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High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Refuting the "its just condensation trails" official lie is easily done if specific fundamental facts are understood and remembered. The short article and 7 minute video tutorial below provide essential information for debunking the "condensation trail" false narrative. We are told by all "official sources" that the sun blocking weather disrupting jet dispersed trails we see in our skies are only "condensation trails". The "condensation trail" official narrative is perhaps the greatest lie the power structure has ever perpetrated to pacify the masses into ignoring the immense threat posed by climate engineering operations occurring over our heads on a daily basis. Without knowing any of the related science facts on this issue, anyone with a sense of reason should be able to determine the fact that our skies are being sprayed. Trails that are turned on and off, grid patterns one day and nothing the next (in spite of often identical atmospheric conditions). Witnessing one jet leaving a trail from horizon to horizon adjacent to another jet at a similar altitude that leaves virtually nothing. Trails of completely dissimilar compositions and colors. There are misaligned plumes behind some jets (usually lower flying military tankers) that do not match the alignment of the engines themselves. This causes some of the sprayed dispursion trails to shoot out slightly to one side of the aircraft (not parallel due to misaligned nozzles). There is also of course the fact that all climate science circles and governments around the globe are clamoring for climate engineering to be deployed (though none in these communities will yet admit to the truth, geoengineering was fully deployed decades ago). Our society has been well trained to accept the official narrative on countless issues which is how those in power hide their crimes in plain site. The fact that official explanations for what we see in our skies are completely contrary to deductive reasoning and the laws of physics has, so far, seemed not to matter to the majority of the population. Geoengineered skies in London, UK. Photo credit: Tracey Lee Again, we are told by all official sources, agencies, and elected officials, that all we are seeing in our skies are "condensation trails". They say that it is perfectly normal for this "condensation" so stay in the sky for hours or days, widening and spreading until whole horizons are completely blotted out. What we see is exactly what they say they want to do with solar radiation management (SRM), but they assure us that geoengineering is not actually going on, yet. Those that choose to believe these blatant lies simply do not yet want to wake up. Here is the fact of the matter, all commercial jet aircraft and all military tankers are fitted with a type of jet engine that is by design nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most extreme circumstances, the high bypass turbofan.  7 minute high bypass turbofan tutorial The fight to expose and halt climate engineering is a challenge that must be won or nothing else will matter. If we just go about our lives without making this battle a top priority, we are failing in our responsibility toward our children and the greater good. Help us to sound the alarm, make your voice heard, every single day counts.  DW

Blatant And Inarguable Geoengineering Jet Spraying Captured On Film

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The past propensity of populations to deny the ongoing climate engineering atrocities is finally breaking down. Increasingly shocking and compelling film footage captures of jet aircraft aerosol dispersions are rapidly eroding the official false narrative that we are only seeing "condensation trails" in our skies.

Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org In the mid 1940's global powers made the decision to intervene in Earth's climate and life support systems without the knowledge or consent of populations. The weather makers tell us their programs are a form of mitigation for global warming, but is this the truth? Is climate engineering / solar radiation management helping to cool the planet? Or are the ongoing geoengineering operations only temporarily cooling some regions at the cost of further fueling the overall rapid unraveling of Earth's climate and life support systems? What other covert agendas are being carried out? How dangerous is the highly toxic heavy metal fallout from these programs that is raining down through our breathable air column? "Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality" is a condensed hard hitting 40+ minute climate engineering educational documentary. This informational video reveals shocking film footage of the ongoing atmospheric spraying operations in addition to covering the most fundamental facts about the covert global geoengineering / climate intervention programs. Answers to the most frequently asked climate engineering questions are also covered in this production. Will climate engineering save humanity from global warming? Or will man's attempt to play God with the weather only ensure our common demise? This video can be freely viewed, shared, and used as a tool for waking others to the critical climate engineering issue. I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to the individuals who helped with this effort. GeoengineeringWatch.org is not (and will not) monetize this educational video in any way. As always, our only goal is to provide essential information in order to assist with critical awareness raising efforts. All of us are needed to in this most important battle to sound the alarm, we must make every day count. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story. If you intend to reupload this video, please contact GeoengineeringWatch.org for written permission and conditions before doing so.

