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Radioactive Earth, The Power Structure’s Criminal Contamination Of Our Planet

Those in power have never had any regard for the irreparable decimation they are inflicting on our planet. From the current and ongoing blatant toxic spraying of our skies to the endless trail of nuclear debris that have been scattered all over the globe, we are in real trouble. Many have never known what happened to all the nuclear waste from countless insane tests in the South Pacific, but they may soon find out as the insanity comes back to haunt us. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Climate Change, Is This How It Ends?

By William Thomas, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org Hornby Island July 6, 2015  – Yesterday around 4 am, I awoke disturbed and opened my back door on an ominous orange sky. I'm either in an Alfred Hitchcock movie or it's the end of the world, I muttered. Right the second time. Last evening down at the cove, shutterbugs snapped away with giant lenses at a fat red ball that looked more like Mars than the setting sun. And this morning, I awoke hacking and choking. The smoke streaming through an open window smelled like a big building burning right next door.  But there is no big building.  And it wasn't burning.  Even more unsettling, the usual daybreak cacophony of robins, ravens, eagles and crows was… silent. The winged ones had fled. I flipped on the laptop and booted up…  “A haze blankets the majority of people in BC,” Global News was reporting. Comparing square-kilometers, this is the same as saying, “a haze blankets most people in California, New Zealand and the UK.” [Global News July 6/15; BCRobyn.com] While I'd slept, across the Georgia Strait the Metro Vancouver Air Quality Health Index had gone to 10+ “Very High Risk”. Health officials are warning that secondhand wildfire smoke inflames lung and heart linings – and is especially dangerous for infants, the elderly and those who have diabetes, lung or heart disease. (Yikes! C'est moi!)  As my wounded ticker protests this latest insult, the Times Colonist confirms that wildfires burning throughout the province are increasing hospital admissions for cardiovascular symptoms. People with chronic medical conditions are being warned to avoid “strenuous exercise” and stay the heck inside. [Times Colonist July 5/15; Global News July 6/15; CBC July 6/15] I shut the window, cranked the HEPA filter up high and popped another baby aspirin.  Somebody Call Somebody Several burning BC communities have declared states of emergency, which means the provincial government must borrow more money to pick up the tab. With climate events cascading, we know how this ends.  With most of British Columbia officially declared an “Extreme Fire Risk”, a province-wide ban on all fires, campfires, fireworks, torches, “exploding rifle targets” and similar shenanigans is in effect. The fine for violators is 100 grand. But at this point, anyone seen flicking a glowing butt towards the woods will probably be shot. And maybe not with a tranquilizer dart. [Vancouver Sun July 5/15] A wildfire up north near Port Hardy is burning less than 300 metres from some evacuated homes. This is extremely weird. As a frequent visitor to “Port” informed me by phone, he's been there “maybe two days when it wasn't raining.” [CBC July 6/15] But not recently. This “wet coast” town at the northern tip of Vancouver Island hasn't seen rain in two months. “People in the north island need to understand that we are in a very unusual place,” advises Port Hardy Mayor Hank Bood. “We’re not fooling around anymore.” [Canadian Press July 6/15] “We’re in areas where we’ve never been before. We’ve never had a dry May and June like we’ve just had,” echoes North Vancouver Mayor, Darrell Mussatto. “We’re at record low inflows into our reservoirs.” [Global News July 6/15] Can You Say British California?  This is the first weekend of enhanced water restrictions. The “Level 4” drought rating currently in effect for southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, means “water supplies are insufficient to meet the needs of communities and ecosystems.” Residents are required to try to cut their water use by an additional 20% over “regular” reductions. [CBC July 6/15] “Level 4” drought = Panic Now And Avoid The Rush There is no Level 5.  With nearly all of the lower mainland, most of Vancouver Island, and vast areas of northeastern and central BC now in extreme fire danger rating, it feels more like late-August 2030 than early July 2015.  Despite a massive weekend tourist blitz, at least this tinder-dry, 11 square-mile isle isn't burning yet. But with 178 total active wildfires on nearby Vancouver Island and the BC mainland, we are surrounded by burning forests and desiccated grasslands to our north, south and east. [Global News July 5/15] According to the authorities, much of the smoke settling in the trees outside is coming from a wildfire burning in steep terrain and heavy timber near Pemberton. Tripling in size overnight, this 2,000-hectare fire “is displaying a vigorous and aggressive rate of spread, with periods of organized crown fire,” the BC Wildfire Management Branch reports. Crown fires spread flames from exploding tree top to tree top, igniting “spot fires” ahead of their advance. [CBC July 6/15] Pemberton is 299 kilometers away.  Closer across the water, one firefighter has died fire-fighting in Sechelt, where the Shishalh Nation reports a spike in respiratory distress calls to emergency services. The 38-bed St. Mary’s Hospital is filled to capacity with health complications from smoke inhalation. [Global News July 5/15; Vancouver Sun July 5/15] “It’s unusual for this time of year; there’s no relief in sight in the weather forecast. We’re expecting temperatures in the mid-30s [C], and absolutely no rain forecast in the near future. That’s definitely cause for concern,” worries Provincial Fire Information Officer, Kevin Skrepnek. How about freaking out?  Knock Knock. Who's There? Carbon Karma Collectors And how about mentioning the perils of gung-ho carbon burning? In a deluge of news reports on BC's Big Burning, repeated mentions are being made of this record dastardly drought. But not it's cause. While industrial stacks belch greenhouse gases, and holiday-makers everywhere race crazily around in cars, boats and planes – total mentions of “climate change”, “global warming” and “record-high carbon emissions” in press stories relating to major fires now burning in three provinces, Alaska and Siberia… ? Zeeeero. High And Dry So go ahead and guess the number of corporate-media references to ongoing geoengineering aerosols sponging up the remaining moisture over North America's gasping western seaboard… Right. “With temperatures 12–18 degrees [C] hotter than they normally are this time of year,” the Canadian Press suggests, “a massive ridge of high pressure will remain anchored over the Pacific Northwest [with] ongoing dry conditions and warmer than normal” temperatures. Canada's national wire service neglected

