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Rapidly Increasing Awareness Of The Climate Engineering Crimes Is Panicking Corporate Media

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The recent rash of mainstream media propaganda pushback against the rapidly rising global climate engineering awareness is a glaring red flag which proves that we are indeed gaining ground in this all important battle. Those who work for the mainstream media organizations of mass deception should at this point be considered as accessories to the geoengineering/weather warfare crimes of omnicide when they willingly participate in the cover-up of these crimes. "Scientists" like Dr. David Keith, and Dr. Ken Caldeira have been (and still are) leading the effort to deceive the public with yet another major disinformation pushback from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. These two individuals should not only be considered accessories to the criminal climate engineering cover-up, but should also be considered primary instigators of this cover-up. Dr. Caldeira and Dr. Keith were both contributors to a recent disinformation "study" designed to deceive the population and intimidate others in academia from speaking out about the climate engineering crimes. Caldeira's employer, Carnegie "Science", was the supporting institution for this "study" (orchestrated survey). The Carnegie group has long since admitted on the record that geoengineering would not only "make the skies whiter", but it would actually "turn them white". So how is it that this power structure institution, Carnegie "Science", (with defense industry contracts) now tries to completely marginalize the very issue they have issued reports about? They deny the very reality of the solar radiation management effect in our skies which mountains of data prove is an ongoing reality. The CBC Canadian corporate news empire has added their voice to the cover-up effort, again with Dr. Keith at the helm of the deception. Once the Canadian billboard in the photo below came to Dr. Keith's attention (the billboard's link leads directly to GeoengineeringWatch.org), Keith apparently made sure there would be a corporate media pushback to blatantly lie about the billboard's meaning and message. Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard LookUpBanff.com photo credit: Jason and Lorna Hardy Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard LookUpBanff.com photo credit: Jamie Allen-Miller ‎For the record, David Keith's entire career is centered around the "solar geoengineering" issue which is exactly what the Canadian billboard was in fact about. With this in mind, let's consider the following quotes made about the billboard by Dr. Keith (in the CBC disinformation article). "I think it's stunning and frightening because it is complete lunacy" And this: "A lot of people just believe things that normal science doesn't believe at all" Watch this video and again consider Dr. Keith's quotes about geoengineering shown above. Bill Gates has even contributed to Dr. David Keith's and Dr. Ken Caldeira's efforts in the geoengineering field. If, after examining the CBC disinformation article, you feel the CBC author, Kyle Bakx, has been criminally deceptive, let him know what you think about his blatantly false and deceptive "reporting" by contacting Kyle Bakx directly. About Dr. David Keith and Dr. Ken Caldeira, if you are not OK with the part they are playing in the ongoing criminal climate engineering cover-up, tell them yourself (their contact links were given earlier in this article and are shown again at the bottom of this post). Communications should be done in a non threatening manner, though we can and should still point out to these individuals that once the public wakes up to the lethal deception, populations will undoubtedly hold those that participated in the criminal climate engineering cover-up legally and morally accountable. When messaging these individuals by email, it is important to openly cc as many other credible people as possible. Doing so further assists with the effort to expose those that are participating in the disinformation, and thus helps  to hold them accountable for their actions. Climate Engineering Cover-Up Continues In The US Redding, California, has been and will continue to be an epicenter for the effort to expose the ongoing climate engineering crimes. Shasta Dam (the second largest in the country) is located just north of Redding and the Sacramento River (a primary source of the State's water) flows through Redding. Lab tests prove that the Sacramento River and tributaries are being contaminated by the toxic heavy metal and chemical climate engineering fallout (starting with aluminum). The fight to expose the climate engineering issue in Shasta County has been long and arduous, but not in vain. As more and more in the Redding area have awakened to the climate engineer atrocities, Northern California's primary newspaper (The Record Searchlight) has displayed rapidly increasingly tyrannical behavior. In a blatant effort to sensationalize headlines of total deception, the Searchlight avoids the use of hard science terms and instead focuses on launching personal attacks in order to distract from the real issue of the illegal covert climate engineering assault. The local page photo of the latest Record Searchlight disinformation and personal attack publication is below. This travesty of "journalism" was published on 8-19-16. Recent Record Searchlight headline on cover of the local section of the newspaper Why does it matter to even bother exposing this completely immoral propaganda publication for what they are? Because the anti-geoengineering legal action from LASG may concentrate in this region. By continuing to shine the light on the Searchlight's unethical conduct, once the climate engineering issue can no longer be hidden the citizens of Northern California will then fully realize the part the Record Searchlight staff played in hiding critical information from Shasta County citizens. This will assist us with the legal effort to fully expose the climate engineering assault and with reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue. The corporate media owned Record Searchlight "newspaper" has not only completely blacked out any coverage of numerous past major community climate engineering awareness events in Redding, but is at the same time giving front page coverage of any and every disinformation propaganda that attempts to falsely marginalize the critical climate engineering issue. The editor for the Record Searchlight is Silas Lyons. Below is a message from Mr. Lyons after he was confronted with the Searchlight's blackout of a major community climate engineering awareness gathering with over 1000 in attendance. Mr. Wigington, Thanks for your note. The Record Searchlight certainly has no monopoly on the public receiving information, and you've used the Internet, events and other channels pretty effectively

