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The “Tucson Weekly” Covers Climate Reality

We live in a world of smoke, mirrors, paid deception, and total denial. In the article below it would be more accurate to say that the Tucson Weekly covered part of the climate reality (though they left out the largest single factor to the equation, climate engineering). As conditions get rapidly worse on countless fronts, the denial grows greater from so many directions. Such behavior is a human defense mechanism that paradoxically will lead us to certain extinction if this behavior is not overcome. Scientists like Guy McPherson only tell half truths, half the equation. When I met personally with Guy, his denial of the geoengineering elephant in the room was nothing short of fanatical and aggressive. With this in mind, no matter how dire predictions are under the current course of our species, the most major consideration of all is being completely omitted from the equation, what would occur if there was a complete cessation of the climate engineering juggernaut of destruction? To simply expose the geoengineering assault against the planet and all life would shatter the foundations of the global power structure. Populations around the world would take to the streets in a shock wave of justifiable outrage. Our military brothers and sisters would then be forced to awaken to the fact that they are being used as a mechanism of their own demise. We could then have a real chance to halt climate engineering and let the planet respond on its own to the damage done. We could then inhale air that is not laden with a toxic soup of heavy metals and chemicals which are raining down from the ongoing geoengineering atmospheric spraying. We would have a chance. The article below from the Tucson Weekly is an important read and contains dire data that is for the most part on target (the climate engineering factor is of course omitted by all parties quoted in the article including Rockefeller funded environmental group 350.org).  If we just go on about our lives without making the fight to expose geoangineering a priority, we will have no chance. If we face reality head-on, and make our voices heard, we may yet accomplish astounding good, even at this late hour. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Should We Fear Near-Term Human Extinction? Source: Tucson Weekly, article by Ted Taylor Most of us have figured out by now that we are toast: Humanity will be wiped out by an asteroid, supernova, massive volcanic eruptions, global axis shift, some untreatable virus, nuclear war or climate change. Our sun is going supernova. We've seen the disaster movies, read the books and laughed at the cartoons.  But how quickly? University of Arizona emeritus natural resources professor Guy McPherson, author of Extinction Dialogs: How to Live with Death in Mind, which he co-authored with Carolyn Baker, recently spoke at a Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene, Oregon, offering dire, even shocking predictions. In his talk, McPherson figures the sixth extinction in Earth's geologic history is already under way. We could see massive die-offs of humans and other species in as little as 18 months, and humanity has at best 10 to 20 years. "I could be wrong," he admits. McPherson accuses climate scientists of "malpractice" for not being candid with the public about "our 99 percent certainty of death." "There is no expiration date stamped on us, but we have triggered events that will lead to our extinction in the not-too-distant future," he says.  "Near-term human extinction" even has an acronym, NTHE, and McPherson is certainly not the first scientist or science writer to say we've damaged our ecosystem too much to fix it. The perfect storm of overpopulation, industrialization, pollution, deforestation, monocrops and pesticides, invasive species, urban sprawl, overfishing, warfare, reliance on fossil fuels, ignorance and corruption (and accompanying bad public policy) have had scientists waving distress flags for decades, even before Rachel Carson's Silent Spring of 1960. The warnings have been ignored or ridiculed at the international, national, state and even local level, thanks in part to a well-funded, right-wing campaign representing the short-term interests of heavy industry, mining and fossil fuel corporations. A growing number of Americans, a record 40 percent, think the dangers of climate change are exaggerated, according to Gallup polling in recent years.  President Obama has helped Democrats wake up to the seriousness of climate change, but 68 percent of Republicans believe the threat is non-existent or overblown. Science is playing second fiddle to politics. McPherson is correct that few climate scientists are talking about imminent human extinction, but is it a matter of professional "malpractice" or is the scientific community simply less inclined to radical extrapolation for fear of losing credibility (and grants)? Although McPherson is a scientist, he's not a climate scientist doing field research. Phil Mote, director of the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute at Oregon State University, is skeptical of McPherson's predictions: "I've been connected to national and international assessments of the state of the science of climate change, and although my colleagues and I are generally very concerned about what challenges climate change is bringing to humankind, no expert that I have read has used language like 'extinction of the human race.' I refer of course to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, U.S. National Climate Assessment and various U.S. National Academy of Sciences reports."  Mote is involved with the IPCC, which won the Nobel Prize in 2007 along with Al Gore for their "efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change." Elizabeth Kolbert, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Sixth Extinction, says, "What is clear, and what is beyond dispute, is that we are living in a time of very, very elevated extinction rates, on the order that you would see in a mass extinction, though a mass extinction might take many thousands of years to play out." What do local climate change activists think about McPherson and his predictions? "I can appreciate the sledgehammer—especially when people with

