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Arctic Ice Imploding, Methane Releasing

The geoengineers threw everything they had at the Arctic in late July. The ridiculous cooling anomaly they created (which all the media hyped up) has now totally imploded.

Geoengineering Assault Update 3/15/13

Massive spraying continues over nearly the entire Eastern Pacific. This looks like all out preparation for yet another engineered snow event which the Weather Channel will turn into theater for the coming week to convince us all we are in the grips of a ferocious winter when the truth is anything but. This ” storm” will likely be named winter storm “UKKO”. Keep an eye on the temperatures of the regions that will be impacted by this event. Some of the areas that the moisture for this storm will cross are in the upper 60 degree range currently. So how will it cold enough to snow?

Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome

What Is "Venus Syndrome"? "Venus syndrome" is not a metaphor, it is a scientific scenario. The term should be self explanatory, but just to be clear, Venus syndrome is a scenario in which climate and atmospheric feedback loops are triggered that can't be switched off. Under this scenario, as greenhouse gasses build up, and cause planetary warming, yet more greenhouse gasses are released which causes still more warming. This trajectory does not end in a balmy tropical resort Earth, but rather a planet that is closer to hell. Like Venus, Earth would become a pressure cooking inferno with virtually no life.

Extreme Weather around the World

The U-tube video below is a very important compilation of global weather “variation” in only the last month. Please take the time to view it.


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