Ken Caldeira, David Keith, And Carnegie “Science”, The Face Of The Criminal Climate Engineering Cover-up

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The power structure's propaganda machine has been put into high gear in a last ditch desperate attempt to hide the ongoing geoengineering planetary omnicide till the last possible moment. Geoengineer Ken Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" have teamed up on a "peer reviewed "study/survey" to "prove" "chemtrails" are not real. The key image in the science diagram above is the jet spraying "reflective particles" shown in the upper left. Though ocean iron fertilization is also a catastrophic form of geoengineering that is ongoing, the other images (space mirrors and artificial trees) are completely implausible and meant to distract from the reality of the actual geoengineering programs. The science terms for what is occurring in our skies were of course completely avoided by Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" as such terms would lead people to hard science data and that was of course NOT the goal of the "study/survey". This "peer reviewed" study claims that the vast majority of scientists agreed "chemtrails" were not real (again, the scientists were not asked about the geoengineering/climate modification subject). So, in addition to the inaccurate terms in the "survey", did the vast majority of scientists surveyed really confirm that "chemtrails" were not real? NO, here are the real numbers from the "survey", 475 scientists were solicited for this survey, only 78 responded, that is only just over 16%. Why didn't the rest of the scientists excuse themselves from the survey? Keep reading and find out. When the climate engineering crimes are fully exposed to populations around the globe (once and for all), a complete overturning of our paradigm will commence and those in power know it. The ongoing weather warfare that has been carried out for over 70 years has equally and irreparably harmed every person on the planet along with the entire web of life. The 2 minute video below shows up-close from directly behind a jet aircraft what is inarguably atmospheric spraying occurring. This is only one shocking example, there are countless others. The power structure and the criminals who serve them are completely committed to hiding the geoengineering/solar radiation management/climate intervention programs from the public for as long as possible. The effort to bring the climate engineering insanity to light is gaining ground rapidly. This has caused the global controllers to push back with a pathetic piece of total propaganda that does not in any objective way, shape, or form, address the mountain of material facts which conclusively confirm that global climate engineering has long since been deployed. The propaganda "study" in question (which attempts to dispute the geoengineering reality based on the "opinions" of selected academicians) has been republished and reposted by numerous corporate controlled "media" sources that are clearly tasked with serving the global power structure. Who is a primary face that we can place on the machine of criminal deception regarding the ongoing illegal geoengineering assault? Internationally recognized geoengineer Ken Caldeira has been playing a central role in the ongoing public propaganda and deception for a very long time (along with geoengineer David Keith). Caldeira and Keith are clearly heavily committed to the effort to hiding the ongoing climate engineering assault by any means possible. Caldeira has long since teamed up with Carnegie "Science" which has known connections to the defense industry. A look into Caldeira's past government defense department employment is shocking and revealing. In the damning 2 minute video below you can hear Caldeira describe in his own words what he worked on while employed by the US government. Internationally known geoengineer Dr. David Keith is in the same business as Caldeira, public deception. The 5 minute video below (which features Dr. David Keith, Ken Caldeira, and Obama science advisor, John Holdren), is very revealing and especially damning for geoengineer, Dr. David Keith. Dr. David Keith was also very effectively exposed by Stephen Colbert in this next 6 minute video. Caldeira's "report" of the "survey" he spearheaded  is so full of omissions and completely skewed information that it is difficult to find a starting point with setting the record straight. 1. Science terms were systematically avoided in the propaganda "report" pieced together by Caldeira, Keith, and company. If readers were shown terms like "solar radiation management" (SRM), "stratospheric aerosol geoengineering" (SAG), "cloud albedo enhancement" (CAE), "Stratospheric aerosol injection" (SAI), inquiring individuals might actually investigate the issue and find there is a mountain of science facts to back up claims that climate engineering has long since been fully deployed. Instead (and not surprisingly), Caldeira and crew exclusively used the "chemtrails" term (with one exception) which is not a science term and by design does not lead to credible data. 2. Why didn't Ken Caldeira and associates disclose the fact that not only do all US government scientists have no first amendment protection (which means they are not at liberty to speak openly), but there is actually an ILLEGAL FEDERAL GAG ORDER ON ALL NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE AND ALL NOAA EMPLOYEES. Are we to believe that any scientists are truly free to speak openly on a subject that is clearly a national security issue at a time when any and all whistleblowers are being relentlessly prosecuted? The ONLY scientists that might be willing to speak out under such circumstances are those that know full well they will be rewarded for supporting the official propaganda and deception. 3. Why didn't Caldeira and his associates bother to mention massive historical senate documents, presidential reports, and military statements of objective that make clear climate engineering is not just theory or conjecture, but has long since been verifiable fact. 4. Why didn't Caldeira make mention of the extensive list of geoengineering patents that describe exactly what we can see with our own eyes occurring in the skies above? 5. Why didn't Caldeira cover the design characteristics of the "high bypass turbofan jet engine"? This engine is mounted on ALL military tankers and ALL commercial carriers and is by design nearly incapable of creating any condensation trails except under the rarest and most extreme circumstances. 6. Why didn't this report from Caldeira and Carnegie "science" address the fact that there are retrofit spray nozzles mounted on the aircraft pylons directly