Climate Engineering Atmospheric Aerosols Are Blocking The Sky From Astronomers

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The list of catastrophic consequences being inflicted on our planet by the ongoing global climate engineering assault is unimaginably long and growing by the day. "Solar radiation management" programs have long since been fully deployed. These completely unregulated climate engineering operations are for the specific purpose of blocking out the sun by using jet aircraft to spray highly toxic reflective heavy metals and chemicals into the atmosphere, what could go wrong? In addition to wreaking havoc with global weather patterns, destroying the ozone layer, and contaminating the entire biosphere, climate engineering atmospheric particulates are, of course, blotting out the skies and thus greatly hampering the ability of astronomers to view the cosmos. A recent article from Gizmodo points out that geoengineering "could be" a disaster for Astronomy. Though the Gizmodo article unfortunately does not admit to the ongoing climate engineering reality (and thus that climate engineering is already a disaster for astronomy), the ongoing geoengineering/weather warfare assault is rationally undeniable. From the Gizmodo article: Geoengineering is one of those things that sounds like maybe a good idea on paper but could also go horribly, apocalyptically wrong. But if the prospect of plunging Earth’s weather systems into chaos isn’t enough to convince scientists we need to tread very cautiously with the ultimate global warming tech-fix, perhaps this will: geoengineering could be a disaster for science. This photo of Earth was taken from Apollo 17 in 1972. Other than the Antarctic region at the bottom of this photo, there were many open blue sky zones.  That’s according to new models by Charlie Zender, an atmospheric physicist at the University of California, Irvine who presented the provacatively-titled research poster “Death of Darkness: Artificial Sky Brightness in the Anthropocene” at the the American Geophysical Union conference this month. In a nutshell, Zender found that injecting light-scattering particles into the stratosphere—one of the most widely-discussed strategies for rapidly cooling the planet—would have the unintended side-effect of disrupting incoming light from distant stars and planets. This NASA satellite photo of Earth was taken on July 6th, 2015.  There are very few "clear" regions to be seen in this recent photo of our planet.  Even the zones that appear at first glance to be cloudless, are hazy.​ As you might imagine, this would be very bad news for the scientists who study said stars and planets. “If we geoengineered globally, this would affect all telescopes around the world,” Zender told Gizmodo. SAI (stratospheric aerosol injection) has come under heavy fire for an obvious reason: conducting a worldwide experiment on our one and only shared global atmosphere is inherently dangerous. The satellite images above are very revealing. The images corporate media weather "forecasters" show to their viewing public are heavily filtered. The "enhanced infrared" (unfiltered) image clearly shows massive geoengineering aerosol operations. The "standard infrared" (filtered) image only reveals the remaining atmospheric haze from the jet aircraft particulate dispersions. Zender found that the night sky over urban areas would become roughly 25 percent brighter. That’s because our stratospheric shield would backscatter light from ground sources… Earth's oceans are not spared from the ongoing global climate engineering operations. In fact, the seas are subjected to two types of highly destructive climate engineering programs, solar radiation management (SRM) and ocean fertilization.​ Of course, most astronomy doesn’t take place anywhere near cities. The best observatories in the world are located on remote mountaintops, high above air pollution and far away from light pollution. Here, Zender’s models show a somewhat different, but equally bad effect: SAI would actually make the skydarker. Massive climate engineering (SRM, SAI) aerosol dispersions are now constantly visible in unfiltered satellite images. “Our telescopes are in positions where most of the [night] light comes from the stars,” Zender explained. “There, what the aerosols do is they backscatter light from outer space. That means you’re not getting as much starlight, and the starlight you do get is less pristine. The stars would look fuzzier.” Though the threat posed by climate engineering/weather warfare is inconceivably greater than just the loss of clear skies for astronomers, all catastrophic aspects of the covert global climate engineering programs must be considered. We must all do our part in the battle to expose and halt the geoengineering assault, make your voice heard in the critical effort to sound the alarm. DW

