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Higher Elevations Are Warming Too, And Faster

Source: Radio Canada Int'l For some time studies have indicated that polar regions, especially the Arctic, is warming at a faster rate than those regions closer to the equator. A new international study appears to indicate that a similar phenomenon is happening to layers of air, such that higher elevations are warming at a faster rate than lower elevations. Scott Williamson was involved in the research. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta with expertise in snow and ice climate feedback in the tundra (cryoshpere)

Geoengineering? India’s Blistering Heatwave

Source: The Daily Sheeple The picture above is not Photoshopped. This is what is happening to roads in India under the killer heatwave now passing through the country. The heat is so blistering hot in India in recent weeks, that over 1,100 people have died in it and the roads in some places are literally melting in the sun. Temps have topped out at nearly 118 degrees. People are being warned not to go outside as a record-setting almost 900 people have passed away just in the state of Andhra Pradesh in the last ten days alone. Via Daily Mail: Road surfaces in New Delhi have started melting as temperatures hit a blistering 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) – and forecasters have warned it will get even hotter. Southern India has been hit hardest by the sweltering weather and many of the victims are construction workers, elderly or homeless people unable to heed official advice to stay indoors. Searing temperatures of up to 45 degrees Celcius have seen road surfaces start to melt in New Delhi, distorting the road markings. Interesting considering this is one of the areas specifically pointed out in a study that geoengineering would royally screw up.

2015 Is Crushing It For Hottest Year On Record

Source: ThinkProgress / ClimateProgress, article by Joe Romm This was by far the hottest four-month start (January to April) of any year on record. CREDIT: NOAA Last week NASA reported that this has been the Earth’s hottest January-April on record. This week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed that finding with its latest monthly report on global temperatures. Separately, NOAA released its monthly report on “Global Ocean Heat.” It makes clear that the ocean’s heat content down to 2000 meters (1.24 miles) has been soaring this century — and nearly gone off the charts this year:

Sudden Onset Of Ice Loss in Antarctica So Large It Affects Earth’s Gravity Field

Photo Credit: Dr. Alba Martin-Español   Source: ScienceDaily and Phys.org   A glacier system on Livingstone Island located near the Antarctic Peninsula, discharging ice into the ocean.   Date: May 21, 2015 Source: University of Bristol Summary: Scientists have observed a sudden increase of ice loss in a previously stable region of Antarctica. The ice loss in the region is so large that it causes small changes in the gravity field of the Earth.

