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Climate Engineering Fuels Fires Of Global Incineration

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Our once thriving planet is spiraling toward complete meltdown and total extinction. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere (with the Co2 and methane greenhouse gas buildup being all too real), global climate engineering programs are the single greatest factor creating droughts and fueling fires on planet Earth. What will it take for the human race to abandon their tendencies of suicidal denial? What will it take for the paid liars in the ranks of academia to start telling the whole truth about the climate implosion? A subject which cannot be legitimately discussed without including the lethal reality of climate engineering. An exploding inferno of flames and unimaginably intense heat erupts along a highway near Fort McMurray, Alerta, Canada, May 7, 2016. This fire is expected to burn for months to come as the wild fire threat continues to increase around the globe. Even the Himalayas are now being ravaged by wildfires. Photo: Mark Blinch The fire had grown from 75 square kilometres Tuesday to more than 2,000 square kilometres – an area the size of Mexico City – officials confirmed Saturday, and surrounded the city on its west and southern edges. Some mainstream sources are acknowledging the "extreme weather pattern" that has created the anomalous heat dome over central Canada. But, of course, the part climate engineering has played in this engineered weather scenario is completely omitted as is any mention whatsoever of the blatantly obvious and unarguable ongoing geoengineering atrocities visible in skies around the globe.. It is up to us to hold mainstream media accountable for their lies of omission.  Unseasonably hot weather in Alberta, Canada, is fueling the worst wildfire disaster in the country’s history. An extreme weather pattern, known as an omega block, is the source of the heat. [Fort McMurray wildfire evacuation was largest on record in Canada, database shows] An omega block is essentially a stoppage in the atmosphere’s flow in which a sprawling area of high pressure forms. This clog impedes the typical west-to-east progress of storms. The jet stream, along which storms track, is forced to flow around the blockage. GFS model simulation of jet stream pattern and "omega block" over parts of Canada. Geoengineering is further fueling a climate of extremes that have now made "weather whiplash" the norm. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below highlights the magnitude of the engineered heat dome over central Canada Extreme (and historically unprecedented) temperature variations like those reflected in the map above have also been increasingly documented in the US over the last decade. 70 years of climate engineering insanity have left a decimating swath of total destruction across the entire planet. This statement in no way negates the countless other forms of catastrophic damage caused to the biosphere by human activity. But, mathematically speaking, climate engineering/solar radiation management programs are the single greatest destructive factor in regard to climate disruption, forest fires, and planetary contamination. Solar geoengineering is nothing short of weather and biological warfare.  How much decimation will have to occur before the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare insanity is acknowledged by the climate science and environmental communities? Photo: Scott Olson On Friday, May 6th, 2016, record heat was also recorded in the US. On this date, the warmest location in the entire country was Minneapolis, Minnesota.  On this same day (May 6th) that the all time high temperature records were set in Minnesota (in excess of 90 degrees), the Weather Channel live reporting forecast was for several inches of snow to fall in the US Southeast. By Sunday, May 8th, snow was still falling in some locations of Colorado and New Mexico. On the morning of May 9th, snow was falling in Montana at 45 degrees. Again, such radical anomalies are profoundly unprecedented, completely unnatural, and totally engineered. Chemical ice nucleation processes are a major component of the engineered cool-downs.​ The global "departure from average" temperature map below reflects an increasingly "blotchy" world of radical temperature extremes. There are, of course, countless contributing factors. One primary element is the buildup of greenhouse gasses (Co2, methane, and others). A second major factor is the creation of heat domes by the climate engineers (which are a part of jet stream manipulation process carried out by ionosphere heater installations like HAARP). A third major factor in regard to the increasing anomalies are the chemical ice nucleated engineered cool-downs previously mentioned.   We now occupy a world of increasingly engineered climate extremes. This is in addition to the underlying overall damage to the biosphere and climate system by ongoing anthropogenic activity on countless fronts. The satellite image below was taken on May 8th, 2016. Massive aerosol spraying particulate trails are clearly visible over regions off the US West Coast and over parts of the interior US. Two circular pressure zone perimeters are also very visible which are related to the jet stream manipulation already outlined.  So, while the fires in Canada rage on, the geoengineers continue wreak havoc on the climate with their all out assault against the planet and all life. Yet another ice melting heat wave is expected in the Arctic this week. The atmosphere and the climate system have long since been completely derailed by the constantly expanding geoengineering/solar radiation management assault. This assault must be exposed and halted if Earth is to have any possible chance to find a new life supporting equilibrium given the level of irreparable damage already done by geoengineering and industrialized/militarized society.  The GISS map below reflects the average degree of planetary warming that has occurred in only the last 16 years. The warming is now accelerating at unimaginable speed and is likely already a runaway event. Global climate engineering has further contributed to the overall meltdown of the of the planet, not mitigated it. Geoengineering is ultimately about power and control, there is no benevolence in these programs, none. The short term toxic cool-down anomalies created by the climate engineers (in order to mask the true severity of planetary meltdown from the population for as long as possible) have come at the cost of pushing the planet past the point of no return in regard to the once hospitable host that we formerly knew. The illegal federal "gag