Weaponizing The Term “Conspiracy Theory”: Disinformation Agents And The CIA

Source: Global Research, article by Dr. Gary G. Kohls ‘Conspiracy theory’ is a term that strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events as off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States, raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs… CIA Document 1035-960 played a definitive role in making the ‘conspiracy theory’ term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question. – From CIA Document 1035-960   We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. – William Casey, Ronald Reagan’s first CIA Director (from Casey’s first staff meeting, 1981) It is quite easy for a disinformation agent to spin a rich disinformation tale and then craft several different versions of the tale with new ‘facts’ to support the story in each one. These tales are usually a good mix of verifiable facts and cleverly designed lies, so that people who check the ‘facts’ tend to believe the lies that are mixed in. –– from: http://www.wanttoknow.info/g/disinformation-agents It wasn’t very many years after the world-wide web became operational that it was contaminated by secret disinformation agencies and also by individuals that were eventually called internet trolls. Trolls (defined below) began interjecting themselves – uninvited and unwanted – into otherwise useful and productive conversations involving web-groups of like-minded individuals. These trolls, intent on scurrilously confusing various website commenters, seemed to delight in angering up certain online groups. Typically, a lot of time and effort was wasted in such fake arguments before members of the group finally realized that they had been ambushed by a disinformation agent. Many folks might recall how promising were the prospects for the internet’s new method of communication that was affordable, quick and paperless. Many envisioned an internet that was “without commercial interruptions” and a way to promote healthy interactions between well-meaning people of different races, religions, politics, commitments, lifestyles and cultures. Progressive-thinking folks without ulterior motives saw the internet as a new way to explore and solve some of the common threats to them or the planet. Peacemakers saw the internet as a tool that could expose the ideological enemies of the exploited 99% and perhaps even unite against the predatory elites in the ruling 1%. Some saw opportunities to expose and then eliminate fascism, racism, militarism, corporatism, bigotry, pollution, over-population and income inequality (and, more recently, global climate change) and to foster understanding and cooperation between various cultures. Tragically, before you could say “corrupt crony capitalism”, the web was dominated – and then essentially owned – by profiteering corporations that saw world peace and cooperation as a threat to their greedy profiteering goals. (Peace is never as profitable as war or the rumors or war.) In the viewpoint of amoral corporations, the internet was seen as just another way to market their products to otherwise inaccessible consumers, even if their infernal advertisements were uninvited and unwanted by most internet users (albeit sometimes entertaining) . But, while Big Business and the investor classes took over the internet, the web also became a recruitment tool for assorted hate groups like white supremacists, religious bigots, racists and neo-fascist talk show hosts who all developed a following and websites that allowed them to spew their hate, bigotry and disinformation much more efficiently. Why and How Propaganda Works The internet, like so much of what passes for technological advancement in our commercialized society, has, predictably, become a force for ill, not unlike how Joseph Goebbels and the Nazi Party used the universally-accessible and very affordable radio to spew their right-wing hate propaganda in the 1930s and 40s (after first smashing the liberal media’s printing presses, of course). But the ruling elites who own the trans-national mega-corporations also own our legislative bodies and our major media. That often nefarious Gang of Four has brain-washed their way into our hearts, minds and bank accounts. Many of them can be seen eagerly pig feeding at the trough of more than one government bureaucratic agency that may be busily granting no-bid contracts behind closed doors. These corporations, in the interest of unlimited (and unsustainable) stock price growth, have been compelled by their stakeholders to plunge head-long into the soul-destroying muck of the dog-eat-dog-competition that exists in both business and political spheres. The muck has become much less embarrassing – but no less odious – since the democracy-destroying Citizen’s United Supreme Court decision of 2011 that legalized the anonymous bribery of most political candidates and made the fiction of corporate personhood the law of the land. As an example of how propaganda works, we need to examine the CIA, America’s major national intelligence agency and propaganda machine. The unofficial motto of the CIA, “Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter-accusations.” was blurted out by Porter Goss, GW Bush’s second CIA director in 2005. The official motto of Britain’s CIA-equivalent MI6 is “Semper Occultus” (Always Secret) and, according to the whistle-blowing, ex-Israeli Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, the Mossad’s motivating motto has always been “By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Make War” (derived from a phrase from the book of Proverbs). Weaponizing the term “Conspiracy Theory” But the fact (not just the theory) of widespread official conspiracies (along with the obligatory disinformation and cover-up operations) isn’t really new. As one prime example, the CIA (which by law is forbidden to have anything to do with domestic affairs [the FBI’s job]) has been a huge disinformation agency for as long as it has been in existence. The CIA institutionalized the term “conspiracy theory” in its very successful attempt to derail the honest attempts to investigate the roles of various governmental agencies and individuals that were involved in the execution of President Kennedy in

