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November Was A Bad Month For Arctic Sea Ice. The Overall Picture Is Much Worse.

Source: HuffingtonPost.com “We are all ice-dependent species.” If you stumbled across an alarming chart about sea ice on Twitter last month and doomsday scenarios immediately leaped into your head, you’re not alone. What the graph illustrates is true: There’s substantially less sea ice in the world than ever before. The Arctic ― and, for completely unrelated reasons, the Antarctic ― just closed out November with less ice than any other year in history. But the real cause for alarm isn’t last month’s warming blip in the Arctic that temporarily stalled ice growth, an anomaly that happens from time to time. Nor is it the concurrent loss of ice in the Antarctic ― since, to the best of our knowledge, the behavior of sea ice in one hemisphere has nothing to do with the behavior of sea ice in the other. The scariest part of all this is the long-term warming trend it follows.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 3, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How stable are the world's democracies?  "Warning Lights Are Flashing Red" is a recent headline on the subject to consider. More and more of the Earth's atmosphere is being saturated with toxic particles from the constantly expanding climate engineering global assault. An update from Australia, as many as 8500 people were reportedly hospitalized from "thunderstorm asthma". Does anyone believe that this is the real reason behind the health catastrophe? The Weather Channel continues to lie about the geoengineering insanity. Since the US military is their primary sponsor, The Weather Channel's lying to cover the tracks of climate engineering comes as no surprise. We are told that over 100,000,000 trees have now died in California due to the drought, but there are lies contained in the media reports that say so. First, there are many more than 100,000,000 trees dead, it is not just the drought, and climate engineering is the primary factor related to the tree die off. The biosphere as a whole continues to collapse, more weather warfare is on the way for the Dakota water protectors, and all while a climate disinformation event in Arizona is attempting to deny there is anything even wrong with the climate (or the environment).  Countless biases are held by the masses and these biases are fueled by the power structure. How can such bias be overcome? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Our host, planet Earth, is dying. How many members of the human race are willing to make saving Earth their top priority? DW A billboard on a Gem Faire event transport truck touring the Western U.S. This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Power Structure Wages Weather Warfare Against Dakota Pipeline Protesters