The Engineered Cooling Of The US In A Record Warm World

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Record cold temperatures and a few late season snows are occurring in very isolated locations of the US, but what is the cause of this and what is the reality in the rest of the world? The climate engineers and their media servants are doing everything in their power to keep the division and confusion going with the US population in regard to the true state of the climate. Unfortunately far too many people are willing to ignore the facts and continue to base their opinions on what they would like to believe instead of what actually is. Does the map below look in any way "natural" or "balanced"? While mainstream media continues to focus only on the completely engineered cool-down of the lower 48 states, massive regions in the Arctic continue into meltdown due to far above normal temperatures. Temperatures in the Arctic are predicted to reach record shattering ranges of near 90 degrees in areas of northern Alaska in the coming days (May 24, 2015). Where are the headlines from mainstream media about this? Even many from the "alternative" media are towing the line for the power structure by reporting a radically inaccurate perspective on the real overall climate picture.  GeoengineeringWatch.org has tried to consistently report credible and verifiable data on the completely engineered cool-down of the eastern US. Below are links to a few of the most important and relevant articles highlighting these engineered cool-downs. Climate Engineering And The Manipulated Perception Of The US Population   Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought   Engineering A World Of Extremes   Maintaining The Engineered Cool-down Of The US   Ionosphere heater installations like HAARP are utilized to manipulate jet stream patterns like the one shown below. Such configurations are used to contribute to the engineering the cool-downs of the eastern US at the expense of heating Alaska and the far north.     The jet stream configuration in the map above is historically unprecedented though it has become common in recent years thanks to the constant ionosphere heater manipulation of the upper air currents. Cool air is pushed down from the Arctic and combined with moisture pumped in from the west. Where the two come together the climate engineers utilize chemical ice nucleation to complete the components of the engineered cool-down being created. The chemical nucleation process does not always produce frozen precipitation on the ground, but it does cool off the air masses below the clouds. Cool air is dense and settles down to ground level where it drops the temperatures.      The map above represents the "departure from normal high temperatures" for a combined two year period from April 2013 to April 2015. The most anomalously below normal temperatures in the entire world for this two year period (with the single exception of the heavily geoengineerd Antarctica region) is the eastern half of the North American continent, this is the result of climate engineering (for further reference data refer back to the articles listed and linked earlier in this post).     What about the Arctic Ice cap? Even many of the "alternative" news sources have recently stated that the Arctic ice is at record highs, is that true? Sadly, many of the "alternative" news sources have consistently reported completely false news exactly as the mainstream media has done. In regard to Arctic ice, there was a record early start to the melt season and the ARCTIC ICE EXTENT IS AT ALL TIME RECORD LOW LEVELS right now. Has anyone seen any media reporting on this fact? The first four months of 2015 was the warmest start to any year on record following 2014 which was the warmest year ever recorded and also the 38th year in a row of above normal global temperatures. So far 2015 is "smashing" the trajectory of rising temperatures just set in 2014. But what about Antarctica, some headlines say all the ice is expanding there, is that true? No. In fact there is so much LAND ice melting off the continent that the loss of mass is actually having an affect on Earth's gravity field. Some sea ice is expanding in Antarctica but that expansion is due to changing wind patterns and massive amounts of fresh water flowing from the melt off of land ice (fresh water freezes at far higher temperatures than the sea water). The fact that we see virtually no headlines from the corporate media about these critical facts should be a glaring red flag. Though Obama and parts of the power structure are focusing on the unraveling climate to a degree in order to push their own agendas, they are not about to disclose how bad the situation really is. If the true gravity of what we face were made known, it would further expose the climate engineering insanity which the power structure is using to help temporarily mask the severity of the climate disintegration. Climate intervention is carried out at the cost of making the overall climate scenario we face far worse, not better. The geoengineers can and are creating large scale temporary (and highly toxic) cool-downs which intensifies the planetary warming in the long run.   Headlines are not facts, if you don't see reputable and verifiable sources of data to back up claims made by headlines, you should not take the headlines seriously and continue investigating. Again, climate engineering is fueling the overall warming of the planet, not mitigating it.      Credibility is essential in the fight to expose and halt the geoengineering insanity. Those that are serious about winning this battle will make the effort to stand on solid verifiable facts. Conclusions that are built on outdated and irrelevant information, ideology, or denial, do not help us gain traction in this effort. New information must constantly be assessed and evaluated. A growing number of important allies from the science, environmental, and legal communities are now communicating with geoengineeringwatch.org about the climate engineering issue because of our constant effort to publish scientifically verifiable data which is directly related to and affected by the ongoing geoengineering programs. These kinds of bridges must be built so that we can unite with other communities if we are to have any chance whatsoever of stopping the climate engineering insanity.

Arctic Sea Ice At Historic Low

Source: Arctic News On May 20, 2015, Arctic sea ice extent was only 12.425 million square km, a record low for the time of the year since satellite measurements began in 1979.   As the Arctic Sea Ice is at a historic low, Alaska faces temperatures as high as 31°C (87.8°F), as illustrated by the image below.

Climate Engineering And The Collapse Of The Cryosphere

In regard to the true state of the ice deposits on planet Earth, many have been confused by the constant bombardment of completely false headlines by media sources that are totally controlled by special interests. Overall, the cryosphere (ice deposits) are disintegrating and geoengineering is accelerating this process, not slowing it. Geoengineering CANNOT help mitigate the warming of the planet, it can only make it worse and that is exactly what is happening as recent studies prove. Climate engineering is simply weather warfare. The highly toxic fallout is nothing short of biological warfare which is fueling global omnicide. As the cryosphere collapses, runaway methane releases will increase. If the methane releases continue, "Venus Syndrome" will be the final result. The newly released article below further documents the rapidly accelerating implosion of Earth's ice deposits. The Climate engineering assault must be halted immediately so that the biosphere can respond on its own to the damage already done. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

