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The World Is Burning

Source: Inter Press Service News Agency A view of rusted, abandoned ships in Muynak, Uzebkistan, a former port city whose population has declined precipitously with the rapid recession of the Aral Sea. Credit: UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe ROME, Jun 23 2017 (IPS) – Record high temperatures are gripping much of the globe and more hot weather are to come. This implies more drought, more food insecurity, more famine and more massive human displacements. In fact, extremely high May and June temperatures have broken records in parts of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and the United States, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported, adding that the heat-waves have arrived unusually early.

May Continues A Ridiculous Warm Streak For The Planet

Source: Climate Central Another month is in the global temperature record books. While May just missed setting a record, the data is another reminder that climate change is making the world hotter and pushing it into a new state. This May was the second-warmest May on record, according to NASA data released on Thursday. The planet was 1.6°F (0.88°C) warmer than normal last month, trailing 2016 by just a 10th of a degree. This May was the second-hottest May on record. Credit: NASA GISS

The Thawing Arctic Threatens An Environmental Catastrophe

Source: The Economist Commercial opportunities are vastly outweighed by damage to the climate “DUE to the global warming, please keep the Snowhotel door closed” reads a sign at the entrance to what appears to be a giant white mound near Kirkenes, close to Norway’s Arctic border with Russia. The owners want to preserve the frozen friezes of unicorns, reindeer and butterflies that adorn its walls. Patches of translucence in the ceilings of the hotel’s 25 icy rooms suggest the warmth outside is winning. Artificial snow helps build the structure anew each November and it usually disappears before May. The season has shortened in recent years, says one employee; the cold comes later than before. The Snowhotel’s lengthening off-season is a small sign of an immense transformation in the Arctic, where the environment is changing more rapidly than in the rest of the world. Little can be done to keep its white wastes intact. A great thaw is inevitable as the climate responds to an accumulation of carbon emissions in the atmosphere. International efforts to limit global warming will at best slow the changes, perhaps making the consequences merely terrible rather than catastrophic.

Climate Engineering Completely Manipulating Precipitation

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org For many decades a covert global collaboration of governments has participated in the complete manipulation / disruption of the planet's weather and climate systems. There are many agendas being carried out in our skies by these global powers, none of these agendas are benevolant. The degree to which the weather-makers can manipulate precipitation is difficult to fully comprehend, the effect on populations and the planet has been devastating. The NASA satellite image below reveals extreme aerosol spraying operations being carried out in the Eastern Pacific over major flows of atmospheric moisture migrating toward the West Coast of the US. A large component of the jet aircraft sprayed aerosols are electrically conductive heavy metals like aluminum and barium. These elements assist the weather makers with their constant manipulation of precipitation events. Extremely powerful radio frequency / microwave transmissions are another primary means by which the weather makers manipulate heavily aerosolized flows of precipitation. The very revealing animation below clearly illustrates the effects from a powerful radio frequency / microwave transmitter near Beale Air Force Base, California. By these methods those in power can effectively migrate rain over some regions and allow it to come down elsewhere, often in the form of a highly destructive deluge. The climate engineers decide where it rains, and where it does not. They decide how toxic the rain will be, or if a zone will be temporarily cooled down by chemical ice nucleation processes. From drought to record flooding deluges, the geoengineers are the ones pulling the levers. In addition to the climate intervention insanity, it is important to also remember and consider the countless other forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate system and the planet as a whole.  Large incoming cells of precipitation are completely dispersed by the Beale transmitter with none of the migrating rain actually precipitating past the transmitter site. This next NASA image is a shockingly clear illustration of the climate engineering process already addressed in this article. A massive cloud formation off of the US West Coast has blatantly obvious signs of heavy aerosol spraying. This formation also has extremely unnatural borders due to radio frequency / microwave transmission manipulation.  The image above was captured as a massive high pressure dome was being set up over the US West Coast. This rain blocking heat producing scenario (termed the "ridiculously resilient ridge") was a primary causal factor in the record shattering California drought. Though much of California has been allowed to receive substantial rains this year, devastating drought could be put back in place by the climate engineers at any time. The NOAA precipitation "forecast" (scheduled weather) map below is the latest example of the now unprecedented precipitation patterns. Geoengineering is completely disrupting the global hydrological cycle. A primary purpose of precipitation dispersion / migration / manipulation is to create largest possible expanse of cloud cover / haze, and to keep the moisture aloft and available for creating precipitation events and/or chemical ice nucleated cool-downs. Extreme weather whiplash scenarios are increasingly the norm as the desperation of the climate engineers continues to manifest. Meteorologically unprecedented and completely engineered hot and cold zones now blot global temperature maps. Every engineered (and highly toxic) chemical cool-down event that the geoengineers carry out comes at the cost of an even worse overall warming of the planet. It comes at the cost of an even more damaged ozone layer and an even more contaminated biosphere. The human race has inflicted countless forms of damage to our once thriving planet (with the ongoing geoengineering insanity at the top of the list). How much more can the planet take before complete biosphere implosion? If we remain on the current course, we will very soon find out. Every single one of us is needed to help sound the alarm, make your voice heard. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The Arctic Sea Ice Reduction Since 1978 is 4 x10^6 km2 Half Of Which Is Since 2016