Soaring Global Temperatures And Covert Climate Engineering

A runaway greenhouse event may already be underway. The power structure is doing what it does best, making the situation far worse by continuing to ramp up the climate engineering that has been a major contributing factor to the climate unraveling in the first place. Geoengineering is being used (and has been used for over 65 years) as a weapon of mass destruction to covertly control populations and countries. Climate engineering is also being used to mask some of the catastrophic damage already done to the climate while worsening the problem at the same time. The planet is not just warming, it is free falling into total meltdown. Engineered cool-downs continue to confuse some, especially in the eastern US, but there will be no hiding the severity of what is unfolding for much longer. One can understand the climate confusion of those that are not yet aware of the climate engineering insanity, but it is indeed perplexing to see those who claim to know climate engineering is a reality (and who claim to be fighting against it) but who are never the less repeating a narrative that is exactly what the geoengineers would want. Those that truly wish to help in the fight to expose and halt geoengineering must make every effort to stand on credible and verifiable facts, not ideology and preconception. The planet is warming at an astounding rate equal to the thermal energy of 4 nuclear bombs per second, the biosphere's life support systems are unraveling by the day. If we have any chance of turning the tide, climate engineering must be halted. If this can be accomplished, we can then face the rest of the challenges posed by the decimation industrialized civilization has caused to the planet. Make your voice heard. The article below is the latest update from the front lines. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

It’s Not About Freedom And Democracy, It’s About Oil

Many Americans celebrate and glorify wars and conflicts, that is what they have been trained and conditioned to do. We are told America's aggressive behavior all over the globe is about "freedom and democracy", but what are the real motives and agendas behind the endless wars? It is about keeping the completely unsustainable fossil fuel paradigm going as long as possible. It is about hiding a very rapidly unfolding collapse of industrialized society from the masses, which is not hard to do since the most of the population does not want to know what the reality is in the first place. Resource wars are escalating all over the planet as the fight for remaining resources escalates. I respect and regard US veterans that have served for the right motives, I have personally given to veterans causes for many years. Unfortunately those in power have used them for the primary purpose of gaining more power and control. The article below is an exceptional portrayal of the hydrocarbon fuel conundrum and the endless carnage that has been created by the quest for what is left of this finite power source that has already pushed the biosphere past the point of no return. Though climate engineering is not mentioned in the article, it is a core factor in regard to the escalating resource wars. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Shocking List Of Global Species Die-Off