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The Dakota pipeline protests have become the frontline representation of the critical struggle against a completely out of control totalitarian power structure. Those in power cannot afford to allow this justifiable protest to continue or succeed. Geoengineering/weather warfare has now been added to the already long list of criminal assaults that have been hurled at the peaceful pipeline protesters. In the coming days and weeks, weather warfare will likely be the most deadly and effective weapon that the power structure will wield against the pieceful Dakota pipeling protesters. Record snowfall amounts have buried the pipeline protest camp at Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota, November 29, 2016​. Photo credit: Reuters Climate engineering and the use of toxic chemical ice nucleation elements are the reason a record early season snow has just occurred in the exact region of the protests (named winter storm "Blanche"). If you don't believe snowstorms can be completely engineered, you have not done your research. Weather warfare has long since been a covert weapon of choice for the criminals that truly control our government. Is it just a coincidence that a record early season snowstorm also decimated the Occupy Wall Street protesters? Occupy Wall Street protesters prepare for the record October, 2011, snowstorm that decimated their camp. Weather modification activities were also noted over the massive historical gathering in Woodstock. The combination satellite radar images below clearly reveal extreme and completely unnatural weather anomalies over the continental US. The first satellite/radar image below was taken at 11:30 am (ET), Monday, shows a ribbon of warm air and moisture flowing in a northeasterly direction all the way from far west of Baja California, across Mexico and Texas (picking up even more warm moisture from the Gulf of Mexico). This flow of warm air and moisture pushes north where some of it eventually gets caught up in the counterclockwise low pressure system being held directly over the protest region (via atmospheric manipulation with radio frequency/microwave transmissions). An engineered winter chemical ice nucleation assault (by jet aircraft aerosol spraying) was then unleashed in the stationary low pressure circulation. Note the center of the counterclockwise spinning low pressure system centered almost exactly over the pipeline protest region. Massive atmospheric aerosol spraying operations were also occurring off of the US west coast on Monday, November 28, 2016. The aerosol saturation reduces west coast precipitation and thus contributes to the effective migration of Pacific moisture further east toward the low pressure vortex over the protest zone. In addition to the extensive aerosol spraying visible in this NASA satellite image, some radio frequency manipulation waves can be seen in the upper right corner of the satellite image. By the evening of Monday, November 28, 2016, the huge plum of warm moisture is pulled closer to the still stationary spinning vortex over the Dakota protests. Aerosolized chemically cooled moisture flowing in from the Pacific also merges with the engineered Dakota snowstorm. At 9:45 am (ET), November 30, 2016, the stationary Dakota vortex continues to spin (winter storm "Blanche"). The plume of warm Gulf of Mexico moisture is now directed at Maine, where "winter storm Blanche" has been scheduled by the weather makers to continue (completely separated from the still ongoing original "winter storm Blanche" over the Dakotas). The engineered cutoff low pressure zone has remained incredibly stationary and nearly centered over the Dakota pipeline protest zone. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below reveals just how warm it actually was in the regions near the center of the Dakota storm and along the entire track from which much of the storm moisture came. Radical temperature divides, like the departures from "normal" reflected in the map above (shown in degrees Fharenheit +/-), are historically unprecedented. Now such incredible imbalances have increasingly become the norm. The animation below contains the most revealing and important images of all. Drifting cells of liquid precipitation (rain) should not just "flash out" to frozen precipitation (snow) for no reason whatsoever (no change in topographical elevation and no colliding cold air masses). Areas of the storm then suddenly flash back to rain as the jet aircraft sprayed chemical ice nucleating agents settle down through the air column. Examine this animation closely, it is the "smoking gun" of a completely engineered chemically nucleated weather warfare assault. Massive climate engineering/chemical ice nucleation deployments can and will continue to create toxic cool-downs and radical weather anomolies. These anomalies will continue to manipulate the perception of populations who don't realize (or are not willing to accept) what is going on in our skies.  All the weather modeling for NOAA and NWS (National Weather Service) is done by private defense contractor, Raytheon, a corporation that is a primary climate engineering entity. This means that the weather forecasts are now the "scheduled" weather. Why don't employees of NOAA and NWS speak out about the climate engineering insanity? Because all the employees of both agencies have a federal gag order on them. The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) extended temperature forecast map for November 6-10 is below.  The ongoing geoengineered cool-down is then "forecast" to center almost directly over the Dakota protests (shown in the NOAA map below). Again, it is important to understand and remember that engineering snowstorms is a well established technology that has long since been admitted to by mainstream sources. The center of the cold zone in the US has remained astoundingly centered over the Dakota water protecter region as the 3rd NOAA "departure from normal high temperature" map below reveals. .  The NOAA map above shows continued predictions for record cold temperatures at or near the Dakota pipeline protest for yet another 6-10 day period.  Also anomolous in the latest forecast map is the building heat dome in the US southwest. Climate enigneerign is greatly contributing to increasingly alarming extream temperature imbalances. Each color tear represents a 2-3 degree departure from normal high temperatures. The NOAA extended forecasts temperature predictions from late November were for the middle northern tear states to be at or near record high temperatures, what changed? The US military industrial complex has long since stated its desire to "own the weather" on the record, now they do. If you

Updated, Is Global Warming “An Inconvenient Lie”? A Public Response to Ed Griffin