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 7, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The  all out assault against the planet being waged by the human race continues to expand and intensify. Catastrophic forest fires connected directly to the effercts of climate engineering are raging completely out of control from Fort McMurry, Canada, to Manitoba, to the Himalayas. The global burn-down has been accelerating around the globe in recent years and will continue to spiral ever further out of control. The expanding fire catastrophe occurring in Fort McMurry, Canada. Deadly radiation spewing from the Fukushima nuclear volcano is contributing to the countless other sources of anthropogenic contamination which are rapidly poisoning our formerly thriving planet. Is the Fukushima fallout the greatest source radiation danger to the US West Coast? Or is there an even greater radiation threat that is largely unknown to the US public and that is being aggressively hidden by those in power? The massive nuclear nightmare in Hanford, Washington is just such a threat.  The lack of concern our government has shown to the care and maintenance of this sign is a direct reflection of their attitude toward protecting Americans from real and immediate dangers to their health and their lives. The power structure, the "public protection" agencies they control, and the corporate media that represents them all, are constantly and actively engaged in the effort to hide the severity of the converging catastrophes from the population for as long as possible. Will the masses finally turn their eyes to the horizon and wake up in time to make a difference? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Yes, the horizon is dark indeed, but does that fact exempt any of us from our obligation to press on in the battle to sound the alarm until we reach a critical mass of awareness? No. Make your voice heard efficiently and effectively by passing on credible data to those that are still unaware of the rapidly gathering storm on many fronts and the climate engineering insanity in our skies. Make every day count in the all important battle to sound the alarm.  DW