Source: End Times Prophecy Below is a list of worldwide mass animal deaths for 2015, with pages also for mass die offs from the previous 4 years. There are animals dying all over the world today in huge numbers, due to the polluted state of the sea and air. Millions of Fish and massive numbers of whales and dolphins are washing ashore dead. Birds are falling dead out of the sky, and millions of poultry are dying from avian flu. The animals of the land like cattle are also dying in large numbers from disease. Although animals and fish have been dying all throughout history, we have not seen the massive consistent numbers that we are seeing today. In many of these events people from all walks of life are saying that they have "never seen anything like this before".       INFO: 970 MILLION Monarch butterflies – a major pollinator – have been killed since 1990 in America by Monsanto's herbicide, wiping out 90 percent of America's total population of Monarchs (source) MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 383 Known MASS Death Events in 65 Countries (or Territory) 1st June 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found washed up along Big Bear Lake in California, America. Link 31st May 2015 – 80 Kites found dead 'a mystery' in Tumkuru, India. Link 30th May 2015 – Dozens of dead penguins found on a beach in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Link 30th May 2015 – Tens of thousands of dead fish found washed up along Flanders bay in New York, America. Link 29th May 2015 – 300 TONS of fish 'die suddenly' in Ogan Ilir Regency, Indonesia. Link 29th May 2015 – 10 dead dolphins wash ashore in Mumbai, India. Link 29th May 2015 – 50,000 birds to be killed due to another outbreak of avian flu in South Dakota, America. Link 28th May 2015 – 270 TONS of salmon are dead due to storms in Tasmania, Australia. Link 28th May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in various locations in Connecticut, America. Link 28th May 2015 – Masses of shellfish found dead 'is a mystery' on the coast of Ngunguru, New Zealand. Link 28th May 2015 – 3 Million hens to be killed due to another outbreak of avian flu in Nebraska, America. Link 28th May 2015 – Fish kill found in a river in Alandi, India. Link 28th May 2015 – 35,000+ chickens killed due to avian flu in Accra, Ghana. Link 27th May 2015 – 120,000+ antelope dead in a 'sudden die off' in Northern Kazakhstan. Link 27th May 2015 – Thousands of fish have died in a river in southern Mexico. Link 27th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Darlington, England. Link 27th May 2015 – 12 dead whales have washed up during past couple months in California, America. Link 27th May 2015 – Large amount of dead fish found in a river in Gandevi, India. Link 26th May 2015 – Thousands of sheep dying from 'unknown disease' in Uplistsikhe, Georgia. Link 26th May 2015 – Thousands of dead lobsters wash up on the coast of Baja California, Mexico. Link 26th May 2015 – 975,000 hens to be killed due to new outbreak of avian flu in Iowa, America. Link 26th May 2015 – Mass die off of fish in a pond in Dongxing, China. Link 24th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a dam in Evora, Portugal. Link 23rd May 2015 – 4 MILLION birds now to be killed due to new outbreaks of bird flu in Nebraska, America. Link also video here 22nd May 2015 – Massive die off of fish in a lake in Haikou, China. Link 22nd May 2015 – 2,000 dead fish found floating in a lake in Georgia, America. Link 21st May 2015 – Hundreds of fish die suddenly in a lake in Florida, America. Link 21st May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash ashore in Isla Mujeres, Mexico. Link 21st May 2015 – Large die off of fish in a river in Nakhon Nayok Province, Thailand. Link 20th May 2015 – Tens of thousands of fish have died in a canal in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Link 19th May 2015 – Hundreds of thousands of oysters dead due to storm in New South Wales, Australia. Link 19th May 2015 – 1.3 MILLION birds to be killed due to avian flu in South Dakota, America. Link 19th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in a stream in Montemorelos, Mexico. Link 18th May 2015 – Tens of thousands of fish have died in Xiangcheng District, China. Link 18th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, America. Link 18th May 2015 – 1300+ sea birds found dead on beaches in Hualpen, Chile. Link 16th May 2015 – Dozens, maybe HUNDREDS of turtles washing up dead along Flanders bay in New York, America. Link 16th May 2015 – 2 MILLION birds to be killed due to avian flu in Minnesota, America. Link 15th May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Sakha Republic, Russia. Link 15th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a canal in Aiea, Hawaii, America. Link 15th May 2015 – Mass die off of fish washes ashore in Canakkale, Turkey. Link 14th May 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a river in Macao, Portugal. Link 14th May 2015 – Thousands of fish dead from disease in Cayuga Lake, New York, America. Link 13th May 2015 – 115,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in South Dakota, America. Link 13th May 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found washed up on a beach in Lorento, Mexico. Link 12th May 2015 – 200+ Camels dead, hundreds others sick from 'mystery disease' in Punjab, Pakistan. Link 12th May 2015 – 1.7 MILLION birds to be killed due to avian

