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Weather Warfare Assault On California Intensifies

By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The climate engineers continue to hammer California with record heat and drought. Meteorologically speaking maps like the one below are historically unprecedented. This is what climate engineering can do, fry one location while temporarily cooling another. The geoengineers can and are continuing to cook California under a virtual target of heat and drought. Meteorologists have coined the term “ridiculously resilient ridge” to describe the engineered HAARP induced high pressure that is being kept locked in place over the West.  Are maps like the one below also meant to send a message with their bullseye of blazing heat centered exactly over the once golden state like a target? Let’s keep this in mind, the NOAA mapping is done by the private defense industry contractor Raytheon who is major player in the ongoing climate engineering nightmare. Those who are controlling the weather then issue maps like the one below that tell us all what they have “scheduled” for us . The unprecedented heat and drought is yet again scheduled for the western US is indicated by the map below, this continuous scenario is completely engineered and unnatural. In addition to systematically destroying the biosphere and contaminating all life with highly toxic metals, we should also consider this, the already operational global spraying network could be used to spread a deadly pathogen any time the power structure wishes to do so, who can stop them when the public is even now generally unaware of geoengineering and the atmospheric spraying?

NBC Discusses Climate Engineering History

The truth about climate engineering and it’s long history is beginning to surface even with the mainstream corporate media. Isn’t it interesting that so many people immediately reject the notion of climate engineering when introduced to the subject in spite of the fact that there is an undisputed and verifiable history of such programs and experimentation going back over 100 years. Populations in many cases are so well programmed and conditioned that they now all too often cannot even believe or accept what they see with their own eyes if it conflicts with their societal training. We are currently all passengers on a runaway train of insanity. Exposing and stopping climate engineering should be our top priority if we are collectively to have any chance of averting total extinction on our once thriving planet. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org (the video starts after a 15 to 30 second commercial from NBC which could not be removed. Also, the video may take a few seconds to load. Click here if you have trouble loading for original NBC video link)

Mainstream French Newspaper Covers Toxic Climate Engineering Fallout

Our gratitude to the mainstream media in France for covering what US corporate media won’t, the ongoing climate engineering and the toxic fallout it produces. The article below was translated for geoengineeringwatch.org. For the original article in French, click the source link. Just as the article covers, many in the US have also seen the cobweb like filaments that occasionally litter the landscape after heavy jet spraying. I have tested some of the filament samples at the state certified lab and they were largely composed of aluminum. Unless spiders are using aluminum to weave their webs, this phenomenon is clearly a result of the aerosol spray operations. The occasional occurrences of the filament fallout are likely the result of a malfunction on the spraying equipment with specific aircraft. Many have reported becoming ill after handling this material. If we all keep pulling together in the battle to shine the light on the geoengineering nightmare in our skies, soon enough the US media will be forced into covering what they have tried so hard to hide. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Strange Filaments Falling From The Sky Analyzed By A Laboratory In Var (French Southern Region) Source: Varmatin.com   In Cuers (small city from the Var) filaments samples were passed to the mass spectrometer to analyze their composition. Luc Boutria To understand their theory, you simply need to look up to the sky and observe. There’s a good chance that you come across one of those “beautiful” white trails left by jet-planes.Conspiracy theory, reactors residues … Individuals and organizations are questioning the discovery of white filaments. A laboratory in Var (French southern region) reveals that these filaments are not natural … As good Gauls, we still fear that the sky may fall on our heads. This fear is justified, if one refers to the opinion of some individuals and an association, the ACSEIPICA *. These long trails which run across the sky – which are called chemtrails ** in English – would contain strange whitish and sticky filaments, “airborne filaments” which disperse in nature … or in your garden! These surprising discoveries on plants have attracted the worried attention of the people in the Var, as well as everywhere around France, who collected samples for analysis. At the lead you find the “AnAlytikA laboratory” in Cuers whose latest results on the composition of these mysterious filaments falling from the sky predict the worst in terms of public health. Other scientists highlight the fact that condensation trails which can be observed at high altitudes of about 10,000 meters disappear quickly. While chemtrails appear at lower altitudes between 2,000 and 5,000 meters and disappear very slowly … Worrisome, indeed. (worrisome) To the point of constituting the subject of a “questioning” at the National Assembly by the end of year 2013. In Cuers however people seem to stay away from the military-complex/governmental conspiracy theory which speaks of spraying desigbed for climate control, demographics control, or even “chemical warfare military researches” … Yet some associations fear that we are the victims of risky experiences. A new X-Files season? * Citizens Association for the Monitoring, Study and Information about the Programs of Atmospheric Climate Manipulations. ** Neologism built with the contraction of the English word “chemical trail” or “trail of chemicals.” Source: Varmatin.com