The Fires of Climate Change are Burning the Himalayas

Source: Robert Scribbler It’s the highest mountain range in the world. Featuring peaks that scrape the sky, dwindling glaciers, and lush forests, these gentle giants are essential to the prosperity and stability of one of Asia’s greatest lands. For rainwater and glacial melt flowing out of the Himalayas feeds the rivers that are the very life-blood of India and her 1.25 billion people. A major wildfire burns through the forests of Ahirikot in Srinagar, India on Monday, May 2, 2016. Massive wildfires that killed at least seven people over recent days burned through pine forests in the Himalaya mountains of northern India on Monday. (Image source: Press Trust of India) But in 2016, amidst what is likely to be the most intense period of extreme heat to ever impact India, the Himalayas are burning. Extreme Heat, Drought Kills Hundreds, Displaces Farmers, Puts Towns on Life Support Throughout April and into early May temperatures have soared to well above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 C) and to sometimes higher than 122 F (50 C) all across the broad plains at the feet of the Himalayas. There, water stress now affects more than 330 million people. There, water trains are now necessary to keep whole towns from suffering dehydration. Farmers who have seen fields transformed into a baked white hard-pan are migrating to the cities in search of food, water and work. And armed guards now patrol the local water sources in regions hardest hit by the drought — preventing private farmers from stealing public water supplies for their crops. The temperatures are so high that more than 300 people have now perished as a result of heat injuries. And Indian officials have now banned cooking during the day in an effort to reduce loss of life. But today the forests themselves are cooking as the air is filled with the smoke of more than 21,000 fires burning upon the flanks of India’s great mountain ranges. 21,000 Himalayan Wildfires The fires began as early as February after a dry Winter and two years of depleted monsoonal rains. They continued to build through March and April. State firefighters were called up to combat the blazes, but to no avail. The fires kept growing and expanding. By last week the fires had begun to rage out of control — threatening 84 villages and enveloping more and more of the precious natural forest reserves that India has worked so hard to husband. By Monday, seven people had been killed by the fires and two endangered tiger preserves had been partially consumed. Massive plume of smoke from Himalayan wildfires becomes visible in the LANCE MODIS satellite shot on May 1, 2016. For reference, bottom edge of frame is about 600 miles. Now conditions are so extreme that an army of 9,000 firefighters, including helicopter fire suppression craft, have been mobilized by the government of India in a desperate effort to beat back the flames. Blazes that are belching out thick clouds of smoke that now choke the airs over 1,000 miles of the Indian subcontinent, the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh, Thailand and Cambodia. A thickening slate-gray pall that is clearly visible in the satellite picture above. In total, more than 21 districts in two Indian states are now affected by the most intense fire situation to strike India since 2012 and what could well become the worst burning season India has ever experienced. Already, number of fires started in the first four months of 2016 exceed the total number of fires during all of 2015. And India’s hottest months — May and June — are still ahead. So despite a massive firefighting effort, weather conditions will only continue to worsen during the weeks ahead. Meanwhile, the monsoonal rains, if they do muster sufficient strength to alleviate the drought, will not arrive in the mountains until late June or early July. A Context of Climate Change Weak monsoonal rains over the past two years have contributed to 2016’s severe drought and related wildfires. And a strong El Nino has likely abetted this monsoonal weakening. However, increasing global temperatures set up an overarching trend of heating and drying throughout India. One that is, all-too-likely, the larger driver of this year’s drought and burning. For these days, atmospheric temperatures are high enough to weaken the Southeast Asian Monsoon even without the influence of El Nino. In addition, rising temperatures over India have their own localized drying effect. In the Himalayas, a warming of about 0.6 degrees C per decade since 1977 has generated a decline in glaciers. This decline causes mountain streams and rivers to dwindle — increasing both drought and fire risk. The added heat also increases the rate of evaporation — parching the soil. As a result, the current drought, heatwaves, and wildfires in India occur in a context of human-caused climate change. Hitting an intensity we would not have seen in the world of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Thus, fossil fuel burning has, almost certainly, set the stage for the unprecedented conditions that India is now experiencing today. Conditions that will continue to worsen as more hothouse gas emissions hit the world’s airs. The current crisis in India should, therefore, not be viewed as temporary, but as part of an ongoing trend. Links: Wildfires Sweep Through Mountains in North India With Climate Change, Himalayas Future is Warmer, Not Brighter Wildfire Engulfs 3,000 Hectarces in Himachal Thousands Sent to Fight Wildfires in Himalayan Foothills of India LANCE-MODIS More Than 300 Million People Now Suffer From the Worst Indian Drought in at Least 4 Decades Armed Guards Now Patrol Dams in India Press Trust of India Source: Robert Scribbler

GeoengineeringWatch.org Billboard In California: Let’s Keep It Going

Yet another new GeoengineeringWatch.org billboard goes up. A 50’ high, 14' x 48' LED illuminated digital sign is located along U.S. HWY 101 in the city of Rohnert Park, California. Our deepest gratitude to Brian Schuler and Melanie Moran for making this billboard happen. Click here to support stop climate engineering billboard by Brian Schuler and Melanie Moran Another GeoengineeringWatch.org billboard has gone up on HWY 99, in Fresno, California. Our most sincere gratitude to Cynthia Sobel for spearheading this effort.  Click here if you wish to help support this Fresno, California, billboard below

