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Plane sinks in melting asphalt at Moscow airport

Source: Russia Today A passenger aircraft got stuck at Domodedovo airport for over 4 hours after its landing gear sank in melting asphalt of one of the taxiways due to a strong heat wave that hit Moscow. As temperatures peaked at 35 degrees Celsius (95 Fahrenheit) on Tuesday, an S7 flight from Domodedovo Airport enroute from Moscow to Novosibirsk took off at 16:00 local time instead of a scheduled take-off at 11:15.

Arctic thaw — carry on regardless?

Source: Alaska Dispatch News When a colleague who has a lot of sympathy for those who do NOT accept that humans are responsible for global warming drew attention to the fact that this had been the hottest June on record, following hard on the hottest May, I must admit I was temporarily put of my guard.

Climate Records Shattered in 2013

Source: Yahoo! News If global warming could be compared to middle-age weight gain, then Earth is growing a boomer belly, according to a newly released report on the state of the global climate.

Cataclysmic Fires are Raging Across the Northern Hemisphere

While many are still confused by the ongoing assault of climate disinformation, the planet is burning to the ground, literally. We are all now drifting in uncharted waters. An ever worsening climate hell is unfolding around us by the day while the vast majority of the population is completely oblivious. Denial is epidemic on all sides of the fence in one form or another. Some of the most deeply rooted denial is in the climate science community. Countless academicians are completely silent and blind to the ongoing geoengineering circus being conducted in skies around the globe day in and day out. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is the largest scientific panel on any subject in human history. Virtually all their modeling is essentially worthless. None of it even considers the horrific effects of geoengineering or the climate feedback loops that it helps to feed. Catastrophic ozone depletion, total disruption of the hydrological cycle, methane release, and a completely contaminated planet, all are connected to climate engineering. Many have been trained to think the climate modeling is “alarmist”, the truth is quite the opposite. The planetary meltdown is far worse than almost any modeling suggests. Though there are of course countless other sources of human activities wreaking havoc on the biosphere, global geoengineering programs are the greatest assault of all on our planet. The article below should be a wake up call, the forests of Earth are burning to the ground. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Source: Live Science If global warming could be compared to middle-age weight gain, then Earth is growing a boomer belly, according to a newly released report on the state of the global climate.


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