Climate Engineering Denial And Deception, Holding Mainstream Media Accountable

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Should we consider it acceptable for mainstream media news anchors and their "chief meteorologists" to completely ignore and marginalize the legitimate and verifiable concerns of the public that they claim to represent? Should we just stand silently by while media and meteorological "professionals" (that the community depends on) willfully blackout critical issues (that relate directly to public health and welfare) without doing a shred of honest or legitimate investigation? The short answer is no, we cannot, we must not accept such a betrayal of the public's trust. In Northern California, KRCR is an ABC affiliate that covers the North State. The chain of short messages below are my attempt to hold the ABC news anchor for KRCR (and their chief meteorologist) accountable by simply asking them to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting. This effort has been ongoing. The ABC news anchor finally gives a very unprofessional and completely inadequate response. A 40 year veteran Aerospace Avionics Engineer then directly addresses the ABC news anchor with his own letter which fully supports the reality of global geoengineering and our efforts to expose the ongoing atmospheric aerosol crimes. 1st Request Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas,  As I am sure you are aware, the rapidly growing public concerns over the issue of climate engineering continues to accelerate. As meteorological and media representatives for the North State (through KRCR), it is my hope that you will agree to accept this formal invitation to attend a locally staged public forum (in a town hall setting) in order to address the public's questions and concerns about what we see constantly occurring in our skies. The lingering expanding jet aircraft trails often haze out the entire skyline (which is the stated goal of "solar radiation management" programs). If (as the KRCR chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger believes climate engineering is not in fact going on, the public would like to know on what facts and information such a conclusion is based. I, and many others, hope you will accept this sincere invitation to address our concerns as our local weather and media representatives. If so, we would coordinate a date, time, and location for the meeting that would be acceptable to your schedules.  Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Verifiable facts sent for consideration: Federal "gag order" on all NWS and NOAA employees https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/government-implements-illegal-gag-order-on-national-weather-service-and-noaa/ Links to numerous film footage clips of jet aircraft spraying https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/audio-video/aircraft-spraying-videos/ New Science Study Examines Methods To Gain Public Acceptance Of Climate Engineering https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/new-science-study-examines-methods-to-gain-public-acceptance-of-climate-engineering/ New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/new-science-study-comes-closer-to-disclosing-the-catastrophic-health-and-environmental-consequences-of-climate-engineering/ Massive Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/massive-us-senate-document-on-national-and-global-weather-modification/ Historical presidential report documenting ongoing and expanding climate engineering programs https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/documents-library/ Extensive list of climate engineering patents https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/an-extensive-list-of-patents/ Solar radiation management governance initiative http://www.srmgi.org 2nd Request Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, I hope you would be kind enough to issue a response to the request sent last week. As mentioned in the former message, public concerns about climate engineering are escalating rapidly, it would seem appropriate for the chief meteorologist that represents our region to at least be willing to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting. Thank you for your consideration to this second request.  Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org 3rd Request Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, we are all still hoping you will be willing to answer questions from the public to address our concerns about what is happening in our skies. The photo attached was captured today from the NASA worldview site, what could cause such a cloud formation? This is one of the many questions we would like to have addressed at a town hall meeting at a date, time, and location, that would suite your schedule. Again, as the local chief meteorologist that represents our region, we hope you will be willing to address our questions and concerns. Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org What could cause an alarming cloud formation like what is shown below? And on such a vast scale? 4th Request Hello again Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, still hoping to have the courtesy of a response regarding the communities requests to have their questions and concerns about climate engineering addressed in a public town hall setting. Below is a satellite photo taken today over Northern California. It reveals an atmosphere that is completely saturated with aerosols which look more like blowing smoke on the radar image as opposed to natural cumulous or cirrus clouds. Smoke is of course a particulate, climate engineering/solar radiation management patents and programs expressly call for saturating the atmosphere with light scattering particulates dispersed from jet aircraft. If (as our chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger feels our concerns are unfounded, and that we should not believe what we can see with our own eyes, we would be very interested in hearing on what basis of facts he comes to such a conclusion. Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org First response from KRCR ABC news anchor Mike Mangas On Feb 18, 2016, at 6:20 PM, Mike Mangas wrote: Hello Dane- I apologize for not responding to your emails. I didn't see them – to be absolutely honest, I blocked them some time ago. Going into the geoengineering debate, I tried to keep an open mind. I listened to you, to your followers, showed up at the seminar you had in the David Marr auditorium, and did online research. I'm not a scientist, and don't pretend to be, but of the things I could confirm, I have found lies, mistruths, conspiracy theories of all sorts (and not just geoengineering. That forum had a cornucopia of conspiracy theories. Who shot Kennedy, what really happened on 9-11, did we really go to the moon, etc.) Reading things like we the media are being paid off by the government to keep things quiet, or to believe humans are capable of intentionally altering the environment on a global scale, for nefarious purposes, or that such an alleged massive operation could be done in complete secrecy, and talking

Meteorologists And Climate Engineering Denial, Perpetuating The Lie For A Paycheck And A Pension

