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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 9, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org On countless fronts the wake-up is accelerating. Though the majority of the population is still doing their best to screen out unpleasant truths, for an ever increasing number of individuals the denial option is no longer working. The power structure is running out of ways to plug the holes in their sinking ship. They also know that on the current course their days are now numbered. Every imaginable means of mass distraction will continue to be utilized by the criminal power brokers. False flags events, divide and conquer tactics, and now the very real push toward WWlll by the US and other western powers. Conflict has always been business as usual for the US controllers. This moment in time in human history is like no other. Now the stakes are total, there is no going back. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. How much longer can life on Earth survive the onslaught of the human race? How much longer will the majority of global populations stay on the sidelines while the few wage the all important battle to expose the truth for the benefit of the whole and the greater good? This equation must change, it is changing, but every single one of us is indispensable on the frontline. Reaching a critical mass of overall awareness is the great imperative, this is especially true in regard to the ranks of the US military and law enforcement. We must all continue to sound the alarm by sharing credible data wherever and whenever possible, time is not on our side. DW

Major Northern California VAXXED/Climate Engineering Public Awareness Event

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The global power structure has long since been waging a war against global populations on countless fronts. Vaccinations (now forced by law in some regions), and  the ongoing highly toxic covert climate engineering operations, are the two most direct assaults against human health. Whether injected through a hypodermic needle, or inhaled through the lungs, the sources of contamination to the human body are mounting rapidly and taking an immense toll on the population as a whole. GeoengineeringWatch.org is sponsoring and organizing a major public awareness event (and call to action) on Friday, August 5th, 2016, in Redding, California. There is no admission fee for this event, it is FREE, and there are no parking fees. My most sincere gratitude to all the dedicated activists, without whom the organizing of this event would not have been possible. The event will be staged in the heart of downtown Redding, at the historic Cascade Theater which seats over 1000.  The Cascade Theater seats over 1000, and has full balcony seating. A full day of film screenings, power point presentations, and Q & A sessions will begin at 9:45 am, when Dr. Sherri Tenpenny kicks off the event with her presentation "Vaccine Mandates: Adults Are Next". The medical industrial complex will not relent in their campaign to force now proven unsafe vaccinations on the population. Dr. Sherri Tennpenny, vaccination safety expert. At 11 am Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org will present "Climate Engineering, The Covert Weather Warfare Assault". Skies all over the globe are being saturated with highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals that are part of the ongoing climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management assault on the environment and climate system. The human race (and the entire web of life) has been subjected to an unimaginably massive and lethal experiment without our knowledge or consent. Dane Wigington, lead researcher and administrator for GeoengineeringWatch.org At 12:30 pm, former decorated CIA officer, Kevin Shipp, will present "Gagged: Government Secrecy and Silencing Whistleblowers". Kevin is the author of the groundbreaking book "From The Company Of Shadows", the shocking exposé of what is really going on behind close doors within the halls of our government's institutions. He will highlight exactly what our government does to any that dare to tell the whole truth. Decorated former CIA officer, Kevin Shipp. At 1pm, the first of two screenings of VAXXED, From Cover Up To Catastrophe, will commence.  