Is Climate Engineering Contributing To Noctilucent Cloud Formation?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The rapid expansion of noctilucent cloud formations and sightings is an ominous sign of our rapidly disintegrating biosphere that almost no one is heeding. "Official" sources are doing their best to pacify the populations on every front and this includes the subjects of noctilucent cloud formation, atmospheric methane accumulation, and climate engineering. Noctilucent clouds in the skies above Antarctica are an ominous harbinger of the atmospheric damage that is occurring there. Our miracle planet that was once so incredibly hospitable for countless life forms is now spiraling into a completely altered state of environmental and climate collapse.  The vast majority of the human race (for various reasons) is unwilling or unable to show any concern for the bigger picture. Thus the unfolding  fate of our species is now not only in question, but mathematically on track for certain near term total extinction if we remain on the current trajectory. Much of the populations in third world countries have their hands full simply trying to survive from day to day.  Much of the populations in first world countries are completely preoccupied with their own personal pursuits of profit and pleasure. In the meantime, the military industrial complex is continuing to expand its power and its completely out of control experiments on Earth's life support systems. Global climate engineering programs are the epitome of the military industrial complex insanity and hubris. Climate engineering/weather warfare programs are wreaking havoc around the globe in countless ways. One of the most grave and immediate threats we face is mass methane release from formerly frozen methane deposits in Earth's strata. In the attempt to hide the already manifesting consequences of the methane buildup in our atmosphere, the power structure and the geoengineers have only fueled the overall fire. All available data indicates that the atmosphere is being microwaved in a desperate and unimaginably destructive attempt to mitigate the methane buildup which risks turning our once thriving planet into a lifeless rock that resembles Venus. The temperatures in the polar regions are skyrocketing as are observations of the ominous noctilucent clouds which have emerged at the earliest date on record this year. Recent releases of information to some degree attempt to attribute the noctilucent clouds to natural processes, but is this true? Mainstream sources of information only elude to the methane/noctilucent cloud connection and the threat that is looming over the biosphere. Photo credit: Anna Anikina Every year, for a period of between five to 10 days, the night skies over Antarctica are visited by an unusual phenomenon known as night clouds or noctilucent clouds (NLCs). Residing at an altitude between 47 to 53 miles, these electric-blue clouds are the highest in Earth's atmosphere and can only be observed well after the sun has dipped below the horizon at twilight. Photo credit: Juhku According to NASA, night clouds are a relatively new phenomenon, with the first observations occurring a couple years after the eruption of Krakatoa sent tons of volcanic ash high into the atmosphere. They increased again after the Tunguska meteor event over Siberia in 1908. In 2007, NASA launched the AIM satellite (Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere) to specifically study noctilucent clouds and discover the conditions that favor their formation. "AIM and other research has shown that in order for the clouds to form, three things are needed: very cold temperatures, water vapor and meteoric dust," James Russell, an atmospheric and planetary scientist at Hampton University, said in a NASA article. "The meteoric dust provides sites that the water vapor can cling to until the cold temperatures cause water ice to form." The Krakatoa event, says Thomas, likely "seeded" the upper atmosphere with dust, allowing noctilucent clouds to be seen over more populated areas. In its most recent observations, however, NASA is reporting that the blue cloud formations are not only starting earlier than normal, but also once again spreading beyond the polar regions. You can see a time-lapse animation capture by AIM of the clouds forming over the Antarctic in the tweet by NASA below. Credits: NASA/HU/VT/CU-LASP/AIM/Joy Ng, producer Researchers believe the beautiful twilight displays, observed as far south as Colorado and Utah, could be due to an increased abundance of methane in the upper atmosphere. "When methane makes its way into the upper atmosphere, it is oxidized by a complex series of reactions to form water vapor," Russell added. "This extra water vapor is then available to grow ice crystals for NLCs." Because methane is roughly 30 times more potent a heat-trapping greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide, its theorized that noctilucent clouds could potentially serve as a kind of "canary in a coal mine" on climate change. For now, however, the connection remains tenuous. "I think the jury is still out," SpaceWeather.com's Tony Phillips told the SFGate in 2015. "But it is undeniable that increasing levels of methane favor the formation of NLCs at very high altitudes." If the masses do not wake soon and properly prioritize their efforts and energies there will be no chance for the long term survival of our species (and perhaps even all life on Earth). Industrialized society (which includes climate engineering) has all but decimated our once thriving planet. What are each of us willing to do in order to try and salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems? Reaching a critical mass or awareness is the first leap forward, make your voice heard in the critical effort to sound the alarm. DW