Feds Want To Restrict Filming In Wilderness Areas

When will the American population abandon their apathy in exchange for action? When is enough, enough? What kind of population would accept being told what they can film in a public wilderness area? Will they next tell us it’s illegal to film the skies? From the utter insanity of global climate engineering to ridiculous laws like the one proposed below, the criminal cabal of power that runs the country is pulling the noose around our collective necks. The public must begin to document and hold responsible all elected officials and employees of agencies that carry out the tyranny. The responsibility of taking a stand belongs to all of us. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Aluminum, What Is It Doing To Us?

There are countless "experts" that try to tell us that aluminum is harmless for us. The disinformation agents we see commenting on climate engineering awareness sites try to spread the lie that we should all expect aluminum to be everywhere in our environment, in our air, and in our waters. This notion is patently and completely false. Aluminum does not naturally exist in free form in the environment, it is ALWAYS bonded to other elements. The film link below outlines many of the extreme hazards posed by aluminum. As dire as the the information is in this film, it does not even cover lethal the effects of aluminum nano particulate inhalation which is far worse than any other form of aluminum exposure. Global climate engineering programs are saturating our breathable air column with extreme levels of aluminum nano particulates.  I highly recommend viewing the film below, it is important to understand and consider. Each and every one of us is being poisoned with aluminum and other heavy metals day in and day out. This is not theory, this is not speculation, this is fact and we have the lab tests to back up this statement. One more thing to consider, each of these heavy metals are highly toxic and dangerous in and of itself. When specific metals are combined, the toxicity can increase exponentially, this is called "synergistic toxicity". We all have mercury in us from various sources, now we all have aluminum in us. Studies relating to the synergistic toxicity of these two metals show that overall toxicity can increase as much as 10,000% when the metals are combined. What we face is nothing less than a fight for life. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Denying The Truth To Protect “Non-Profit” Status

By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The People’s March Against Climate Change Many environmental organizations are proclaiming the climate march on September 21 2014 a success. Many might ask, how can this event be considered a success when the march did not address in any form whatsoever what is likely the single greatest climate disrupting and environmentally devastating factor of all, global climate engineering? How can there be any legitimate discussion of the climate change issue without addressing the massive ongoing geoengineering programs as a primary part of the equation? In fact I have heard from a number of activists that tried to post intelligent and articulate comments addressing geoengineering on the website blog for the march only to have such comments immediately deleted if the climate engineering or geoengineering terms were even mentioned.

