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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 29, 2017

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org On countless fronts the rate of change currently unfolding in our biosphere is beyond true comprehension. So few understand (or even want to understand) the severity and immediacy of the growing challenges that we must collectively face if we are to survive much longer on this planet. More and more data is surfacing about the dangers of atmospheric particulate pollution and radiation exposure. At the same time the current administration is doing its best to completely dismantle every imaginable environmental and human health protection law. Donald Trump has become the new and most frightening face yet of the military industrial / fossil fuel industry complex, though ultimately he is only a puppet in the power structure play. Those currently in control are now more dangerous than ever before, how close are we to the trigger being pulled on WWlll? Will Korea be the scapegoat for the US military's unleashing of a nuclear holocaust on planet Earth? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The vast majority of industrialized  societies are so totally disconnected from the natural world that very few even notice the rapidly dying ecosystems around them. Material distractions have blinded the majority to the fact that without a functional habitat, without a living web of life on our planet, we will all die. Who will stand by and let this happen? Who will stand against the insanity in a valiant and critical effort to sound the alarm and alter our current course? DW A new GeoengineeringWatch.org billboard has gone up on HWY 99, in Fresno, California. Our most sincere gratitude to Cynthia Sobel for spearheading this effort. Click here if you wish to help support this Fresno, California, billboard. This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire. Earth Day in Redding, California, on April 22nd (shown below), was very productive. My most sincere gratitude to Lori Brideford and the other dedicated activists that were responsible for putting up and manning the Earth Day GeoengineeringWatch.org booth.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 22, 2017

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Headlines from all over the globe confirm catastrophes and conflicts are accelerating on every front. The drums of war are beating in Washington as the US military is being used to pressure a growing number of nations around the world toward possible conflict. What crimes connected to the military industrial complex is the corporate media trying to hide from public view? Weather whiplash continues to batter already struggling populations in countless regions. When will the environmental community finally face the most dire threat to the biosphere of all, climate engineering? A National Geographic Magazine article suggests nuclear war could fix our global warming problem, is that what the power structure is pushing for? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The days of mass denial will soon be at an end as countless converging challenges force populations to face reality head on. It is imperative for us to expose the critical climate engineering issue before the power structure is ready for that to happen. We must all do our part. DW This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Scottish Rite Event Center, San Diego, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering, Square Clouds, And Massive Microwave Transmissions

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Completely unnatural square cloud formations continue to appear off of the North American west coast, why? All available data confirms that the last decade of record shattering drought in California was a direct result of covert global climate intervention programs. Now that the drought has been reduced or eliminated throughout much of the state, does this mean climate manipulation programs have been scaled back or halted? Not at all. The geoengineers control the flow of precipitation, that must be constantly kept in mind. A primary goal of "solar radiation management" (SRM) programs is to create, expand, enhance, and chemically cool (via chemical ice nucleation processes) cloud cover over the surface of the planet. Though the weather-makers have allowed and augmented the flow of Pacific moisture into the Western US this year (which has resulted in much more overall precipitation), the aerosol spraying assault and massive microwave manipulation of atmospheric moisture has continued to accelerate. Significant zonal flows of moisture from the Pacific have in recent months been directed toward Northern California and the Northwest (as already stated), which contributed to significant precipitation totals. But, much of the moisture in these weather systems was in fact migrated over the West Coast in a desperate attempt by the geoengineers to cool inland regions of the US via atmospheric aerosol saturation and radio frequency/microwave transmissions (used to expand and disperse aerosolized cloud canopy). Short term toxic climate intervention cool-downs come at the cost of a worsened overall planetary warming. Climate engineering programs are not mitigation for Earth's imploding life support systems, rather, the ongoing weather warfare is further fueling the destruction of these systems. The transmissions from the "Lost Coast" region of Northern California (southwest of Eureka) have become almost constant as the weather makers attempt to broadcast incoming rivers of moisture into the widest possible expanse. Transmission sites are located all over the country and all over the world. There are also SBX transmission facilities (sea based X-band radar which is also used for climate manipulation). New facilities are constantly being erected in a desperate attempt by the power structure to expand their weather modifying global radio frequency/microwave grid. Not only are these extremely powerful transmissions completely disrupting weather and climate patterns, all life forms within the rapidly expanding broadcast zones are being exposed to these verifiably dangerous and damaging signals. What visible effect can the RF transmissions have on cloud system formations? The recently taken NASA satellite image below is an example. 90 degree angles with straight sides do not exist naturally in nature, such phenomenon are the result of massive geoengineering operations. Yet another shocking example of radio frequency/microwave transmission effects is shown in the image below (also taken off the west coast of North America). The combination satellite/radar image shown below was just captured. This image clearly reveals the climate engineering scenarios described in this article. The brighter the cloud cover is, the more aerosolized it is. "Cloud albedo enhancement" (CAE) is a component of climate engineering/SRM. Though official sources would have us believe that CAE processes are only a "proposal" for marine cloud formations that would be created with ship emissions, the ongoing jet aircraft aerosol dispersions in our skies are undeniable. The overall result of solar radiation management is vast areas of largely rainless cloud cover that blots out our once blue skies. The creation of a "global dimming" scenario is a primary objective of geoengineering/SRM/CAE programs. Though overall atmospheric relative humidity has been declining as a result of climate engineering and global dimming (creating protracted drought in countless regions around the globe), catastrophic deluges and flooding are also increasing. The global climate engineering assault has completely derailed and disrupted the planetary hydrological cycle creating countless weather whiplash scenarios. The ongoing global climate engineering insanity must be fully exposed and halted, this is the great imperative. All of us need to make our voices heard in this most critical battle. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 15, 2017