Climate Engineering And Catastrophic Crop Failure

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Planet Earth and it's life support systems have been severely damaged from countless forms of human activity. The greatest single source of damage on so many fronts is climate engineering. Agricultural collapse is not somewhere out on the horizon, it is here. According to reports just published, Mongolia has lost 80% of their  crops due to unprecedented drought and harsh conditions, yes, that's 80%.  Struggling Mongolian farmer The crisis in Mongolia is not at all unique as similar scenarios are unfolding around the globe. In Thailand drought has been so severe that the country's military is being used to keep farmers from any unauthorized pumping of the water they need to keep their crops alive as the last remaining irrigation canals continue to dry up. Farmers stand by their water pumps at the Makhamtao Uthong irrigation canal in Praek Sriracha, Chainat province, on June 22, 2015 In Brazil the situation is no different. Agriculture is being hit hard by the unprecedented lack of precipitation as reservoirs are run dry and crops die off. Another empty reservoir in San Paulo, Brazil The crop losses occurring in California are staggering and growing by the day as the completely engineered drought in the US continues to deepen. Whole orchards are now dead and are being removed in many locations throughout California.     One of many orchards being removed from previously productive farmland in California's Sacramento Valley    In Idaho the majority of the the wheat crop may be lost and a state of emergency has been declared. This new crop loss state of emergency follows other drought disaster zones in Idaho that occurred in 2014.     USDA declared Elmore County, Idaho a drought disaster zone   In Canada the story is also the same as expanding drought cuts into Canada's wheat exports.     An extremely stressed canola field near Irma, Alberta. A record dry spring has decimated crops across Western Canada    The list goes on and on. Erratic weather in China has caused massive crop loss as rice production falters and fails.     A devastated farm field in Shandong Province, China   Russia is not only dealing with crop loss from protracted drought, but now the locusts are taking their toll.   A swarm of locusts in Achikulak, Russia   Though populations around the globe are still largely unaware of the ongoing weather/biological warfare assault being waged against them with devastating results, the awakening is gaining momentum rapidly. Food shortages are already occurring around the world as yields and production slow. It is not just record drought causing these losses, but also record rains. Excessive precipitation is decimating crops in the US, India, and other locations. Unimaginable record heat is hitting the middle East, the same is occurring in Japan and other locations. The incomprehensible denial of the geoengineering juggernaut of destruction will soon enough be shattered as the greatest lie of omission in the history of our species is finally brought to the light of day. Do your part in the battle to expose and halt the climate engineering crimes, make your voice heard in this fight. DW  

World’s Glaciers Losing Ice Faster Than Ever Recorded, Study Says

These photos of the Rhone Glacier, located in the Swiss Alps, were taken in 2007 (top) and 2014 (bottom) and offer an example of recent rapid glacial melt. Such melt is the subject of a new study, which evaluated decades of documentation to determine the rate of glacial melt for hundreds of glaciers. Simon Oberli

Source: Alaska Dispatch News The world’s glaciers are retreating at a rate faster than any time in recorded history, according to a new study published online in the Journal of Glaciology. Thirty-nine researchers with the World Glacier Monitoring Service compiled and analyzed data spanning more than 120 years. They looked at observations from 2001 to 2010 and compared them with satellite images, field and aerial photographs and even drawings and writings that were produced in previous decades. In the 21st century, the hundreds of glaciers observed in the study have lost about 1 1/2 to 3 feet of ice per year, according to the University of Zurich’s Michael Zemp, the lead author and director of the World Glacier Monitoring Service.

Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org While the entire science community is still pretending climate engineering is only a proposal, the total decimation being inflicted on what is left of our environment from the ongoing geoengineering programs is mounting at blinding speed. Mainstream media also parrots the official narrative of climate engineering denial and the majority of the population is all too willing to accept the lies in spite of the expanding mountain of data to the contrary. Geoengineering is the single most destructive activity ever fully unleashed by the human race against the natural world. Though the list of horrific consequences directly related to climate engineering is long and growing rapidly, the total disruption of the hydrological cycle is one of the most visible effects. As reservoirs empty out in many regions around the globe, record forest fires are close behind. Lake Oroville California Where have the climate engineers most consistently focused their efforts to cool things down? The eastern half of the US lower 48 states sticks out with shocking clarity on the map below. This map reflects "departure from normal high temperatures" for the entire 2014 year. Meteorologically, such a profound anomaly is beyond any natural possibility, it is the result of relentless climate manipulation. Why focus on the eastern US? Because that is where the majority of the US population lives. Keep them cooled down, and the global warming/cooling divide and conquer debate continues, even though the planet is descending into total meltdown with climate engineering contributing to the overall process.  Departure From Normal High Temperatures For 2014 In order to keep the Eastern US cooled down, the West becomes a climate sacrifice zone at minimum. Controlling food supplies and water rights also appears to be a goal of the engineered drought in the West, especially California. Much of the golden state's water comes from outside it's borders. A major reservoir the state relies on is Nevada's Lake Mead, which is also drying up. Constant atmospheric aerosol spraying combined with radio frequency manipulation of the conductive (and highly toxic) nanoparticles gives the climate engineers the power to decide who gets rain, and who does not. The drought in the Western US is historically unprecedented and cannot be explained by natural meteorological processes. As countless regions are systematically dried out (with deluge created in other parts of the country and world), rapidly increasing wildfires are raging around the planet. This is power that is wielded by the climate engineers, geoengineering is nothing less than omnicide. Photo of "Rocky Fire" in Lake County California, August 2, 2015 Modern industrialized society has inflicted immense damage to our planet and it's life support systems. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic destruction, climate engineering is the most expansive and lethal of all. If you don't believe those in power have the right to control the climate system and your future, then make your voice heard in this battle. Reading this article or a thousand more like it won't get the job done, we must all make every possible effort to wake others by sharing critical and credible data with them and asking them to also help spread the word. If we do not all take a stand today, we will not have tomorrow. DW  

Climate Engineering And The Global Economic House Of Cards

The narrative of the modern industrialized economy being a success is a lie of unimaginable proportion. Nature has historically produced 75% of all global GDP (gross domestic product) for free, no longer. If nature dies, we die. Modern society is now consuming itself to keep the facade of "progress" going until the last minute. As the last sand drains from the hourglass, global climate engineering is diminishing what chance there may yet be to salvage any part of Earth's life support systems. The false paradigm of perpetual expansion on a finite planet with finite resources is disintegrating by the day. Any chance we have left at this point rests on exposing and stopping the climate engineering insanity before there is nothing left to save. The article below is an excellent portrayal of what is unfolding with a few important exceptions. The omission of the geoengineering factor (which many authors and publishers are still afraid to face or admit to)., And the mention of carbon credit taxes which are a scam and just another part of the problem. This being said, the article covers many important facts and is well worth the time to read.Make your voice heard in this battle today, tomorrow may be too late. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Climate Engineering Fuels Raging Forest Fires Across The Northern Hemisphere