Geoengineering, Runaway Climate Disintegration, And Programmed Societal Apathy

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The forests are dying, the oceans are dying, the Earth is dying, and even at this late hour the vast majority of first world societies remain completely immersed in total denial and apathy that is manifested in many forms. The ever growing list of extreme weather events and unfolding global die-offs are not discussed or disclosed by the power structure owned and controlled corporate media machine of mass distraction. Though climate engineering is aggressively denied by the criminal media cabals, it is real, ongoing, and lethal to all life. The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. Malcolm X Industrialized/militarized civilization is in its death throes, the pounding of the planet by the covert climate engineering assault is a testimony to the near total loss of sanity in modern society. Every breath we take is now toxic, air particulate pollution is taking an immense toll on human health. The largest source of this atmospheric pollution, climate engineering, is systematically denied by the central banker controlled so called "experts" whose paid for opinions societies blindly accept. Those who dare to even mention the truth often face draconian consequences from a societal system that has in so many ways abandoned any sense of reason or morality.  Geoengineering atmospheric aerosol dispersion with very visible radio frequency exposure. Palm Springs, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan While criminal leaders seek the expansion of empire, the point of no return for life on Earth has potentially already been passed. The primary objective of the facade global climate conferences is to covertly force countries to accept the ongoing and expanding climate engineering insanity. The long term goal to limit global average temperature rise to 2C (set only last year at the Paris climate conference, 2015), may possibly be officially exceeded only one year from the date of the conference, 2016. Rapidly worsening global droughts are decimating ecosystems and populations. In regard to the epic droughts, climate engineering is verifiably the single greatest causal factor (also fueling forest fires like the catastrophic inferno currently burning in Canada), yet, again, this fact is completely ignored or blatantly denied by the corporate media, academia, and their paid for "experts". To control the water supply is to control populations. Ghost ships on a now dry Aral Sea, climate engineering is wreaking havoc on Earth's life support systems. The deadly heat wave that is occurring in India is only one example. It may become the most deadly ever, and summer is still to come. Is India being punished by the climate engineers for its recent ousting of Monsanto? Though the runaway planetary warming is all too real (with countless forms of anthropogenic damage fueling the fire), all available evidence makes clear that the geoengineers can clearly push extreme conditions further in any direction. It is estimated that Monsanto may be responsible for the deaths of as many as 300,000 Indian farmers. But what about all the headlines of the expanding Arctic ice? This narrative was just another well funded lie put out by the military/industrial complex and the geoengineers. The lie has been enthusiastically embraced by many that did not bother to look for (or perhaps did not want) verifiable front line facts. Arctic sea ice extent and volume is plunging far into record low territory and may not survive the summer (yes, this summer). If this does occur it would radically accelerate the already runaway warming scenario that climate engineering is contributing to overall. Climate engineering can and is creating short term toxic cooling events at the cost of a worsened overall warming. Recent studies indicate the Arctic has not had ice free summers for some 6 to 10 million years. Vanishing ice is impacting jet stream patterns (though geoengineering and the ionosphere heaters are also a major factor affecting and disrupting jet stream patterns). About our odds of extinction, a just published science report states that: “A typical person is more than five times as likely to die in an extinction event as in a car crash,” The reality of the rapidly accelerating climate disintegration is, unfortunately, much worse than even this headline indicates. In fact, global high temperatures have just skyrocket past the 12th consecutive month in a row of all time record high temperatures for any month. To be clear, this means that each of the last 12 months successively broke the all time high temperature record for ANY  month ever recorded since record keeping began. Coral reefs are bleaching and dying around the globe from excessive and accelerating ocean heating. Where is the human race and planet Earth headed if we do not immediately and completely change course? "Venus Syndrome" will be our near term final destination, and all the climate engineering/solar radiation management that the military/industrial complex can deploy is only further fueling the overall planetary meltdown.  In regard to Venus, if all relevant factors were equal to Earth, Venus would only be 20 to 25 degrees warmer than Earth. Instead, due to a "runaway greenhouse scenario" and the dense atmosphere that this scenario created, the surface temperatures of Venus are now nearly 900 degrees. But wait, the new film "Climate Hustle" completely disproves the global warming "theory", doesn't it?  The short answer is absolutely NOT. The "Climate Hustle" disinformation travesty is only relevant to those who are not truly interested in front line facts in the first place (and, of course, the film never mentioned the climate engineering elephant in the room). The excerpt below shines more light on the film producer, Marc Morano, who is clearly paid to cloud the climate disintegration reality. ExxonMobil's Climate Science Denial After decades of financing political groups to attack the science of climate change and the scientists conducting the research, ExxonMobil is embroiled in scandal. This follows revelations from InsideClimate News and the Los Angeles Times that Exxon not only recognized climate change as fact, and its root in fossil fuel use, but spent millions on scientific studies of our global climate system. After Exxon buried the evidence and waged an advertising and public relations campaign to deny the science, the company coordinated

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 30, 2016

The all out anthropogenic assault against planet Earth continues to decimate the entire web of life. From the ongoing climate engineering insanity to the completely out of control military "exercises" that are killing countless life forms in what is yet left of our once thriving oceans, collapse will come soon on the current course. Global temperatures are skyrocketing and shattering all former records. Deadly heat and record drought in India are wreaking havoc on the population and it is only April, the hottest months of the year are yet to come. Climate engineering is nothing less than weather warfare, and it is playing a massive part in the unfolding climate chaos (though there are countless other contributing anthropogenic factors). Why is such a large percentage of the population so willing to completely ignore the insanity? Because they are in one way or another invested in the very companies helping to create it. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. True solace can only exist in facing reality head-on. It can only exist in fully embracing one's responsibility to the whole, to our children, and to the greater good. We must all stand together and make our voices heard, we can yet alter the outcome of what is unfolding. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Below are some photos from the GeoengineeringWatch.org booth at the Northern California Earth Day event in Redding, California. My most sincere gratitude to the extremely dedicated activists that helped with this effort.