Waking The Masses To The Climate Engineering Assault, Helpful Tools

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How can we wake people up to the ongoing global climate engineering assault when so many have been so completely conditioned to deny this most dire issue? Shocking and compelling visual images are the most effective approach. The one minute video below contains extremely eye opening time-lapse film footage of a massive atmospheric aerosol spraying assault. Up close footage of a jet aircraft spray dispersion is also captured. Visual proof is the most powerful key to raising  awareness. Waking someone up to something they don't want to hear and don't want to know is an extremely difficult task, programmed denial is epidemic in our society. Simple straightforward visual tools are (in most cases) the best introduction method. In addition to the many compelling jet spraying videos that can be shared online, an effective informational flyer is almost always far more effective than a verbal dissertation for face to face introductions to the climate engineering/weather warfare issue. "A picture is worth a thousand words" as the saying goes. 2-Sided Flyers Click on the flyer below to download the high resolution PDF  flyer file  Instructions for downloading: Simply right-click on each image below and choose "Save Link As…" (or the equivalent), save it to your computer, find the file and open/print it. Side 1 Side 2 Effective activism efforts require preparation, planning, and informational materials. In addition to full sized informational flyers, business card sized handouts can also be extremely useful, are very inexpensive, and easy to carry. Click on the business card below to download a high resolution PDF file that can be used for printing these effective informational cards Business Card – Side 1 Business Card – Side 2 Climate engineering is the single greatest assault ever launched against the web of life by the human race. WIth the single exception of nuclear cataclysm, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face for a long list of reasons. The battle to expose and halt the ongoing weather warfare insanity should logically be our top priority. Reaching a critical mass of climate engineering awareness in the population is absolutely essential in this fight. We all have a responsibility to learn how to be effective with our awareness raising efforts, arming yourself with effective informational materials is an essential step. Understanding the basic building block facts of the climate engineering issue is also critical.  Make your voice heard in the critical battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. DW

Climate Engineering Atrocities Captured On Time-Lapse

How expansive and blatant does the climate engineering elephant in the sky need to be before society wakes up and the climate science community shows an ounce of honesty? Unfortunately most of society no longer recognizes natural cloud cover from a sprayed toxic aerosol sky. Our atmosphere has long since been completely altered by the constant toxic jet spraying assault, rapidly accelerating impacts are now taking a catastrophic toll on the climate system and the entire web of life. Time-lapse film footage is particularly useful for clearly revealing the true extent of the atmospheric spraying, the 6 minute video below is a compelling example. We are all now living under a canopy of contamination that is decimating the biosphere and all life. Join the fight to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Betrayal, The Climate Engineering Cover-Up By The Media, The US Military, And Academia