At 2pm, the first VAXXED Q & A session will begin featuring a panel of experts including the director of VAXXED, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the producers of VAXXED, Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, internationally known vaccination safety expert. To view the flyer, click to enlarge Click the PDF button below to download the flyer Event Schedule: 9:20 am Cascade Theater doors open for public  9:45 am PowerPoint presentation from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, "Vaccination Mandates: Adults Are Next" 10:30 am to 10:50 am Q and A for Dr. Tenpenny presentation  11:00 am to 11:30 am PowerPoint presentation from Dane Wigington, geoengineeringwatch.org, "Climate Engineering, The Covert Weather Warfare Assault" 11:30 am to 11:50 am Q and A for geoengineering presentation  11:50 am to 12:30 pm First intermission  12:30 am to 12:55 pm Presentation from former decorated CIA officer Kevin Ship, "Gagged: Government Secrecy And Silencing Whistleblowers" 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm First screening of VAXXED documentary 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm VAXXED Q and A with panel of experts and film producers (Dr. Wakefield, Dr. Tenpenny, VAXXED producers Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey) 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Second intermission 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm Encore climate engineering PowerPoint presentation of "Climate Engineering, The Covert Weather Warfare Assault" 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm Q and A for climate engineering presentation 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm Third intermission 6:15 pm to 6:40 pm Encore presentation from former CIA officer Kevin Shipp 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm Second screening of VAXXED 8:15 pm to 9:15 pm Second VAXXED Q and A session with VAXXED panel of experts and producers. 9:15 pm to 10:00 pm After event meet and greet with event speakers Extensive free public parking is just across from the Cascade Theater on the North side of Placer Street. There are numerous dining establishments located a short walking distance from the theater. The guest speakers at this event will be available on and off throughout the day in the lobby to answer questions individually. There will be an informational materials table which will supply FREE critical educational materials (on vaccination dangers and the climate engineering threat) to any that will try to put those materials to use. Educating others on the dire truths that our corporate owned criminal media institutions are not disclosing (and thus actually helping to hide) is absolutely essential. These materials will included commercial DVDs that thoroughly cover the climate engineering assault and have multiple menu presentations including the testimony of former government scientists. Attorneys from the GeoengineeringWatch.org legal team will also be present at the event to answer questions about the evolving legal action to expose and halt climate engineering. Solar Radiation Management Programs are filling our skies with toxic heavy metal aerosols. Photo taken at Redding School Of The Arts, Redding, California. The human race and the biosphere itself are at a most critical crossroad, where do we go from here? We invite all concerned and caring citizens to attend the Redding event, to increase their knowledge of what is unfolding around us all, and to learn what we can do to help turn the tide of insanity. We must not remain silent in the belief that someone else will cover the front line in the fight, this will not get the job done. All are needed to prioritize taking action in the essential effort to reach a critical mass of awareness, this is the only way forward in the fight. Make your voice heard in the battle to fully expose the truth, every day counts. DW 