The US Military’s Willful Slaughter Of Life In The Pacific Ocean

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The United States military has become a runaway juggernaut of environmental devastation and destruction. From the global climate engineering assault (that is poisoning the entire planet and ripping Earth's climate and life support systems apart), to the insane, blatant, and willful slaughter of ocean life, the actions of our military are truly beyond rational comprehension. Though many have chosen to primarily blame Fukushima fallout for the shocking North American west coast marine life collapse, there is much more to the story. Recently disclosed emails prove the US Navy's intent to break the law in their ongoing destruction of marine life. How bad is the die-off?  The recent headlines below should be a stark wakeup call. “Dead animals litter California beaches… Alarming phenomenon” — “Graveyard of washed-up sea life” — “Influx of malnourished sea creatures” — Experts: We’re really starting to worry… The animals are starving to death… Covered in sores… Stunted growth… Weak immune systems  As Pacific sardine collapse worsens, scientists worry about ecosystem ripple Scientists: West Coast bird die-off “is biggest ever recorded” — Stomachs completely empty — “Staggering… Alarming… Unheard of… Never seen anything like it” — “Unprecedented in size, scope, duration” — “Deaths could reach many hundreds of thousands” “Mind Blowing”: Die-off in Pacific far worse than anything ever seen before — Expert: Alarm over what’s happening in ocean — Deaths puzzling gov’t scientists, “I’ve never heard of such a thing anywhere in world” — Reports: Beaches full of bodies… Countless carcasses Collapse of kelp forest imperils North Coast ocean ecosystem What part has the US military likely played in the unfolding catastrophic die-off? The truth is beyond shocking. The important excerpts below are from a just released report from The West Coast Action Alliance. "PACIFIC OCEAN (Sept. 15, 2014) The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Stethem (DDG 63) fires a Harpoon missile during a sinking exercise as part of Valiant Shield 2014. Air and sea units from the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force participated in the sinking exercise of the ex-USS Fresno." The West Coast Action Alliance examined the Navy’s Northwest Training and Testing EIS(Environmental Impact Statement) and the Letters of Authorization  for incidental takes of marine mammals issued by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service. We found some startling numbers. These numbers apply to the coastal waters of Northern California, Oregon, Washington and Southeast Alaska, as well as inland waters including the San Juan Islands, First, a comparison of baseline to proposed numbers of activities listed in the October 2015 EIS revealed the following: 72% increase in electronic warfare operations, 50% increase in explosive ordance disposal in Crescent Harbor and Hood Canal, 244% increase in air combat maneuvers (dogfighting) 400% increase in air-to-surface missile exercises (including Olympic National Marine Sanctuary), 400% increase in helicopter tracking exercises, 778% increase in number of torpedoes in inland waters, 3,500% increase in number of sonobuoys, From none to 284 sonar testing events in inland waters, From none to 286 “Maritime Security Operations” using 1,320 small-caliber rounds (blanks) in Hood Canal, Dabob Bay, Puget Sound & Strait of Juan de Fuca, 72% increase in chaff dropped from aircraft (contains tiny glass fibers and more than a dozen metals,) 1,150% increase in drone aircraft, 1,150% increase in drone surface vehicles, 1,450% increase in expendable devices. These are just a few. Further ongoing military exercises include on North America's west coast include: 2 ship sinking exercises each year with 24 bombs, 22 missiles, 80 large caliber rounds and 2 heavyweight high explosive torpedoes, 30 air-to-surface bombing exercises, including in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, 160 gunnery exercises with small, medium & large caliber rounds, missiles, and high explosive warheads offshore, includes Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, An active-duty Navy pilot confided that fuel dumping incidents occur more often than the public realizes; they happen about once a month.  A “take” is a form of harm ranging from disturbance to injury to death. Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act  there are two classifications, called Level A and Level B.  Level B is mostly harassment, and Level A is injury (or death.) Most takes allowed are in the harassment category, but harassment causes behavior changes such as abandonment of feeding, nursing, and migration habitat. If a marine mammal that relies on echolocation to find food can’t hear, it has to work harder to feed itself. If it can’t take in extra food, it loses weight. A study on the increases in metabolism in bottlenose dolphins showed that after the animals had to work harder to find food or be heard, it took another 7 minutes per episode for oxygen consumption to return to normal levels. That translates eventually to starvation if they cannot find enough food to make up the difference. The problem with Level A harassment is in documenting injuries or deaths; frequent mass strandings have occurred days after naval activity in an area, but in nearly every case the Navy disavows being the cause. They do not allow federal wildlife agency experts aboard their ships because of security concerns about civilians; however, civilian fitness instructors are found on many Navy ships. None of the mitigation measures require the Navy to tow hydrophones to listen for marine mammals before commencing exercises; the Navy’s technology for observing whether marine mammals are present is the same that has been used since the 17th century: two lookouts at the bow of the ship. How can the military machine be so completely out of control? Because, so far, the US population as a whole does not want to be bothered with uncomfortable or "depressing" news and information. Because, so far, most are not at all interested in showing some responsibility toward the greater good by actually investigating what is going on in the world, let alone doing their part to affect positive change. What further details do we have about the US military's ongoing assault against ocean life? The exceptional report from the WCAA continues below. Seal pups are very vulnerable to the "harassment" of the US military's ongoing naval exercises The noise threshold for hearing damage in humans is 85 decibels. For every 10-decibel increase, the intensity of the noise increases by a factor