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Our society is taught and conditioned to accept the dictates and opinions of the so called "experts" without questioning their conclusions. In so many circles of academia honesty and morality has long since been abandoned in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. When one branch or group of the science community completely contradicts another group from the same field of study, shouldn't that be a glaring red flag? Nowhere do we have a more egregious and criminally negligent example than with the climate science community's complete denial of the climate engineering issue and its overall effect on the planetary thermostat. While the vast majority of climatologists/scientists and governments around the globe are either "investigating" or pushing for global geoengineering/solar radiation management to be deployed for global warming "mitigation" (as if geoengineering has not been going on for over 70 years already), other camps in the science community have long since confirmed that jet traffic and "contrails" (sprayed particulate trails) are actually a major contributor to global warming. A dozen sample articles are below which confirm the overall warming effect that is caused from jet aircraft traffic and "contrails". "Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The U.S. Climate" (NASA) "Aircraft contrails may be causing more climate warming today than all the carbon dioxide emitted by aircraft since the start of aviation" (Think Progress) "ScienceShot: Jet Contrails a Big Global Warmer" (Science magazine) "Airplane contrails and their effect on temperatures" (Christian Science Monitor) "The Contrail Effect"  (From NOVA and PBS) "Jet Contrails Actually Do Alter The Weather" ( Discovery Magazine) "Flying Further To Avoid Jet Contrails Might Help With Global Warming" (Popular Science) "Plane Contrails Worse Than C02 Emissions For Global Warming" (Phys-Org) "Airplane Contrails Boost Global Warming" (National Geographic) But are we really witnessing "contrails" in our skies? Can "contrails" be turned on and off? No. ALL commercial jet aircraft and ALL military tankers are fitted with "high bypass turbofan jet engines", does this type of prolusion system typically produce any "condensation" trails? No again. The grand deception is this, all available data proves beyond reasonable doubt that the trails being used to blot out the sun and alter the weather around the globe are intentionally sprayed (and highly toxic) particulate trails that are the direct result of ongoing covert climate engineering programs. The closest the climate science community has come to telling the truth is to admit that "contrails" may be causing "accidental" geoengineering. How is it possible that we live in a "civilized world" in which such massive, obvious, and unimaginably destructive programs can be carried out in plain sight while the climate science community (and academia as whole) adamantly and criminally denies this verifiable reality? The quote below from climate scientist, Sarah Myhre, sheds some light on the mindset of many in academia (though still, of course, omits the issues of geoengineering/solar radiation management). We scientists are the gatekeepers of the basic information that fuels decision making by nations, businesses and communities. As these public entities are more and more threatened by the advancing impacts of climate warming, from flooding, to water scarcity, to the spread of tropical diseases, our role as objective scientists has to change. We are so skilled at many, many detailed and quantitative tasks, but, as you would expect from a community of introverts, we are not great at shining that brilliant light back on ourselves.   (Sarah Myhre is an ocean and climate scientist with expertise in the marine ecological consequences of abrupt climate warming.) How bad is the true state of the global climate? As dire as the recent article excerpt below may seem, the unfolding reality on the ground is far worse and global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire. A so-called “Blue-Ocean Event” — a period during the melt season with less than 1 million square kilometers (a little over 386,100 square miles) of Arctic sea ice — was not expected to occur until 2070 to 2100 by most science modeling projections of the early 21st Century. Recent polar ice observations, however, indicate extreme loss of volume. Daily sea ice loss rates since late April 2016 have averaged about 75,000 square kilometers (about 29,000 square miles) per 24 hours, resulting in continuously record low levels. Many climate scientists now project the first “Blue-Ocean Event” within a decade or less. Some experts speculate it may even occur during the melt season of 2016. The unfolding planetary meltdown is rapidly accelerating with Arctic ice at far beyond record low levels and a record early snow melt. The Arctic meltdown is now being described as a "train wreck" by scientists while global sea level rise continues to rapidly accelerate. All available data indicates 2016 will be yet another year of record shattering heat around the globe. We have already exceeded the point of no return in many respects and even now so many remain completely oblivious to converging catastrophes that are already taking an immense toll. The human race has decimated the planet in countless ways, global climate engineering is the epitome of that decimation. As the biosphere continues to implode, the military/industrial complex (and all those invested in it) have done exactly what they have historically done, further expand the global geoengineering assault in the desperate and unimaginably destructive attempt to hide the collapsing climate from the population for as long as possible. Military personnel are being told they are engaged in benevolent programs for the good of their nation, this could not be further from the truth. Climate engineering is ultimately about power and control at the cost of killing the planet, nothing less. The time for our military brothers and sisters to wake up to what they are being used for is long past due. They must remember the meaning of the oaths they have taken to protect the country and The US Constitution from ALL THREATS, both foreign AND DOMESTIC. The time is also long past due for the climate science community and academia to reclaim their virtue and tell the truth, the whole truth. To do

