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New Study Confirms Climate Engineering Is Contributing To The Planetary Meltdown

The entire premise of "solar radiation management" (SRM, a form of geoengineering) is to create artificial cloud cover by spraying reflective aerosols into the atmosphere. This incredibly insane tunnel visioned "human intervention" approach to cooling planet Earth is so packed with pitfalls that they are impossible to quantify. But what is the bottom line? Covering the planet with artificial aerosol cloud cover contributes to the overall warming of the planet. Why would this be a surprise? The same materials that deflect some of the sun's incoming thermal energy also traps heat.  This is the tip of the known negative climate engineering effects. The ozone layer is being shredded, the hydrological cycle has been completely derailed, and the entire planet has now been heavily contaminated, this is what climate engineering has given us. The planet's energy balance has long since been completely disrupted. Earth is currently warming at the rate of 4 Hiroshima bombs PER SECOND. There are countless sources of anthropogenic activity (human caused) contributing to the rapid warming of our planet. Though climate engineers can create short term (highly toxic) cooling over large regions, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming. This is the conclusion dictated by all available data and this has always been the conclusion of my posted materials on geoengineeringwatch.org and elsewhere. Though the article below does not directly address climate engineering and the massive global aerosol cloud cover it is producing, the inference is clear enough. This new study further confirms our long standing conclusions, solar radiation management is making an already bad climate and environmental situation far worse, not better.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Pressing Northern Californians To Look Up

On April 25th a major environmental event was organized in Redding, California to bring attention to Earth Day. I would like to personally thank Elle Wisner and Lori Bridgeford for all their efforts toward securing a booth at this event, setting it up, and manning it all day long. This event was the most strategic location for our "Global March Against Climate Engineering" as the vast majority of environmentally concerned people from the North State were there. We were able to pass on almost 200 free commercial DVDs, hundreds of flyers, and informational cards.  I would like to thank all the activists across the country and around the world that took the time and effort to participate in this designated day for geoengineering awareness. This being said, I hope that all will continue their efforts to wake the sleeping masses each and every day until a critical mass of awareness is reached. Of all the challenges we face, geoengineering is the greatest and most immediate threat of all. Exposing and halting climate engineering must be our top priority. We must win this battle, there is no other option. Below are some photographs from our all day event in Northern California, let's all continue to make every single day count in the fight to stop the spraying of our skies. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

The Awakening Grows, Italians Stage Impressive Anti-Geoengineering Protest

The citizens of Italy have now set the standard for organized protests against the climate engineering nightmare in our skies. This April 18th demonstration in Bologna, Italy sets the stage for the upcoming March Against Geoengineering planned for April 25 in various locations around the world. Those who do not have organized anti-geoengineering protests in your area should try to attend one of the countless Earth Day events that have also been organized for April 25th. The human race faces countless challenges that are converging from every direction, but of all the threats currently descending on us the most dire and immediate of all is climate engineering. We have the power to expose and stop the ongoing geoengineering insanity if we work together in this all important battle, make your voice heard. We extend our most sincere gratitude to "Reclaim The Planet" for organizing this outstanding event. Our gratitude also goes to all the citizens who helped with the demonstration in Bologna that is featured in this 4 minute video. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Flow Of Wisdom Radio Addresses The Critical Climate Engineering Issue

The climate engineering wake up continues in ever more communities around the country and the world. Sean Anthony's Flow Of Wisdom radio show has a large listenership and is a part of this awakening. My most sincere gratitude to Sean for his willingness to help expose the ongoing geoengineering insanity.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Part one: Don't Say Chemtrails, Weather Control, Blocking The Sun Part two: Meteorologist, Morgellons And Monsanto Equals Climate Control

