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Every Position On The Spectrum Supports The Government’s Propaganda

Source: RINF (article by Paul Craig Roberts) This excellent article by Glenn Greenwald —http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article43438.htm — reminded me that I have meant to write about how every sort of interest attaches to the government’s propaganda in order to make its point. Greenwald shows how the Snowden haters in the US media seized on the Paris attack in order to blame Snowden. The American, indeed Western, media consists of the scum of the earth, and they all together are no match for Glenn Greenwald. Greenwald shows that they are so dimwitted that they cannot remember their previous stories long enough to save them from making laughing stocks of themselves when they gang up on Snowden. The presstitutes that constitute the Western media had a great incentive to buy in to the false story of the Paris attack, because they saw an opportunity to blame the attack on Snowden, who showed them up for what they are — whores who lie for the government for money.

The Untold History of The US. The Bush and Obama Age of Terror: Oliver Stone

Source: GlobalResearch Top Documentary Films – The Untold History of The US. The Bush and Obama Age of Terror by Oliver Stone In it, Oliver Stone and his collaborators focus on the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush administration. The Film presents how many American lives were lost as well as the torture incidents that American soldiers were involved in.

Former Prominent CIA Officer Shares Details Of The Government’s All Out War Against Whistleblowers With GeoengineeringWatch.org

Many ask why there are not more whistleblowers coming forward to sound the alarm on the climate engineering insanity occurring around the globe. Many use the "lack of whistleblowers" excuse to remain in denial about the all too obvious climate engineering atrocities in our skies. Those who use this excuse to avoid facing reality clearly have no clue whatsoever about what the criminal cabal (masquerading as our government) does to anyone that dares to try and expose the truth. Veteran CIA officer, Kevin Shipp, has shown exceptional courage by openly and actively speaking out about the epidemic tyranny in the halls of our government.  Kevin Shipp, former CIA Officer and Antiterrorism expert, held several high level positions in the CIA. He was assigned as a protective agent for the Director of Central Intelligence, a counterintelligence investigator, a Counter Terrorism Center officer, and internal security investigator, supervisor of high risk protective operations and polygraph examiner. Mr. Shipp functioned as program manager for the Department of State, Diplomatic Security, Anti Terrorism Assistance global police training program. He is the recipient of two CIA Meritorious Unit Citations, three Exceptional Performance Awards and a Medallion for overseas operations. He is the author of From the Company of Shadows – CIA Operations and the War on Terrorism. Mr. Shipp has been a regular guest on The American Heroes Channel as an intelligence and terrorism expert and has been the subject of numerous radio interviews and newspaper articles. His website can be found at KevinMShipp.com. More insight from Kevin is contained within his most recent communication with me, shown below. Dane. Attached is an expose' of the system classified agencies use to silence whistle blowers from revealing unconstitutional or illegal operations.   As a decorated Agency officer and internal investigator, I witnessed this mechanism being used on good, innocent employees, and their families.  That is when I decided to expose it. God speed to you in revealing the tyranny that has taken over our Constitutional system. Best, Kevin In his book "From The Company Of Shadows", Kevin gives a highly acclaimed account of what is happening behind the curtain of government secrecy. After some communications with Kevin, he has supplied geoengineeringwatch.org with the hard hitting statement below which outlines what is done to whistleblowers with shocking clarity. My most sincere thanks to Mr. Shipp for his uncommon and exceptional courage in the fight for the greater good. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

State Shuts 33 Wells Injecting Oil Wastewater Into Aquifers

Source: SFGATE California regulators on Thursday closed 33 oil company wells that had injected wastewater into potentially drinkable aquifers protected by federal law. The new closures bring to 56 the number of oil-field wastewater injection wells shut down by the state after officials realized they were pumping oil-tainted water into aquifers that potentially could be used for drinking or irrigation. All but two of the latest closures are in Kern County, in California’s drought-stricken Central Valley. One lies in Ventura County, another in northern Los Angeles County. Officials with California’s Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources spent Friday verifying that they had, in fact, closed. Of the 33, only 21 had been actively injecting wastewater before Thursday. “This is part of our ongoing effort to ensure that California’s groundwater resources are protected as oil and gas production take place,” said Steven Bohlen, the division’s supervisor. California’s oil fields contain large amounts of salty water that comes to the surface mixed with the oil. It must be separated from the petroleum and disposed of, often by injecting it back underground. Much of the water is pumped back into the same geologic formation it came from. But enough left-over water remains that companies must find other places to put it. Fears of contamination The division, part of California’s Department of Conservation, for years issued oil companies permits to inject their left-over water into aquifers that were supposed to be off-limits, protected by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.  The problem, detailed in a Chronicle investigation earlier this year, raised fears of water contamination in a state struggling through a historic, four-year drought. So far, however, no drinking water supplies have been found to be tainted by the injections. Still, some environmentalists expressed outrage that so few wells had been closed.  The division has identified 178 wells that were injecting into legally protected aquifers with relatively high water quality, defined as those with a maximum of 3,000 parts per million of total dissolved solids. More than 2,000 other wells inject into aquifers that would be harder to use for drinking water, either because they are too salty or because they also contain oil.  “This is too little, too late to protect our water,” said Kassie Siegel, director of the Climate Law Institute at the Center for Biological Diversity. “With each passing day the oil industry is polluting more and more of our precious water.” The division reported Friday, however, that not all 178 wells required closure. Some had already been shut down by their operators, while others had been converted into wells for extracting oil — not dumping wastewater. Source: SFGATE

‘The Empire Files’ Exposes True Nature Of The U.S. – Saudi Love Affair

Meet the new head of the United Nations panel on Human Rights: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Abby Martin takes us inside the brutal reality of this police-state monarchy, and tells the untold people's history of resistance to it. With a major, catastrophic war in Yemen and looming high-profile executions of activists, 'The Empire Files' exposes true nature of the U.S. – Saudi love affair.

ISIS on the Run: Russian Airstrikes Totally Obliterate Terrorist Forces in Just 72 Hours

Source: 21stcenturywire.com  |  Red Ice Creations Russia has just achieved, in 72 hours, what the West failed to do in an entire year. The Su-34 – World’s best machinery for annihilating terrorists. Numerous news outlets are now reporting that ISIS forces are in total disarray and even, in some cases, completely on the run following the start of Russian airstrikes last week.

Geoengineering Denial, “Our Government Would Not Do This To Us”

If you have been involved in the struggle to expose and halt climate engineering for any duration, you have certainly heard the "our government would not do this to us" programmed response of total denial. Even in groups who seem to be very aware of government criminality and tyranny, facing the realization that their own government has made them a part of a lethal global atmospheric spraying experiment for decades is just too much for most to even consider. The more material distractions a population has to entertain them and occupy their attention, the deeper into denial they descend. America is a glaring example of this kind of societal programming. The US population may be the last potential counterbalancing force that could have a chance at stopping the runaway juggernaut of global power which is responsible for the ongoing climate engineering insanity and so much more. We must all work together in the critical fight to awaken the masses, to shatter the delusion and denial. The article below is an excellent exposé of societal conditioning and programing. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  


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