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Richard Gage From 911 Architects And Engineers For Truth To Join GeoengineeringWatch Radio

Richard Gage is an extraordinary individual that has shown astounding courage and tenacity in his ongoing efforts to expose the glaring “official story” lies of 911. Gage is leading the charge of 2200 architects and engineers that are demanding a real investigation of 911 in order to expose what really happened on that fateful day. Richard should be a stellar example to all those in the science and engineering communities that are even now remaining silent and hiding in the shadows. The events of 911 set into motion a tidal wave of military industrial complex insanity. 911 was the license by which the US juggernaut of militarization was unleashed around the globe. 911 must be a priority issue to expose along with global climate engineering. Each issue can help to expose the other. Each issue makes clear just how far off the tracks the train is. Each issue has the potential to completely uncover and topple the global power elite. Our collective reality is far beyond the critical, we must all make every single day count in the race to expose the crimes of the power structure before all is lost. Each of us must hone our skills and knowledge so that we are ever more effective at sharing the truth with others. It is an honor to announce that Richard Gage will join us on “GeoengineeringWatch Radio” for the full hour at 12pm PST on September 27 2014. I hope all can join us on this broadcast and help Richard with his all important efforts to wake up the world to the false flag crimes of 911. The recording of this hour long interview will be recorded and posted at geoengineeringwatch.org and elsewhere for those that cannot make the live interview. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

The Weather Channel Switches To Reality Shows

By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org In the last three plus years, the “Weather Channel” has increasingly shown it is not so concerned about covering accurate information on the weather. Reality shows are now its main feature. In years past, whenever one turned on the “Weather Channel”, one got the weather. Not so any more.

Climate Engineering Toxic Fallout And Northeastern US Tree Die Off

Trees are dying at an astounding rate all over the globe. Even in areas that are getting plenty of rain the die off continues to accelerate. This short video is an excellent documentation of the alarming tree die-off in the US North East. The film maker had been observing the increasing tree decline and eventually connected the climate engineering factor. The highly toxic fallout from the ongoing geoengineering programs is devastating all life on our once thriving planet. It is imperative that we prioritize the effort to expose and stop the spraying in our skies, this effort will take all of us. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

California Crushed By Climate Engineering Assault

Conditions in the state of California are beyond belief. There are no sounds in the dead and dying forests as streams and lakes completely dry up. The off the chart UV radiadion beaming through the heavy metal aerosol filled skies is intolerable. It is uncomfortable to stand in direct sunlight even for a short time. Foliage is being scorched by the searing sun that is blasting through the radically depleted ozone layer, yet another consequence of the geoengineering insanity. The article below was just released by Natural News and authored by Richard Sachs. Richard has been in the fight for the common good for a very long time, my thanks to him for penning this constructive and informative piece. My thanks also to Natural News for helping to sound the alarm on the incredibly dire catastrophe being inflicted on the once golden state by the geoengineers. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Setting The Record Straight For Those That Truly Care About The Battle To Stop Climate Engineering

Michael Murphy, Kim Moore, And WW101 Unfortunately I have had to waste a day that would have been devoted to the fight against geoengineering in order to address the totally fabricated baseless assault being waged against me and thus the cause of exposing and stopping climate engineering. The recently posted false accusations on a web page and now a 15 minute youtube video made necessary my response. Such skirmishes are not at all helpful to the cause of exposing and halting climate engineering and I generally always avoid them, but there are times when there is no alternative left but to respond and set the record straight. I stand by everything I have ever stated. The recent and completely unjustified attacks that have been launched against me by Michael Murphy and Kim Moore with the assistance of WW101 are premised on a total fabrications of events. I will make the following attempt to put reality into the equation. Then, hopefully, I and others can refocus on our work that desperately needs to be done in the fight against climate engineering. RADIO INTERVIEW ON THIS ISSUE (this radio interview was done by Global Sky Watch a day after this article was penned gives further clarification)