Are The Climate Engineers Waging Weather Warfare Against Texas? Again?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Texas is about to get pounded again with potential record flooding. Why would a cyclonic rotation not develop over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico where conditions are favorable for strengthening, but then strengthen once the low pressure zone is over land? Because that is what the weather-makers want. Has anyone ever heard of a "brown ocean event"? This is a scenario in which a hurricane does not strengthen over the warm ocean waters but then does so over land. Click the image to enlarge Why would we think such an extreme anomaly is natural when we know there are patents for hurricane suppression which could be utilized over the ocean? Even Bill Gates has his hand into hurricane suppression efforts. Hurricane formation over the Gulf of Mexico has been non existent in recent years in spite of record warm ocean temperatures, why? Could one of the reasons be that the power structure does not want the sea of oil sitting at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico to be churned up for the world to see? Oil from the still leaking BP Macondo well that was never properly sealed? The world's foremost independent expert on deep water drilling spoke out on CNN about the still leaking BP Macondo well and was found face down in his own swimming pool shortly after. What are they hiding at the bottom of the Gulf? Available evidence indicates hurricanes can also be strengthened even as they make landfall, cyclone Haiyan did exactly that before it cut a swath of total destruction through the Philippines. What came after? The US military moved in under humanitarian pretexts and then began building bases, what a surprise. Can cyclonic rotations also be steered? Lets take hurricane "Sandy" as an example, how is it possible that the "forecasters" (who get their modeling straight from defense contractors like Raytheon that are involved with weather modification) knew 7 days ahead of time that Sandy would make an unprecedented 90 degree westerly turn? Defense contractor Raytheon produces the "forecast modeling" for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS). The key climate engineering players are literally controlling the flow of information even to "national" agencies. Texas is not a very cooperative state as far as the US government is concerned, is this a reason for the coming "Jade Helm" military exercises are taking place in Texas? Using weather warfare to control populations is business as usual for the power structure that masquerades as our government. Though there are countless factors affecting Earth's climate systems and countless forms of damage to the biosphere, the US military and many other governments around the globe have long since hijacked the climate systems for their own agenda, and have long since stated their wish to do so. From the ongoing record floods in Texas, to the baking and burning US West, none is accidental. All the natural former climate processes (already harmed due to countless forms of anthropogenic activity) are being disrupted much further still by the completely out of control global weather warfare. Those in power are trying desperately to control populations who are rapidly awakening to their tyranny. Educate yourself, get into the fight to raise awareness, make your voice heard.  DW

Global Die-off, The Age Of Man (Anthropocene Era) Has Taken Its Toll

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org I once saw an image of a man standing on a beach in Sri Lanka just after the earthquake of 2004 had occurred. He was staring out at the rapidly receding ocean and seemed to have no comprehension of the tsunami that was nearly upon him. This image is a metaphor of the human race. Our biosphere is free falling into the sixth mass extinction event on planet Earth, it's not coming, it is here. The "anthropocene era" is the age of humans, the age of destruction to our once thriving planet. As the walls close in, the depth of denial in many grows more tenacious. Those who are desperately trying send out a warning are referred to as "alarmists". Environmental collapse is directly connected to total economic collapse, the two issues are inseparable. The time George Orwell eluded to is indeed here, "the further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it." The recent 2 minute video below from CBS news is shocking, but only the smallest glimpse of what is unfolding globally. Of all the anthropogenic assaults on the natural world, global climate engineering is mathematically the greatest and most deadly. Only nuclear cataclysm has the potential to eclipse the global mortality already caused by the decades long geoengineering/weather warfare/ biological warfare. Climate engineering has even greatly increased the threat we face from nuclear cataclysm due to the damage that has now been inflicted on the atmosphere from the particulate spraying, which has caused ozone layer destruction and now nuclear power plants are much more vulnerable to CME events. We are all in a fight for life, our priorities should and must reflect this fact. Make your voice heard. DW

