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Geoengineers And Big Oil, The Dark Alliance

The curtain of deception continues to be pulled back on the powers that are decimating the planet while at the same time doing everything they can to confuse and bewilder the public in regard to what is actually unfolding. Climate engineering has been an essential part of the fossil fuel industry disinformation campaign. Engineered winter storms have been completely hyped by the mainstream media. The "record snow" in Boston was a primary headline all winter long while little was said about the virtually nonexistent snow pack in the Sierras. While mainstream media was trumpeting "record cold",  that was consistently manipulated by the geoengineers in a few regions, global temperatures have continued to soar. Standing on solid conclusions in regard to the true state of the climate is imperative so that we do not mistakenly accept false information from those with an agenda. So who is paying to create the confusion and thus hide reality? The Union Of Concerned Scientists has shed much light on this issue in the article below. Scientists are not yet willing to face the climate engineering factor (which is making the warming worse, not better), but the biosphere destruction being caused by climate engineering will be impossible to hide for much longer.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

David Keith’s Latest Criminal Denial Of Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Why is society so easily kept in the dark and oblivious to dire and immediate threats? One primary reason is the completely biased coverage of critical issues by media sources that claim to be objective. In the "Ecoshock" radio show linked below, Alex Smith (the host for Ecoshock who has already been listed in the "disinformationdirectory.com) interviews not one, but two well known ardent geoengineering deniers.  The first 25 minutes is spent with internationally known geoengineering David Keith. In 2010 David Keith was pushing for the dumping of 20,000,000 tons of aluminum nano particles into the atmosphere by spraying it with jet aircraft. In 2010 I confronted Keith about his proposals at an international geoengineering conference, his response was damning to say the least.  By the time Keith appears on the Stephen Colbert show, he seems to find humor in the catastrophic issue of geoengineering and has altered his proposal to the dumping of 20,000 pounds of sulfuric acid into the atmosphere. What is David Keith's part in the ongoing disinformation campaign to hide the geoengineering reality? The answer falls into one of three categories, he is either clinically blind, completely oblivious (or in denial) to the verifiable ongoing climate engineering reality and thus totally unqualified for the position he holds , or he is a paid liar. I will leave it up to the individual investigator to decide.  In the case of Rose Cairns, the same points should be considered. Cairns has been featured in the "disinformationdirectory.com" for her part in the climate engineering denial machine. Of course Ecoshock and their guests did their best to constantly use the non-science "chemtrails" term. Media sources that are trying to spin and marginalize the climate engineering reality insist on using the "chemtrails" term as mainstream media hitman David Pakman proved in the 15 minute interview he did with me.  Another factor that discredits the anti-climate engineering movement is the astounding denial of global warming in spite of the mountain of facts proving beyond any doubt that the planet is in total meltdown. Climate engineering is helping to fuel the meltdown overall, not mitigating it. Scanning the headlines at THIS LINK will give more credible facts on the actual state of the climate. The interview below is important to listen to for those that wish to better understand how the dire issue of climate engineering is discredited by "scientists" and "media" that have chosen to do so. If you don't appreciate the biased information put out by Ecoshock on the the issue of climate engineering, let Ecoshock know how you feel. It would also be productive to let David Keith (david_keith@harvard.edu) and Rose Cairns (R.Cairns@sussex.ac.uk) know your thoughts in regard to their part in covering up the climate engineering crimes. A written account of the interview below can be found HERE.  DW

Koch Industries Funding Climate Science Denial Front Groups

Photo Credit: Rolling Stone

By Rebel Siren for The Disinformation Directory It's no wonder there is such rampant denial and a propagandized "debate" in the mainstream. Dirty deeds obfuscate the truth to keep us confused and in the dark in order for big polluters to keep on polluting without any responsibility to humanity or the environment. Koch Industries and the Koch family spend millions of dollars on lobbyists to fight climate and energy legislation, millions more on politicians, and still more millions on organizations denying climate change. Through the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation as well as Koch Industries and the other Koch family foundations, numerous and substantial donations go to organizations that deny, skepticize or belittle the significance of global warming. Compared to ExxonMobil, which has spent over $27.4 million on skeptic groups since 1998, foundations linked to Koch Industries have spent over $70 million in traceable contributions to the same network of organizations, with addition untraceable funding funnelled through organizations like Donors Trust. Key Koch-backed organizations include the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, which was founded and remains chaired by David Koch, the Cato Institute, which Charles Koch co-founded and David Koch remains a board member after an attempted coup, the Institute for Humane Studies, which is chaired by Charles Koch, and the Reason Foundation, of which David Koch is a trustee.

