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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 20, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The ongoing and completely out of control experimentation with Earth's climate and life support systems is destroying what is yet left of the biosphere at blinding speed. The power structure is pushing back hard with new waves of propaganda in the desperate attempt to hide reality from the population till the last possible moment. I could never count the times I have been asked why would "they" (those in power) do this to themselves? Countless times I have given a long list of examples of all that "they" have already done to themselves (and to the rest of the biosphere). The detonation of over 2000 nuclear weapons has contaminated the entire planet. Fukushima is a triple nuclear volcano with no known technology to end the nightmare, and yet "they" are already building 60 more nuclear plants while putting old and dilapidated facilities back on line. Then there is the fact that "they" (central bankers at the core) have constructed enough nuclear weapons to mathematically exterminate all life on Earth some 12000 times over. "They" are not sane, but the following quote must also be considered, "We have seen the enemy and he is us". Apathy, complacency, and outright denial within the ranks of global populations, has so far been the primary factor that has allowed and actually facilitated the cancerous cabal of criminality to expand completely unchecked for so many decades. If the current course of certain demise is to be altered, we must all help to pull the weight of the battle at hand. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. A key path to exposing those behind the curtain is to expose the media cowards who help to hide them, this effort will also require all of us. What are our priorities? DW

Ken Caldeira, David Keith, And Carnegie “Science”, The Face Of The Criminal Climate Engineering Cover-up

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The power structure's propaganda machine has been put into high gear in a last ditch desperate attempt to hide the ongoing geoengineering planetary omnicide till the last possible moment. Geoengineer Ken Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" have teamed up on a "peer reviewed "study/survey" to "prove" "chemtrails" are not real. The key image in the science diagram above is the jet spraying "reflective particles" shown in the upper left. Though ocean iron fertilization is also a catastrophic form of geoengineering that is ongoing, the other images (space mirrors and artificial trees) are completely implausible and meant to distract from the reality of the actual geoengineering programs. The science terms for what is occurring in our skies were of course completely avoided by Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" as such terms would lead people to hard science data and that was of course NOT the goal of the "study/survey". This "peer reviewed" study claims that the vast majority of scientists agreed "chemtrails" were not real (again, the scientists were not asked about the geoengineering/climate modification subject). So, in addition to the inaccurate terms in the "survey", did the vast majority of scientists surveyed really confirm that "chemtrails" were not real? NO, here are the real numbers from the "survey", 475 scientists were solicited for this survey, only 78 responded, that is only just over 16%. Why didn't the rest of the scientists excuse themselves from the survey? Keep reading and find out. When the climate engineering crimes are fully exposed to populations around the globe (once and for all), a complete overturning of our paradigm will commence and those in power know it. The ongoing weather warfare that has been carried out for over 70 years has equally and irreparably harmed every person on the planet along with the entire web of life. The 2 minute video below shows up-close from directly behind a jet aircraft what is inarguably atmospheric spraying occurring. This is only one shocking example, there are countless others. The power structure and the criminals who serve them are completely committed to hiding the geoengineering/solar radiation management/climate intervention programs from the public for as long as possible. The effort to bring the climate engineering insanity to light is gaining ground rapidly. This has caused the global controllers to push back with a pathetic piece of total propaganda that does not in any objective way, shape, or form, address the mountain of material facts which conclusively confirm that global climate engineering has long since been deployed. The propaganda "study" in question (which attempts to dispute the geoengineering reality based on the "opinions" of selected academicians) has been republished and reposted by numerous corporate controlled "media" sources that are clearly tasked with serving the global power structure. Who is a primary face that we can place on the machine of criminal deception regarding the ongoing illegal geoengineering assault? Internationally recognized geoengineer Ken Caldeira has been playing a central role in the ongoing public propaganda and deception for a very long time (along with geoengineer David Keith). Caldeira and Keith are clearly heavily committed to the effort to hiding the ongoing climate engineering assault by any means possible. Caldeira has long since teamed up with Carnegie "Science" which has known connections to the defense industry. A look into Caldeira's past government defense department employment is shocking and revealing. In the damning 2 minute video below you can hear Caldeira describe in his own words what he worked on while employed by the US government. Internationally known geoengineer Dr. David Keith is in the same business as Caldeira, public deception. The 5 minute video below (which features Dr. David Keith, Ken Caldeira, and Obama science advisor, John Holdren), is very revealing and especially damning for geoengineer, Dr. David Keith. Dr. David Keith was also very effectively exposed by Stephen Colbert in this next 6 minute video. Caldeira's "report" of the "survey" he spearheaded  is so full of omissions and completely skewed information that it is difficult to find a starting point with setting the record straight. 1. Science terms were systematically avoided in the propaganda "report" pieced together by Caldeira, Keith, and company. If readers were shown terms like "solar radiation management" (SRM), "stratospheric aerosol geoengineering" (SAG), "cloud albedo enhancement" (CAE), "Stratospheric aerosol injection" (SAI), inquiring individuals might actually investigate the issue and find there is a mountain of science facts to back up claims that climate engineering has long since been fully deployed. Instead (and not surprisingly), Caldeira and crew exclusively used the "chemtrails" term (with one exception) which is not a science term and by design does not lead to credible data. 2. Why didn't Ken Caldeira and associates disclose the fact that not only do all US government scientists have no first amendment protection (which means they are not at liberty to speak openly), but there is actually an ILLEGAL FEDERAL GAG ORDER ON ALL NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE AND ALL NOAA EMPLOYEES. Are we to believe that any scientists are truly free to speak openly on a subject that is clearly a national security issue at a time when any and all whistleblowers are being relentlessly prosecuted? The ONLY scientists that might be willing to speak out under such circumstances are those that know full well they will be rewarded for supporting the official propaganda and deception. 3. Why didn't Caldeira and his associates bother to mention massive historical senate documents, presidential reports, and military statements of objective that make clear climate engineering is not just theory or conjecture, but has long since been verifiable fact. 4. Why didn't Caldeira make mention of the extensive list of geoengineering patents that describe exactly what we can see with our own eyes occurring in the skies above? 5. Why didn't Caldeira cover the design characteristics of the "high bypass turbofan jet engine"? This engine is mounted on ALL military tankers and ALL commercial carriers and is by design nearly incapable of creating any condensation trails except under the rarest and most extreme circumstances. 6. Why didn't this report from Caldeira and Carnegie "science" address the fact that there are retrofit spray nozzles mounted on the aircraft pylons directly