While mainstream media entertains and distracts many Americans with the Donald Trump circus of idiocy, our planet is literally burning to the ground. Though there are a great many anthropogenic factors related to the record number of fires that are incinerating what is left of the Earth's boreal forests, the most significant factor of all still goes completely unacknowledged by the climate science community and mainstream media, global climate engineering programs. Geoengineering is inflicting record drought around the globe (along with deluge in other locations), destroying the ozone layer, and contaminating soils and waters. Climate engineering is the greatest assault against the natural world ever unleashed by the human race. All are needed to join the fight to raise awareness of this most critical issue. When we reach critical mass, we will have a chance of stopping the insanity in our skies. The article below is the latest update from the front lines of our burning forests. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   An Appalling Amount Of The Northern Hemisphere Is On Fire Source: The Daily Impact, article by Tom Lewis At the beginning of this month, 314 wildfires were raging in Alaska alone. They have seared 5 million acres so far this year and have torched up to half a million acres in a single day. Meanwhile, to the east in Canada’s Northwest Territory, hundreds of fires were raging in the permafrost zone, having covered over two million acres by the end of June. The forested northern provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan were similarly afflicted — 522 fires in northern Saskatchewan alone by June 30, nearly four times as many as last year in the same period. Southward from Alaska, at the beginning of this month, wildfires dotted the landscapes of all the western states as far south as southern California and as far east as Colorado. One California fire overran a traffic jam on a freeway, leaving behind a dystopian landscape of burned-out cars (but, remarkably, no serious casualties). Wildfires were raging across southern Siberia and Inner Mongolia by mid-April. At the moment, more than 50 wildfires are burning in troubled Greece, their smoke casting a dark pall over Athens. A new study published last week confirms that wildfires worldwide are larger, more numerous, and their season is longer every year; and that it is all a direct consequence of climate change. Hotter and drier conditions, beginning earlier each spring, have over 30 years doubled the area of the planet’s surface that is vulnerable to wildfire; and have lengthened by 18% the average length of fire seasons worldwide. In addition, climate change has extended northward the range of the mountain pine beetle, which has killed swaths of western pine trees so vast that there is fear of a single wildfire sweeping through dead trees from New Mexico to Alberta. The effects of these fires go far beyond the immediate danger to homes and persons. Wildfires do not “destroy” the land across which they travel, as is often heard in the lamestream media, fire is an integral and necessary part of natural ecosystems. However, massive fires temporarily denude the land they scorch of the leaves that deflect and slow rainfall, and the root systems that hold topsoil in place. Thus muddy floods and landslides follow the fire until undergrowth is replaced. The smoke from these titanic fires is becoming a major threat. It contains tiny particles that bypass the body’s defenses against pollution and enter the lungs and bloodstream, aggravating lung and heart diseases. Fire 50-100 miles upwind from a city have been shown to degrade air quality by a factor of 5 – 15 times. Carried into more southerly  latitudes by the undulating planetary wave between the polar and temperate air masses, the smoke has been darkening the summer skies and tinting sunsets as far south as Tennessee and West Virginia. But the most ominous thing about these fires is that they are not merely an effect of climate change, they are a cause. The burning of the forests and tundra is releasing astounding quantities of carbon, stored for centuries in the wood and the permanently frozen subsoil. Melting permafrost releases methane, a greenhouse gas many times more destructive of the world’s climate than carbon dioxide. The fires are in fact a feedback mechanism, accelerating climate change as climate change accelerates them. In one of Ray Bradbury’s searing, never-to-be-unread short stories, an astronaut in a space suit is floating languidly in space, musing on his existence and the wonderful perspective he has on the blue planet Earth below him. Shortly we learn that these are the musings of a doomed man, as he is in fact hurtling toward that earth and will die a fiery death when he hits the atmosphere. Just before that happens, we leave him, and join a mother and small child taking an evening walk as the child looks up in wonder and says, “Look, Mom! A shooting star!” Somewhere in the northern hemisphere tonight, a small child will look up in wonder and say, “Look, Mom! What a pretty sunset!” Source: The Daily Impact, article by Tom Lewis

Sea Levels Are Rising 10 Times Faster Than Predicted And Will Soon Reshape The Globe