Source: Earth Network News Its true that not all the sea ice is gone yet, but much of what remains is thin enough that the light passing through it is allowing algae blooms. In many places it is cracked and subject to being broken up by storms which due to the extremes of heat and cold confronting each other in that region have extremes of wind and wave. This is one reason the IPCC has moved up its next report date from 2022 to 2018 The Jacobshaven Glacier delivering 10% of the ice melt from Greenlands ice caps to the sea no longer flows at a glacial pace but rather is retreating at 10 km/yr with the rate of retreat increasing at an increasing rate just as with the sea ice. Original Source: The Arctic Sea Ice Reduction since 1978 is 4 x10^6 km2 half of which is since 2016

Geoengineering, Methane Eruptions, And Imploding Arctic Ice

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The East Siberian Sea is "boiling with methane", scientists have called what they are witnessing "truly terrifying". Massive methane eruptions are pushing the planet toward Venus Syndrome. With the use of patented artificial ice nucleating elements / processes, the climate engineers are completely committed to chemically ice nucleating the polar regions. Geoengineering operations are part of an unimaginably desperate and destructive attempt to cover up the rapidly unfolding methane catastrophe. For well over 70 years global powers have been consistently ramping up covert climate engineering programs that have now all but completely derailed the planet's life support systems. Without the knowledge or consent of their populations, governments around the world colluded and collaborated on the organization and deployment of incredibly destructive climate "intervention" programs that are further fueling the catastrophic consequences of anthropogenic activity on planet Earth. Of all the forms of decimation the human race has inflicted on our formerly thriving biosphere, the ongoing geoengineering assault is mathematically the most ominous and destructive.  Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are obscuring skies and completely disrupting climate patterns all over the globe. Photo credit: Piotrek Biraga Earth's climate during the past 10,000 years has likely been the most stable in the history of our planet. The miraculous energy balance, previously maintained by our atmosphere, has now been completely destroyed. In an unimaginably desperate and insane attempt to hide the extent of biosphere damage (due to countless forms or human activity including climate engineering) from unsuspecting populations for as long as possible, the global power structure may have sealed our fate. Climate engineering/intervention programs are NOT about the common good in any way, shape, or form. Rather, such hubris is about power and control, period. The planet is now reacting and responding to the damage done, the signs are ominous. Scientists have discovered as many as 7,000 gas-filled "bubbles" expected to explode in Arctic regions of Siberia after an exercise involving field expeditions and satellite surveillance, TASS reported. Click image to enlarge Like giant blisters on Siberian landscape, countless bulges are being pushed up from the explosive force of rapidly thawing methane deposits in the permafrost. Photo credit: The Siberian Times" When enough pressure is built up from the heating and expanding methane, an eruption of immense force occurs. Click images to enlarge  Recently the inhabitants in the Taimyr Peninsula reported hearing a "big bang", another methane blowout was formed. Photo credit: Sergei Lapsui, Stanislav Yaptune, Vladimir Epifanov The methane craters are alarming harbingers of immense planetary change. Click images to enlarge "This giant crater formed after pingo explosion near Bovanenkovo gas deposit in 2014". Photo credit: Vasily Bogoyavlensky, Yamal governor's press-service, Vladimir Pushkarev Trump' Defense Secretary Cites Climate Change as National Security "Challenge" “Climate change is impacting stability in areas of the world where our troops are operating today,” Mattis said “It is appropriate for the Combatant Commands to incorporate drivers of instability that impact the security environment in their areas into their planning.” The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned Tuesday that the drastic shifts seen in the global climate system that resulted in a range of alarming records last year appear to be continuing unabated. "We are now in truly unchartered territory," David Carlson, head of the World Climate Research Programme, said in a release from the WMO. Arctic sea ice has just set yet another record low, breaking the former record low level set last year. The power structure and the geoengineers who serve it are increasingly desperate to mask the unfolding Arctic cataclysm. Why? To avoid panicking populations in order to maintain the current paradigm (and thus their stranglehold on power) till the last possible moment.  