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Monsanto Buys Weather Company Climate Corporation

Today’s big acquisition is a huge agritech exit: Biotech company Monsanto has bought Climate Corporation for approximately $1.1 billion. While the Monsanto press release says $930 million, we’re hearing from investors that the actual price is past the $1 billion mark, because part of the all-cash deal will be paid out over time as an employee retention plan.

Chemtrail Poisons are Ruining Your Health from Above, and You may Not Know

If aluminum deodorants and anti-perspirants aren’t good for us, how can chemtrails being sprayed in our neighborhoods be benign? Geo-engineering, otherwise known as chemtrails, have been exposed by numerous alternative news outlets, reporters, and documentaries such as What in the World Are They Spraying?

White Elephant in the Sky

A growing movement of “We the People” have awakened from the smoke and mirrors control matrix. Once you awaken and arise, you fully realize the magnitude of the challenges to survive faced by humanity and life on earth. I have faith the human spirit will overcome but not until the majority are awake.

Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geo-engineering

Planet Earth has been besieged by many and diverse scientific experiments over the past one hundred years. Applied science and technology have seen a literal explosion of top secret and highly classified operations conducted in the atmosphere, throughout the planetary surface, as well as deep within the Earth’s crust. However, none comes close to the degree of round-the-clock damage inflicted on the biosphere as the DARPA-sponsored program of geo-engineering.

The Geoengineers Are Decimating South Africa, A Farmers Report

  There is no place to hide from the ongoing global geoengineering programs, no one is spared their toxic assault. We have been in communication with individuals in South Africa that are passing along ever more dire accounts of what is unfolding there.


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