said, in regard to the recent and ongoing California firestorms there are a great many claims circulating on the internet that should cause us all to take immediate pause. These narratives include claims that everything from laser beams to military incendiary bombs were used to cause/create recent and ongoing catastrophic fires. Though laser and directed energy weapons do exist in some forms (https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2016/06/25/air-force-has-directed-energy-weapons-now-comes-the-hard-part/), there is no documentation whatsoever to confirm any sky to ground laser / directed energy platform is even remotely capable of causing massive and instant vaporization of countless structures over vast expanses. If such instant and extreme destruction were to occur (from massive laser / energy beams, spiraling down from the sky in the middle of the night), they would certainly have been seen and documented by countless individuals. If such instant destruction technology does exist, and was used, why is there so much film footage of extreme wind and heat driven flames during the fires that caused structures to burn for hours? If “directed energy” weapons of this caliber and strength existed, and were used, CAL FIRE and thousands of residents would have to be a part of such a cover-up (which is completely implausible).  Again, though available data indicates that current laser technology could facilitate the ignition of ground fires from an airborne platform (any arsonist could do the same), there is no acknowledged technology that an airborne platform could completely and instantly "vaporize" structures in an instant flash of immense heat. There is absolutely no documentation of structures being instantly incinerated. Powerful lasers are ground based in massive facilities that require immense amounts of power, components, and personnel. Something to consider, many are claiming that standing trees next to completely burned to the slab structures is proof of  "DEW" weapons. Why? It is claimed that highly flammable structures that have burned to the ground should not leave adjacent living trees that didn't burn to the ground. Is this accurate? First, lets examine and consider the historical photos below from the 1923  "Berkeley Fire". These images reveal exactly the same "standing trees next to burned to the slab homes" scenario that so many claim is proof of "directed energy weapons", the Berkeley Fire happened 37 years before the first primitive laser was even invented.  The 1923 Berkeley fire aftermath exactly resembles current fire ravaged landscapes (including standing trees near burned to the slab structures). Another image from the 1923 Berkeley Fire The image above (also from the 1923 Berkeley Fire) is especially revealing in regard to the false claim that still standing trees adjacent to burned to the ground structures are "proof" of "directed energy weapons" (DEW). Again, the photo above was taken 37 years before the first primitive laser weapon was even invented. Unfortunately, sensationalized false narratives completely distract from and undermine the critical effort to expose and halt global climate engineering operations (which are verifiably a core causal factor fueling the exponential increase in, and ferocity of, global forest fires). Historical videos of the 1923 Berkeley fire are even more revealing than the still photos of the event. Below are two short film footage clips of the historic Berkeley fire. This footage reveals structure fire behavior scenarios that are parallel to what is

Climate Engineers Cool Eastern US While World Burns

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org A primary objective of ongoing geoengineering operations is to mask the true severity of climate collapse from potentially powerful populations who could oppose climate engineering if awakened to the reality. The majority of the US population is in the eastern half of the country. By consistently engineering cool-down zones over the same heavily populated regions, the power structure and the climate engineers are able to further fuel division and confusion in regard to the actual state of global temperatures. The GISS departure from normal high temperature map below is the most recent case in point. Where was the only anomalously cool region in the world for the entire month of April? The eastern half of the North American continent. This anomaly was not an act of nature, it is a direct result of massive climate intervention operations. For the record, though April, 2018, was the 400th consecutive month of above normal global temperatures (3rd warmest April ever recorded globally), the US was miraculously below normal temperatures with the coldest April in more than 20 years.  For the entire month of April, 2018, the bullseye of below normal temperatures was maintained over the most populated regions of the US. It is important to remember and consider that the eastern half of the US is only 1/200th of the Earth’s surface area (1/2 of a percent). Conditions in such a small percentage of the Earth’s surface, of course, do not provide an accurate picture of overall planetary temperatures and conditions. Global departure from normal high temperature anomalies have remained similar for an extremely long span of time as next GISS map reveals (April, 2017, through April, 2018). Again, as already stated, such anomalies are not an act of nature, they are the result of climate engineering operations. The country with largest military by far (The US military is larger than the next 10 largest militaries combined) is the most capable of carrying out unimaginably extensive climate engineering operations. It must be remembered and considered that the materials utilized in these operations are highly toxic. For an entire year (April, 2017, through April, 2018) below normal temperatures were maintained over the eastern half of the North American continent. Climate engineering can and is creating short term highly toxic cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall planetary warming. GeoengineeringWatch.org has repeatedly documented the ongoing engineered winter / engineered cool-down component of climate engineering. The article links below should be reviewed and considered by any that truly want to comprehend the totality of impact geoengineering operations are having on regional temperatures and thus public perception. Sharing credible and referenced information is essential in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, all of us are needed to help sound the alarm. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/creating-snow-storms-the-knollenberg-patent/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-winter-weather-whiplash-with-patented-climate-engineering-processes/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-winter-the-deception-of-the-us-population/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/manufacturing-winter-with-geoengineering/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/geoengineering/results-of/ice-nucleated-snow/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-the-polar-regions-the-chemical-ice-nucleation-factor/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-engineered-winter-deception-chemical-ice-nucleation/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-winter-weather-whiplash/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-winter-engineered-drought/ Climate engineering is not a proposal, it has long since been a lethal reality. The rapidly increasing weather whiplash scenarios will continue to worsen as the climate engineers ramp up their planetary assault. If we are to have any chance of exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity, the effort will take all of us. Waking the masses is the first and most critical step forward. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Insanity, Manufacturing Winter Weather With Tropical Moisture