2016 Arctic Sea Ice Headed To Zero

Source: Arctic News The image below shows that Arctic sea ice extent on July 3, 2016, was 8,707,651 square km, i.e. less than the 8.75 million square km that extent was on July 3, 2012. In September 2012, Arctic sea ice extent reached a record low. Given that extent now is only slightly lower than it was in 2012 at the same time of year, can extent this year be expected to reach an even lower minimum, possibly as low as zero ice in September 2016?

While The Spotlight Was On Offshore Drilling, Fracking Quietly Made Its Way Into Our Oceans

Source: ThinkProgress.org The Gulf of Mexico has been struggling with the pollution from offshore oil drilling for a long time, a struggle that was dramatically highlighted by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill six years ago. But now it has come to light that the oil industry is conducting offshore fracking in the Gulf, which is even more dangerous than conventional oil drilling, according to the Center for Biological Diversity. The group received copies of more than a thousand fracking permits from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) following a court order.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 2, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Blind patriotism is the highest form of tyranny. The walls of the military/medical/industrial complex are starting to crumble from countless directions, but will the slumbering population rise to the occasion and help with the ongoing effort of the few to carry the torch of awakening forward? The exceptionally powerful and moving VAXXED documentary is rapidly undermining the previous power structure programming of the population in regard to the false conclusions of vaccination safety (legal action to overturn the mandatory vaccination law in California has just been filed). Most medical industry personnel are extremely uncomfortable with any information that is critical of vaccinations, no matter how credible and irrefutable the data is. When trying to pass on flyers on the VAXXED film screenings to medical office professionals the typical response is hostility. I and other activists know this first hand as we continue to distribute VAXXED flyers to every possible locations. What are those in power doing to try and slow down the awakening of the population? A recent study from Oxford  is beyond shocking. The study suggests and concludes governments have the right to eliminate free speech in regard to vaccine safety issues, this should be chilling for us all (an excerpt is below).  Click to enlarge Once people are fully awakened to the vaccination safety deception, they are much more likely to recognize and face the ongoing climate engineering threat. On the wider horizon, the climate chaos and biosphere implosion continues to press further and further into uncharted territory. A recent jet stream pattern took the upper air current from the northern hemisphere across the equator and deep into the southern hemisphere. An extreme jet stream pattern also just inflicted record shattering high temperatures (yet again) in the Pacific Northwest.  Though many mainstream media sources will predictably claim that such a jet stream patterns are "normal" and "not unusual", we must remember that the same sources claim that climate engineering is not going on. 1000 year floods in the Eastern US are also a telling indication of the ongoing climate engineering assault. This is especially true when we have radar maps that clearly show radio frequency manipulation of the precipitation that delivered the deadly deluge to West Virginia.  Why would any rational individual continue to accept the lies of the power structure controlled mainstream media mechanism of mass programming and propaganda whose job it is to systematically deny lethal threats to the population? Threats that we collectively face, like the verifiably harmful vaccinations and the ongoing climate engineering assault. What did world renowned astrophysicist Stephan Hawking have to state about the future of the human race if there is not a total course correction? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Blind unquestioning obedience to the official narrative on any issue is wrong. Blind obedience to the power structure that is decimating our planet and poisoning our children (with types of vaccinations proven beyond reasonable doubt to be harmful) is nothing short of total tyranny. Sounding the alarm for the greater good is not just an option, it is an obligation. Make your voice heard. DW

Behind Washington’s Demonization Of Putin: Graft For Hunter Biden, Shaft For Collaboration On Iran & Syria

