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Is It Game Over? New NASA Report

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations have been pushed and propagated on the premise of cooling the planet by saturating Earth's skies with sun blocking aerosols. The jet sprayed aerosols are intended to mimic the affect of extended volcanic eruptions. A new NASA science study has now confirmed that extended volcanic eruptions caused long term warming, not cooling. Worse, the ozone layer was decimated in the process. The 5+ minute video below exposes the flawed foundations of the climate engineering narrative and the grave dangers geoengineering operations pose to all life on Earth. Climate engineering operations are: Destroying the ozone layer. Accelerating planetary meltdown. Completely disrupting the global hydrological cycle. Establishing the conditions for unprecedented wildfires. Ubiquitously contaminating the entire planet and every breath we take. Saturating the biosphere with extremely harmful RF / Microwave transmissions. Being used as a covert weapon of war. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. DW Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

Engineering Catastrophic Wildfires To Temporarily Cool Arctic With Smoke (Updated)

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Are covert climate engineering operations connected to the exponentially increasing wildfires all over the world? June, 2019, was the hottest month ever recorded on our planet. July, 2019, is expected to break the all time heat record that was just set the month before. Scientists are frantically sounding the alarm about accelerating and immense Arctic heat and crashing polar ice. Unprecedented northern latitude wildfires are currently consuming millions of acres of forest, yet US mainstream media is almost silent about the unfolding cataclysm. As the environment and climate systems collapse around us all, how extreme can the desperation of the climate engineers become? How far are the geoengineers willing to go in their attempt to mask the unfolding climate collapse from the masses? Are the climate engineers willing to incinerate huge swaths of Earth’s remaining forests in order to temporarily cool parts of the planet with continent covering expanses of smoke? Regardless of the overall long term cost to the planet as a whole? Examine the dire data presented in this video report and decide for yourself. We, all of us, are rapidly running out of time. If the biosphere is not soon freed from the ongoing global climate engineering assault, there will very soon be nothing left to salvage of our once thriving planet. Photo credit: Oregon Air National Guard If we are to have any chance of altering our current course in time to make a difference, the effort will take all of us. Detailed activist instructions and geoengineering awareness raising materials can be found on the home page of GeoengineeringWatch.org. Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, please, help us to sound the alarm. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Peat, The World’s Largest Terrestrial Carbon Store, Ignites Into ‘Unprecedented’ Arctic Firestorms

Source: Daily KOS Throughout the High Arctic of Canada, Alaska, and Siberia unprecedented wildfires are raging. Thanks to stunning satellite images from NASA and the EU of the burning Arctic, this crisis has made international headlines. MSNBC discussed these fires yesterday and today I saw CNN, give this nightmare the coverage that it deserves even though it was just a fraction of the coverage given to Donald Trump's daily scandals and repulsive distractions. Climate Change News shares the situation unfolding in the Arctic:  ANCHORAGE (KTUU) – Dry conditions intensified across the state over the past seven days. The U.S. drought monitor released its weekly report and shows an area in the northeast Interior (orange-brown area) that shifted into “severe” drought conditions in the last week. The total area of “severe” drought expanded from 1.1 percent to 4.9 percent. More than 69 percent of the state is experiencing either drought conditions or abnormally dry conditions. Under the choking black smoke from the bog and forest fires in Siberia and Alaska, it can feel like the Earth itself is burning.  The normally moist, black organic peat soil and lush forests have been drying, and when they catch fire, they burn relentlessly. Global warming has been thawing tundra and drying vast stretches of the far-northern boreal forests, and it also has spurred more thunderstorms with lightning, which triggered many of the fires burning in Alaska this year, said Brian Brettschneider, a climate scientist with the International Arctic Research Center who closely tracks Alaskan and Arctic extreme weather. >>> Click here to read the full story…

Ten Times More Wildfires In Russian Arctic Than A Decade Ago As Ice Melts And Gives Way To Flame

Source: The Telegraph Russia this year has suffered the most Arctic wildfires since satellite monitoring started as climate change creates the conditions necessary for blazes to start and then take hold. Monitoring by two Nasa satellites recorded 10,057 hotspots in Russia's Arctic territory by the start of August, 10 times more than were found in the same period a decade ago, according to data provided to The Telegraph. That number is the highest since the satellites recorded their first full year of images in 2003. Marina Kanishcheva, an expert for Greenpeace Russia's global fire project, said: “Climate change has resulted in fires starting where it was too cold or wet for them before, where there weren't people… Read the full article here >>

Methane Deathtrap Threatens Democracy

Source: Counterpunch.org A methane deathtrap – continuing Arctic Ocean eruption of ever-increasing levels of methane brings forth speculation of a “Black Swan Event,” meaning society is caught flat-footed oblivious to impending danger until it’s way too late. Along those lines, The Economist newspaper only recently highlighted the methane issue for its mainstream readership. “The Methane Mystery: Scientists Struggle to Explain a Worrying Rise in Atmospheric Methane,” The Economist, April 28th 2018: “Keeping methane in check is therefore critical if a rise in temperature this century is to remain ‘well below’ 2°C relative to pre-industrial times, a goal set out in the Paris climate agreement of 2015… The explanations put forward by scientists range from the troubling to the truly hair-raising.” (Ed.-“Hair-raising” 100% correct.)

Rising Ocean Waters From Global Warming Could Cost Trillions Of Dollars

Source: The Guardian We’ll need to mitigate and adapt to global warming to avoid massive costs from sea level rise. Ocean waters are rising because of global warming. They are rising for two reasons. First, and perhaps most obvious, ice is melting. There is a tremendous amount of ice locked away in Greenland, Antarctica, and in glaciers. As the world warms, that ice melts and the liquid water flows to the oceans. The other reason why water is rising is that warmer water is less dense – it expands. This expansion causes the surface of the water to rise.

A Grand Solar Minimum Would Barely Make A Dent In Human-Caused Global Warming

Source Skeptical Science What The Science Says: Peer-reviewed research, physics, and math all tell us that a grand solar minimum would have no more than a 0.3°C cooling effect, barely enough to put a dent in human-caused global warming. Climate Myth: A grand solar minimum could trigger another ice age "The sun is acting bizarrely and scientists have no idea why. Solar activity is in gradual decline, a change from the norm which in the past triggered a 300-year-long mini ice age" (Dick Ahlstrom, The Irish Times)

Biological Annihilation And The Sixth Mass Extinction

Source: Resilience Human beings are now waging war against life itself as we continue to destroy not just individual lives, local populations and entire species in vast numbers but also the ecological systems that make life on earth possible. By doing this we are now accelerating the sixth mass extinction event in earth’s history and virtually eliminating any prospect of human survival. In a recently published scientific study ‘Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines’ the authors Gerardo Ceballos, Paul R. Ehrlich and Rodolfo Dirzo document the accelerating nature of this problem. “Earth’s sixth mass extinction is more severe than perceived when looking exclusively at species extinctions… That conclusion is based on analyses of the numbers and degrees of range contraction… using a sample of 27,600 vertebrate species, and on a more detailed analysis documenting the population extinctions between 1900 and 2015 in 177 mammal species.” Their research found that the rate of population loss in terrestrial vertebrates is “extremely high” – even in “species of low concern”. Read the full article here: http://www.resilience.org/stories/2017-08-03/biological-annihilation/


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