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Planet Earth is being forced into an abrupt climate shift, the ongoing global climate engineering operations are further fueling the overall process. The combination satellite / radar image below reveals an extremely anomalous and alarming scenario: a massive, bizarre, and completely unnatural, straight, south to north flow of tropical moisture from the record warm waters of the Caribbean. Again, the unprecedented scenario shown in the image above is warm tropical moisture which became a record breaking snowstorm as it reached the Great Lakes region. How is this possible? Massive climate engineering operations utilizing patented processes of chemical ice nucleation are at the core of this phenomenon. Animations in the 40 second video further reveal the anomalous nature of this flow of moisture, which fueled the theatrically named “Winter Storm Xanto”. Chemical ice nucleation (for weather modification) is a patented process, the link below is important to review in order to gain a better understanding of this process. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/creating-snow-storms-the-knollenberg-patent/ The next 8 links below provide further documentation and examples of the climate engineering chemical ice nucleation assault (and the processes involved). https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/manufacturing-winter-with-geoengineering/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/geoengineering/results-of/ice-nucleated-snow/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-the-polar-regions-the-chemical-ice-nucleation-factor/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-engineered-winter-deception-chemical-ice-nucleation/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-winter-the-deception-of-the-us-population/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-winter-weather-whiplash/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-winter-weather-whiplash-with-patented-climate-engineering-processes/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-winter-engineered-drought/ The Departure From Normal High Temperature map below clearly shows a shocking temperature contrast scenario in the US Southeast. Flows of moisture can (and are) being completely manipulated by the climate engineers with the use of atmospheric aerosol saturation and radio frequency / microwave transmissions. The NEXRAD image below was captured on April 15th, 2018. As the US temperature map below reveals, on Sunday, April 15th, 2018, when “Winter Storm Xanto” was at its peak in the Western Great Lakes region. Temperatures further south along the path of the moisture flow feeding “Winter Storm Xanto” were in the 80s. The Weather Channel temperature map below further reveals the completely anomalous and unnatural cool-down that climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation processes can create. Engineering winter weather from warmth (65 degrees and rain in Detroit, and snowing a short distance away). The final map below is another Departure From Normal High Temperature illustration.  The “bullseye” of cold temperatures west of the Great Lakes is very clearly visible (while most of the planet is at above normal temperatures). Over 70 years ago governments around the world made the decision to launch the global geoengineering experiment without public knowledge or consent, an experiment from which there is no return. There can be no legitimate discussion about the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the subject of climate engineering. Further, there can be no legitimate discussion about climate engineering without addressing the completely engineered cool-downs via atmospheric manipulation and patented chemical ice nucleation processes. Geoenginering operations are the greatest and most immediate threat we collectively face short of nuclear cataclysm. Every single aware and awake individual is needed in the critical battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity Sharing credible data is key, make your voice heard while it can yet make a difference. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

