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Spring 2014 Is The Hottest Ever Recorded

Even with constant and radical falsification of “official” temperature readings and records to the DOWN side, high temperature records around the globe continue to be broken. The warmer our planet gets, the more the geoengineers ramp up their already relentless assault of toxic aerosol spraying on our imploding biosphere. Though the climate engineers can and have cooled down specific regions in order to create headlines and confusion as to the state of the climate (like the Eastern US), the overall effect of the spraying is accelerated warming. Climate engineering is tearing the planets life support systems apart from top to bottom. The nonstop toxic spraying is literally poisoning the entire web of life. We must all stand and make our voices heard while there is yet time to make a difference. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering And Near Term Planetary Extinction

Very few have any idea of what is rapidly unfolding around us all. The corporate controlled main stream has very successfully fueled the inherent human propensity to ignore and deny alarming and uncomfortable truths. Populations as a whole have willingly embraced the mountain of lies that has been dished up to them. Public acceptance of spoon fed delusions and propaganda has to date kept the “loot, pillage, and plunder” party on Planet Earth going. This chapter is ending by the day as the biosphere responds to the centuries long all out war that has been waged against its life sustaining systems. The sixth great extinction to occur on Earth is now, this is an undeniable statistical fact. The scenario we collectively face is unlike previous events. This time around, if we remain on our current course, all life on our planet will be extinguished.

Arctic Sea Ice Steep Decline Continues

Steep decline of the Arctic sea ice continues. The yellow line on the image below follows 2014 sea ice area up to June 5 and shows that sea ice area now is close to a record low for the time of the year.

Large Falls in Arctic Sea Ice Thickness over May 2014

Arctic sea ice has shown large falls in thickness in many areas over the course of May 2014, as shown on above image. The animation below compares the situation between May 2, 2014, and May 30, 2014 (the latter one as forecast by Naval Research Laboratory on May 23, 2014). Ice thickness is in meters.

Global Warming: Confronting the Realities of Climate Change

Sea level rise is accelerating. The number of large wildfires is growing. Dangerous heat waves are becoming more common. Extreme storm events are increasing in many areas. More severe droughts are occurring in others. These are just some of the consequences of global warming, which are already having significant and harmful effects on our health, our environment, and our communities. Unless we take immediate action to address global warming, these consequences will continue to intensify, grow ever more costly, and increasingly affect the entire planet — including you, your community, and your family. Global warming is happening now. The planet’s temperature is rising. The trend is clear and unmistakable. Every one of the past 37 years has been warmer than the 20th century average. The 12 warmest years on record have all occurred since 1998. 2012 was the hottest year ever recorded for the contiguous United States. Globally, the average surface temperature has increased more than one degree Fahrenheit since the late 1800s. Most of that increase has occurred over just the past three decades. We are the cause. We are overloading our atmosphere with carbon dioxide, which traps heat and steadily drives up the planet’s temperature. Where does all this carbon come from? The fossil fuels we burn for energy — coal, natural gas, and oil — plus the loss of forests due to deforestation, especially in the tropics. The scientific evidence is clear. Within the scientific community, there is no debate: An overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening and that human activity is the primary cause. This broad consensus — and the extensive scientific evidence that supports it — is often downplayed or distorted by a small but vocal minority of special interests that have a vested interest in delaying action on climate change. We have a choice. We can act now to reduce our carbon emissions, slow the pace of global warming, and pass on a safer, healthier world to our children. Or we can choose to do nothing, continue pumping massive amounts of carbon into an already overloaded atmosphere, and suffer the increasingly costly consequences. At UCS, we believe the choice is clear: We must take steps now to reduce our global warming emissions. Together we can tackle global warming. We have the practical solutions and technologies at hand to substantially reduce our emissions, create a clean energy economy, and establish the United States as a global leader in innovation. To accomplish it, we must: Demand action from our elected leaders Take simple, practical steps to reduce our personal carbon emissions Aggressively fight misinformation about global warming Prepare our cities and communities for the growing impacts of climate change Working together, we can do it — and you can help make it happen. Take action today! Source: Union of Concerned Scientists

Greenland Could Become Greater Contributor To Sea Level Rise Than Previously Expected

University of California – Irvine Major UCI-NASA work reveals long, deep valleys connecting ice cap to the ocean Greenland’s icy reaches are far more vulnerable to warm ocean waters from climate change than had been thought, according to new research by UC Irvine and NASA glaciologists. The work, published May 18 in Nature Geoscience, shows previously uncharted deep valleys stretching for dozens of miles under the Greenland Ice Sheet.


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