Source: David Stockman's Contra Corner, article by Robert Parry A senior U.S. diplomat told me recently that if Russia were to occupy all of Ukraine and even neighboring Belarus that there would be zero impact on U.S. national interests. The diplomat wasn’t advocating that, of course, but was noting the curious reality that Official Washington’s current war hysteria over Ukraine doesn’t connect to genuine security concerns. So why has so much of the Washington Establishment – from prominent government officials to all the major media pundits – devoted so much time this past year to pounding their chests over the need to confront Russia regarding Ukraine? Who is benefiting from this eminently avoidable – yet extremely dangerous – crisis? What’s driving the madness? Of course, Washington’s conventional wisdom is that America only wants “democracy” for the people of Ukraine and that Russian President Vladimir Putin provoked this confrontation as part of an imperialist design to reclaim Russian territory lost during the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. But that “group think” doesn’t withstand examination. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Who’s Telling the Big Lie on Ukraine?”] The Ukraine crisis was provoked not by Putin but by a combination of the European Union’s reckless move to expand its influence eastward and the machinations of U.S. neoconservatives who were angered by Putin’s collaboration with President Barack Obama to tamp down confrontations in Syria and Iran, two neocon targets for “regime change.” Plus, if “democracy promotion” were the real motive, there were obviously better ways to achieve it. Democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych pledged on Feb. 21 – in an agreement guaranteed by three European nations – to surrender much of his power and hold early elections so he could be voted out of office if the people wanted. However, on Feb. 22, the agreement was brushed aside as neo-Nazi militias stormed presidential buildings and forced Yanukovych and other officials to flee for their lives. Rather than stand behind the Feb. 21 arrangement, the U.S. State Department quickly endorsed the coup regime that emerged as “legitimate” and the mainstream U.S. press dutifully demonized Yanukovych by noting, for instance, that a house being built for him had a pricy sauna. The key role of the neo-Nazis, who were given several ministries in recognition of their importance to the putsch, was studiously ignored or immediately forgotten by all the big U.S. news outlets. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Ukraine’s ‘Dr. Strangelove’ Reality.”] So, it’s hard for any rational person to swallow the official line that the U.S. interest in the spiraling catastrophe of Ukraine, now including thousands of ethnic Russians killed by the coup regime’s brutal “anti-terrorist operation,” was either to stop Putin’s imperial designs or to bring “democracy” to the Ukrainians. That skepticism – combined with the extraordinary danger of stoking a hot war on the border of nuclear-armed Russia – has caused many observers to search for more strategic explanations behind the crisis, such as the West’s desires to “frack” eastern Ukraine for shale gas or the American determination to protect the dollar as the world’s currency. Thermo-Nuclear War Anyone? The thinking is that when the potential cost of such an adventure, i.e. thermo-nuclear warfare that could end all life on the planet, is so high, the motivation must be commensurate. And there is logic behind that thinking although it’s hard to conceive what financial payoff is big enough to risk wiping out all humanity including the people on Wall Street. But sometimes gambles are made with the assumption that lots of money can be pocketed before cooler heads intervene to prevent total devastation — or even the more immediate risk that the Ukraine crisis will pitch Europe into a triple-dip recession that could destabilize the fragile U.S. economy, too. In the Ukraine case, the temptation has been to think that Moscow – hit with escalating economic sanctions – will back down even as the EU and U.S. energy interests seize control of eastern Ukraine’s energy reserves. The fracking could mean both a financial bonanza to investors and an end to Russia’s dominance of the natural gas supplies feeding central and eastern Europe. So the economic and geopolitical payoff could be substantial. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Ukraine has Europe’s third-largest shale gas reserves at 42 trillion cubic feet, an inviting target especially since other European nations, such as Britain, Poland, France and Bulgaria, have resisted fracking technology because of environmental concerns. An economically supine Ukraine would presumably be less able to say no. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Beneath the Ukraine Crisis: Shale Gas.”] Further supporting the “natural gas motive” is the fact that it was Vice President Joe Biden who demanded that President Yanukovych pull back his police on Feb. 21, a move that opened the way for the neo-Nazi militias and the U.S.-backed coup. Then, just three months later, Ukraine’s largest private gas firm, Burisma Holdings, appointed Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, to its board of directors. While that might strike some of you as a serious conflict of interest, even vocal advocates for ethics in government lost their voices amid Washington’s near-universal applause for the ouster of Yanukovych and warm affection for the coup regime in Kiev. For instance, Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, dismissed the idea that Hunter Biden’s new job should raise eyebrows, telling Reuters: “It can’t be that because your dad is the vice president, you can’t do anything,” Who Is Behind Burisma? Soon, Burisma – a shadowy Cyprus-based company – was lining up well-connected lobbyists, some with ties to Secretary of State John Kerry, including Kerry’s former Senate chief of staff David Leiter, according to lobbying disclosures. As Time magazine reported, “Leiter’s involvement in the firm rounds out a power-packed team of politically-connected Americans that also includes a second new board member, Devon Archer, a Democratic bundler and former adviser to John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign. Both Archer and Hunter Biden have worked as business partners with Kerry’s son-in-law, Christopher Heinz, the founding partner of Rosemont Capital, a private-equity company.” According to investigative journalism in Ukraine, the ownership of Burisma has