A Day In The Life 4/30/2014

 Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) +  Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency  +     April 30, 2014   Dear Friends and Colleagues,      I’m appalled that so little energy is going into assessing proposals for cooling the Arctic quickly enough to avoid near-term extinction of humans and most other species.      I think it’s unlikely that these proposals will prove to be adequate–but nevertheless we should be funding small-scale experiments with them.      I’m quite far from being any sort of expert in this field, so maybe there are better possibilities than these two I’d mentioned in Monday’s edition:  spraying salt water into clouds to increase their albedos and using radio waves to decompose atmospheric methane.      Hey, I yearn for the good old days when all we had to do to survive was stop CO2 emissions, stop chemtrails, stop all malevolent uses of HAARP and then let-nature-take-its-course.      Now, though, if we let nature take its course, it’ll wipe out by 2030 or so all advanced life forms on this planet for–I dunno–ten or twenty thousand years.      My interest in experimenting with climate-intervention techniques is my greatest disagreement with my favorite climate commentator, Dane Wigington.  In his intro to a piece I’ve pasted second below he urges us to “stop climate engineering” whereas I urge stopping all current forms of it but continuing to seek one or more others which are beneficial.  I suspect that if our homeplanet physics were more advanced, we could swiftly cool the Arctic sonically.  So perhaps our current emergency conditions will push someone to break through to this.      By the way, I don’t like to use the word engineering because it reminds me of the Occident’s crude industrial revolution, which is the main reason anyone born today has a life-expectancy of only fifteen to thirty.  Also feasible solutions have more to do with breakthrough physics than with engineering.      What we need just now is an organization which combines the central insights of the Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) and the Geoengineering Watch (GW) people. The AMEG spokespeople ignore chemtrails and the GW spokespeople don’t spend enough time coping with methane.      Twenty years ago it would have seemed like science-fiction to imagine our planet suffering simultaneous emergencies as huge and dire as methane and chemtrails.  Any sane society would of course be dealing with both by now.  But if for whatever bizarre reason we’re forced to deal with them sequentially rather than simultaneously, we should do methane first because if we don’t swiftly cool the Arctic it won’t make any difference how much aluminum is getting into our soils and bodies.      Here’s an interesting excerpt from Arctic News about using radio waves, referred to here as Project Lucy:    . . .  Lucy has the potential to be very effective, as it can decompose methane while any resulting nano diamond powder could also reflect sunlight back into space.  Project Lucy therefore aims to design, build and test a microwave transmission system targeting low-altitude methane clouds with the aim of breaking the first C-H bond as soon as the methane erupts into the atmosphere from the Arctic Ocean. The transmitters can be mounted on submarines, planes and after 2015 on boats and drilling rigs when the Arctic ice cap has melted.  —   (Arctic News, 2012).      I sure wish we didn’t have to consider techno-fixes like this.  I sure wish we were still living in the most recent earlier historical period during which there was still time to let nature take its course.      In fact, Guy McPherson might say here that he sure wishes it hadn’t become impossible for even the cleverest techno-fixes to work quickly enough.                                                                      Power to the Flora,                                                                                                                                       Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te, Ponderosa Pine                                                                      Volunteer From: Dan Ecklund, MD <dan@ggtrust.com> Date: Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:16 AM Subject: BUSTED Pilot Forgets To Turn Off CHEMTRAILS while landing https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=F-xD0QxGlGM *** https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/this-is-the-planetary-wake-up-call-you-were-waiting-for/ This Is The Planetary Wake-up Call You Were Waiting For April 28, 2014 Our planet and its life-support systems have been decimated from top to bottom, we are already beginning to pay the price for this and it will get worse fast from here. The single greatest change in direction we could make is to expose and stop climate engineering. Though the human race faces countless daunting challenges, stopping climate engineering would be a giant leap in the right direction. —DW Why climate change deniers need to get real Source: The Unbounded Spirit In case you missed the biggest news story of the decade this week, we´re all doomed. A long-awaited paper on global warming and its effects was published last Monday by the UN´s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and it makes for very grim reading. The message in the latest report gave humanity its starkest warning yet: we are facing a very dark and terrifying future, and the time for fixing it may have already passed. Key findings The report warns that melting sea ice and permafrost threaten to sink entire cities, ocean acidification is killing our precious coral reefs, and extreme weather patterns and mega disasters such as heat waves, droughts, floods, typhoons and wildfires will continue to


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