How expansive and deep is the cancer of payed denial and deception which has long since permeated so much of the science community on countless fronts? How many so called "experts" have long since sold any shred of honor and honesty they may have once possessed in exchange for a paycheck and a pension? The blatant criminal denial of the climate engineering atrocities so visible in skies around the globe is the greatest deception ever perpetrated on populations of the planet. The majority of the masses have unfortunately so far been all too willing to accept a constant parade of lies from the power structure and their paid minions on an endless list of issues. Denial is epidemic in our society, the herd mentality has so far ruled the day. Populations have been successfully programmed to never investigate or question the "experts" or the "official narrative" no matter how obvious and glaring the lies become. We have been taught to criticize and marginalize any that dare to question. This is the Orwellian world we live in, it is a paradigm that is leading the human race and all life toward a mathematically certain near term extinction. A complete course correction begins with publicly exposing those that are perpetuating lethal deceptions. The six minute video below covers the cowardice and deceit that is rampant in the meteorological community. Shining a light on the insanity is a responsibility that must be carried by us all if we are to have any chance of turning the tide in time. Our sincere gratitude to Co Creation Productions, Inc, for producing this video. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

The Contrails Conspiracy Is Not Only Garbage, It’s Letting Aviation Off The Hook Too

Source: The Disinformation Directory Original story by George Monbiot in The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2015/dec/04/the-contrails-conspiracy-is-not-just-garbage-its-letting-aviation-off-the-hook Response written by Marla Stair-Wood George Monbiot is concerned about airplane emissions. He is so concerned about aviation emissions, he penned numerous essays on the subject since 1996, when he became a columnist for The Guardian. One would think the armies of geoengineering planes flying the last few decades contributing even more to CO2 levels while dispersing tons of aerosols into the atmosphere would also greatly concern Monbiot; however, according to him, he totally dismissed and ignored the issue of ongoing climate engineering until lately, when his friends and an editor of a highly visible environmental magazine urged him to investigate and report. In his area of the U.K., the look-up.org.uk site appeared to be very vocal on the anti-Geoengineering front, so he chose (exclusively, so it appears) this site as his research source. The result of Monbiot's investigation (loosely applied) is a December 4, 2015 essay entitled: “The contrails conspiracy is not only garbage, it’s letting aviation off the hook too”. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2015/dec/04/the-contrails-conspiracy-is-not-just-garbage-its-letting-aviation-off-the-hook