Is Climate Engineering Real? Square Cloud Formations Are Undeniable Proof

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The climate science and meteorological communities (along with mainstream media and countless other agencies) have long since completely sold out to the power structure. Countless individuals within these groups have committed themselves to what is nothing less than a total betrayal of populations around the globe (along with the entire web of life). The ongoing global climate engineering assault could not be more obvious or indisputable to anyone that does any objective investigation and has the courage to face reality. Yet, the so called "experts" continue to fortify the public denial of climate engineering by themselves adhering to the lie on the officially dictated blatant deception.  Radio frequency signals leave a very clear and visible signature, this signature is extremely recognizable on the image above.  Radio frequency transmissions are utilized for manipulating weather systems, cloud formations, and jet stream patterns. The electrically conductive heavy metal nanoparticles (that are constantly being sprayed into our atmosphere by the the geoengineers) are manipulated with the global grid of radio frequency transmitters (which the weathermakers control). Square cloud formations are not the only indication of the climate engineering insanity, voids in cloud canopies are also a telltale sign of the ongoing manipulation. Nature does not make 90 degree corners in weather systems.  The hazy wispy composition of many "clouds" seen in these satellite photos are also a result of heavy atmospheric aerosol saturation. Unfortunately the vast majority of the population currently cannot distinguish between natural clouds and aerosolized artificial "cloud" cover. Squares within an existing canopy of aerosolized cloud cover are yet another profound signature of extreme atmospheric manipulation. These two photos (above and below) reveal extraordinary and completely unnatural variances of cloud canopy composition. In the capture below, again, extremes of composition and geometry are shockingly clear. 90 degree notches taken out of existing aerosolized cloud canopies are increasingly being noted on radar images. Photos like the one below have become commonplace in recent years as the climate engineers completely manipulate the flow of moisture entering from over the US West Coast.The ongoing engineered drought catastrophe in California is only one of countless horrific impacts form the geoengineering assault. Record forest die-offs and record forest fires are yet more downstream effects.  All of us completely depend on Earth's life support systems, these systems have been derailed and decimated for decades by the global power structure. Though many populations around the globe are already rapidly sinking into a daily fight for survival, the majority of citizens in heavily industrialized nations still have a choice (for the moment). So far, most have chosen apathy, denial, and total willful blindness. The masses must be awakened to the immense and immediate challenges we collectively face. Earth's life support systems are literally collapsing from countless forms of human activity. Climate engineering is the greatest assault on the biosphere ever launched by industrialized civilization. Exposing and halting the ongoing geoengineering insanity should be (must be) our top priority. Every single individual that is awake and aware of this most critical issue is needed in this all important battle. Help us to reach a critical mass of awareness with populations around the globe, please make your voice heard while we still have anything left to salvage of our once thriving planet Earth. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 25, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org We are all swimming in a sea of lies and deception, but this carefully constructed paradigm (that has been put together by the global elite over a vast expanse of many decades or longer) is now finally starting to unravel. Two primary and critically important lies that are coming to light are the "vaccines are safe" deception, and the "climate engineering is only a proposal" false official narrative. A sunset scene of skies that are completely saturated with climate engineering aerosols, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Photo credit: Penny Stevens It has long since been business as usual for the power structure to demonize any country that the military industrial complex wants to use as a tool to help fuel and feed the massive military machine. The propaganda on countless fronts is fracturing and falling apart, as is the power structure itself. American citizens are stocking up on AR-15 assault riffles in preparation for collapse, but one must ask how more guns will save any of us from a planet that no longer supports life? If the human race does not immediately and totally focus on addressing the rapidly failing life support systems of our biosphere, very soon, nothing else will matter. In the meantime, the truth about Fukushima and the "War on terror"  continues to emerge while Obama and Clinton are connected to supplying terrorists with weapons. Where are we headed as a species and how soon will we get there if we stay on the current course? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. No matter how those around us behave, no matter how apathetic members of our families and peers may be, we are ultimately only responsible for our own actions. If we are not here to do our part for the whole, and for the greater good (to the degree that our personal circumstances and challenges allow), then why are we here? Each and every one of us can greatly contribute to the overall effort to reach a critical mass of awareness in regard to all that is unfolding, we simply need to try. Never give up. DW Below is a photo taken at first showing of "VAXXED" in Shasta County, California, June 24th, 2016. The film will be shown twice a day until June 30th at the Anderson Valley 11 Cinemas, Anderson, California. Vaxxed is a must see film for any that truly care about our children, our future, and the greater good.