Climate Engineers Cut Off Critical Rain From Populations Around The Globe

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Why are there so many record droughts unfolding around the world? A warmer atmosphere holds much more water vapor (7% more for every degree in centigrade of warming). The laws of physics state it MUST rain more on a rapidly warming planet. So why are record shattering droughts increasing in regions all over the globe? Because geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are completely disrupting Earth's hydrological cycle. Geoengineered skies over Yosemite National Park, California. Photo credit: Ron Kauk By saturating the atmosphere with particulates (aerosols) to produce the "global dimming" effect (which is the stated primary objective of the SRM climate mitigation programs), the geoengineers have totally derailed the planet's primary terrestrial life support system, rain. The climate engineers literally control the global spigot. Controlling precipitation means controlling food supplies and populations all over the world.  The intentional attempt to create a "nuclear winter" is actually fueling the overall warming of the planet in addition to expanding global drought. Record droughts are decimating ecosystems and populations around the globe along with fueling water conflicts. Droughts comparable to the engineered catastrophe in California are happening in countless regions. The headlines below are all recent breaking stories, all are click to open links. "Thailand Hit By Worst Drought In Decades" "Thousands May Die From Drought In Somalia Unless Donors Give More" "Worst Middle East Drought In 900 years" "Climate Change Worsening Colorado River Droughts" "India Facing Worst-Ever Water Crisis" "Uganda: Water Crisis Worsens As Dam Dries Up" "Palau Suffers Worsening Drought, Emergency Declared" "California Drought: Get Used To It, Scientists Say" "Historic Drought In Southeast Asian Countries" "South America: Exceptional Water Deficits Are Forecast To Persist" "Drought In America Threatens Food Production" "Honduras: Drought Emergency Appeal" "Forests Struggle As Drought And Climate Change Bite" "El Nino Falls Short, Leaving California In Drought" "Vietnam's Southern Mekong Delta Faces Worst Drought In History" "Drought-Effected Farmers Block Kidapawan City (Philippines) Highway To Demand Relief" "Amid Climate-Fueled (Drought) Food Crisis, Filipino Forces Open Fire On Starving Farmers" Global geoengineering is not just ecocide, not just genocide, but planetary omnicide. Geoengineering is weather warfare, nothing less. Due to the highly toxic fallout, climate engineering must also be considered biological warfare. The ongoing weather/climate manipulation is not only wreaking havoc on the planet's climate system, geoengineering is also destroying the ozone layer. Without an ozone layer, there would be no terrestrial life on Earth. Though some "official sources" claim the ozone hole is recovering, UV metering from the front lines completely disputes any such conclusion. The ozone destruction will only get worse with every day that the atmospheric spraying is allowed to continue. The heavily damaged ozone layer is allowing dangerous UV radiation levels to reach Earth's surface. Many in the climate science and environmental communities are justifiably criticizing the special interest groups and organizations who are aggressively denying global warming, but what about their own inexcusable criminal denial of the single largest climate disrupting factor of all, global climate engineering? How can there be any legitimate discussion of the climate without first and foremost addressing the climate engineering atrocities? There can't be. We are now in the "Anthropocene epoch". Any form of anthropogenic activity that alters the biosphere (and thus Earth's natural systems) must be considered a form of geoengineering, This being said, climate engineering and its highly toxic fall-out is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. How do we stop it? Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward, all of us are needed to do our part in this most critical battle to salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