Who Is Helping The Geoengineers To Sell Geoengineering?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org What is the primary STATED goal of stratosopheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management programs? To cool the planet. If our goal is to expose and halt climate engineering, we need to recognize headlines that are manufactured to help the geoengineers sell their stock and trade. If an article or website claims the planet is cooling, without a word about climate engineering, alarm bells should go off. A recently circulated article titled "Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria" is a case in point. Exactly who are these scientists? Who are they working for? What industries are the most heavily invested in manipulating public opinion on the climate issue? These same industries stand to lose the most if the public truly understood the truth. In regard to the above mentioned article, let's answer these questions starting with all of the fossil fuel industry paid "experts" featured in the article linked above. (click individual names for extensive details and verification of facts).  Dr. Robert Carter, former chief of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University. (Part of think tanks funded from sources like Exxon Mobil and The Koch brothers) Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist and geoscientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. (Soon has received over $1,200,000 from sources like Exxon Mobil, Koch Industries, and the American Petroleum Institute) Dr. Fred Singer,  founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. (Singer  has known ties to Koch Industries, Exxon Mobil, Texaco, Shell, the American Gas Industry, etc) Dr. Patrick Moore,  former Greenpeace co-founder. (Left Greenpeace for financial gain and has since been a spokesman for the energy industry) Dr. Christopher Essex, associated chair in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario. (Connected to the "Heartland Institute" which has ties to the fossil fuel industry) Lord Christopher Monckton (Monckton has such a shady and incredible record it is hard to find a starting point to cover it) Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), chairman of the Senate Environment Committee. (Inhofe has very direct and verifiable funding/donations from the fossil fuel industry. All of the individuals listed above are very directly funded by and benefiting from the very military/industrial complex that is behind the climate engineering programs. None of these people have in any way, shape or form admitted to the ongoing geoengineering. Why would they? They are indirectly a part of it. In fact, some of fossil fuel paid lobbyists named above have aggressively denied the climate engineering atrocities. John Coleman (co-founder of The Weather Channel) is also unfortunately cited (by many who claim to be fighting geoengineering) as "proof" that there is no global warming. First, Coleman's training and degree is in journalism, not meteorology. Next, Coleman has made it his mission to completely deny and "debunk" the geoengineering reality. Why would anyone claiming to be in the fight to expose and stop climate engineering use Coleman as a a source? Propagating disinformation from paid propagandists like those above is extremely harmful to the anti-geoengineering effort. Jet sprayed aerosols are saturating Earth's atmosphere What about about a few of the claims made in the article mentioned (and linked) at the top of this post? "There has been a pause in global warming."  All available front line data completely refutes this. "The oceans are not acidifying", also completely false. Oceans are acidifying to dangerous levels. "IPCC modeling is not complete therefore the models are invalid." This is true, but in the opposite direction of what many would like to believe. IPCC modeling contains no consideration for the damage done from the ongoing geoengineering programs, the massive methane releases going on around the globe, or the shredded ozone layer (primarily caused by solar radiation management programs).  All of these factors contribute greatly to the warming of the planet. The reality of the IPCC models are this, the ongoing global meltdown is far worse and more rapid than the IPCC models indicate. But what about the 30,000 scientists that signed a petition saying global warming isn't so? Again, with a real investigation of the facts, this petition is easily proven to be propaganda. As global temperatures continue to soar, record forest fires are scorching the planet. So What Was The Real Outcome From Paris?  