Criminal Governments, Apathetic Populations, And Climate Disintegration

The all out human decimation of our biosphere is manifesting itself by the day. The planet’s climate system is unravelling as the planet continues into meltdown. The worse conditions become, the deeper many will descend into denial, but their denial will not save them. Earth is dying and even now most of the global population remains completely oblivious thanks to the constant bombardment of distractions from the government controlled mainstream media machine of deception which the majority of people are still all too wiling to embrace. When links begin to fall out of the chain that keeps industrialized society running, the implosion of the reality we have all known will be fast and furious. The power structure is rapidly preparing for this approaching inevitability, we must expose them before they have completely tightened the noose around our collective necks. If humanities current trajectory of total environmental destruction is not completely altered, it will very soon be game over. The single biggest leap we could take in the right direction is to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. If we can do this, we must then face a long list of additional and rapidly mounting challenges directly related to the human assault on the planet. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to do everything we can to credibly and effectively sound the alarm within the limits of our individual circumstances. Fighting for the common good is not an option, it's an obligation. The article below is hard hitting and well written, but, of course, does not mention the geoengineering reality. We must all understand that mainstream authors fully realize what would happen to them if they did speak of the climate engineering issue, they would feel the immediate wrath of the power structure. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

The Era Of Industrialized Civilization Is Rapidly Coming To An End

The "Holocene Epoch" is a term which refers to "the age of man". This age is rapidly coming to a chaotic and destructive end. Man's arrogance and contempt toward the planet which has allowed him to exist is truly beyond comprehension. The epitome of this contempt and insanity can be most easily recognized by man's attempt to control Earth's very life support systems, to control the climate. Modern Civilization has completely lost sight of its ultimate and total dependence on the natural world. Much of our "highly educated" society has virtually no understanding or regard whatsoever of the complex and miraculous factors that allow life to exist on our once thriving planet. Yes, those that rule the world are unimaginably corrupt and psychotic, but those in society put them there and allowed them to stay in power in exchange for the material goods and distractions that industrialized society provided. Only if we face the whole truth do we have any chance of changing our course of certain extinction. The article below (like so many others from countless sources) does not acknownledge the critical climate engineering issue, this being said, the data it contains is still valid.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Engineering Earth, Do We Really Believe The Government Would Ask Our Permission?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Any that answer yes to the question on the title of this article should do a serious rechecking of their reality. Top US military leaders have repeatedly stated on the record that climate change is the greatest national security threat of all. In the 43 second video below, Obama's recent statements make the government's stance on our imploding climate system crystal clear. What rationally thinking person would believe the US government/military industrial complex would ask for public permission before fully engaging in what they themselves admit is the greatest threat to national security? Though the ongoing climate engineering insanity is making an already catastrophic climate scenario far worse, geoengineering is an immensely powerful covert weapon that the power structure is not about to admit to or give up. There is one thing you can truly depend on from governments (especially the US government), that they lie and deceive to a degree which can scarcely be comprehended. How consistently did the US government lie to the Native Americans? They signed over 500 treaties, ALL of which were broken. US citizens, who believe what they are told by the criminal cabal (that is our government), are living in a delusion. The criminally insane individuals that actually run our government (which are above our "elected officials" who are little more than puppets) ultimately view American citizens in the same light as the Native Americans, we are an increasing liability to the power structure.  As the American population awakens to the tyranny of its "government", the ever increasing surveillance of the US population is  yet more proof that our government ultimately views American citizens in the same light as any other adversary. Every one of us is being systematically poisoned by the constant highly toxic aerosol spraying of our skies. The US military has been completely engaged in climate engineering for many decades, historical documents prove this fact. Their climate intervention/modification programs have radically added to the overall damage to the climate system. How bad is it now? Military installations in low lying coastal regions like Virginia are already flooding just from high tides due to rapid sea level rise. 2014 was the hottest year on record, 2015 is headed to shatter that record. Ocean temperatures are climbing so fast that charts constantly need to be remade. The heating is unprecedented in at least the last 3 million years and mass ocean die-off is occurring. Thousands of people are literally dropping dead from the heat in India while Alaska and SIberia are also undergoing rapid meltdown. California snow pack is at ZERO percent of normal.  But what about the "global warming pause" that some have claimed is happening? Special interests have propagated the absolute lie of a slowdown in the rate of warming on our planet and now that lie has just been completely exposed. Many believe it's getting colder in Antarctica overall, is that really the case? Well, NO. In 2015 Antarctica recorded record shattering heat. Ice sheets in Antarctica are now facing imminent collapse due to continued temperature acceleration. Though there is some sea surface ice expansion in Antarctica, this is largely due to the voluminous amounts of fresh water running off the melting land ice. Fresh water freezes at a much higher temperature than sea water. The military industrial complex does whatever they want because they can, because they are beyond any and all accountability or oversight. They have long since stated their desire to "own the weather". If you think they would ask your permission before intervening in the climate, you are not living in reality. Make your voice heard, get educated, get involved in the fight to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity. Our collective futures depend on the outcome of this battle. DW


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