Climate Engineering Desperation, Decimation, And Destruction, What Will It Take To Wake The Masses?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Some 70 years ago our government made the decision to commit the human race and all life on Earth to a lethal global climate engineering experiment. The power brokers did this without our knowledge or consent while being fully aware that the consequences of this experiment could never be undone. Governments all over the world have long since been a part of the global climate engineering cabal, extensive historical documents prove this fact.  Of the countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate and the biosphere, the geoengineering/solar radiation management assault is mathematically the most devastating. Every life form on the planet has been completely betrayed by those behind the weather warfare atrocities, and betrayed by the science and media circles who are actively and aggressively helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering omnicide.  Aerosol saturated skies from the ongoing global climate engineering operations, Redding, California. Photo credit: GeoengineeringWatch.org The US West is experiencing record shattering heat, this is just the beginning. Burning hillsides in Azusa, California from erupting wildfires and record heat. Photo credit: Nick Ut/AP Astoundingly, only a few days before the scorching heat took hold in the US West, snow was falling in multiple states. The geoengineers are aggressively utilizing chemical ice nucleation methods (whenever and wherever there is enough atmospheric moisture) to temporarily (and toxically) lower the temperatures. In addition to the total contamination of the precipitation, the short term chemical cool-downs are also all too often extremely destructive. One primary agenda of the ongoing climate engineering assault is to continue fueling the confusion and division of populations in regard to the true state of the climate and the true extent of damage to it. The weather radar image below was taken on June 16th, clearly showing snow falling near regions of the West that experienced record shattering heat only days after.  Radar images now often reveal frozen precipitation occurring with surrounding air and ground temperatures that are far too warm to support natural ice nucleation processes. The atmospheric spraying of highly toxic metal and chemical particles is not only worsening the climate catastrophe and overall heating of the planet, it is also causing epic drought all over the globe (with record deluges occurring in other locations). With the water levels in Nevada's Lake Mead now at record shattering lows and dropping further by the day, the Las Vegas spigot is about to run dry. The dry season is just beginning with Lake Mead already at record low levels and long term forecasts (scheduled weather) for rapidly deepening drought. Las Vegas has recently spent nearly a billion dollars on a water project designed to drain the last drops of water from Lake Mead. A steel cap on top of an intake riser holds back what is left of the water in Lake Mead. This final  attempt to tap the last of the remaining water storage is a true sign of desperation. How long will the human race continue to believe the delusion that technology will somehow always correct or cover up the countless and ongoing crimes against Nature? Photo credit: John Locher Many citizens of first world countries have so far largely chosen to ignore the unfolding global climate cataclysm as if they are somehow immune to the accelerating biosphere collapse. Such arrogant denial will very soon be shattered on every front. Those who control the climate, control the flow of water, and thus the populations that depend on it. The masses in less fortunate countries have long since been reaping the full impact of the climate engineering assault. A farmer in India takes a drink while standing on a now parched lake bed. Photo credit: Manish Swarup The people of India (who are also suffering from record shattering high temperatures and record drought) are an example of what is unfolding all over the world. Due to the atmospheric saturation of electrically conductive particles from climate engineering, increased lightning strikes are also taking a heavy toll on populations. Nearly 100 people have just been killed by countless lighting strikes in India. Amritsar, India. Photo credit: Munish Byala If the human race and life on Earth are to have any chance of surviving the short term horizon, there must be an immediate and complete course correction. Industrialized/militarized society has decimated the planet, climate engineering is the epitome of this willful destruction. May, 2016, was the 13th month in a row of record shattering global temperatures, how long does anyone think we can continue on such a trend and still have any chance of avoiding total omnicide? Record high Arctic temperatures and the disintegration of Arctic ice is also accelerating at blinding speed. What is the response of our government? To place illegal gag orders on the majority of weather/climate scientists and to fire other frontline scientists. What we collectively face is nothing less than an existential threat. The single greatest leap forward we could make in this battle for survival is to expose and halt the climate engineering global assault. This battle can only be won if we are all committed to the effort, make your voice heard. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The Threat From Climate Disintegration Is Not Coming, It’s Here