Click image to enlarge Does this mean climate engineering is somehow for the greater good? Such a notion could not be further from the truth. Climate engineering programs are actually fueling the overall global meltdown while poisoning the entire planet in the process. Security Challenge James Mattis’ unpublished testimony before a Senate panel recognizes a threat others in the administration reject or minimize Secretary of Defense James Mattis has asserted that climate change is real, and a threat to American interests abroad and the Pentagon's assets everywhere, a position that appears at odds with the views of the president who appointed him and many in the administration in which he serves. In unpublished written testimony provided to the Senate Armed Services Committee after his confirmation hearing in January, Mattis said it was incumbent on the U.S. military to consider how changes like open-water routes in the thawing Arctic and drought in global trouble spots can pose challenges for troops and defense planners. He also stressed this is a real-time issue, not some distant what-if. The recent NASA satellite images shown below reveal astoundingly anomalous sea surface ice formation patterns taking place in various regions of the Arctic (in spite of record high ocean temperatures). The anomalous ice formations are the result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleating materials.  Click images to enlarge The patterns of ice formation along the perimeters of the ice resemble a chemical spill pattern of dispersion. Why? Chemical ice nucleation elements are being used. The power of these endothermic reacting materials is nearly beyond comprehension. Spherical ice balls forming on 40+ degree waters in Lake Michigan are only one example. Given all the information already covered in this article, are the climate engineers actually helping to cool off the Arctic overall? No. When an artificially/chemically nucleated ice cap is engineered over an already overheated Arctic ocean, the ocean heat is trapped below this artificially enhanced engineered ice cap. The warmer seas then continue to thaw and thus release even more methane deposits from the sea floor. This process is further fueling feedback loops that are pushing the planet into a runaway climate shift. Click image to enlarge Global sea ice deposits are plummeting to record low levels in both polar regions. Climate engineering is not mitigating the unfolding abrupt climate shift, it is exacerbating it. Click image to enlarge The current rate of biosphere change is so extreme and non-linear that many statistics are going "off the charts". Climate engineering and atmospheric experimentation are greatly contributing to our rapidly

Arctic, Antarctic Sea Ice Cover Shrinks To Record Low In February – NOAA

Source: Sputnik News Arctic and Antarctic sea ice cover shrank to a record low in February since measurements began almost four decades ago, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Friday. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Antarctic sea ice cover has shrunk by almost a quarter, as as the Arctic sea ice cap decreased by almost 8 percent.

Rate Of Ocean Warming Quadrupled Since Late 20th Century, Study Reveals

Source: CarbonBrief.org The buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases is warming the upper ocean four times faster than during the period 1960-1990, according to new research. The paper, published today in the journal Science Advances, is the latest effort to piece together current and historical measurements from ships, self-propelled floats, satellites and even seals to get a global picture of how the oceans are faring under rising temperatures. Since the 1990s, more heat is finding its way to the deep ocean and there has been no change of pace in ocean warming since 1998, compared with the previous decade, the paper notes. The study marks a step forward, but the authors say they are concerned about the future of ocean science, given the political climate in the US. Dr John Abraham, professor of thermal sciences at the University of St Thomas in Minnesota and co-author on the paper, tells Carbon Brief: “We are seeing dramatic cuts planned for climate science. There is every reason to expect these cuts will include ocean-sensing systems.”


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