Climate Engineering Denial, The Deliberate Deception

WIth almost no exceptions, the entire climate science community is completely denying the blatantly obvious and verifiable geoengineering reality. The all out aerosol spraying of skies around the globe is absolutely inarguable and yet the climate scientists/meteorologists are still pretending geoengineering is only a "proposal". How can we explain the total denial of this reality coming from climate scientists? They fit into one of these categories, they are either completely unqualified for the job they hold,  afraid to speak out, willing to lie to protect a paycheck and a pension, or they are clinically blind. None of these reasons are justification for the total deception being fed to us from the so called "experts" that are entrusted with the public welfare. We have long since lived in an Orwellian world but now it has reached a point that is difficult to even comprehend. Articles like the one below are laden with direct lies and lies of omission. They try to paint the picture that a small fleet of jets spraying aerosols into the atmosphere could cool the planet. That the only thing we need to worry about is who will control the thermostat.  After 65 years of geoengineering on an ever larger scale, now involving what is likely thousands of jets, with a planet that is rapidly descending into total meltdown, we can say with total certainty solar radiation management is only making a bad climate situation far worse. Virtually none of the known unavoidable major negative consequences of SRM are even mentioned in most mainstream articles. Total disruption of the hydrological cycle, shredded ozone layer, lack of direct sunlight, and what is never ever mentioned is the fact that what goes up, must come down. Virtually the entire surface of the planet is being systematically contaminated, as is every single breath we take. How is it that this last and most dire point is never mentioned in any mainstream media articles or even in the science studies about aerosol geoengineering? Are we to think that thousands of climate scientists cannot comprehend this fact? That something sprayed into the atmosphere must settle down to Earth? Most of the climate science community should be viewed with contempt for their part in this greatest of all human crimes. Once the public is fully aware of what has been done to them, legal action should be immediately taken against all those that willfully participated in the completely illegal climate engineering assault, or in the criminal attempt to cover up these lethal programs. Make your voice heard in this battle. This does not mean to simply complain, but to help wake others up by passing on credible data on the climate engineering issue. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Climate Engineering Omnicide And The Criminals Who Help Hide It

If you care about reason, justice, the planet, your children, yourself, or any other aspect of life on Earth, the 10 minute film clip below should fill you with justifiable anger. As awareness of the climate engineering insanity grows, so does the attempt by those in power to quench the growing fires of the awakening population. The "journalists" and disinformation site owners featured in this film will hopefully one day soon be held to account in a legal forum that should resemble the Nuremberg trials. Such cowardly and despicable individuals are all too willing to lie for a paycheck and a pension. They like to rant about the "conspiracy theorists" in the most derogatory tone, but what do psychologists say about the sanity of those who question as opposed to those who blindly parrot the official narrative? Studies show clearly that those who question are much more sane, what a surprise. The mainstream media disinformation in the video below tries to convince us that everything we see in the sky is just "contrails", but does this lie hold up to hard facts? What the disinformation people in this film did not tell you is that all commercial jets and military tankers have "high bypass turbofan" jet engines which is by design incapable of producing "condensation trails" except under the most extreme conditions. Did they mention the mountain of government documents and science reports on "solar radiation management" (SRM)? No, they did not even mention the term as that would have given credibility to this issue and that's the last thing they want. They show film footage of WWll B-17 bombers leaving condensation trails, but they did not tell you that these bombers had water vapor injection systems on them in addition to the very crude piston engines that put out a tremendous amount of particulate matter. Their entire video is filled with direct lies and lies of omission. If you want to make a difference in the battle to expose and halt global geoengineering, take the time to contact the two primary perpetrators in this mainstream disinformation piece and let them know you are not OK with them lying about the climate engineering crimes that will cost your children any chance for a future if these programs continue. One is Mark Allin from ATS (Above Top Secret). ATS is controlled and funded by William Irvine who has reported CIA connections. Then there is George Knapp, from Channel 8 news, who avoids completely the mountain of science relating to geoengineering and solar radiation management like the long list of patents and global governance documents. If you care about your future and that of your children, make your voice heard. Let those who lie for a paycheck and a pension know that you are not OK with their part in the cover-up of the covert climate engineering crimes.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Lord Monckton, Ardent Geoengineering Denier