New Science Study Examines Methods To Gain Public Acceptance Of Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org A shocking percentage of academia has completely sold out to the cabal that is currently controlling the world. What is the primary objective of this core of global power? To perpetuate at any cost. The inevitable killing of the host, planet Earth, is not a consideration for them. The true consequences of climate engineering are catastrophic beyond comprehension, yet, the dangers have never been a factor for those in power. The just released science study below is a reflection of the total moral depravity that now rules and runs industrialized/militarized society. What is the primary goal of the study? To determine the best approach to gaining public acceptance of "stratospheric aerosol injection". The individuals that authored this study and their employer (the Kiel Institute For the World Economy), should both be considered accomplices to the ongoing weather warfare crimes. Some excerpts from the report follow: Abstract: This paper analyzes determinants of technology acceptance and their interdependence. It highlights the role of affect in attitude formation toward new technologies and examines how it mediates the influence of stable psychological variables on technology acceptance. Based on theory and previous empirical evidence, we develop an analytical framework of attitude formation. We test this framework using survey data on the acceptance of stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI)… Furthermore, affect is an important mediator between stable psychological variables – like trust in government, values, and attitudes – and acceptance. A person’s affective response is thus guided by her general attitudes and values. We live in an increasingly dystopian world in which the power structure (and the legions of academicians it controls) are not only creating conditions of planetary omnicide in their quest for total control, but they are also striving to make the public at large embrace the unfolding omnicide.  1. INTRODUCTION Fighting climate change is one of the major global challenges of the 21st century. However, even timely and substantial cuts in greenhouse gas emissions may fail to limit global warming to 2°C above preindustrial levels (IPCC 2014). Against this background, new technologies to limit global warming, known as climate engineering or geoengineering, entered the scientific and political debate. Climate engineering technologies could be an effective way to cool atmospheric temperatures and prevent massive damages from climate change. However, many of these technologies carry substantial risks. Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), for example, could change precipitation patterns or induce abrupt temperature changes…  Public concern about climate engineering technologies is substantial (Bellamy and Hulme 2011; Borick and Rabe 2012; Macnaghten and Szerszynski 2013; Merk et al. 2015) and has been voiced in protests…  In the present study, we analyze the factors that determine the acceptability of climate engineering for the case of SAI.  (1) How do stable psychological variables – i.e., values, environmental attitudes and risk attitudes, and trust in government – influence technology acceptance? Do they enter attitude formation via cognitive or affective pathways?  The chart above (taken straight from the report) makes the objective of this study crystal clear, to frame "stratospheric aerosol injection" in a way that will most likely produce public "acceptance". 2. ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK Our model builds on established theories of risk perception and attitude formation and combines them into a comprehensive framework. It accommodates the value‐belief‐norm theory (Stern 2000) and the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen 1985) in assuming that the acceptance of a technology is determined by domain‐specific beliefs…  2.1. Risk and Benefit Perception Attitudes form in part from a weighing of risks and benefits (Ajzen 1985). Consequently, the perceptions of risks and benefits of a technology are direct antecedents of acceptance.  2.3. Trust in Government Trust in institutions associated with the technology is a consistent predictor of technology acceptance…  2.4. Egoistic and Altruistic Values Values are guiding principles in the life of a person (Schwartz 1992). As stable characteristics they direct attention and form beliefs and attitudes across an array of contexts (Stern, Kalof et al. 1995). For environmental behavior, egoistic and altruistic values are particularly relevant (Stern 2000). In attitude formation toward technologies with environmental consequences, these values guide a person’s focus in weighing perceived risks and benefits (De Groot and Steg 2007; De Groot and Steg 2008). People with strong egoistic values display a preference for social power, wealth, authority, and influence; they tend to mainly consider perceived risks and benefits for themselves. By contrast, people with strong altruistic values display a preference for equality, world peace, and social justice and tend to focus on perceived risks and benefits for others.  1. This causal model of trust is particularly suitable for assessments of new technologies on which people have little information but are knowledgeable of actors involved (Earle 2010). The associationist model of trust, by contrast, supposes that the acceptability of a hazard influences perceived risks and trust in authorities. The associationist model is particularly suitable if people are knowledgeable about a hazard, but not about actors involved. For example, the acceptability of a hazard may be used to assess the trustworthiness of regulatory authorities…  Heavy geoengineering aerosol spraying in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. Photo credit: Eric Jacobs The global geoengineering assault (stratospheric aerosol injection) has been wreaking havoc on the climate system and the biosphere for decades. In spite of the total decimation being inflicted on our planet from the ongoing climate engineering programs, the players involved are too committed to their quest for total power to turn back.  2.7. Acceptance Aerosol injection is yet only little known and protesting or supporting behavior has not yet evolved.  Through SRM, a portion of the sunlight is reflected before it can warm the Earth. This can be achieved by, for example, spraying sulfate particles into the atmosphere at a high altitude.  … respondents were asked about their acceptance, their risk and benefit perception as well as their affective response to aerosol injection. Finally, altruistic and egoistic values were elicited.  Risks It changes the amount of precipitation. It can take away people's motivation to change their lifestyle. There is the possibility of further unknown and unforeseeable risks. The abrupt increase of Earth's temperature in case of a sudden stop of SRM can lead


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