Catastrophic sea level rise is not an if, but a when. In reality, it is already well underway and getting worse rapidly. Even the newly released study that makes clear oceans are rising 10 times faster than previous estimates still likely falls far short of the true gravity of what is unfolding. Those that are still desperately clinging to their denial of global climate engineering will be forced to face their fears very soon, countless converging climate related cataclysms are closing in on us all. Governments around the globe have long since collaborated and fully deployed global climate engineering programs, they absolutely knew what was coming. The paradox is this, available data indicates climate engineering is actually making the overall warming far worse, not better (while at the same time irreparably contaminating the entire planet in the process). Recent studies prove solar radiation management can't work and will thus only exacerbate an already bad climate scenario. What will the US southern and eastern coasts look like as the seas overtake low lying lands, the map below is sobering and yet is only a tiny glimpse of the overall calamity of biosphere collapse now faced by the human race.  When all the ice deposits around the globe melt (and this is the fast track that we are on) , the total sea level rise is in the vicinity of 80 meters. The power structure is trying desperately to hide what is unfolding from public for as long as possible for obvious reasons, it is up to each and every one of us to bring the critical climate engineering issue to the light of day. The article below is the most recent study update from the front lines. Though climate engineering is not mentioned in this latest study (as is the case with so many publications which are as of yet afraid to speak the whole truth), data presented is still relevant. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Earth's Most Famous Climate Scientist Issues Bombshell Sea Level Warning Source: Mother Jones, article by Eric Holthaus​ In what may prove to be a turning point for political action on climate change, a breathtaking new study casts extreme doubt about the near-term stability of global sea levels. The study—written by James Hansen, NASA's former lead climate scientist, and 16 co-authors, many of whom are considered among the top in their fields—concludes that glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica will melt 10 times faster than previous consensus estimates, resulting in sea level rise of at least 10 feet in as little as 50 years. The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, brings new importance to a feedback loop in the ocean near Antarctica that results in cooler freshwater from melting glaciers forcing warmer, saltier water underneath the ice sheets, speeding up the melting rate. Hansen, who is known for being alarmist and also right, acknowledges that his study implies change far beyond previous consensus estimates. In a conference call with reporters, he said he hoped the new findings would be "substantially more persuasive than anything previously published." I certainly find them to be. To come to their findings, the authors used a mixture of paleoclimate records, computer models, and observations of current rates of sea level rise, but "the real world is moving somewhat faster than the model," Hansen says. Hansen's study does not attempt to predict the precise timing of the feedback loop, only that it is "likely" to occur this century. The implications are mindboggling: In the study's likely scenario, New York City—and every other coastal city on the planet—may only have a few more decades of habitability left. That dire prediction, in Hansen's view, requires "emergency cooperation among nations." We conclude that continued high emissions will make multi-meter sea level rise practically unavoidable and likely to occur this century. Social disruption and economic consequences of such large sea level rise could be devastating. It is not difficult to imagine that conflicts arising from forced migrations and economic collapse might make the planet ungovernable, threatening the fabric of civilization. The science of ice melt rates is advancing so fast, scientists have generally been reluctant to put a number to what is essentially an unpredictable, nonlinear response of ice sheets to a steadily warming ocean. With Hansen's new study, that changes in a dramatic way. One of the study's co-authors is Eric Rignot, whose own study last year found that glacial melt from West Antarctica now appears to be "unstoppable." Chris Mooney, writing for Mother Jones, called that study a "holy shit" moment for the climate. One necessary note of caution: Hansen's study comes via a nontraditional publishing decision by its authors. The study will be published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, an open-access "discussion" journal, and will not have formal peer review prior to its appearance online later this week. The complete discussion draft circulated to journalists was 66 pages long, and included more than 300 references. The peer review will take place in real time, with responses to the work by other scientists also published online. Hansen said this publishing timeline was necessary to make the work public as soon as possible before global negotiators meet in Paris later this year. Still, the lack of traditional peer review and the fact that this study's results go far beyond what's been previously published will likely bring increased scrutiny. On Twitter, Ruth Mottram, a climate scientist whose work focuses on Greenland and the Arctic, was skeptical of such enormous rates of near-term sea level rise, though she defended Hansen's decision to publish in a nontraditional way. In 2013, Hansen left his post at NASA to become a climate activist because, in his words, "as a government employee, you can't testify against the government." In a wide-ranging December 2013 study, conducted to support Our Children's Trust, a group advancing legal challenges to lax greenhouse gas emissions policies on behalf of minors, Hansen called for a "human tipping point"—essentially, a social revolution—as one of the most effective ways of combating climate change, though he still favors a bilateral carbon tax agreed upon by the

NOAA Shows June of 2015 Smashed All Prior Heat Records; El Nino Keeps Strengthening; Hothouse Mass Casualties Strike Europe, Japan

Source: Robert Scribbler Under an oppressive human fossil fuel emission, the world just keeps getting hotter and hotter, the 2015-2016 El Nino just keeps looking ever more monstrous, and reports of tragic, heat-related, mass casualty events just keep rolling in. *   *   *   * JULY 21, 2015: All the major climate monitors have now chimed in — NASA, Japan’s Meteorological Agency, NOAA. And June of 2015 is now marked as the hottest recorded in every single one. But of these, the NOAA measure, which provided its Global Analysis report yesterday, clearly is the starkest. Showing extraordinary warming, June of 2015, according to NOAA, hit +0.88 C above the 20th Century average. That’s an excessive leap of +0.12 C over last year’s previous record June measure showing a +0.76 C global temperature departure and just 0.02 C behind the all-time monthly record values for any month hit just this year during February and March (+0.90 C).  When compared to 1880s averages, June was fully 1.08 C hotter. That’s more than halfway to the (not safe) 2 C threshold which IPCC has marked off as the point where catastrophic impacts from human caused climate change really start to hit high gear.

