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Warm Water Rising From the Depths: Much of Antarctica Now Under Threat of Melt

Source: Robert Scribbler Antarctica. A seemingly impregnable fortress of cold. Ice mountains rising 2,100 meters high. Circumpolar winds raging out from this mass of chill frost walling the warm air out. And a curtain of sea ice insulating the surface air and mainland ice sheets from an increasingly warm world. A world that is now on track to experience one of its hottest years on record.

Geoengineering, A Clear And Present Danger

This video presentation was done in Northern California on November 21st, 2014, it is a wake up call. When the ship is going down, one must prioritize their time, their actions, and their energy. The planet is dying. Though there are countless forms of damage to Earth from human activities, climate engineering is mathematically the greatest single source, it is the epitome of human insanity. Our society has been very well trained to turn two blind eyes to the big picture, and to simply spend their time and energies only on their own pursuit of personal pleasures. If this paradigm is not overturned, and people do not choose to stand and face the challenges closing in on us, we will have no chance. Now is when we decide why we are here. Now is when we decide what it means to show our love for our children. If life on Earth is to have any possibility of survival, if our children are to have any chance of a future, we must all stand together in the battle to preserve what life is left on our once thriving planet. If we do not act today, we will not have tomorrow. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Ocean Heat Drives Surge to Global Warming Record

Source: Truthdig LONDON—It’s official, even though it won’t be conclusive for a few months yet: if present trends continue, 2014 will be one of the hottest years on record—and quite possibly the hottest of them all.

Warm Arctic Winds Rip Polar Vortex in Half, Blast East Face of Greenland Ice Sheet

Source: Robert Scribbler Last night, at around 9 PM Eastern Time, a broad region just south of the North Pole was undergoing an extraordinary warm-up. Temperatures along the 37 W Longitude line just 80 miles south of the pole had surged to 33 degrees Fahrenheit. A reading warmer than a region of central Michigan thousands of miles to the south but running over an area of sea ice more accustomed to -5 F or lower temperatures during the great dark of the December night.

Andes glaciers, ailing giants hit by climate change

Source: Times of India ANTISANA VOLCANO: Like ailing giants, the tropical glaciers of the Andes Mountains are melting at worrying speed, raising scientists’ fears that many will disappear before anything can be done to save them.

Smoking Gun Proof Of Atmospheric Spraying

How do we know our skies are being sprayed? Because we have film footage of the crime, of jets spraying at altitude. This is the logical end of any argument or dispute on this issue. Climate engineering is not speculation, it is not theory, it is a verified fact confirmed by film footage. Those that deny what they can see with their own eyes are simply not ready to wake up. A film of the crime occurring (in this case atmospheric spraying of aerosols from jet aircraft) cannot be rationally disputed. This being said, there is also an enormous amount of additional proof to fully confirm the reality of global geoenginering (lab tests of atmospheric fall out, climate engineering patents, global governance documents, congressional documents, etc), and more proof is added to the existing mountain of data every day. It's up to all of us to confidently stand our ground when attempting to wake others up to the climate engineering crimes, we absolutely have the proof to confirm the reality of global geoengineering. All of us need to join together in this critical fight. My sincere gratitude to "IT'S the 11th Hour and It is Urgent" for capturing and forwarding the film footage in this video. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    


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