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Earth On The Edge: Record Breaking 2016 Was Close To 1.5°C Warming

Source: Copernicus Climate Change Service Reading, 05 January 2017 2016 confirmed as the warmest year on record, warmer than 2015 by close to 0.2°C Global temperatures reached a peak in February 2016 around 1.5°C higher than at the start of the Industrial Revolution Extreme conditions impacting several regions across the Earth The first global analysis of the whole of 2016 has confirmed last year as the warmest on record and saw the planet near a 1.5°C warming, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

East Antarctica Is Melting From Above And Below

The calving front of the Totten ice shelf. Credit: Australian Antarctic Division

Source: Climate Central East Antarctica is remote even by Antarctic standards. Harsh winds and ocean currents have largely cut off the region from the rest of the world. That’s left its massive stores of ice largely intact, especially compared to West Antarctica where a massive meltdown is underway that could raise seas by 10 or more feet in the coming centuries. But as carbon pollution warms the air and the ocean, there are signs that the region’s stability is under threat. Two new studies of different ice shelves — tongues of ice that essentially act as bathtub plugs — have seen major melting that could portend a less stable future for the region. So first, about those ice shelves. They are indeed like bathtub plugs. Except instead of keeping water in a tub, they keep ice on the continent of Antarctica. That’s good because when it ends up melting into the ocean, it causes seas to rise. East Antarctica contains about two-thirds of all the ice in Antarctica so its stability is crucial for the world’s coastal areas.

Climate Change Escalating So Fast It Is ‘Beyond Point Of No Return’

The San Fernando Valley Generating Station in Sun Valley, California Getty Images

Source: Independent New study rewrites two decades of research and author says we are 'beyond point of no return' Global warming is beyond the “point of no return”, according to the lead scientist behind a ground-breaking climate change study. The full impact of climate change has been underestimated because scientists haven't taken into account a major source of carbon in the environment. Dr Thomas Crowther’s report has concluded that carbon emitted from soil was speeding up global warming. The findings, which say temperatures will increase by 1C by 2050, are already being adopted by the United Nations.

November Was A Bad Month For Arctic Sea Ice. The Overall Picture Is Much Worse.

Source: HuffingtonPost.com “We are all ice-dependent species.” If you stumbled across an alarming chart about sea ice on Twitter last month and doomsday scenarios immediately leaped into your head, you’re not alone. What the graph illustrates is true: There’s substantially less sea ice in the world than ever before. The Arctic ― and, for completely unrelated reasons, the Antarctic ― just closed out November with less ice than any other year in history. But the real cause for alarm isn’t last month’s warming blip in the Arctic that temporarily stalled ice growth, an anomaly that happens from time to time. Nor is it the concurrent loss of ice in the Antarctic ― since, to the best of our knowledge, the behavior of sea ice in one hemisphere has nothing to do with the behavior of sea ice in the other. The scariest part of all this is the long-term warming trend it follows.

Captain Cook’s Detailed 1778 Records Confirm Global Warming Today In The Arctic

Source: Phys.org Passengers simmered in Jacuzzis and feasted on gourmet cuisine this summer as the 850-foot cruise ship Crystal Serenity moved through the Northwest Passage. But in the summer of 1778, when Capt. James Cook tried to find a Western entrance to the route, his men toiled on frost-slicked decks and complained about having to supplement dwindling rations with walrus meat. The British expedition was halted north of the Bering Strait by "ice which was as compact as a wall and seemed to be 10 or 12 feet high at least," according to the captain's journal. Cook's ships followed the ice edge all the way to Siberia in their futile search for an opening, sometimes guided through fog by the braying of the unpalatable creatures the crew called Sea Horses. More than two centuries later, scientists are mining meticulous records kept by Cook and his crew for a new perspective on the warming that has opened the Arctic in a way the 18th century explorer could never have imagined. Working with maps and logs from Cook's voyage and other historical records and satellite imagery, University of Washington mathematician Harry Stern has tracked changes in ice cover in the Chukchi Sea, between Alaska and Russia, over nearly 240 years. The results, published this month in the journal Polar Geography, confirm the significant shrinkage of the summer ice cap and shed new light on the timing of the transformation. The analysis also extends the historical picture back nearly 75 years, building on previous work with ships' records from the 1850s.

Arctic Ice Melt Could Trigger Uncontrollable Climate Change At Global Level

Source: The Guardian Scientists warn increasingly rapid melting could trigger polar ‘tipping points’ with catastrophic consequences felt as far away as the Indian Ocean VIDEO: How melting Arctic ice could cause uncontrollable climate change Arctic scientists have warned that the increasingly rapid melting of the ice cap risks triggering 19 “tipping points” in the region that could have catastrophic consequences around the globe. The Arctic Resilience Report found that the effects of Arctic warming could be felt as far away as the Indian Ocean, in a stark warning that changes in the region could cause uncontrollable climate change at a global level.

‘Climate Emergency’: North Pole Sees Record Temps, Melting Ice Despite Arctic Winter

"There are some areas in the Arctic Ocean that are as much as 25 degrees Fahrenheit above average now. It's pretty crazy." (Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/flickr/cc)

Source: Common Dreams Arctic is losing ice and heating up despite seasonal onset of 24-hour darkness—phenomena that break all previous records As 2016 continues on its march toward becoming the hottest year on record, the Arctic is seeing extreme warmth beyond anything previously recorded at this time of year—prompting alarm from climate scientists around the world. "Folks, we're in a climate emergency," tweeted meteorologist Eric Holthaus.