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Even the most ardent deniers of unpleasant realities are having difficulty maintaining their delusion and willful blindness. Anyone that summons the courage to honestly and objectively examine the wider horizon cannot avoid concluding that the current paradigm will not continue for much longer. The fossil fuel industry is being supplemented by over 5 trillion annually, the military industrial juggernaut of destruction continues to bomb and contaminate what is yet left of ocean life in the Eastern Pacific, while the US military prepares to invade Syria. Rising seas are causing increasing difficulties for coastal cities as record numbers of icebergs from the imploding Arctic are clogging some northern shipping lanes. As has been stated so many times on my previous broadcasts, biosphere implosion will fuel power structure desperation toward WWIIl. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. This broadcast was taped 5 days ahead of schedule due to my out of state attendance at an important awareness event. Some recent breaking events not covered in this broadcast will be woven together in my next program. All of us are needed at the front-line of the battle to sound the alarm, every day counts. DW This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Lane County Events Center, Eugene, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire. Photos of this week's Geoengineering Watch booth at the Gem Faire event which I attended.

Microwave Transmissions And Sprayed Aerosols Continue To Manipulate California Precipitation

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The ongoing global climate engineering operations are constantly being ramped up to ever higher levels, the all out assault against Earth's natural systems is relentless and growing. The geoengineers have for decades manipulated the flow of precipitation on our planet. The weather makers decide where it will rain, and where not. They decide how toxic the rain will be, or not. Who gave them this right? Though California has received significant precipitation this year in many locations, a great deal of additional rain is still being migrated over the state in order to be utilized by the climate engineers for their toxic operations further inland. The precipitation radar animation loop below is a glaring case in point. A very powerful radio frequency/microwave transmitter is located near the California coast just south of Eureka. This transmitter is constantly used to disperse the moisture from incoming storm systems. The inability of precipitation to fully form in the radio frequency/microwave transmission zone is very evident in the above animation. An actual transmission animation from the California transmitter in question is shown below (which was recorded a few days before). These extremely powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions (from transmitters all over the world) are not only completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, they are devastating to the entire web of life. Earth's once deep blue skies are being completely decimated by the illegal and highly destructive climate intervention/solar radiation management programs. The shocking time-lapse video below taken over the iconic Yosemite valley is a case in point. How much longer can the web of life sustain the constant bombardment of toxic climate engineering aerosols and highly damaging microwave transmissions? It is imperative to awaken global populations to the climate engineering atrocities. Constant bombardments of toxic atmospheric aerosol dispersions and relentless RF transmissions are truly taking their toll on what is yet left of the planet's natural processes. Exposing and halting these programs will take the combined effort of awakened populations, we must each do our part in the essential battle to sound the alarm. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 8, 2017

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org How long will the masses continue to march to the power structure produced propaganda? President Trump has now fully revealed who he is. Like all the administrations before him, Obama, Bush, Clinton, and others, Trump is a prop in the global power structure play. The Syrian false flag event revealed much. The military industrial complex, as expected, is still pulling the strings of the presidency. Academia is finally being forced to admit that parts of the world will soon be uninhabitable. In regard to the global geoengineering assault, the New York Times stated that "Science Fiction May Soon Be Science Fact". Not an admission of the truth, but inching closer to a glaring reality that cannot be hidden much longer. The biosphere implosion continues, a recent study states the current planetary changes are unprecedented in the last 420 million years. We are all in completely uncharted territory, where does this road lead? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The sooner we abandon preconceptions of what we formerly thought would be, and fully accept what is, the greater our chances of positively affecting the immense challenges we collectively face by being more effective in the critical battle to sound the alarm. Make your voice heard. GeoengineeringWatch.org Event Announcement Dane Wigington will be at the Geoengineering Watch informational booth at the GEM FAIRE event in Eugene, Oregon. Dane will be at the booth on the first two days of the three day event (1pm to 6pm on April 14th, and 10am to 2pm on the 15th). Free Geoengineering Watch informational materials will be available (including DVDs), and a display preview copy of the soon to be released book by Dane, "Geoengineering: A Chronicle Of Indictment". The GEM FAIRE show will be held at the Lane County Events Center, 796 W. 13th Ave., Eugene, Oregon. For more information click HERE. This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Washington County Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack Pushes WWlll, While Global Geoengineering Omnicide Continues