Sky Criminals, Chuck Norris Speaks Out On Climate Engineering

Internationally recognized martial arts champion and celebrity Chuck Norris has yet again shown exceptional courage by continuing to publicly address the critical climate engineering issue in an extremely direct, articulate, and forceful manner. Mr. Norris has previously addressed the power structure's attempt to silence anti-geoengineering researches and informational sites.  Now, in the article below, he continues his examination of global geoengineering, and publicly states his warnings on this extremely dire issue. Let's hope that other well known personalities take a much needed example from Chuck Norris's unyielding moral fortitude. I wish to extend my deepest regard and respect to Mr. Norris for his steadfast and courageous effort to take a critically needed stand for the greater good. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Sky Criminals Exclusive: Chuck Norris Examines Geoengineering "In Skies Above Us" Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris Country legend Merle Haggard, who died of a lung infection (double pneumonia) on April 6, sang in his song, “What I hate”: “What I hate is looking up and seeing chemtrails in a clear blue sky today.” Several months ago, I wrote a column titled, “Why are geo-engineering researchers being stonewalled?” In it, I gave an array of evidence from scientists that geoengineering and, specifically, covert chemtrailing is taking place in the skies above us and unbeknownst to us. For those who are unfamiliar with the subject and stratospheric lunacy, let me reiterate a few definitions: Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems through two primary technologies: Solar Radiation Management, or SRM, and Carbon Dioxide Removal, or CDR. CDR technologies include “bio-energy with carbon capture and storage, biochar, direct air capture, ocean fertilization and enhanced weathering,” according to Wikipedia. SRM technologies “seek to reflect sunlight and thus reduce global warming. Proposed examples include the creation of stratospheric sulfate aerosols.” Stratospheric sulfate aerosols “create a global dimming effect [that] has made them a possible candidate for use in solar radiation management climate engineering projects to limit the effect and impact of climate change due to rising levels of greenhouse gases. Delivery of precursor sulfide gases such as sulfuric acid, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfur dioxide (SO2) by artillery, aircraft and balloons has been proposed.” Chemtrailing is the “public’s term for the classified [covert] and ongoing artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds.” Geoengineered skies in Camp Verde, Arizona. Photo credit: Levin Rutherford Sarah Zielinski, an award-winning science writer and editor, wrote a piece in December 2015 for the Smithsonian, titled, “Airplane Contrails May Be Creating Accidental Geoengineering.” In the article, Zielinski explained, “Geoengineering involves the manipulation of an environmental process in such a way, usually deliberate, that it affects the Earth’s climate.” Zeilinski cites Charles Long from the NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, who reported at a press conference this past week at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco: “This haze is caused by airplanes, and it is gradually whitening blue skies. We might be actually conducting some unintentional geoengineering here.” Many other scientists would say – as we shall see in a moment – intentional geoengineering. Long went on to explain, “Its existence demonstrates yet another way that humans might be altering the climate system, and you can see this with your own eyes.” I know, because my wife, Gena, and I have seen it in the skies over our own Texas ranch. Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research concluded, “It seems quite possible that [Long is] seeing something that’s real.” Long still calls the haze “a mystery,” but at the moment primarily blames air traffic exhaust and other aerosols as the most likely culprits of those particles. But is the origin of it all so unintentional and innocent? Or are there deliberate sky criminals who are also chemtrailing above us with other chemical agents? Long himself is puzzled how certain areas around the country like one in Oklahoma have significant sky whitening yet don’t get as much known air traffic. When Snopes was investigating the recent accusations that NASA was spraying lithium (the anti-manic psychiatric medication) into the atmosphere and, hence, onto Americans, the liberal fact-finding website even had to confess that, “Buried among the tinfoil were a few actual facts: it was true that a 2003 study examined the feasibility of mass vaccination by air.” The actual 2003 abstract from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a part of the U.S. federal government’s National Library of Medicine – a branch of the National Institutes of Health, reads: The feasibility of using aerosol vaccines to achieve mass and rapid immunization, especially in developing countries and disaster areas, is being assessed on the basis of current available information. The aerosol mode of vaccine introduction, which best follows the natural route of many infections, may first lead to development of immunity at the portal of entry, and may also induce a more generalized defense. The recommended optimal way of introducing an aerosol vaccine is nasal breathing, which is more suitable for geriatric and pediatric populations, permits use of greater antigen volumes, and allows easier monitoring of results. Technical requirements for ideal aerosol vaccines and delivery systems, possible adverse effects, and cost-effectiveness are other issues addressed. Several thousand human subjects have been aerosol-vaccinated over a period of many years in Russia with live-attenuated strains against many diseases. Extensive field trials in South America with aerosolized live-attenuated measles vaccine have also been successful, and excellent results have been reported with pilot projects employing inactivated or live-attenuated aerosol influenza A vaccine. We conclude that aerosol immunization seems a promising method of vaccination. Although some basic information is still lacking, this method has already been used successfully in large populations and has therefore passed the phase of initial feasibility evaluation. [Emphasis added by me.] Over the past 13 years since the study, does anyone think it’s possible that such mass vaccinations or immunizations have occurred by air in trial locations in the U.S.? How many plane-dropping chemical cocktails have already been sprayed around the world in the name of securing public health? When the heads of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention publicly sound the alarm that the Zika virus is “scarier than we initially thought” and the mosquito transmission ranges have increased from 12 states to 30 in just weeks, does