Geoengineering And The Dying Of The Trees

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org If the trees die, we die. Whole ecosystems are collapsing all over the globe and our rapidly dying trees are the most visible harbinger of what is unfolding. Few seem to notice the die-off until it is pointed out to them, but once recognized, what can be seen is alarming. On a geological time scale the human race has decimated planet Earth in the blink of an eye. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to our planet, climate engineering stands out above all the rest combined. The list of environmentally devastating factors directly relating to the ongoing geoengineering programs is very long. Trees are succumbing to this onslaught and the human race will follow if our species does not completely alter its current trajectory. Global geoengineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, destroying the ozone layer (which is exposing all life on Earth to extreme UV radiation), and contaminating the entire surface of the planet with highly toxic bioavailable heavy metals and chemicals. Massive levels of radio frequency transmissions directly related to climate engineering are yet another layer of destruction which is radically affecting the trees, us, and the biosphere as a whole. It is imperative to wake the masses to our common plight. All those who are already awake are needed to assist with the ongoing critically important campaign to awaken others. Arm yourself with critical data and pass it on, make every day count in this battle. The attached 10 minute video shows first hand how rapidly our forests are dying, if the trees die, we die. DW  

Courageous Educator Sends A Powerful Message To Expose Geoengineering

If there were more educators like Shannon Morgan, the world would be a much better place. In the article below, Shannon shares her journey of awakening in regard to the ongoing global climate engineering. As is the case with so many of us, she saw the world she once knew disintegrating around her. After doing objective research, and connecting the dots, Shannon has shown the kind of courage so desperately needed in our educational system and our society as a whole. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Are The Climate Engineers Attempting To Shut Down The Gulf Stream?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Remember the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"? The 5 minute video below is a prelude for the article which follows. Is it possible that the global power structure is desperate enough and insane enough to attempt  to slow or shutdown the thermohaline circulation? Could this be an effort to slow the rapid warming of our planet by attempting to reduce the catastrophic thawing of methane on the seabed of the Arctic (which is a risk to all life on Earth) by cutting off the flow of warm ocean currents to that region? It is impossible to know the answer to this question, but if a shutdown of the thermohaline occurs (whatever the cause or causes), it will come with yet more dire consequences to the climate. If the thermohaline does drastically slow or collapse, it will only make an already bad climate scenario far worse still. 

A Meeting With Scientist Guy McPherson

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org On Friday, March 13th, 2015, I travelled to Chico California to attend a public presentation on "abrupt climate change" by internationally recognized  scientist Guy McPherson. Before Guy's evening presentation, a "round table" discussion was scheduled with McPherson, myself, two retired highly credentialed biologists (USFS biologist Francis Mangels and California Dept of Fish and Game biologist Allan Buckmann who is also a former Air Force meteorologist) and retired aerospace engineer Steve Massaro (formerly with Raytheon, Boeing, and Hughes). I have had only very limited communication with Guy in the past. In 2012 I authored an article for Guy's web site "Nature Bats Last" titled "Geoengineering, Dangerous Proposal, Or Lethal Reality". I am grateful to Guy for having the courage to post this article and judging from the comments under the article, I believe he took plenty of heat for this posting (so sorry that Guy has just disabled this 3 year old link since this article came out. The article can still be read here, it is an updated version so the date is more recent).  Guy asked to meet with me privately just prior to the roundtable meeting in Chico. In this short exchange it became very clear Guy was now completely adverse to the subject of geoengineering. As we took our places for the start of this roundtable, and three cameras were set up to record, Guy's discomfort seemed to escalate considerably. A moderator got the discussion going and a number of subjects were briefly addressed, escalating global temperatures, radically increasing tree mortality, and the rapidly increasing solar obscuration (global dimming) that is occurring around the globe. The subject of climate engineering could not be kept out of this conversation of course and the more it was brought up, the more apparent Guy's discomfort became. The two biologists and myself briefly discussed the extensive lab testing we had each done which proved the fact that extreme levels of toxic heavy metals (matching the elements in climate engineering patents) were now present in precipitation. I made clear to Guy that the solar power production on my fully off-grid residence was being radically reduced as a result of the constant jet trails (more conclusive verification of "global dimming", the expressed goal of SRM geoengineering). Conclusions were increasingly voiced as to the reality of climate engineering from 4 of the 5 participating in the discussion (Guy being the clear exception). Guy challenged the validity of the the precipitation tests that were performed, even though all tests were processed at a State Certified lab, clearly there was no justification for Guy's dismissal of these lab tests. A final disagreement came when McPherson challenged any conclusion that geoengineering was an ongoing reality due to the fact that there were no "peer reviewed" studies to prove it. McPherson's position is perplexing when one considers the fact that Guy is himself not specifically a climate scientist and he refers to the opinions of AMEG members (Arctic Methane Emergency Group) as a basis for many of his conclusions (not peer reviewed study). In regard to the climate engineering issue, the AMEG group is also in total denial. Guy got up and left the room stating he was done with the discussion, it was clear that he had no interest whatsoever in examining any data or test results that related to geoengineering. One in attendance overheard McPherson's angry discussion with a member of his staff in another room. We were subsequently asked to give up our film of the "round table discussion". The camera chip was given over as without McPherson's permission to use the footage, it was of no use to us. If McPherson is after the truth, why was he so unwilling to examine any data relating to climate engineering no matter how credible it was? Why did Guy insist on taking our film footage of the discussion?