California Firestorms: Geoengineered Catastrophe

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Yet another round of extreme firestorm catastrophes are hitting California. Like the recent Santa Rosa fire disaster, the current wildfires are verifiably connected to conditions created by the ongoing global climate engineering assault. The geoengineering cabal is becoming more desperate by the day as the biosphere and climate unraveling accelerates exponentially. The 6 minute video below reveals aspects of the climate engineering assault and its connection to the California firestorms. Though many have been falsely led to believe that last winter's rain in California erased and eliminated the drought, this could not be further from the truth. Last summer was the hottest and driest on record in countless locations of the US West. The following quote is from the Los Angeles fire department chief: “Brush burning index is 296. This is the highest number I've ever seen in my career. The threshold for this rating is 165. Monday I said that to the Mayor, this is the highest rating I'd ever seen.” Geoengineering operations are not only cutting off precipitation from the US West and destroying the ozone layer globally, the desiccant particulates from the fallout create an incendiary dust that coats foliage and structures. Below are two shocking photos from the current Southern California fires. Flames consume a home on Via Arroyo as a wildfire rages in Ventura, Ca, Dec. 5, 2017. AP Photo/Noah Berger Smoke rises behind a leveled apartment complex as a wildfire burns in Ventura, Ca, Dec. 5, 2017. AP Photo/Noah Berger While California continues to go up in flames, regions of the Canadian Arctic and Greenland have recently been basking in record warm temperatures nearly 60 degrees above normal.  At the same time that record heat is occurring in the polar regions and elsewhere, snow is forecasted (scheduled) to fall as far south as Chihuahua, Mexico (2017 also saw record low ice at BOTH poles). The climate engineers will continue to use patented chemical ice nucleation processes to fuel ever more extreme weather whiplash scenarios. The climate engineers are manufacturing the illusion of winter in some regions while overall global temperatures continue to soar toward a runaway scenario. The extremely anomalous jet stream configuration shown in The Weather Channel's "forecast" map above (scheduled weather) are meteorologically unprecedented. Climate engineering can create short term surface cool-downs at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming. The departure from normal high temperature map below reveals the engineered weather whiplash scenarios being created by the geoengineers. The extremely anomalous sea surface temperature division line, wrapping around the Gulf of Mexico and up the East Coast of the US, is shocking. The anomalous hot and cold zones throughout the North American continent are yet another harbinger of the climate intervention operations and the weather whiplash scenarios they are creating. It is important to remember and consider that all the temperatures reflected in the map above (and temperatures being reported by weather news sources) are surface readings. Commercial and private pilots (that are communicating with GeoengineeringWatch.org) are reporting ONLY far above normal temperature readings at altitude. The climate engineered chemical cool-down zones occupy only a shallow layer of air at the Earth's surface. The gravity and immediacy of the changes currently unfolding around us cannot be overstated. What we face on the near term horizon are nothing less than existential threat. How can we make a difference for the better? How can we individually affect the equation? By doing our individual part to fully expose climate engineering. If we can expose it, we can stop it. How can we effectively and efficiently wake others up to the climate engineering assault? By sharing credible data from a credible source. Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward, make your voice heard. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

NASA, And The Criminal Denial Of Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org NASA is nothing more than a tool for the military industrial complex to carry out their nefarious agendas and to cover up their tracks. No matter how blatant and glaring the ongoing geoengineering atmospheric aerosol spraying is over our heads each and every day, so long as there is an “official agency” like NASA to tell the public it isn’t so, the geoengineering crimes of planetary omnicide continue to be hidden in plain site. Perhaps the greatest lie the power structure has perpetrated on populations around the world is the “condensation trail” grand deception. ALL commercial airlines and ALL military tankers are outfitted with a “high bypass turbofan” jet engine. This engine is a jet powered fan that is designed for maximum fuel efficiency. 85% of the air that passes through this jet engine is NON COMBUSTED. By design, the “high bypass turbofan” jet engine is nearly incapable of producing any “condensation trail” except under the most rare and extreme of circumstances. With this in mind, why does NASA (and other official agencies) tell us that there is nothing strange or unusual about satellite images like the one below taken on October 16th, 2017. The geoengineering aerosol spraying operations along the West Coast of the North American continent are relentless. NASA made the following statement in reference to the video satellite animation just below the quote. Contrails are showing up nicely across California today. These are NOT associated with the wildfires. Geoengineering / solar radiation programs are completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, destroying the ozone layer, and contaminating every breath we take. Why does NASA feel it is necessary to reassure the public that the atmospheric atrocities have nothing to do with the record shattering firestorms in the once golden state? Is it because NASA does not want the public to know that climate engineering is a primary factor causing protracted drought all over the planet? Aren’t the sky covering jet aircraft dispersions exactly what we are told we would expect to see if geoengineering / solar radiation management programs were deployed? Yes, exactly. But, again, we are told not to worry, NASA says it isn’t so. Has the now 10 year long drought in California (with the only break being the winter season of 2016-2017) in fact been caused by the ongoing illegal climate engineering operations? Examine the data in the “Engineered Drought Catastrophe, Target California” presentation below, and decide for yourself. Is geoengineering directly connected to the raging firestorms in California, Portugal, Spain, and countless other parts of the world? The data to confirm the connection is undeniable. The 10 minute video below provides essential facts. Global powers are waging weather warfare against the populations of the planet. Because the elements used for climate engineering operations are highly toxic, climate engineering must also be considered biological warfare. Geoengineered skies, Yosemite National Park, California. Photo credit: Sydne Pomin How long will populations of the world stand by and allow the planetary programs of geoengineering omnicde to continue? Help us to sound the alarm, share credible data which can be found on the home page of GeoenigneeringWatch.org. Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.


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