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 23, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Has "science" been an overall benefit to the human race? Or has complete corruption of the science community already helped to push us past the point of no return? As 2016 continues to unfold, the manifestations of human activity are turning into a tidal wave of global decimation and destruction. From Florida, to Vietnam, to South America, the massive sea life die-offs continue to escalate.  Thousands of dead squid wash ashore in Chile Volcanic and seismic activity are also spiraling upward. Some may consider such events completely natural, but is that truly the case? The equation is much more complicated. With the planet now warming at blinding speed due to anthropogenic activity, thermal expansion has become a factor relating to geologic and seismic events. Ice is melting so fast over land masses like Greenland and Antarctica that "glacial rebound" must also be considered. Finally (and perhaps most importantly) what part may the military/industrial complex controlled global ionosphere heaters be playing in the increasingly catastrophic geological activity?   The HAARP ionosphere heater facility in Alaska is only one of many in the global network of ionosphere installations  Earth's atmosphere has long since been completely saturated with electrically conductive heavy metal nano-particles from the constant geoengineering jet spraying dispersions. The constant microwaving of the atmosphere by the ionosphere heater installations can only add to the overall runaway warming and destruction of our biosphere. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The critical fight for the greater good is in desperate need of objective and assertive activists, not just passive observers. What part will you play in this all important battle? Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference. DW