The Big Unchill

Source: The Boston Globe, written by David Abel The Big Unchill The Arctic ice is melting faster than ever recorded, the warmth tied to the emissions of modern life. But it is the ancient ways at the top of the world that are most at risk. BARROW, Alaska — A mile off the coast of the continent’s northernmost city, Josh Jones gunned his four-wheeler over ridges of buckling ice and through pools of turquoise water, where normally there would be a vast sheen of ice and snow. Escorted by an Eskimo guard toting a shotgun to protect them from roving polar bears, Jones and a fellow climate researcher were racing to retrieve scientific instruments that gauge the thickness of the ice, which they worried could be lost to the uncommonly rapid melt of the Arctic Ocean. They were also in a race with much bigger stakes. In previous years when making the trip out here to set up their observatory, temperatures had been so raw that Jones’s eyelids froze. On this day early last month, it was a balmy — for Barrow — 41 degrees. When they arrived at the observatory, which was surrounded by sprawling melt ponds, they stripped off their parkas and rolled up their sleeves. Their wind turbine and other equipment had collapsed in the melting ice. They’d almost lost their all-terrain vehicle, too, when it lurched into a sinkhole and stalled in a knee-deep pool of slush. “Not a good sign,” Jones deadpanned. Here, as close to the top of the world as you can get in America, the signs are serious indeed: The Arctic Ocean is melting faster than at any time on record. This February, the sea ice that stretches from North America to Russia reached its lowest-known winter extent and began melting 15 days earlier than usual. That continued a three-decade trend that has seen the ocean’s ice lose about 65 percent of its mass and about half of its reach during the summer. In 20 or 30 more years, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly devoid of ice in the summer, climate scientists believe. The rapid changes in the arctic have consequences well beyond Barrow, altering ocean currents, weather patterns, and temperatures across the planet. Cold Arctic temperatures are typically distributed in a way that affects the polar jet stream. Typical, compact configuration – NOV. 14, 2013   The jet stream abuts the irregular pattern formed by the warming Arctic region and radical weather ridges and troughs developed. Wavy polar vortex – JAN. 5, 2015   Scientists have attributed Boston's historic cold spell and snowfall last winter to shifts in the polar jet stream. The normal polar jet stream has typically kept cold arctic air north of the mainland US in the winter. The changed jet stream though has pushed cold weather down into the Eastern US, and pulled warm weather up through the western US and Alaska.   Jet stream patterns SOURCE: Stanford Report," September 30, 2014; Skeptical Science, "A Rough Guide to the Jet Stream" James Abundis / Globe Staff But the changes that are incipient here in New England are already acute in Barrow, where the average temperature has risen 3.6 degrees since 1921 — more than twice the rise of average global temperatures. “Barrow is among the fastest-warming land areas in the world,” said Rick Thoman, a climate scientist at the National Weather Service in Fairbanks.   Since 1979, the mean annual temperature in Barrow has increased more than five times as fast than the rest of the world. Barrow warmer than planet mean annual temperature change Not only is the temperature warmer … mean annual temperature … there have been fewer colder days each year number of days 40℉ or colder … and more days above freezing. days per year warmer than 33℉ SOURCE: National Weather Service Alaska Region James Abundis / Globe Staff   And the effects on the way of life here — long preserved against change by remoteness and the desperate cold — have been profound. Life as they knew it for the 4,300 who call this treeless tract of tundra 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle home is beginning to feel irretrievable. No one knows that better than the Iñupiat Eskimos, whose ancestors first settled here 1,500 years ago and who still constitute more than half of the local population on this stark, triangular spit of land where beached whale bones litter the black gravel shore. The Iñupiat have long survived brutal winters when the sun doesn’t rise over the snowbound city of wooden homes for two months and summers when the ground turns to spongy black mud and the sun never sets. No roads lead to Barrow from elsewhere in Alaska, so they have learned to provide for themselves. But now they are watching as the sheets of ice that have long encased the nearby Chukchi and Beaufort seas — where they hunt seals, walruses, and whales — are melting significantly earlier and returning later than ever before. The shores off Barrow typically remained covered in ice well into July and would refreeze in October. Melt ponds now often start forming in May, and the massive sheets now typically break up in June. Since 2002, the ocean has not frozen over in October, according to the National Weather Service. The changing climate is having a mounting effect on men such as Harry Brower Jr., who grew up hunting bowhead whales, ringed seals, king eiders, and other prey to feed his family. The 58-year-old captain of an umiak, a traditional seal-skin whaling boat, has found he can no longer rely on lessons passed through the generations. Hunting is such a part of the city’s history that the Iñupiat name for Barrow is Ukpeagvik, which means “the place where we hunt Snowy Owls.” But all the time-tested patterns along the North Slope of Alaska — the currents, weather patterns, ice thickness, and the timing of whale migrations, among other things — have