As expected, and as has been the case with so many previous climate conferences (like the Copenhagen and Cancun conferences), the Paris talks were a grand facade. The climate engineering elephant in the room was scarcely mentioned, and even then, only as a possible proposal. There was absolutely no open admission of the ongoing geoengineering insanity let alone any attempt to legalize these covert programs of mass destruction. How about the many claims of new carbon tax laws to be implemented? The reality of the Paris "agreement" is this, it DID NOT INCLUDE ANY MANDATORY SCHEME OR ANY COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT MECHANISM WHATSOEVER. The Paris conference has been labeled "a fraud" by the most recognized climate scientist in the world. So what is the basis on which the Paris agreement will be enforced? "Domestic will", the agreement is based on voluntary compliance.  The Paris Climate Conference was a complete travesty designed for mass distraction Some victories were claimed at the Paris conference, primarily by those who are part of the fossil fuel/military/industrial/geoengineering complex. In fact, a group of highly paid disinformation propagandists (some of them were the very individuals named above) engaged in frantic celebrations after they helped to ensure the failure of the Paris talks. The Paris gathering did nothing to legitimately address our disintegrating climate or to admit to the ongoing criminal climate engineering. From left to right: Marc Morano, Tom Harris, Craig Rucker, Christopher Monckton, Bob Carter, Christopher Essex, Fred Singer, Willie Soon, Patrick Moore. How can toeing the line for big oil and the geoengineers help in the battle to expose and halt geoengineering? The answer is, it can't. It is imperative to actually investigate current front line data and to understand the primary agendas behind the climate engineering insanity. Again, one of the major objectives is to mask the true degree of damage already done to the climate system (while inflicting even more damage to the climate in

Common Core And NASA, Partners In The Crime Of Poisoning The Perceptions Of Our Children

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org There are members of society that are so totally despicable that words cannot fully describe them. The criminal behavior of countless agencies and organizations is a reflection of the epidemic moral depravity that runs through their ranks. So many have long since sold their honor for a paycheck and a pension. Our will and our morality is all that any of us truly owns, the rest can be taken. If these sacred values are sold or sacrificed, there is nothing left to stand on as the gathering storm gains momentum. Those who have sold out are willing to do or say anything, including the attempt to completely poison the perspectives of our children for a profit. A little girl takes a photo of the toxic skies above Lhasa, Tibet. Source: dailymail.co.uk We who are awake and aware must make every effort to expose the people and agencies that are engaging in the mental corruption and conditioning of our children. In the short 5 minute video below, deplorable material from Common Core and NASA is addressed, and the documents in question are shown. Inexcusable transgressions like those just outlined in the video cannot be overlooked. The public email contacts of responsible parties should be posted and displayed everywhere possible. Such people must be placed on notice that we, the populations of the world, are NOT OK with their behavior. They should also be put on notice that at some point in the near future the public will likely hold them legally and morally accountable as accomplices in the climate engineering assault by helping to cover the tracks of the perpetrators. In the meantime, protecting and properly educating our children is up to us. Do we inform them about what is occurring above their heads? Yes. Do we make clear to them that we are fighting for their future? Yes. Do we do everything in our power to provide them hope and the chance to be a child without an excessive burden? Yes. My own children's voices are in a video addressing the ongoing climate engineering insanity. They have hope for a future because they know we are fully committed to them. Our children need to know that our lives belong to them. We must all work together toward sounding the alarm, there is not a day to spare. DW