Lord Monckton is an ardent denier of the blatant climate engineering reality occurring in skies around the globe every day, so why would so many in the anti-climate engineering community post Monckton's rants? Because too many are not doing real research on the bigger picture but are rather marching forward with opinions based on bias, ideology, and preconception. Hard facts help our cause, the former personality traits mentioned do not. Because so many hate Al Gore (for good reason) they will post anyone that has an opposing view to Gore, but is this reasonable? If Gore said the world was round, should we take the position that it is flat? If activists in the anti-geoengineering fight expect others to actually investigate the spraying of our skies, are not we responsible for also having a solid basis for our opinions? Many activists also cite The Weather Channel founder, John Coleman, as a source of credible information even though Coleman has labeled the anti-geoengineering community "tin foil hat wearing nutcases". Again, I would ask, why would anyone in the anti-climate engineering community post the rants from such a person? Again, the answer is this, because Coleman disputes Gore and the reality of our changing climate. Monckton and Coleman are both former journalists, neither even claim to have spent significant time in solid and extensive research on the climate or geoengineering. The video below is exposes Lord Monckton in many ways. Monckton admits he is "not an expert on the atmosphere" but yet he claims to know that what we see in our skies are only "contrails". Why would anyone who claims to be against climate engineering post the baseless opinions of individuals like Monckton? Opinions and ideology must be exchanged for research and hard facts. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

US Court Decides Falsifying News Is Not Against The Law

If you cannot believe a US appeals court would rule that falsifying news is not illegal, just ask Fox News about the facts in this case. The 10 minute video below is very revealing in regard to just how completely corrupted our so called "news" sources are. Mainstream media is simply a tool of the power structure, by the power structure, and for the power structure. Those who use corporate media for their information are either extremely ignorant, not interested in the truth, or both. Unfortunately, this is the case for a very high percentage of populations around the globe. Ignorance will not be bliss for much longer as the walls close in on us all. We should all confidently make the attempt to wake those around us, our lives and our future depend on it. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Weather Channel Founder John Coleman Categorically Denies Climate Engineering Reality

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Who is John Coleman? Why would he go to so much effort to try and “debunk” the climate engineering reality? Even more importantly, why would anyone who claims to be fighting the geoengineering insanity post information from Coleman as if he were an oracle of truth? Unfortunately, a few anti-climate engineering activists and individuals have blatantly ignored Coleman’s climate engineering denial in order to post his climate change denial rants. John Coleman was one of the Weather Channel founders, but he is NOT a meteorologist or a climatologist. In fact, Coleman is not a scientist at all, but rather he has a journalism degree.  This does not automatically discredit everything he says, but are his conclusions backed up with credible data? In regard to both subjects mentioned above, the answer is clearly no. National Radio show announcer Jack Blood publicly challenged John Coleman to debate the climate engineering issue on the air with me, Coleman refused. The Washington Post asks “Why Does Anyone Pay Attention To John Coleman”?   It does seem Coleman is just the sort of “journalist” the power structure likes to use for putting out messages of denial on subjects like geoengineering and climate change. So what has Coleman said about climate engineering? The video below is from Coleman, why would anyone who claimed to be fighting geoengineering post information from such a source?