July 2016 Was World’s Hottest Month Since Records Began, Says NASA

Source: The Guardian Nasa’s results, which combine sea-surface temperature and air temperature on land, show July was 10th month in a row to break monthly temperature record Last month was the hottest month in recorded history, beating the record set just 12 months before and continuing the long string of monthly records, according to the latest Nasa data. The past nine months have set temperature records for their respective months and the trend continued this month to make 10 in a row, according to Nasa. July broke the absolute record for hottest month since records began in 1880. Similar data from the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) said the past 14 months have broken the temperature record for each month, but it hasn’t released its figures for July yet. The new results were published on the Nasa database and tweeted by climatologist Gavin Schmidt, director of the Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

Ocean Floor Mining: The Next Terrible Thing

Source: Papua New Guinea Mine Watch “The New Gold Rush” doesn’t sound so great for the oceans Justin Housman | Surfer Magazine | July 21, 2016 Because we won’t be satisfied until the entire surface of the earth has been rendered in a never-ending pursuit to greedily dig up things that can be burned for fuel or hammered into profitable metals regardless of the consequences, humankind’s most adventurous profiteers have now set their sights on mining the depths of the sea floor for minerals and precious metals. This is one of the few zones of earth that scientists know very little about, full of strange creatures, unknown bacteria, and hydrothermal vents that may harbor the keys to how life on earth began. But let’s dig it up anyway, say the mining companies.


