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Bill Vander Zalm on Chem Trails

Sheila Zilinsky and Dr. Tim Ball from Weekend Vigilante talk with former BC premier the man who killed the HST, Bill Vander Zalm about why he is taking on the Chem Trail issue.

Chemtrails – Origins and Implications

Thanks to the internet reformation, chemtrails are now common knowledge, with only the most obtuse among us in denial. The proof, after all, is found not only in scientific treatises or articles on the web by unknowns such as this writer, but easily discerned by simply looking up into the sky on almost any given day.

The Day Before Tomorrow

WASHINGTON DC July 21, 2013… Stung by repeated Republican calls to “Bomb the weather back to the Stone Age,” a grim-faced President Obama stunned a nearly soporific nation by revealing ongoing US military interventions aimed at “saving the planet” from “the real terrorists” – runaway warming.

Fox News Reporting on Chem-Trails (2008)

(correction) This video was recently posted on Youtube, but actually aired on FOX News in 2008. The interviewed officials arrogantly denied the obvious. The blatant lying about these programs continues to be outrageous in light of ongoing extreme weather, multiple government documents disclosing plans to geoengineer the planet, and the unnatural, greasy, line-marked skies that have become the norm.


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