Global Cooling or Global Warming, Which is it?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Is it really getting colder? What does scientifically undisputed data say? The stakes could not be higher, or our collective reality could not be any more dire. The more the planet plummets into total meltdown, the bigger the lies have gotten from the special interest groups that are paid to spread them. Unfortunately, there are many that desperately want to believe the lies in spite of massive amount of data and information to the contrary. The latest lie of a coming "mini ice age" is truly beyond comprehension, the warming of the planet continues to build at a rapidly accelerating rate. Green dots show the 30-year average of the new PAGES 2k reconstruction. The red curve shows the global mean temperature, according HadCRUT4 data from 1850 onwards.  I want to make one point clear, my goal in highlighting specific facts, charts, and data is primarily to bring attention to the subject of global geoengineering and the damage it is inflicting on the biosphere. Geoengineering is, of course, not the sole source for the climate chaos and atmospheric disintegration that is now unfolding around us (there are countless anthropogenic causal factors), but available data does indicate that geoengineering is likely the single greatest climate disrupting factor of all (in addition to poisoning all life on earth in the process). When “global cooling” articles and conclusions are embraced by anti-geoengineering activists and websites without proper investigation, these activists and websites are then completely discredited in many circles (especially the science community). The subject of geoengineering goes out the window with the “climate change denial” that cannot be rationally denied at this point if one truly examines hard data. If we are to successfully bring geoengineering to the light of day, we cannot afford such missteps. It is imperative that we all make an effort to pull together, and not open up new battle fronts in directions that are not supported by verifiable information. Buying into the "global cooling" disinformation narrative is exactly what the power structure and the geoengineers want us to do. So, is it getting colder? Global temperatures are the highest in at least 4000 years Is the Arctic ice cap really "recovering"? 2015 Arctic ice hits record low with record early melting​ May, 2015 was the 363rd consecutive month of ABOVE AVERAGE GLOBAL TEMPERATURES, over 30 years in a row. The most dire factor of all regarding our rapidly disintegrating climate is mass methane expulsion in the Arctic that is becoming rapidly worse as the sea ice melt off is reaching record low levels. In addition to the methane threat, the latest data makes clear the fact that global sea level rise is already a "worst case scenario", this is just one more reflection of our rapidly warming world.  One more factor that is extremely important to consider, it appears that all the climate data/temperature records are being radically falsified to the down side. In the areas we have investigated, the “official reading” for a given day is routinely 3, 4, or even 5 degrees below what actually occurred on the ground. This is a massive data skewing factor which helps to hide the true extent of the warming. In addition, “official agencies” like NOAA (NOAA is connected to geoengineering contractor “Raytheon”), and National Weather Service (NWS is connected to geoengineering contractor Lockheed Martin), etc., now appear to be recording many more temperature readings from a given “cold” event as compared to “heat wave” areas of the same land mass. This skews the data to the down side even further. On top of all this, let's add the “geoengineering” factor, artificial/chemical ice nucleation, jet stream manipulation, etc., which can and does create temporary cooling anomalies from which the agencies above take an abundance of temp readings in the attempt to lower the overall temperature picture. It is imperative for each of us to consider the entire data picture before leaping at conclusions. None of this is about “Al Gore” or carbon credit scams, but rather it's about a harsh and verifiable reality. Any conclusions must consider the massive data altering and even more the global geoengineering programs and their effects. The planet is warming at blinding speed, climate engineering is making this warming worse overall, not better. DW


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