Climate Science Is Built On A Foundation Of Lies And Omissions

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Most would interpret the title of this article to mean that the planet is not warming as rapidly as we are being told, but the reality is this, planet Earth undergoing unprecedented and catastrophic warming. The 6 minute video at the bottom of this article is extremely revealing and alarming, but even the information in this video falls far short of conveying the true gravity and immediacy of what we collectively face. The "worst case" projections by "official government agencies" is for a 3 degree Celsius rise in temperatures by the end of the century, but such projections and modeling assume global geoengineering will work. This fact is astounding when all "official" agencies completely deny that geoengineering is even going on. All available data already makes clear the fact that the ongoing climate engineering programs are a total disaster. Climate intervention is making an already bad situation far worse, not better. In addition, "feedback loops" in the climate system like methane release are radically worsening an already dire climate scenario. Methane and its horrific effect on the greenhouse gas buildup are not even considered in IPCC climate models, how is this possible? What are the "scientists" being paid to hide? Methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas than Co2 over a 20 year time horizon. Because land and ocean temperatures are going up so rapidly, formerly frozen methane deposits are thawing and releasing. This  factor is already pushing atmospheric methane levels off the charts. Methane is already rapidly building up in the atmosphere as the chart above clearly shows, but what are the temperature projections as the formerly frozen methane continues to thaw and release? The chart below should be alarming to all, it is the temperature rise projection for the Arctic, the rest of the world will not be far behind.     The climate science community as a whole has radically underreported the severity of what we face. As conditions continue to unfold on the ground, the true degree of damage done to our planet and its life support systems will become impossible to deny. The total inadequacy of current climate modeling is clearly revealed in the six minute video below. Though climate engineering is not admitted to in this video, the data it contains is still valid. DW

