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Mass Methane Release Accelerating

Mass methane release appears to be picking up speed by the day in the Arctic as well as countless other locations around the globe.

Helping The Geoengineers To Sell Geoengineering.

When alternative news sites and their followers jump up and down about “global cooling”, the geoengineers must be opening bottles of champaign to celebrate their success and the efforts of their newly recruited “sales staff”, many of whom are actually anti-geoengineering activists.

Russians Request Geoengineering To Be Addressed In IPCC Report

Are the Russian’s inching closer to wanting disclosure of the ongoing global spray programs? As damage to the earths climate system increases by the day, the geoengineers appear to be ready to “double down” by increasing the decimating programs to even larger levels.

Arctic Ice Imploding, Methane Releasing

The geoengineers threw everything they had at the Arctic in late July. The ridiculous cooling anomaly they created (which all the media hyped up) has now totally imploded.

Full Spectrum Dominance: Weaponising The Weather

The US military is striving to achieve what it calls ‘full spectrum dominance’ of the planet by controlling the weather. But it is not just the US that is involved in climate modification, China and Russia are too. Thanks to people like researcher Dane Wigington, however, we are getting to know a good deal about the massive US programme and how the very essentials needed to sustain life on Earth are being recklessly destroyed.


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