Climate Engineering And Cryosphere Collapse

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Global climate engineering programs are mathematically the single greatest assault against nature ever launched by the human race. Incredibly, the majority of global populations still remain oblivious to the ongoing blatant climate engineering atrocities occurring overhead day after day. This willful blindness of the masses is largely due to the total betrayal of the truth by the vast majority of the science community and all of mainstream media, both of whom are heavily invested in covering up the crimes of their paymasters. How badly damaged is our once thriving biosphere? We are past the point of no return in regard to the once thriving planet we have known. Below is a quote from a powerful and moving recent article by Dr. Glen Barry which accurately outlines the reality we collectively face. Miraculous nature is being murdered. Everywhere we look inequitable over-consumption is devastating the natural ecosystems that sustain a living Earth. Together we yield to ecological truth – personally embracing a global ecology ethic, and demanding others do so as well – or we all needlessly die at each others’ throats as the global ecological system collapses and being ends. A primary sign of biosphere collapse is clearly evident by the rapidly imploding cryosphere.  Arctic sea ice continues to advance further into record low levels. Though official agencies like NASA will never admit to the ongoing climate engineering crimes, they are beginning to acknowledge that the excessive cloud cover over the Arctic in recent years (solar radiation management) is exacerbating the overall warming, not mitigating it. Other studies also confirm the overall planetary warming is being fueled by "contrails" (which are in reality solar radiation management sprayed particulate trails). The 30 second video below fully illustrates the shocking loss of Arctic sea ice. Not only is the Arctic sea ice at a record low level, but now the ice on the opposite end of the Earth, Antarctica, is also rapidly retreating to record low levels as well. This is a fact that the US corporate media is not covering. The 2 minute video below elaborates on the rapidly accelerating loss of Antarctic sea ice. Antarctic sea ice extent has been the last vestige of denial for those who still desperately cling to the "global warming is a hoax" fossil fuel industry false narrative. To dogmatically cling to this false narrative is also to toe the line for the power structure, big oil, and the climate engineers. The poles are not the only part of the cryosphere that is imploding, the Himalayan glaciers are disappearing at blinding speed. The 8 minute video below is a recent update from the Himalayas. Our planet is already free-falling into a runaway warming scenario, global climate engineering is further fueling this scenario. The graph below illustrates the rapid increase of warmer days being recorded on our planet. Though official sources have never admitted to the undeniable global climate engineering assault, as already stated, these same sources do admit that "contrails" are worsening the overall warming of the planet, not mitigating it. The latest scheduled weather for the US is shown in the NOAA map below. Though the Western US temperatures are scheduled to be near normal (due to vast flows of incoming moisture from the Pacific that is being saturated with chemical ice nucleating agents by the geoengineers), the rest of the country is heading for yet more heat waves following a very brief chemically engineered cool-down in some locations that are utilized to manipulate the perception of the US population. Global climate engineering programs not only worsening the overall warming of the biosphere, but also destroying the ozone layer, derailing the hydrological cycle, and contaminating the entire planet due to the highly toxic heavy metal and chemical fallout.  Where do we go from here? How can we stand against the power structure that currently controls the fate of the world in which we live? The single greatest leap we could collectively make in the right direction is by fully exposing the climate engineering issue to the masses. If we can expose the geoengineering assault, populations around the globe would unite in a common cause. If we can expose it, we can stop it. Those, that are still clinging to the insanely false "global warming is a hoax" narrative, are doing great harm to credibility of the overall anti-geoengineering community, and thus to the cause itself. The planet is accelerating into total meltdown. Climate engineering is making an already horrific anthropogenic warming scenario far worse overall. Those who truly claim to be committed to the fight to stop climate engineering have an obligation to objectively examine frontline facts and film footage. Sadly, even some major "independent" news sites are pushing the "global warming is a hoax" false narrative. Pushing this patently false narrative is exactly what climate engineering/industrial complex wants, and is extremely harmful to the cause of exposing and halting the ongoing weather warfare assault. Why? If we are to have any chance of stopping the climate engineering insanity, if we are to have any chance of convincing the climate science community to start telling the truth about the climate engineering assault, the anti-climate engineering community must stand on frontline facts and not on ridiculously false ideological dogma. Investigate, and make your voice heard, time is not on our side. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

West Africa Is Being Swallowed By The Sea

Source: ForeignPolicy.com Encroaching waters off the coast of Togo, Ghana, Mauritania, and others are destroying homes, schools, fish, and a way of life. FUVEMEH, Ghana — The tide is just starting to come in when David Buabasah begins nervously checking the waters creeping up the coastline toward his partially destroyed home. As the high tide mounts the steep shore of this small Ghanaian fishing village perched on a shrinking peninsula between the Atlantic Ocean and the Volta River estuary, he and other inhabitants prepare for the worst. “When the big waves come, they can easily kill you. Last week, the ocean took away part of my house while my family was sleeping inside,” says the 32-year-old fisherman, gesturing toward a crumbling brick wall and a pair of door frames, the only remains of his family’s compound. Growing stronger by the minute, the tide begins to push wave after wave into the village, pounding the dilapidated dwellings with unrepentant force. House walls collapse under the fury of the ocean, and huge pools of saltwater fill the center of town. Those whose houses are the closest to the shoreline can only watch as the waves carry away all of their belongings.


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