From Siberia to British Columbia Arctic Wildfires Begin an Ominous Ignition

Source: Robert Scribbler It’s abnormally warm today near Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territory. And the smell of smoke from massive fires to the west lingers in the air. Temperatures there yesterday afternoon read 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Where I sat typing this blog in Gaithersburg, Maryland, it was a somewhat cooler 67. A north-south temperature flip-flop that has become all-too-common in recent years. A warming in the Arctic that sets the stage for gargantuan summer wildfires burning through some of the world’s greatest carbon stores. Vast and thawing permafrost deposits stretching in a great arc from Siberia through Alaska and on into Northern Canada. Immense loads of fuel for a newly forming ring of fire that is now an entirely human invention. (It was pretty darn hot near Great Slave Lake, NWT territory Wednesday. 80 degree readings in a polar region that, on average, should be in the mid 40s as a daily high for May 13. Image source: Earth Nullschool.)

Arctic Ice Melting Faster and Earlier With Dire Results

Source: Climate Central / The Guardian – written by Rose Hackman, The Guardian There was less ice in the Arctic this winter than in any other winter during the satellite era, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists said on Tuesday. The Arctic is returning to a warm period and the trend continues to show temperatures getting hotter and ice melting faster, scientists say. Credit: U.S. Geological Survey/flickr The announcement was consistent with previous predictions that the Arctic would have entirely ice-free summers by 2040, they said in a briefing to the media on the state of climate trends in the North Pole. The consequences of such a small quantity of Arctic ice are major and far-reaching.

Engineered Winter Theater Continues In The US

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Yet again the climate engineers managed another "winter" storm to keep the confusion and division of the US population going in regard to the true state of the climate. "Winter storm Venus" is the latest installment of manipulated weather from the weather makers. Take a good look at the temperatures on the map below, the white bullseye in the center of the US is the core of "winter storm Venus". The rest of the country is experiencing far ABOVE normal temperatures to RECORD HIGH temperatures (and tornados), while this extremely anomalous (and meteorologically ridiculous) "winter storm" is occurring. Completely engineered (also temporary and toxic) cool-downs are exactly what the military industrial complex controlled media machine needs to produce the headlines they are looking for to continue fortifying the climate confusion of US citizens. Every engineered event that is carried out furthers the total destruction of Earth's climate and life support systems. Where are the engineered cool-downs being carried out over and over and over during the course of the last two years running? The GISS  temperature anomaly map below paints a very clear picture. The map above represents compiled temperature readings over the last two years. How can the eastern US be so anomalously cold while the whole of the Arctic is in superheating, the western US is burning up, and while all of Siberia and most of the rest of the world is in meltdown? Recent peer reviewed study proves extreme and anomalous cold events ARE NOT connected to global warming, so what is the cause? Welcome to the world of climate engineering. The constant engineered cool-downs of the eastern US are psychological operation to hide the true extent of climate disintegration from the US population for as long as possible while the power structure makes preparations for total collapse. The NOAA map below shows with shocking clarity the radical extremes of contrast between engineered heat in the US West and the engineered cold in the US East, this pattern has been very consistant for two years. What happens when populations in the western US start to wake up to the fact that they are being subjected to record drought and heat by the climate engineers? It seems that the geoengineers have scheduled a temporary unprecidented cool-down for the west in the attempt to cover their tracts. The NOAA "forecast" map below (which amounts to the scheduled weather as all of NOAA's maps are provided by climate engineering contractor Raytheon) is no less shocking and meteorologically unprecedented as the map above.  I have covered the completely engineered cool-downs of the eastern US again and again and again, the articles linked below are filled with essential data and source links on this scenario. Those who wish to be most effective in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering should take the time to review as much information as possible. Clear understanding and credible conclusions which are essential if we are to gain ground in this most critical battle. DW Scientists Can't Figure Out Why The Eastern US Is So Cold https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/scientists-cant-figure-out-why-the-eastern-us-is-so-cold/   Engineering A World Of Extremes https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineering-a-world-of-climate-extremes/   Climate Engineering And The Manipulated Perception Of The US Population https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/climate-engineering-and-the-manipulated-perception-of-the-us-population/   Engineered Winter, The Deception Of The US Population https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-winter-the-deception-of-the-us-population/   Engineering WInter Storms https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineering-winter-storms/   Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc Around The Globe https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineered-snow-storms-wreaking-havoc/   Engineered Snow Storms, What Are They Spraying? https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-snowstorms-what-are-they-spraying/   Engineered Winter, Engineered Drought https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-winter-engineered-drought/    


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