The Post-Tribune And The Geoengineering Elephant In The Room

The climate engineering elephant in the room is getting hard to hide. It is becoming ever more clear that phones and emails are ringing off the hook in the offices of newsrooms and public officials by people that want answers on the climate engineering insanity. We must continue this trend and increase the pace even further. Of course the Post Tribune finds an “expert” to say it isn’t so and that the public is just making it all up and does not understand the “laws of physics”. Why should we believe that it’s only “condensation trails” in the sky? Because the “Weather Channel” says so. Never mind that we have film footage of tankers spraying at altitude with the nozzles clearly visible and with the spray being turned on and off. Never mind the fact that lab tests from around the globe prove beyond doubt that we are all being buried in under massive amounts of toxic heavy metals that match climate engineering patents exactly. Just throw your sense of deductive reasoning out the window because the paid liars at the Rothchilds owned weather channel say it isn’t so. To cap it off, Jerry Davich from the Post Tribune delivers his final “conspiracy theory” insinuation by quoting an establishment trained “professor of sociology” who says we are all just choosing to believe legends of our own creation. We must hold these people accountable. Don’t stop phoning and emailing them until they show the courage to stop lying and start telling the truth. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    Davich: Contrails, chemtrails or contemporary legend? Source: Post-Tribune, News of Northwest Indiana, article by Jerry Davich Look, up in the sky. No, seriously. There’s a possibility you’ll see intriguing white streaks of, well, something. Are they simply contrails from jet airplane engines, which have been leaving exhaust-related plumes for decades? Or are these murky streaks something more? Possibly “geo-engineering” at work or chemical trails (“chemtrails”)? Or more radical explanations, such as human pesticides, biological agents and weather pattern manipulation, as I’ve been told by critical observers. Conspiracy theories, you say? “Conspiracy possibilities,” replied Andrew Reed of Chesterton. “I’ve seen contrails. These are different,” he insisted, pointing to a ton of Internet information and conjecture on this topic. “I’ve studied chemtrails for a while now, but this was the first time I saw them happen for myself,” he told me earlier this week. “My experience today helped solidify my beliefs that planes are dropping something on an unsuspecting public.” On that day, our Northwest Indiana skies were littered with these cloudy white streaks going every direction. I always assumed they were created by jets flying to and from the two Chicago airports. Not so, claims Reed and others. “The planes were crisscrossing and making 90-degree turns right before my eyes,” said Reed, a sanitation worker for Portage. “The trails they left acted in accordance with everything I have come to know about them. They left a murky cloud-like haze that did not evaporate. They are real and shrouded in mystery.” Mystery indeed, until you talk with a university chemistry professor or meteorologist from The Weather Channel. “There is a very basic scientific explanation for these chemtrails,” said Kory Stiffler, a visiting assistant professor of chemistry, physics and astronomy at Indiana University Northwest in Gary. “They are essentially trails of water vapor left by the exhaust of airplanes, which condense in the cold air and form little trails of clouds, the same way a regular cloud is formed.” The reason these water vapor trails (and clouds) are white is that the water vapor of which they are composed scatters sunlight in all directions, he noted. On the other hand, the scattering of sunlight by atmospheric gases (primarily nitrogen and oxygen) is the reason the sky is blue — these gases scatter blue light in all directions. It’s all Physics 101, a course he teaches every semester. Meteorologists from The Weather Channel agree, telling me that when weather conditions are just right, jets leave behind a streaming contrail cloud. “Some conspiracy theorists believe these are trails of chemicals released by planes. However, that is not the case,” a Weather Channel spokeswoman told me. In simplest terms, such conditions need a rather high relative humidity but below the point of saturation, with no clouds. A slight change in air temperature can lead to this condensation. “Relative humidity is when temperature and dew point are close together,” the spokeswoman said. “When the temperature drops to the dew point, this is when you get the condensation or clouds, or contrail in this case.” Reed and other critics of such scientific explanation don’t believe it. “Why do people refuse to believe that geoengineering is real?” asked Reed, who took a photo of the sky that day, which accompanies this column. “We’ve seen what governments can do, with cases like Agent Orange in Vietnam and other instances of chemical warfare.” Reed is certainly not alone with such thinking locally. I’ve heard from many other readers about these contrails or chemtrails, especially this past year. “They were spraying big time today. It can’t be good,” said Jerry Gilles, a social media follower. “They’ve been doing it for years but people are finally starting to realize what’s happening,” said Kathy Parsons of Gary. Many of them insist doubters watch the 2010 documentary film, “What in the World Are They Spraying?” which reportedly reveals the chemtrail-geoengineering cover-up. This is how it’s billed: “Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water — all supposedly for the betterment of mankind.” But, “the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent.” Reed, among others, is a believer. “I believe it’s aluminum and possibly barium and strontium,” he said. Why? “Possibly to block solar rays to slow global warming,” he said.


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