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Exposing and halting the global climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare assault must be our greatest priority if we are to have any chance of salvaging what is yet left of Earth's life support systems. When patently false "global warming is a hoax" and total climate engineering denial disinformation is pushed on the population by individuals that actually claim to be in the fight against climate engineering, the anti-climate engineering cause is greatly harmed. Mr.G Edward Griffin is the organizer of an upcoming event that is titled "Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie". The top speaker at this event ("Lord Monckton") completely denies the climate engineering/weather warfare reality, on the record. What has Ed Griffin's other top "expert", Tim Ball, said on the record about the climate engineering reality? Mr. Ball also catagorically denies climate engineering. It's all just "contrails" according to Mr. Ball. Mr. Griffin claims to be against climate engineering, if this is so, why is he helping to completely discredit this most critical cause with speakers that completely deny the issue? Why is it so imperative to expose this kind of blatantly false disinformation, and all those involved with it? Because credibility is absolutely essential in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering. The 13 minute video below is my public response to G. Edward Griffin's attempt to refute my full article on his disinformation event (The full article begins below the video response and recent update comment). Credibility Matters, A Public Response To G. Edward Griffin When I publicly documented the fact that Mr. Griffin's upcoming event will completely undermine the anti-climate engineering cause (on which all of our futures depend), Mr. Griffin promptly challenged me to debate the issue with himself and his "experts" (Lord Monckton and Tim Ball). I contacted the only radio show host who has previously interviewed all the parties involved: myself, Mr. Griffin, Tim Ball, and Lord  Monckton. This radio host is Jeff Rense, who is well known and respected in the alternative news community. Jeff's previous unbiased interviews of all the individuals in question is a clear reflection of his unbiased position. On Tuesday, November 22nd, Mr. Rense sent the following message to G Edward Griffin.  Dear Ed… I hope this finds you well.  The world stage has become ever more dark and dangerous as we all see on a daily basis.   I received a note from Dane yesterday in which he suggested we have a round table 'debate' between you and Dane of the issue of GeoEngineering and the evidence for it.   We agreed this was the place to do it and I'd be very happy to donate a two hour segment  on the program to host you both and present your positions. Equal time will be the format. If this is something you'd like to do, just say the word and I'll pull some dates together for everyone to agree upon. Will all good wishes… Jeff Mr. Griffin has, unfortunately, sent no response to this invitation, the invitation still stands. If Ed Griffin truly believes in the validity of his upcoming conference, why hasn't he accepted the debate challenge that he himself offered? The 13 minute video below is a public statement which makes clear all the reasons why G. Edward Griffin's disinformation event is so harmful to the critical effort of exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering insanity. Griffin's top two speakers/experts (Lord Monckton and Tim Ball) completely deny the climate engineering reality and have stated on the record that all we are seeing in our skies is just "condensation" (which is of course false).   Is Global Warming "An Inconvenient Lie"? Global warming disinformation is greatly harmful to the critical cause of exposing and halting climate engineering (which is greatly exacerbating planetary warming and poisoning the entire planet in the process). Though Al Gore is a criminal, and carbon credits are a scam, reality is still reality. Because patently false climate information is so harmful to the anti-geoengineering cause, we must not look the other way when individuals of noteriety push total disinformation on the public. Countless lies relating to the climate are so egregious and increasingly blatant that it is nearly impossible to imagine that they are still being propagated. Could a 3 day symposium pushing the "Global warming is a hoax" false narrative actually be carried out with a straight face while the planet is free falling into a state of total meltdown? While BOTH of the planets ice caps are at record low levels with the science community sounding the alarm? Are there people who would pay nearly $400 dollars to attend such a symposium and have so called " world's top experts" attempt to convince them that "global warming is the biggest deception in history"? Mr. Griffin claims to be fighting climate engineering, yet his top "experts" also completely deny the climate engineering issue. Exactly who would sponsor a "global warming is a myth" event? What would be their motive? The organizer of the "Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie" conference (with top speakers that deny climate engineering) is Mr. Ed Griffin of "Freedom Force International" who seems to be running some sort of multi-level marketing program.  Who is Mr. Griffin's top "expert" for the upcoming "global warming is a hoax" event? Enter "Lord Monckton" of Benchley. (who has falsly claimed to be a member of the "House of Lords") "Lord Monckton" has a long resume indeed, but in reality his resume is better described as a "wrap sheet" which should be examined by anyone who has any notion of attending this disinformation event. Why would "Lord Monckton" put so much time and energy into the "global warming is a hoax" false narrative? Could the fact that Monckton receives funding from the fossil fuel industry have anything to do with his tireless efforts to parrot the oil industry disinformation? Is this the same reason that "Lord Monckton" ardently denies the climate engineering issue in a shocking interview? Exactly as the fossil fuel industry and the geoengineers would want him to? Who is the second string "expert" in the "global warming is a hoax" line up? Yet another fossil fuel funded actor, Tim Ball