Climate Engineering Cover-Up, Exposing The Criminal Corporate Media Is Critical

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How do we expose the "journalists", "meteorologists", and "officials" that are helping the power structure to hide the climate engineering crimes? Start by locating their public emails and sending them a carefully crafted message that includes the link to a source of credible data on the issue of geoengineering. In such a message it is important to openly CC the longest possible list of credible citizens so that the intended recipient of the message knows that many others are observing the communication.  Geoengineered skies in El Portal, California. Photo credit: Ron Kauk My most recent action message in this regard is below. Mr. Adrian Cho has just authored an article for the AAAS Science blog that paints global climate engineering as only a "possibility" and a "proposal". In doing so, Mr. Cho is simply carrying out the ongoing deception of the population by those in power, Cho is playing the part of an "order follower". Hello Mr. Cho, in regard to global geoengineering, the media disinformation on this subject is beginning to be exposed for what it is,  the public is waking up. I can only imagine that the population as a whole will be extremely distraught toward all those that helped to hide the ongoing lethal geoengineering reality once they are fully awakened to the issue. I can only believe that populations will seek legal action against all those that were (in one way or another) accessories to the ongoing climate engineering crimes, or accessories to hiding these crimes.  Legal action in Canada is already underway which will attempt to fully expose climate engineering, a legal filing in the US is coming. I hope you and others in the science reporting community will make the decision to address the full truth about this most dire issue. Isn't it your responsibility to the public to do so? Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Each and every one of us must take this kind of action to put the paid liars on notice that we, the population, are rapidly waking up to the climate engineering insanity and to their part in helping to cover up these crimes. Those in power have used weather warfare to control and manipulate populations around the globe for decades. They have used the corporate media to help hide their crimes of omnicide. One more of my recent messages to corporate media is below. (Recipients, Mike Mangas, KRCR ABC affiliate TV news anchor, Mike Kruger, ABC Chief meteorologist, and Silas Lyons, corporate newspaper editor). Hello Mr. Mangas, Mr. Kruger, And Mr. Lyons, The global climate engineering/geoengineering elephant in the room is, thankfully, becoming more and more visible to populations around the globe with each passing day, the newly filed Canadian lawsuit outlined in the link below is yet more proof of this. Citizens of the North State are very aware of the extent to which KRCR and the Record Searchlight have gone to marginalize and/or completely omit any legitimate or objective coverage whatsoever on the critical climate engineering issue. How angry will  North State citizens be once they truly realize the media personnel that they depended on to tell them the truth actually did everything they could to hide it? Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org "Pushing Back Against Climate Engineering, Canadian Lawsuit Is Filed" https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/pushing-back-against-climate-engineering-canadian-lawsuit-filed/ More Proof https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/irrefutable-film-footage-of-climate-engineering-aerosol-spraying/ How bad is our situation? https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/climate-engineering-folly-of-the-human-race/ While the corporate media continues to deceive the population, massive and ever more radical climate engineering continues to wreak havoc on the US. If the latest NOAA forecast map above looks unnatural, it is.  Each color tear represents a 2 or 3 degree "departure from normal high temperatures" depending on the shade. The climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool-down large regions with enough moisture for chemical ice nucleation. The short cool-downs are a psychological operation to mask the true extent of planetary meltdown from the population for as long as possible.  The latest NOAA precipitation forecast map below covers the same time period as the temperature map above.  Note that the bullseye of above normal precipitation is in exactly the same location as the region of below normal temperatures in the previously shown "departure from normal high temperature" map. Engineered winter in a rapidly warming world. Countless forms of human activity have contributed to the current climate meltdown that is shattering every imaginable record. Deadly heat waves, record droughts, and devastating deluges, all are inarguably linked to human activity with climate engineering at the top of the list (though again, there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to the climate/environment). Breaking studies now verify that ALL THE PLANETARY WARMING SINCE 1950 IS ANTHROPOGENIC, but the climate engineering elephant in the room (a huge contributing factor to the overall warming) is still being completely omitted from the equation. This omission is nothing less than criminal. Though mainstream media is admitting to dangerous air pollution and the health risks of climate change, again, the criminal jet aerosol spraying of highly toxic geoengineering/solar radiation management particulates is completely omitted. How bad is the unfolding planetary meltdown? It's not as bad as you may think, it's far worse. Geoengineering was first fully deployed in the mid 1940s, primarily over the poles, and as a weather weapon of global warfare. By the mid 70s the initial cooling effect gave way to the cascading avalanche of catastrophic consequences. Earth is now descending into total meltdown. Each of us needs to take consistent and constructive action in this battle each and every day. Share credible data on social media, carry credible informational flyers with you, and take the time to put the power structure paid deceivers on public notice as outlined in this article. Reading articles and posting comments is necessary to share critical information with others, but such actions are only a small part of the crucial steps that need to be taken if we are to prevail in this most critical battle. There is one way forward, we must wake the sleeping masses to the climate engineering assault. This effort will take all of us,


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