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Planetary Meltdown Continues

The oceans of the world are the bottom line factor in determining the overall global temperatures. As the oceans heat up, the land masses will follow. It is important to remember that a cubic meter of sea water can hold 4000 times the thermal energy of a cubic meter of air. As the climate engineers and their completely controlled weather agencies like NOAA and NWS try frantically to make it appear that the world is not as hot as it really is, nevertheless the planetary high temperature records continue to be broken. The geoengineers can temporarily and toxically cool down large areas in order to gain a few “cooling” headlines and statistics in order to help sell climate engineering behind closed doors. NOAA and NWS are falsifying statistics TO THE DOWN SIDE  to help hide the true magnitude of the warming. In spite of all these efforts, the warming is so rapid that it cannot be truly hidden from any who do honest and objective investigation. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Last month, Earth’s ocean surfaces tied the previous record for the hottest July during the 130 years the U.S. government has been compiling data.

Geoengineering And Ocean Die Off, It’s Not Just Fukushima

Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is certainly having horrific effects on the entire world including the oceans. There are other forms of geoengineering focused specifically on the oceans. Those in power do not care what means they utilize to accomplish their goals, they never have. They are always blind to the overall long term decimation they cause in the pursuit of a short term goal. The oceans of the world are dying. There are a great many causes, including Fukushima, but is there a major factor that is being hidden from view? Again, the die off is global, not just in the Pacific. Fukushima is, of course, a cataclysm, but only one of many. There are big die offs occurring far from the reach of Fukushima's radiation.Though Fukushima radiation is contaminating the entire Pacific ocean and beyond, this contamination is not the primary causal factor behind the unfolding marine ecosystem collapse. Our seas are heating radically, becoming hypoxic and anoxic, and acidifying, there are countless anthropogenic factors / causes in this equation. The bottom is falling out from the ocean food chain, this will affect the entire web of life on Earth.  We know the power structure has long since unleashed the full destructive fury of climate engineering in the skies. We would be fools not to believe that they have been doing the same in the oceans for just as long. Dead zones are appearing everywhere in our seas, mass fish kills are now common. Just as the "official agencies" and "experts" have been completely silent about the cataclysmic climate manipulation, they have likely also turned two blind eyes to lethal ocean carbon sequestration experiments. The article below is new, it eludes to the possible if not probable likelihood of radical carbon sequestration engineering experiments. Carbon sequestration with iron fertilization experiments are already well documented. To keep the captured carbon from being quickly recycled back into the atmosphere by bacterial interaction an engineered virus could be used. Is this already happening? Why would we think this sort of experimentation is not being done? Why would anyone believe the geoengineers are not also experimenting in our oceans? Hypoxic zones (low oxygen) and anoxic zones (no oxygen) are increasing rapidly in our oceans. Algae blooms are associated with such zones. Are engineered viruses being used to sequester carbon from engineered algae blooms at the expense of killing our oceans? Perhaps a bit more time will unfold this mystery. Read the article below and decide for yourself if the dots seem to connect. The power structure is becoming more desperate and dangerous by the day. Their destructive actions will only get worse until all of us stand up in the fight to expose and stop them. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Derailments May Increase as ‘Sun Kinks’ Buckle Tracks

Source: Climate Central In a warming world, the U.S. could see its cities inundated with water, its power grids threatened by intense storms, its forests devastated by wildfire and insect infestations, and its coastlines washed away by storm surges.


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