Captain Cook’s Detailed 1778 Records Confirm Global Warming Today In The Arctic

Source: Phys.org Passengers simmered in Jacuzzis and feasted on gourmet cuisine this summer as the 850-foot cruise ship Crystal Serenity moved through the Northwest Passage. But in the summer of 1778, when Capt. James Cook tried to find a Western entrance to the route, his men toiled on frost-slicked decks and complained about having to supplement dwindling rations with walrus meat. The British expedition was halted north of the Bering Strait by "ice which was as compact as a wall and seemed to be 10 or 12 feet high at least," according to the captain's journal. Cook's ships followed the ice edge all the way to Siberia in their futile search for an opening, sometimes guided through fog by the braying of the unpalatable creatures the crew called Sea Horses. More than two centuries later, scientists are mining meticulous records kept by Cook and his crew for a new perspective on the warming that has opened the Arctic in a way the 18th century explorer could never have imagined. Working with maps and logs from Cook's voyage and other historical records and satellite imagery, University of Washington mathematician Harry Stern has tracked changes in ice cover in the Chukchi Sea, between Alaska and Russia, over nearly 240 years. The results, published this month in the journal Polar Geography, confirm the significant shrinkage of the summer ice cap and shed new light on the timing of the transformation. The analysis also extends the historical picture back nearly 75 years, building on previous work with ships' records from the 1850s.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 26, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org It is now standard operating procedure for the US military and the US media to publicly accuse any country (they wish to demonize) of any crime they can fabricate with virtually not a shred of proof to substantiate their accusations. The completely out of control corporate police state is fully demonstrating their tyranny at the Dakota pipeline protest. A Fukushima reactor cooling system shut down after the latest Japanese earth quake only a few days ago. The price of aluminum keeps rising in spite of the tanking global economy, why? Should we ask the geoengineers? The California tree die-off cataclysm is now estimated to be over 100,000,000 trees, but is this correct? The actual number of dead trees is likely many times higher and climbing by the day. What did a geoengineering insider have to say about the tree die-off in a conversation I had with him? Chemical ice nucleation is a primary tool in the climate engineering arsenal. What is this tool used for? Manufacturing winter. Why do so many (who claim to be in the anti-geoengnieering movement) completely ignore the chemical cool-down reality? The stock market is artificially inflated to new record highs in the power structure's increasingly desperate effort to keep the population complacent until the last possible moment. Mainstream media's perpetual flow of total propaganda has so far ensured that the majority of the masses are still all too willing to remain completely asleep and oblivious to the converging catastrophes. The latest addition of Global Alert News is below. The truth will not get out to the masses in time unless all of us help with this critical task. Activists are desperately needed to be active, and not passive. The climate engineering/weather warfare assault will not stop unless or until populations around the globe are fully awakened to the fact that all of us (and our planet) have long since been turned into test specimens without our knowledge or consent. We must all learn how to effectively and efficiently share credible information with others. We must make every day count, time is not on our side, make your voice heard.  DW Below is an update on the G. Edward Griffin "Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie" disinformation conference. When I publicly documented the fact that Mr. Griffin's upcoming event will completely undermine the anti-climate engineering cause (on which all of our futures depend), Mr. Griffin promptly challenged me to debate the issue with himself and his "experts" (Lord Monckton and Tim Ball). I contacted the only radio show host who has previously interviewed all the parties involved: myself, Mr. Griffin, Tim Ball, and Lord  Monckton. This radio host is Jeff Rense, who is well known and respected in the alternative news community. Jeff's previous unbiased interviews of all the individuals in question is a clear reflection of his unbiased position. On Tuesday, November 22nd, Mr. Rense sent the following message to G Edward Griffin.  Dear Ed… I hope this finds you well.  The world stage has become ever more dark and dangerous as we all see on a daily basis.   I received a note from Dane yesterday in which he suggested we have a round table 'debate' between you and Dane of the issue of GeoEngineering and the evidence for it.   We agreed this was the place to do it and I'd be very happy to donate a two hour segment  on the program to host you both and present your positions. Equal time will be the format. If this is something you'd like to do, just say the word and I'll pull some dates together for everyone to agree upon. Will all good wishes… Jeff Mr. Griffin has, unfortunately, sent no response to this invitation, the invitation still stands. If Ed Griffin truly believes in the validity of his upcoming conference, why hasn't he accepted the debate challenge that he himself offered? The 13 minute video below is a public statement which makes clear all the reasons why G. Edward Griffin's disinformation event is so harmful to the critical effort of exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering insanity. Griffin's top two speakers/experts (Lord Monckton and Tim Ball) completely deny the climate engineering reality and have stated on the record that all we are seeing in our skies is just "condensation". Why would anyone who claims to be against climate engineering actually toe the line for the climate engineers and the industries they work for? Why would anyone who claims to be against climate engineering feature speakers at an event that adamantly deny the ongoing weather warfare assault? The greatest and most immediate threat we face (short of nuclear cataclysm) is the ongoing geoengineering/weather warfare insanity.  This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Monterey County Fairgrounds, Monterey, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Arctic Ice Melt Could Trigger Uncontrollable Climate Change At Global Level

