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Hypnotic Data: 4 Essential Features

Source: No More Fake News Television news needs to create a hypnotic effect. Otherwise it would fall apart and shatter into a million nonsensical pieces.

Corporate Media, The Ultimate Weapon Of Mass Deception Exposed

Mainstream corporate media is a hive of lies and criminal deception, their job it is to serve the power structure. Those within this system have long since sold out any shred of honor they may have once had. Once major truths are out in the open that the media has helped to hide, “journalists” that participated in the deception should be tried as accomplices to the unquantifiable crimes of the power structure. The article and two very short video links below are quite revealing. The first (2 minutes) occurred when major White House correspondents did not realize their microphones were live. The second video (11 minutes) is what we desperately need to see more of, a now former member of the mainstream media machine of mass deception coming clean with a very moving confession and testimonial that reveals just how criminally corrupt the media truly is. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Engineered Weather, Exposing The Lies

The level of deception and outright lying coming from the climate science community and especially the “official” agencies like NOAA, NASA, NWS, etc, is astounding. Some in the climate science community are lying about the climate engineering reality because they are afraid of losing their jobs or worse. I know this for a fact because I have had face to face conversations with a few. There are other climate scientists that are totally in denial as they just can’t face the truth. Then there are the rest that are simply paid to deny the ongoing climate engineering reality. In any of these cases, all who deceive the public must be considered accessories in the massive coverup of the catastrophic climate engineering crimes. The so called “experts” that are lying to the public should be contacted by each and every one of us every single time they lie to let them know that we are not buying their lies. These “experts” should be put on notice that one day soon the public will hold them responsible for their criminal behavior. The two minute video below is complete deception due to the total omission of the catastrophic climate engineering issue. This being said, the video is well worth watching as the disasters it outlines are already all to real. Dane Wigington geonegineeringwatch.org

National Media Host David Pakman Desperately Tries To Discredit The Climate Engineering Reality

David Pakman is the epitome of power structure controlled opposition. Though David covers some issues with what appears to be opposition to the power structure, on the issues that really matter Pakman's job is clearly to marginalize, discredit, and otherwise cloud the truth. 911 and Climate engineering are two of the most critical issues at hand which Pakman is doing his best to marginalize. One of the primary ways Pakman tried to marginalize the climate engineering issue was to insist on using the non-science term of "chemtrails". Semantics matter in this battle, the "chemtrails" term leads investigating individuals to "conspiracy theory and hoax" definitions. Using science terms like "geoengineering", "climate engineering", or "solar radiation management", etc, leads to science information that helps to confirm the validity of the climate engineering issue. In the 16 minute interview below that I just did with David Pakman, he is particularly aggressive and clearly has an agenda. It is also apparent that he spent considerable time preparing himself for his attempt to discredit the climate engineering reality. Never during the interview does it seem he has any interest whatsoever in honest investigation or facts relating to the subject at hand. I knew before I accepted the interview request that David was on a mission to "de-bunk" the dire issue of global geoengineering which so many awake activists are fighting to expose. With all of us working together, we are indeed gaining ground in this fight. If we weren't, Pakman would not have been sent by his paymasters to try and slow us down. The facts speak for themselves. Though David Pakman's faithful followers seem to blindly follow him with their comments below the video, most seem to be as long on ideology and short on facts as David was. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

The Weather Channel Switches To Reality Shows

By Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org In the last three plus years, the “Weather Channel” has increasingly shown it is not so concerned about covering accurate information on the weather. Reality shows are now its main feature. In years past, whenever one turned on the “Weather Channel”, one got the weather. Not so any more.

The Secret Playbook of Internet Trolls

Source: ZeroHedge.com Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name What’s confusing you Is the nature of my game – The Rolling Stones The reason that Internet trolls are effective is that people still don’t understand their game.

New Launch for Disinformation Directory Website and FB Page

After a short delay due to the need to upgrade security, I am happy to announce that our affiliate website Disinformation Directory is  running at full speed. Thanks to the excellent team of anti-geoengineering activists who will keep us all in the loop and alert us about the people who try to hide and marginalize the greatest crime in human history, geoengineering. To keep up with the latest articles and exposés please follow Disinformation Directory page on Facebook. Dane Wigington geongineeringwatch.org

Portrait of a Cult

By Rebel Siren TROLLS are everywhere, even the word “troll” is offensive. They have been systematically infiltrating social media, hiding in the shadows like rats. Many of them are paid, hired by PR companies to spin an issue, sway public opinion, and cause debate and controversy where none previously existed, nor should. Check online employment venues for “forum poster” jobs. Trolls contribute to the ills of our society and are a virtual plague upon the planet by perpetuating everything that is destructive from promoting GMOs to geoengineering, to marketing, spamming, and selling us stuff we don’t need.

UPDATED: Engineered Drought Catastrophe Continues, Target California

Most of the “the golden state” is now parched, baked and dried far beyond any historical precedent. Reservoirs are nearly empty, streams are drying up, and forests are dying by the day. Catastrophic fires will also continue to decimate California due to the ongoing engineered drought.


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