Introducing Geoengineering / Climate Engineering to the Uninformed

By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org 1. It is imperative to actually take constructive steps toward raising critical awarness of the climate engineering issue.  2. Pass on credible information without overloading those that are not yet aware of the climate engineering insanity. The link below can be a primary tool for email efforts to sound the alarm. "A Climate Engineering Introduction To Media And The Uninformed" The most critical step in regard to helping in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering ( and thus helping in the fight for the greater good) is making the decision to get involved with the cause at hand. There is only one way forward in this battle, we MUST reach a critical mass of awareness, this effort will take all of us. The human race faces countless challenges, so one must prioritize. One must decide what the most critical priority battle is. Global geoengineering/weather warfare/biological warfare programs are the greatest and most immediate threat currently faced by the human race short of nuclear cataclysm (a threat that climate engineering is also exacerbating by making Earth more vulnerable to solar flares, electric grid shutdown, and thus nuclear meltdown). The ongoing weather warfare assault is completely derailing the planet's climate systems, completely contaminating our air (all precipitation), our soils and waters. Geoengineering is also shredding the ozone layer. No ozone layer, no terrestrial life on Earth. From countless directions climate engineering is pushing the human race and all life on Earth toward mathematically certain near term total extinction. The greatest single leap we could take toward changing our current course of biosphere implosion is to expose and halt the geoengineering insanity. 2. Spend Some Time Getting at Least Somewhat "Up to Speed" On the Issue Yourself It is important to be able to field at least some basic questions about this most dire issue if you are to gain credibility with others. People (of any political stripe) do not want to be test subjects in an ongoing lethal experiment. Most are at least partially aware that the weather is now very different from what it was historically speaking. Many are aware that chronic respiratory diseases and countless other related diseases are going off the charts. There is a general awareness that weather modification (at least in some form) is real.  A conversation can often be initiated by simply asking someone if they have noticed the weather is unusual or changing? Are they aware of the fact that there are massive global weather modification programs that are not being reported by media? The geoengineering or climate engineering terms are important in any conversation on this issue. If a person googles "geoengineering" or "climate engineering", they will find volumes of science articles and reporting. If only the word "chemtrails" is used, disinformation and debunking sites and definitions will be the first thing they come to. Again, know the basics. Geoengineering is shredding the ozone layer, altering the weather patterns, polluting our air, waters and soils. It is also very important to have some idea of who you are speaking with and what aspect of the geoengineering issue they will be most interested in and affected by. Going too far into the "rabbit hole" is almost always counterproductive, stick to the basic straightforward facts. DON'T discredit the subject at hand by wandering into other issues that are not science based and that do not belong in this discussion. 3. Have Credible Data to Pass On To Others This is not expensive or difficult. There are a number of tools that can and should be used for this purpose. Multiple informational power point presentations are available on the home page of GeoengineerignWatch.org. "Geoengineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault" is one example. Video presentations from geoengineeringwatch.org can be freely burned to DVD's and distributed, so long as they are given away and not sold. The data on our site is for one purpose, to raise public awareness of the critical climate engineering issue. When passing on a DVD, it is much more effective to include an information flyer with it. For only 10 to 20 cents a copy, more or less, very important and compelling data can be passed on. Such a flyer will make it much more likely the DVD will actually get viewed. Flyer examples can be found and downloaded for free at  “geoengineeringwatch.org/ads“ (or can be purchased from the home page of Geoengineering Watch for our approximate cost of large scale printing and shipping.  Sharing critical verifiable facts, coupled with shocking and compelling photo images, is the most effective method of awakening others to dire and unpleasant (but essential to face) realities. GeoengineeringWatch.org has just assembled a very comprehensive 20 page full color 6 x 9 booklet that contains the most hard hitting and undeniable climate engineering facts and photos available. This critical awareness raising tool is printed on full glossy 100lb heavy paper to make it more durable. Geoengineering Watch has made the decision to offer the new informational booklets to the public for the approximate cost of printing, handling, and shipping. Because we will have a substantial quantity printed, the cost will be exponentially lower than individuals printing their own. Click image to order 4. Don't Point to the Sky and Go Into a Rant, That Only Puts Up Defenses If people are made uncomfortable, they will only tune out all that you are saying and focus their attention on how to end the conversation. Again, more often than not, lengthy conversations are not productive. As stated above, it only leads to uncomfortable situations for all concerned. A simple (and short) mention of the issue and its major consequences, and the passing on of a flyer with a DVD, can often be the most effective approach. It's also helpful to mention that the government is not disclosing these programs and mainstream media is not covering the story. If people who are being introduced remain comfortable, they are most likely to examine the information being passed on when they have time in their own home or office. 5. Very Important Contacts Can and Should Be

The global angle in the sky geometry lesson over Chattanooga

By David Tulis Source: Nooganomics The name is a grand one, I know, but I cover stratospheric aerosol geoengineering over Chattanooga for the primary purpose of encouraging divestment. By divestment I mean escaping one capital investment and shifting to another. The developing story of artificial cloud cover over your hometown is a visual proof of numerous arguments that attack the progressive state and its various salvations. The argument for local economy is one for liberty and prosperity, of noninterventionism of every kind. The regulation of even the very horizon lines and the skies by the U.S. suggests you remove far from it, spiritually, socially, economically and financially.


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