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ABC Completely Omits Climate Engineering Facts

When I agreed to do an interview about geoengineering with ABC weatherman Chris Edwards (former military meteorologist), I was fully expecting a disinformation “hit piece”. My decision to press on with the interview was because I felt that such obvious spin and coverup would clearly expose the agenda of ABC and Mr. Edwards to quell ever increasing public awareness of global climate engineering. (geoengineering) Was there a complete lack of journalistic integrity in the interview linked below? I will leave that up to the reader to decide.

Geoengineering, Falsified Data, And Global Warming

Finally some acknowledgment of the data falsification which has helped to hide the true state of the climate. Many have been convinced that data is being cheated to the upside, however, an objective examination of this notion clearly shows the opposite is true.

Chemtrails: An Obvious Overhead Pollutant Ignored and Denied

Have you ever seen those long smoke-lines in the sky and wondered what they are? Some may be jet vapor contrails, but others are known as chemtrails. Most of the population doesn’t know, but these trails, loaded with heavy metals that have been measured in the water and air at several different worldwide locations, are actually a threat to your health.

Internet TROLLS – what ARE these guys?

Disinformation has been around as long as governments have, simply because it works. These guys take money to lie and deliberately keep the public blind to geoengineering programs that are taking the lives of men, women, children, and all life on the planet. You’ve got to wonder what went wrong with someone who can do that.

“1984” Has Truly Arrived – NASA Chemtrail Propoganda for Kids

I don’t think any glaring lie about the ongoing global geoengineering programs has enraged me so much as the criminal lies contained in the total propaganda site posted below put out by NASA. The attempt to completely brainwash our beautiful children has reached a new pinnacle of criminality.


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