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is the largest scientific panel ever created on any subject in human history. Many have, unfortunately, chosen to believe this panel of scientists is paid to put out falsified "alarmist" data. The reality is this, yes, the IPCC has put out a great deal of false and misleading information, but in the exact opposite direction of what many have convinced themselves of. The threat we face is not off on the horizon somewhere, the climate and biosphere implosion is here, now, and the entire web of life is at stake. Government sponsored organizations like the IPCC are tasked with masking the true extent of climate disintegration, not disclosing it. Once the wider population fully awakens to the truth that the biosphere is indeed imploding and that we have all been forced to be a part of a massive and highly toxic climate engineering experiment (which has helped to fuel the overall planetary meltdown), panic will ensue. What other steps have governments taken in the attempt to hide the converging cataclysms and the climate engineering insanity? The US is firing many climate scientists and putting illegal federal gag orders on the rest. On the other side of the planet US ally Australia is doing the same. In the meantime, the carbon industry continues to fund a constant parade of disinformation while the Arctic melts and heat records continue to topple. Global climate engineering is further fueling the planetary meltdown from every direction. If the human race does not completely and immediately alter its current course, "Venus syndrome" will be the final destination. Though the report below does not cover the geoengineering factor, the front line assessment of biosphere damage is on target. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  Global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall planetary meltdown. Could This Be Our Biggest Blunder On Climate Change? Source: The Mound Of Sound In the early years of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, we were introduced to what was presented as a long-distance, multi-generational phenomenon. We were told if we didn't change our ways things would be pretty rough for those who would follow us two or three generations down the road. Take Arctic sea ice, for example. The IPCC warned us, not that long ago, that if we continued with our usual fossil energy pattern the Arctic could be "ice free" by 2100. To forestall that we were told we needed to sharply cut our carbon emissions and rapidly transition to a clean energy economy. 2100, they might as well have said 4100. A number of studies have shown that it's human nature to see numbers as distant as 2100 as almost irrelevant. People will sacrifice if necessary for their children's survival. They might even entertain some sacrifice if they perceive a realistic prospect of harming their grandchildren. But 2100, 84 years from now? Who cares? They can't connect themselves to that. It's too distant. Why should they sacrifice now for something that might, might benefit people they can't even envision that far down the road? You know what does work, what does motivate people? You may see it soon enough. What works is when people see what's barreling down on them – here, now, or in the next ten to twenty years. That gets their attention. Florida. When it comes to climate change many Floridians have been dead from the neck up until very recently. Three words – sea level rise – and the switch was flipped. The governor may still be brain dead but people with those lovely waterfront homes and condos woke up from their collective coma. They began to understand that the seas were going to rise and this was not a good thing when you own low-lying waterfront property. They began to understand the climate change Trifecta – sea level rise, high tides and storm surges. People began to learn what that holds in store even for their utilities – electricity, fresh water and that all important one, sewage. Let's go back to the Arctic and that sea ice business. 2100 was the date until just a couple of years ago when the US Navy said its people figured the Arctic would be ice free for navigation by 2020, perhaps even as early as 2016. Guess what? It's going to be ice free for navigation this year and, if not, next year for certain. What ever happened to 2100? In 2010 they were telling us 2100. They were only out by 84 years. How in hell did that happen? What else did they get wrong? Plenty, it seems. Back in 2010 we talked a lot about "tipping points." The idea was that we had to keep man made warming below 2 degrees Celsius if we wanted to avoid triggering these tipping points that would launch us into runaway global warming. These tipping points were triggers that would activate natural mechanisms that would release masses of greenhouse gases far in excess of anything man ever emitted. That magical 2C target? Well that was a political number ginned up by – you guessed it – the same people who said the Arctic would be ice free by 2100. At the Paris climate summit last December, even our politicians could no longer put up with that 2C nonsense. So they came up with a new nonsensical figure, 1.5C. That was the new, "never exceed" number to avoid catastrophic global warming. The scientific community was quick to point out that, with the existing atmospheric loading of persistent greenhouse gases, we've already locked in 1.5C of warming. In a combination of sarcasm and anger they pointed out that it was a great target but it meant decarbonizing our economy and our societies now, immediately.  In other words, that horse has left the barn. Our enviromin, Ms. McKenna can say she's going to close that barn door but she's just blowing smoke up our backsides. How could the IPCC get it so wrong? How could they warn of an ice free


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