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Rapid Sea Level Rise Can No Longer Be Hidden

The power structure is having ever increasing difficulty hiding the magnitude of catastrophic changes on our planet that are already unfolding at blinding speed. Sea levels are rising at an extremely rapid pace, much faster than previously "thought". With so many scientists keeping track of sea level rise, how can this be? Why would the "experts" until recently use completely outdated and totally inadequate methods of measuring sea level rise which have caused them to radically underestimate the actual rate of increase? Because that is what they have been paid to do, hide the true gravity of what is descending on us all. The same type of "bought and paid for " scientists are also helping to hide the very dangerous UV radiation levels, Fukushima radiation contamination, the dangers of fluoride, vaccinations, GMOs, where does it stop? And the most destructive and deadly assault of all on our planet, the biggest elephant in the room, global climate engineering, goes completely unmentioned by the whole of academia. In fact, not just unmentioned, but adamantly denied. Climate engineering is not just completely derailing Earth's life support systems, the atmospheric spraying programs are contaminating every breath we take. Every scientist, elected official, reporter, etc, that helps to perpetuate the lethal lies of those in power (and thus helps to hide their crimes), should be tried in a court of law for the crimes of ecocide, genocide and omnicide . Why is the global cabal desperately trying to obscure the gravity of biosphere disintegration from the public? To avoid panic as long as possible while they are completing preparations for total societal collapse. All are needed to stand up, get informed, and make our voices heard. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Our Climate, It’s Not As Bad As You Think, It’s Much Worse

Voices of reality are not appealing to the masses, no one wants to hear unpleasant truths. The majority are not even willing to examine any facts that threaten their perception of reality. Soon, very soon, they will have no choice but to wake up. The planet's energy balance has been horrifically altered. There is unimaginable inertia behind the wheels that are now turning, life on Earth is truly uncharted territory. Even at this late hour total denial in our society is epidemic, this includes many in the ranks of those who claim to be fighting against the climate engineering. Denial of verifiable facts undermines credibility and is thus detrimental to the fight against climate engineering. False conclusions built on ideology and wishful thinking will not change reality. Industrialized society is collapsing even now, it was always doomed in its current form. Perpetual expansion in a finite space is clearly and obviously impossible, but how many in our society even speak of this? If we are to save any part of our miraculous planet's life support systems, we must all find the strength to face reality head on. We must all find the strength to stand firmly against the insanity and make our voices heard. The video below is important to review and consider carefully, the gravity of what is unfolding around us all is clearly conveyed in it. Catastrophic methane release is already occurring in the Arctic.  Many in the climate science community are actually advocating for "massive geoengineering" as if it has not been already going on for over 6 decades and doing nothing but harm. It is up to us all to educate ourselves and hold the climate science community to account. Climate engineering is NOT a cure, but rather it is nothing short of an all out assault on all life. Global geoengineering is making an already dire climate situation far worse, not better. Let us all march together in the fight to expose it and stop it. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Desensitizing Society To Create Compassionless Killers

Those in power have been all too successful at the task of programming and completely desensitizing much of our society and most of our military. Constant sensory overload of every conceivable type has all turned modern society into an often compassionless state. Not only are most completely disconnected from the natural world and the inconceivable destruction being waged against it, now many are completely unaffected by the carnage being inflicted on human beings. Video war games have turned many into feelingless killers that are now just the tools of the global war machine. The video below is an excellent exposé of all that was just described. In order to change the course of insanity we are all on, we must clearly see and understand the road that brought us here. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Resource Depletion Frenzy Of Insanity

Taken as a whole, the human race has shown virtually no regard for the total lack of sustainability of its actions. Unfortunately, many people have bought into the lie that we will never run out of oil or the lie that technology will always save the day. So far technology has propelled humanity (and the rest of life on Earth) toward likely near term extinction, on the current course extinction is a mathematical certainty. Finite resources have been used as if they had no end, modern civilization has been completely constructed with this ideology. We are already hitting the resource depletion wall, thus the rapidly escalating conflicts around the globe. Whatever the mainstream media propaganda machine states as the reason for the ongoing and endless wars, in reality, it’s all about resources. How much fossil fuel is needed to keep the covert climate engineering going for example? A fully loaded military tanker like a KC-135 burns nearly a gallon a second (about 2700 gallons an hour). How many geoengineering jet tankers are circling the globe and spraying toxic metals and chemicals into the air at any given moment? A single gallon of jet fuel burned at altitude produces about 20 lb of Co2, how good is this for the enviroment? This is not even to take into account the massive payloads of toxic materials being sprayed. The US military is addicted to oil, they are the worlds largest fuel burning entity. In the words of James Kunstler, the “fossil fuel fiesta” is in its death throws, global conflict will continue to escalate as the battle for the globe’s remaining resources heats up. The 6 minute video below is an excellent glimpse of the glutinous and completely unsustainable resource consumption of industrialized society. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Former US Marine Hammers The Global Elite Agenda On Mainstream TV