The global weather warfare/biological warfare assault that is being waged against populations and the entire web of life is now becoming all but impossible to hide or deny. The power structure controlled mainstream media weapon of criminal propaganda has recently launched an all out disinformation campaign to try and fortify the official denial of the geoengineering atrocities that are clearly occurring in our skies. Chuck Norris has drafted yet another hard hitting statement of facts in his unyielding effort to expose the ongoing global climate engineering assault and the government's increasingly desperate attempt to hide it. Our deepest and most sincere gratitude to you, Mr. Norris. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   A GOVERNMENT COVER-UP OF EPIC PROPORTIONS Exclusive: Chuck Norris Warns Of 'Grave' Risks Of Climate Intervention Source: WND, article by Chuck Norris Last week, I addressed how CIA Director John Brennan gave a historic speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, confessing something few thought they would ever hear: the federal government’s explicit and intentional climate intervention via operations like stratospheric aerosol spraying or injections, or SAI. What I didn’t explain is that SAI is a ginormous federal geo-engineering cover-up that is now being exposed, and yet not a single mainstream media outlet has reported on it. Let me explain. In April, the U.S. Senate directed the Department of Energy (DOE) “to review the findings of the National Academy of Sciences (or NAS) report,” “Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth,” and “to study the potential impacts of albedo modification (or solar radiation management), a potential method of geoengineering,” which included “smaller scale field trials.” Science magazine explained: “Albedo modification would work by lacing the atmosphere with tiny particles or aerosols that would reflect sunlight and mimic natural processes. For example, in 1991 the volcano Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines spewed 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, which spans altitudes from 10 to 50 kilometers. There, the sulfur dioxide produced aerosols that reflected enough sunlight to reduce global temperature by an estimated 0.3°C for 3 years. Albedo modification might also work by using aerosols to seed cloud formation in a lower atmospheric layer called the troposphere.” The U.S. Senate pushed the DOE to pursue albedo modification action a couple months before CIA Director Brennan gave his blessing to stratospheric spraying as a government operation that “potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.” What’s crazy about all that government endorsement is that the February 2015 NAS report, on which the feds base their entire toxic rain operation, “warned explicitly that albedo modification shouldn’t be deployed now because the risks and benefits were far too uncertain.” What are those risks? Here are just three grave consequences that we know about: Drought: The team under Chien Wang, a co-author of the NAS study and a senior research scientist at MIT’s Center for Global Change Science and the Department of Earth, concluded that albedo modification would lead “to dangerous changes in global weather: Precipitation would also decline worldwide, and some parts of the world would be worse off. Europe, the Horn of Africa, and Pakistan may receive less rainfall than they have historically.” Loss of blue sky: According to a report by the New Scientist, Ben Kravitz of the Carnegie Institution for Science explained, “Releasing sulphate aerosols high in the atmosphere should in theory reduce global temperatures by reflecting a small percentage of the incoming sunlight away from the Earth. However, the extra particles would also scatter more of the remaining light into the atmosphere. This would reduce by 20 percent the amount of sunlight that takes a direct route to the ground, and it would increase levels of softer, diffuse scattered light,” making the sky appear hazier. Hazards to human health and other earth life: The gravest of all consequences of atmospheric aerosol spraying is that, simply put, what’s sprayed above us settles down upon us and in us, as well as other life on earth. Photo credit: Penny Oliphant The U.S. government’s own National Center for Biotechnology Information, or NCBI, released a report in January 2016, the goal of which was “Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols.” The NCBI concluded: “Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via deployment of stratospheric aerosols. Little is known about the toxicity of some likely candidate aerosols, and there is no consensus regarding acceptable levels for public exposure to these materials. There is also little infrastructure in place to evaluate potential public health impacts in the event that stratospheric aerosols are deployed for solar radiation management.” No wonder the co-author of the study on “Climate Intervention,” Dr. James Fleming,  called geo-engineering like SAI: “untested and untestable, and dangerous beyond belief.” Another colleague and co-author, Dr. Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, the Louis Block professor in geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, and Sweden’s King Carl XVI Gustafn, chairman in environmental science at Stockholm’s University, took it one step further. He warned, “The nearly two years’ worth of reading and animated discussions that went into this study have convinced me more than ever that the idea of ‘fixing’ the climate by hacking the Earth’s reflection of sunlight is wildly, utterly, howlingly barking mad” (that is why Dr. Pierrehumbert prefers to call albedo modification by the name “albedo hacking”). Dr. Pierrehumber added: “The report describes albedo modification frankly as involving large and partly unknown risks. It states outright that albedo modification ‘should not be deployed.'” So, why are the U.S. Senate and CIA director disregarding the dire and passionate warnings of scientists like Dr. Pierrehumbert and Dr. Fleming by demanding that the Department of Energy proceed with trials on geo-engineering? In the words of Dr. Pierrehumber, are they “wildly, utterly, howlingly barking mad”? Answer: Yes! Is it a mere coincidence that the very government agencies that are spraying our stratosphere with toxic chemicals were the actual sponsors of the NAS report? The NAS itself confessed: “The study was sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, U.S. intelligence community, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Department of