Geoengineering Disinformation, Battling Climate Engineering Deniers On National Radio

The more ground we gain in the fight to expose the dire issue of climate engineering, the more disinformation people there will be in this equation. They will aggressively try to slow down our progress and to cast doubt in any way they can. Debating a "double-team" of disinformation characters on a major radio station can make for some interesting conversation. After standing ground with solid information against the ideologue "head in the sand" disinfo host on an earlier show, he invited me back for another session. The second show was to be with his hand picked "expert" who teamed up with the host in an effort to discredit and marginalize the geoengineering reality. The two of them did their best to "debunk" hard geoengineering data, I will leave it up to the viewer to decide the outcome of this "debate". Though the interview was scheduled for a full hour, it seemed the disinformation "tag team" decided to throw in the towel at just over halfway through, when they apparently felt they were losing ground. The host even cuts off one of his own listeners who calls in to agree with the facts I had presented. We should all keep this in mind, deniers want to argue, create dispute, division, and cast doubt. They thrive on this. It is also important to remember that if such ideologues were really looking for the truth, they would have found it long ago. Generally speaking, disputes with people like those described above go nowhere. The best approach with willfully obstinate people is to pass them information and walk away. If they are truly interested in honest investigation they will look, if not, then you will only waste your time and energy in dialog with them. To engage in such disputes only feeds their idiocy. "You cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep", as the saying goes. On the occasions when standing ground and debating is worth the time and effort, it is my hope that the national radio show debate in the video below might be of assistance to activists that inevitably find themselves in such exchanges. My most sincere gratitude to Karen Ball for assembling this entire video. Her help is greatly appreciated in this battle. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

PBS Covers Climate Engineering, How Much Longer Can It Be Hidden?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org PBS is a disinformation mouthpiece for the establishment, nothing more than paid propaganda. Those that believe there is any objectivity in the reporting of this bought and paid for agency of the power structure are sadly mistaken. Like "journalists" at so many other mainstream media sources, the PBS crew is not allowed to tell the truth (if they want their paychecks) and they lack the courage to speak the truth out of their own convictions. In the 8 minute video below, PBS does their best to push climate engineering as a potentially viable option. Of course, they do not mention that global geoengineering has been going on for over 6 decades with catastrophic results. Is anyone surprised to know that PBS taken the side of defense contractor Lockheed Martin (a company that is directly involved with the climate engineering cabal) over the public?   Geoengineer David Keith  (whom I have had the displeasure of meeting face to face at an international geoengineering conference) is no more than a public relations prop for those in power. He has no regard whatsoever for the truth and in recent years seems to make it up as he goes along. At the conference I attended with Keith, he was pushing for the dumping of 10 to 20 million tons of aluminum into the atmosphere annually. Keith no longer publicly mentions that aluminum is the material of choice for aerosol geoengineering, though he made this point clear in the past as the 4 minute video below clearly shows.   David Keith then went on to make clear that there had been virtually no scientific studies done in regard to the contamination to the entire planet that would obviously be caused by his proposal of filling the atmosphere with aluminum nanoparticles. Now PBS and Keith have joined forces in a campaign of disinformation designed to continue obscuring the fact that geoengineering has been going on for decades with catastrophic results. PBS and David Keith also seem to be working toward softening the public up to the concept of climate engineering so that they might accept the climate modification insanity once it can no longer be hidden in plain sight. Current science study makes clear that geoengineering can't work, so why are PBS and Keith engaged in the helping to hide the climate engineering crimes? Again, because that is what they are paid to do which makes them accessories to these crimes. People at PBS have public emails, find them and send messages of outrage to them in regard to their completely dishonest reporting. Do the same with Keith, his public email is easy to locate online. Make your voice heard. DW


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