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The US government and the western power structure as a whole is completely out of control. Though there is no denying the corruption and criminality that is rampant in other countries like China and Russia, the most dangerous desperate behavior being displayed by a global power center is that of the US / NATO / Trump administration, and the military industrial complex they all stand for. The US / NATO military industrial complex wants total global hegemonic power and will stop at nothing in the attempt to achieve it. The latest desired excuse to ramp up US / NATO military aggression in the Middle East has now been conveniently provided, but what really happened? And why? Do Americans even remember the earlier false flag chemical weapons attack that was staged in Syria, just as the UN weapons inspectors arrived in Syria? Does any rational person believe the Syrians would invite the UN inspectors to their country (after giving up all their chemical weapons willingly) and then launch a chemical weapons attack (with chemical weapons they did not even have) just in time for the UN inspectors to witness it? Really?  The 7 minute video below is very important and informative report of the latest chemical weapons attack false flag launched by western powers that are desperate to trigger global conflict. What does Google show when you search "Trump / Syria chemical weapons attack"? The Google search results show only the criminally corrupt mainstream media official military industrial complex narrative. That is what the criminal corporate media are paid to do. Some of the "official narrative" headlines from Google are below. Trump says 'heinous' chemical weapons strike in Syria 'cannot be tolerated' Blaming Assad, Trump says Syria attack 'cannot be tolerated' Trump blames Assad and Obama for chemical attack in Syria The 2 minute video below is yet another glaring example of power structure controlled corporate media pumping out the scripted false narrative of the military industrial complex. This CNN carefully crafted propaganda report is shockingly transparent in regard to its attempt to create public support for continued US military intervention / aggression. The US mainstream media is a criminal collaborator and contributor to the totally tyrannical and completely out of control military industrial complex. Their lies also include deceptions of total omission. What else is happening in Syria (and all over the world) that mainstream media has never said a word about? An incomprehensibly massive and unimaginably destructive global climate engineering/weather warfare assault that must also be considered biological warfare due to the highly toxic fallout from these programs. Chemical weapons false flag attacks are not the only toxic activity being carried out in Syria by those in power. The photo below of the skies over Hama, Syria, was taken on the same day as the false flag chemical attack, April 4th, 2017. Tartus, Syria (4/4/17). Photo credit: Ali Ali The next group of startling photos were also recently taken in the skies over Syria. Hama, Syria (1/21/17). Photo source: Bassel Keilani Available evidence clearly indicates that the US / NATO military industrial complex pushing for WWlll. Due to accelerating biosphere implosion and waning global resources, it seems the power structure feels that creating global conflict and chaos is their last available option. In the meantime, every single human being on the planet (and the entire web of life) is being subjected to the highly toxic fallout from ongoing illegal global climate engineering / intervention programs (which must also be considered a form of biological / chemical warfare). All of us are facing what must be considered a fight for life. Whether or not we accept this or believe it is irrelevant, the front-line facts speak for themselves. All of us are desperately needed in the fight for the greater good. Investigate, participate, make your voice heard. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

The Arctic Sea Ice Reduction Since 1978 is 4 x10^6 km2 Half Of Which Is Since 2016

Source: Earth Network News Its true that not all the sea ice is gone yet, but much of what remains is thin enough that the light passing through it is allowing algae blooms. In many places it is cracked and subject to being broken up by storms which due to the extremes of heat and cold confronting each other in that region have extremes of wind and wave. This is one reason the IPCC has moved up its next report date from 2022 to 2018 The Jacobshaven Glacier delivering 10% of the ice melt from Greenlands ice caps to the sea no longer flows at a glacial pace but rather is retreating at 10 km/yr with the rate of retreat increasing at an increasing rate just as with the sea ice. Original Source: The Arctic Sea Ice Reduction since 1978 is 4 x10^6 km2 half of which is since 2016


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