Climate Scientists Are Now Relying On A Terrifying Assumption

Source: The Week How can we solve climate change? One option is obvious, if a bit strange: If dumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is the problem, then we could always suck it back out. If you think that sounds tricky, congratulations, you're correct. However, scientists are increasingly relying on just this idea to construct workable future scenarios where global warming does not spin out of control. And the reason is that governments around the world have not been remotely equal to the task of keeping overall warming below 2 degrees Celsius, the level at which climate change becomes unacceptably risky according to the international Paris climate accords. As a result, scientists crunching the numbers on how humanity might achieve this goal are increasingly leaning on outlandish assumptions about pulling billions of tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. The math checks out — but the science is not guaranteed to work, and it would be a lot easier to just implement proper climate policy right now.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 13, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The sand in the hourglass is rapidly running out while the majority of the human race remains locked into the paradigm of power structure programmed denial. From the verifiable vaccination dangers, to the clearly visible climate engineering assault, to the maneuvering toward WWlll, so many have completely abandoned their sense of deductive reasoning in exchange for the official narrative. Will unfolding global cataclysms on every front force the masses to wake from their slumber in time to salvage what is left of Earth's life support systems? The August 13th installment of Global Alert News is below. The challenges we collectively face are not out on the horizon somewhere, they are already here. All our voices are essential in the fight for the greater good, we are out of time. DW

The Melting Of The Arctic Ice Continues Apace

Source: Seemorerocks Some thoughts of my own on the melting sea ice in the Arctic and on recent headlines. Sam Carana has given an update on the Arctic ice in his latest article, Arctic Sea Ice Getting Terribly Thin Now I would like to give my own perspective as a relatively-informed lay person. This is how I see it. Mostly what we get through media reports is the sea ice area.  If we look at the graph below we are due to beat the record for sea ice extent set in 2012. This makes the situation look pretty pretty bad, but not dire.

The Climate Crisis Is Already Here – But No One’s Telling Us

Source: The Guardian, story by George Monbiot The media largely relegate the greatest challenge facing humanity to footnotes as industry and politicians hurtle us towards systemic collapse of the planet. What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. The media turns us away from the issues that will determine the course of our lives, and towards topics of brain-melting irrelevance. This, on current trends, will be the hottest year ever measured. The previous record was set in 2015; the one before in 2014. Fifteen of the 16 warmest years have occurred in the 21st century. Each of the past 14 months has beaten the global monthly temperature record. But you can still hear people repeating the old claim, first proposed by fossil fuel lobbyists, that global warming stopped in 1998. Arctic sea ice covered a smaller area last winter than in any winter since records began. In Siberia, an anthrax outbreak is raging through the human and reindeer populations because infected corpses locked in permafrost since the last epidemic in 1941 have thawed. India has been hammered by cycles of drought and flood, as withering heat parches the soil and torches glaciers in the Himalayas. Southern and eastern Africa have been pitched into humanitarian emergencies by drought. Wildfires storm across America; coral reefs around the world are bleaching and dying.

Arctic Sea Ice Getting Terribly Thin

Source: Arctic News Temperature Rise A temperature rise (from preindustrial levels) of more than 10°C (18°F) could eventuate by the year 2026, as illustrated by the image below and as discussed in an earlier post. The high temperature anomaly that occurred in February 2016 was partly caused by El Niño. Nonetheless, there is a threat that the February 2016 anomaly was not a peak, but instead was part of a trend that points at what is yet to come.


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