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Deadly Rain

“Deadly Rain” is now what falls on us all. This is also the title of the excellent 3 minute music video below by Alias Clay. The state of the world is what it is because until now the vast majority have chosen to ignore the gathering dark clouds in order to pursue their personal pleasures or to hide from uncomfortable truths. Now the storm is upon us, ignoring this reality will only guarantee our collective demise. Every one of us must strive to be the pebble that triggers the landslide of awakening. All of us are essential to the whole at this most critical time. All of us are needed in the desperate battle to expose and stop the collective insanity that is running the world. This is our time, this is our mission, this is our choice. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Denial – Hey, That’s My Story – Oh, Your’s Too?

We are dumbfounded –  those of us deeply concerned about geoengineering and chemtrails –  by the apparent inability of so many people to see, acknowledge, or care about blatantly obvious chemical  trails in the sky. by staff writer geoengineeringwatch.org  

Weird weather over Shambala

Source: Craigs List Can anyone really doubt the reality of global weirding now?This is not normal summer time weather.104 degrees the other day, and 73 degrees today, plus heavy cloud cover, here in the Sacramento valley?!Went up to Tahoe Sunday, and the traditional smell of campfire smoke was totally absent due to fire danger.I looked at the trees as much as possible, and many are either dead, or not too healthy.To my eyes, it was still too soon to tell if they are just severely stressed due to the drought, or being slowly killed due to ozone deterioration from chemtrail spraying increasing the ultraviolet exposure?

Mourning the Death of Our Mother (Earth)

Morning, June 1964. I am eight-and-a-half years old. School has just ended and I am snug in my bed. My windows are open and a warm and gentle breeze is ruffling my curtains. I can hear my dad out in the fields plowing with his little Farmall Cub, and it must be laundry day because I can also hear the wringer washer chugging away in the basement. Oh good! I will get up. I love to hang laundry. The sun is warm, the sky is blue and everything is so fresh and clean. The leaves smell good, the grass smells good, and the freshly plowed soil is rich and fragrant. The birds are singing and everything is peaceful. We don’t have much money, but we have what we need.

Natural Law, Occult Knowledge, Geoengineering and the Feminine Principle

By Jon Aretakis Morality is not constructed by our species. A fundamental, latent, universal, structure exists and it has existed for a long time. It is up to the people to align with the truth, not for the truth to align with the people. If the common people do not learn to align with truth, they will live in illusion and be controlled by those who understand the difference between the two. Understanding why Mother Earth and the common people are being sprayed with deadly chemicals hinges on an awareness of occult knowledge. The word occult has acquired a dark connotation, but the true definition of the word simply means hidden. Hidden knowledge creates an illusionary power differential that gives the people with the concealed information the ability to falsely control the masses because common people do not understand natural law. Most people fail to realize that words, symbols and myths have meaning that manifest reality. The outer is a reflection of the inner, and the bridge from the inner to the outer are actions, thoughts and emotions. If thoughts, actions and emotions are not aligned with natural law, the result is distortion. Geoengineering is the outer manifestation of an inner distortion.


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