Geoengineering, Record Low Arctic Ice And Catastrophic Drought, What’s The Connection?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The climate engineers continue to orchestrate global weather patterns with catastrophic consequences. The US West has consistently been baked and dried into oblivion in order for the weather makers to create the headlines they want on the East coast, and also to hide news they don't want known in the Arctic. The NOAA map below shows what has become a typical (though historically unprecedented) pattern. The West experiences record heat, the East gets record cold. The record breaking heat in the West continues to intensify as the weather makers try to hide the imploding Arctic ice pack from public view. Those who have been lead to believe Arctic ice is expanding have been deceived. False headlines filled with false data by powerful interests with self serving agendas have been accepted as fact by many who don't want to believe global climate and environmental conditions are as bad as they are. Media is not mentioning that January 2014 through January 2015 were the warmest 12 months ever on planet Earth. The rapid warming is triggering "feedback" loops like methane release which is of grave concern. So what is the current state of Arctic ice? As of March 5th, 2015 Arctic Sea ice is at ALL TIME record low levels The graph above shows the normal increase of Arctic ice "extent" (surface area) during winter months. The now descending 2014/2015 blue line reflects the Arctic ice declining into record low territory at a time of  year when it should still be expanding. What is the long term trend for Arctic ice volume? The graph below should be revealing. This image is assembled from the most scientifically accepted source of data on Arctic ice. The overall picture in regard to the state of the Arctic sea ice could not be more clear. The climate engineers have been pushing cold air south from the Arctic over and over (polar vortex) with constant jet stream manipulation.  This is accomplished from constant aerosol spraying and the use of the global network of ionosphere heater facilities comparable to the HAARP installation shown below. The "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure over the US West (which meteorologists cannot explain) is a part of the jet stream manipulation mentioned. What happens when the climate engineers rob cold air from the northern regions to create the headlines they desire in the Eastern US? The arctic then heats up. While engineered winter storms pile up record snow in Boston, Alaska doesn't have enough snow for the annual Iditerod sled race for the second year in a row and the Sierra snow pack is at record shattering lows. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below clearly shows the most anomalously cold zone in the entire world for the period from January 2014 through January 2015, the eastern half of the US lower 48. The Arctic and most of the rest of planet Earth is at far above normal high temperatures. What will the climate engineers do now that they have created enough of their desired "winter" headlines in the Eastern US? They will lock the colder air to the north in their attempt to slow the accelerating ice melt, this will bring a rapid heating back to most of the lower 48 states as the NOAA map below clearly shows. Note the NOAA maps "prediction" for a switch from the previous far above normal temperatures in Alaska (shown in the GISS global temperature map in this article) to below normal temperatures is a reflection of the "weather whack a mole" being carried on by the geoengineers. To accomplish this the US lower 48 will heat rapidly. Some of the spraying during the building of high pressure zones actually increases the UV radiation readings on the ground. Is a "lens effect" a goal of the climate engineers under certain circumstances? Are the climate engineers intentionally creating heat in some regions at some times in order to increase the strength of the high pressure zones which is used for jet stream manipulation. This appears not only possible, but likely. Though the geoengineers can create large scale temporary cool-downs, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming (overall global high temperatures continue to smash records). In addition, climate engineering continues to contaminate the entire planet and every breath we take.   The Bottom Line The power structure and the climate engineers control our weather. To a large degree they decide how much rain will fall, and on whom. They can (and are) engineering snow storms. They decide how toxic that rain or snow will be, how toxic our air will be. They decide if our crops will succeed of fail. They decide who freezes and who fries. We are all living under a constant toxic heavy metal and chemical all out assault (which amounts to biological warfare) in addition to the ongoing weather warfare.  We must all educate ourselves as much as possible, we must all share credible data with those around us and ask them to do the same. When we reach critical mass of awareness on this issue, the foundation of the power structure will crumble as populations around the globe realize they have all been willfully poisoned. Exposing and stopping climate engineering MUST be our top priority. DW   https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineered-snow-storms-wreaking-havoc-around-the-globe-2/   http://arctic-news.blogspot.com/2015/03/march-4-2015-arctic-sea-ice-extent-hits-record-low.html   http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-07/cruelest-winter-ever-californias-snowpack-drops-record-low   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/07/iditarod-show-goes-on-des_n_6822908.html   https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/towing-the-line-for-big-oil-and-the-geoengineers/   http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/summary-info/national/2015/2   http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/02/17/3623575/hottest-12-months-record/   http://www.cbsnews.com/news/arctic-sea-ice-thinning-dramatically-study-finds/   http://www.scpr.org/news/2015/03/05/50212/ridiculously-resilient-ridge-returns-redirects-rai/   https://robertscribbler.wordpress.com   https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/engineered-winter-engineered-drought/  


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