US Military veteran Ken O’Keefe tells it exactly as it is. In the fast moving 8 minute video below O’Keefe is as direct as he could be with laying out the unfolding push toward WWlll by the global power structure. Populations around the globe need to wake up as the walls are closing rapidly in on us all. A few insane elite at the top are pushing the entire planet and every living thing on it past the point of any return. Those that truly care for the common good and their own future will take an example from Ken O’Keefe on speaking out. We do not have time to spare, those in power are pulling the noose around our collective necks by the day from too many directions to mention in this commentary. Make your voice heard now, you may not have the chance for long. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Life On Earth Is In Virtual Freefall

While the corporate media and the criminal “elected officials” talk about increasing growth and stimulating employment, our planet is dying. All life will go down with the ship if we do not undergo an immediate and total change of course. The denial, blindness, and criminality that permeates so much of the human race can barely be comprehended. Instead of sounding the alarm and implementing life preserving measures on the planet, those that run the world are waging wars and ravaging the biosphere for whatever resources there are left to loot, pillage, and plunder. How shocking should it be to any sane person to realize that fully half of Earth’s wildlife has been lost in the last 40 years, and even that figure is likely conservative. The current species extinction rate is astounding. Fully  200+ species of plants and animals are being lost to extinction each and every day. This rate is 10,000 times “natural variability” which is 1,000,000% of “normal” background extinction rates. Earth is in its sixth mass extinction right now. The paradigm we have all known is already in its death throws, it will not continue. Of all the challenges we face, the single biggest leap we could take in the right direction is to expose and halt the climate engineering. To do so would effectively pull the curtain back from the power structure and fully expose them for what they are, clinically insane and murderous beyond comprehension. Though the human race is causing immense damage to the planet from countless directions, climate engineering is mathematically the single greatest assault against all life on Earth. All of us are needed in the effort to sound the alarm, make every day count. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Smoking Gun Evidence That The New York Fed Serves The Interests Of Goldman Sachs

Source: Global Research For years, many people have suspected that the New York Fed is more or less controlled by the “too big to fail” banks.  Well, now we have smoking gun evidence that this is indeed the case.  A very brave lawyer named Carmen Segarra made a series of audio recordings while she was working for the New York Fed.  The 46 hours of meetings and conversations that she recorded are being called “the Ray Rice video for the financial sector” because of the explosive content that they contain.  What these recordings reveal are regulators that are deeply afraid to do anything that may harm or embarrass Goldman Sachs.  And it is quite understandable why Segarra’s colleagues at the New York Fed would feel this way.  As a recent Bloomberg article explained, it has become “common practice” for regulators to leave “their government jobs for much higher paying jobs at the very banks they were once meant to regulate.”  If you think that there is going to be a cushy, high paying banking job for you at the end of the rainbow, you are unlikely to do anything that will mess that up.

Report: Federal Directive Authorizes Military To Engage Civilians: “To Quell Large-scale, Unexpected Civil Disturbances”

For years the government has been stockpiling weapons, ammunition, riot gear and armored vehicles. Military personnel have been training in tandem with federal and local police using everything from fully armed helicopters to tanks across America’s major cities in what appears to be a hybridization of  domestic law enforcement agencies. Yet, questions about these shadowy activities have been dismissed by media and public officials as nothing more than training designed to help our country’s fight against terrorism at home and abroad.

Who Is Really Running The Government?

The global structure of “government” that rules the world is very foreign to what we have all been trained to believe. We are surrounded by the glaring red flags to confirm this fact, but even now many are only just beginning to wake up. This awakening process must be accelerated if we are to have any chance for a future. Its up to all of us join in the battle to raise awareness, we must make every day count as time is not on our side. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

The WAR for the Ukraine: What’s the real story?

The Latest and Biggest Battle Between East and West Converges in the Ukraine Originally posted at StateoftheNation2012.com There have been many wars — terrible wars — fought on Planet Earth over the past 100 years.  However, the greatest war of them all could literally around the corner, unless it is stopped by the people of this planet. The epic confrontation in the Ukraine presents the most dangerous and unprecedented conflict between the world’s superpowers since the breakup of the Soviet Union.  Truly, this clash between East and West represents an economic, political and religious battleground that will dwarf every other war save WWI and WWII.  If the conflict in the Ukraine is not resolved peacefully, it has the potential of evolving into a full blown World War III scenario.


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