Source: The Guardian Scientists warn increasingly rapid melting could trigger polar ‘tipping points’ with catastrophic consequences felt as far away as the Indian Ocean VIDEO: How melting Arctic ice could cause uncontrollable climate change Arctic scientists have warned that the increasingly rapid melting of the ice cap risks triggering 19 “tipping points” in the region that could have catastrophic consequences around the globe. The Arctic Resilience Report found that the effects of Arctic warming could be felt as far away as the Indian Ocean, in a stark warning that changes in the region could cause uncontrollable climate change at a global level.

Waking The Masses To The Climate Engineering Assault, Helpful Tools

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How can we wake people up to the ongoing global climate engineering assault when so many have been so completely conditioned to deny this most dire issue? Shocking and compelling visual images are the most effective approach. The one minute video below contains extremely eye opening time-lapse film footage of a massive atmospheric aerosol spraying assault. Up close footage of a jet aircraft spray dispersion is also captured. Visual proof is the most powerful key to raising  awareness. Waking someone up to something they don't want to hear and don't want to know is an extremely difficult task, programmed denial is epidemic in our society. Simple straightforward visual tools are (in most cases) the best introduction method. In addition to the many compelling jet spraying videos that can be shared online, an effective informational flyer is almost always far more effective than a verbal dissertation for face to face introductions to the climate engineering/weather warfare issue. "A picture is worth a thousand words" as the saying goes. 2-Sided Flyers Click on the flyer below to download the high resolution PDF  flyer file  Instructions for downloading: Simply right-click on each image below and choose "Save Link As…" (or the equivalent), save it to your computer, find the file and open/print it. Side 1 Side 2 Effective activism efforts require preparation, planning, and informational materials. In addition to full sized informational flyers, business card sized handouts can also be extremely useful, are very inexpensive, and easy to carry. Click on the business card below to download a high resolution PDF file that can be used for printing these effective informational cards Business Card – Side 1 Business Card – Side 2 Climate engineering is the single greatest assault ever launched against the web of life by the human race. WIth the single exception of nuclear cataclysm, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face for a long list of reasons. The battle to expose and halt the ongoing weather warfare insanity should logically be our top priority. Reaching a critical mass of climate engineering awareness in the population is absolutely essential in this fight. We all have a responsibility to learn how to be effective with our awareness raising efforts, arming yourself with effective informational materials is an essential step. Understanding the basic building block facts of the climate engineering issue is also critical.  Make your voice heard in the critical battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. DW

Washington Accuses Russians of Bombing Five Hospitals in Syria – State Department Refuses To Provide Evidence

John Kirby

Source: Global Research US State Dept. Dismisses Question from RT, Says Won’t Treat it Like Other Media RT has asked the US State Department for specific information concerning allegations that Russia is targeting hospitals in Syria. The response was a reiteration of those allegations and a refusal to treat RT in the same way as other media outlets. During Wednesday’s State Department briefing, spokesman John Kirby accused Russia and the Syrian regime of the bombing of ”five hospitals and at least one mobile clinic in Syria.” RT’s reporter Gayane Chichakyan asked Kirby to specify the details of the alleged incidents, including their location.

‘Climate Emergency’: North Pole Sees Record Temps, Melting Ice Despite Arctic Winter

"There are some areas in the Arctic Ocean that are as much as 25 degrees Fahrenheit above average now. It's pretty crazy." (Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/flickr/cc)

Source: Common Dreams Arctic is losing ice and heating up despite seasonal onset of 24-hour darkness—phenomena that break all previous records As 2016 continues on its march toward becoming the hottest year on record, the Arctic is seeing extreme warmth beyond anything previously recorded at this time of year—prompting alarm from climate scientists around the world. "Folks, we're in a climate emergency," tweeted meteorologist Eric Holthaus.


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