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Climate Change Accelerating

Source: Arctic News Methane levels as high as 2562 ppb were recorded on October 9, 2014, as illustrated by the image below.

Acid Seas

So many are still claiming Co2 is great for the planet, the more the better they claim, but what planet are they talking about? Oceans are absorbing massive amounts of the excess Co2 that is now being pumped into the atmosphere at the rate of 100,000,000 tons a day. What is all this doing for the health of the seas? Nothing good. Earth’s oceans are acidifying at a rate that is exponentially faster than any other time in the planet’s history short of massive meteor impact. Acidification is not the only problem, the oceans are also warming at breakneck speed. Global climate engineering is contributing to the accelerated acidification and the overall warming in many ways. Warmer oceans mean less oxygen and less life. Changes are now occurring on our biosphere at blinding speed. These changes are complex and extremely ominous. It’s up to all of us to try and understand the bigger picture to some degree. Jumping at a well spun headline put out by corporate media or special interest groups does not help the fight for truth. It’s up to each of us to do honest investigation before we come to conclusions. The subject in the article below is in reality even more dire than the report would suggest, ocean acidification is an ever more critical reality. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Global warming’s effect on oceans is greater than realized, researchers say

Effect of climate change on upper-ocean temperatures has been underestimated by 24 to 58 percent, a study by NASA and Livermore Laboratory concludes. Source: Christian Science Monitor The world’s upper oceans may have stored far more heat from the warming climate than previously thought, according to a new study that purports to provide the first rough estimate of the amount of heat researchers have missed in their attempts to measure changes on the oceans’ heat content.

Human Handprint Marks Australia’s Hottest Year

Source: Truth Dig LONDON—Scientists are fond of saying that it is difficult to pin the blame for any one climate event onto climate change. But they have just made an exception by reporting that many things that happened in Australia in 2013 bore the signature of man-made climate change.

Changing Antarctic waters could trigger steep rise in sea levels

Source: Arc Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Current changes in the ocean around Antarctica are disturbingly close to conditions 14,000 years ago that new research shows may have led to the rapid melting of Antarctic ice and an abrupt 3-4 metre rise in global sea level.

Gravity Shift Reveals West Antarctic Ice Loss

Source: Climate Central The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is headed toward “unstoppable” collapse according to recent studies. A new visual released by the European Space Agency show what the start of that collapse looks like both for the mass of the ice sheet and its signature on the planet’s gravitational field.


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