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AlumiNazi Attack on the Planet: Chemical Fallout Over America

More and more committed and effective activists are joining the fight to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity. The following video was put together by Robert Barrett who has also been extremely helpful with getting public access TV and public broadcasting entities to air geoengineering educational videos. My most sincere gratitude to Robert and all the other activists that are doing their best to move the ball forward in this critical fight. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Waking Up From The Matrix

Source: Lotus Guide, article by Rahasya Poe Is it just me or are there others out there who have a difficult time walking the fine line between being positive and at the same time keeping an eye on the reality that we find ourselves in. As we continue this journey of what I see as a global awakening, it may be very important for some of us to “hold the light” and maintain a vision of a better world, so I have no problem with that. But at the same time it may be just as important, if not a little more so, that there are people who are of the “spiritual warrior” mind-set who are willing to keep an eye on and put the light of consciousness on what could be called the “Darkness” that seems to be in control of our reality. As Edmond Burke once said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Native American Family Sounds The Alarm On Climate Engineering

The indigenous people of North America regarded and protected the natural world. How must they feel now at seeing the total decimation that has been inflicted on Earth by modern man? The list of assaults being waged against our planet is endless, geoengineering being the most dire threat of all. The article below is a heart felt testimony and contains a petition that has been drafted by a Native American family, I hope all will lend support to their effort toward stopping climate engineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Courageous Educator Sends A Powerful Message To Expose Geoengineering

If there were more educators like Shannon Morgan, the world would be a much better place. In the article below, Shannon shares her journey of awakening in regard to the ongoing global climate engineering. As is the case with so many of us, she saw the world she once knew disintegrating around her. After doing objective research, and connecting the dots, Shannon has shown the kind of courage so desperately needed in our educational system and our society as a whole. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Greek Activist Addresses Geoengineering And The Climate Change Movement

Wayne Hall is a veteran in the fight to expose the ongoing climate engineering atrocities. Below is a correspondence between Mr. Hall and Pablo Solon, the former Bolivian ambassador to the United Nations.   ADDRESSING  PABLO SOLON By Wayne Hall Introductory note:  Pablo Solon is a former Bolivian ambassador to the United Nations and head of a social activist think tank based in Bangkok. He is part of a tendency in the mainstream climate change movement that recognizes how the political initiative in that movement, particularly since the 2012 Copenhagen Summit, has been taken over by forces  favouring  the diametrical opposite of the “climate justice” his own tendency advocates. At the United Nations Climate Change conference in Durban in 2011 (Conference of the Parties (COP) 17, he said: ”The current relation with nature is through the market. You have to buy it. The problem with green economy is that they are saying capitalism has failed because we have not put a price on nature. The logic is that you do not take care of what does not have a price. We must change the paradigm of how we relate with Mother Earth. It is not a problem of compensation it is of restoration. The green economy will include insurance so that if your environmental property is damaged you will be compensated. We need a citizens tribunal for the environment”. He has not responded to these comments below. Nor do I expect a response.  W.H.

Geoengineering Explained In 2 Minute Elementary Video

Unpleasant truths can be explained in many ways, there is no single method or manner of delivering the needed message. In general, the shorter and more condensed the message is, the more likely it is to be comprehended. Geoengineering is a complex subject with many aspects and intricacies, but even subjects like this can be portrayed with extreme simplicity with great effectiveness. The attached 2 minute video which addresses the subject of geoengineering is as simple and straightforward as it gets. I appreciate the efforts of John Lothe who has produced this video that presents a very dire subject in a very unique manner. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Manmade Weather from Blue to Haze

Thanks to Chantal Dupuis for her contributions to the fight against climate engineering with the attached video and the letter below addressed to officials.   Source: Cybel Production Premier of Ontario, Service Ontario The Honorable Kathleen O. Wynne Minister of Transportation, The Honorable Steven Del Duca   Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, The Honorable Glen Murray       SUBJECT: Exoneration from the Drive Clean Program's obligations for reasons of Conscience  Dear Ministers,  I am writing to you jointly because you represent all of the accountable bodies for the Drive Clean program: Service Ontario, the ministry of Transportation and the ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. This letter is to signify my refusal to comply with the Drive Clean program in order to obtain a legal registration for my personal use vehicles, the mandatory  Safety Standards Certificate shall be enough. Many reasons led to this decision.     The Drive Clean program requires that an emission test be performed on my car for pollution reduction goals by the government of Ontario. At first it sounds laudable but in reality, it no longer has a significant effect according to an Auditor General's report written back in 2012: "the program has outlived its usefulness". In that light, where can I find the data proving that the  Drive Clean program significantly improves air quality like it boasts about? Why should I be required to adhere to such policies if the government does not monitor the actual effectiveness of the measures it imposes on its citizens? Maybe it does monitor something but there is no up-to-date data available or it's hard to access. The Auditor added: "They’re going after the low-lying fruit in order to try to deal with the politics of this issue and not the practicalities of the issue". Almost five years have passed now. What has your government done since to review the Drive Clean program? It seems that the government of Ontario is trying to pin the price tag on small players in the preservation of our environment. Although the program does not prove to be a significantly effective initiative, the government does not take in account the Auditor's advice to dismiss the program or replace it entirely by real incentive measures.     The Drive Clean program is only targeting the most populated areas, and therefore it is a discriminatory factor. Passing a test every second year for only part of the residents of Ontario in the effort to combat global pollution is unrealistic. As an example, if I lived in rural area just west of Ottawa, I would not have to submit my car to any emission testing. How is it logical that a region located west of a city does not have to comply while everybody knows that dominant winds do come from the west? Your program's geographical criteria allows the untested vehicle’s pollutants released into those winds, to be transported over the most populated areas. How cynical is that? I can not consciously agree with such unfounded and discriminatory criteria. In addition, if it were a light-duty commercial farm vehicle, I would be exempt from testing it. Here we can understand that commercial farms while in direct contact with the food chain, can use polluting vehicles without any restriction, and this is acceptable according to your program's criteria. The Auditor's report mentioned that "it eases economic burden on farmers", even though vehicle expenses are deductible from their taxes, it is just a smoke screen in my point of view. To be cohesive with its pollution reduction goal, the Drive Clean program should either be applied to every type of vehicle across Canada or none. The pollution problematic is a national issue not just a provincial one and since British Columbia just terminated their similar emission-test program, it seems like better initiatives can be put in place to really attack the smog issue at its root.     My new car being older than 7 years but not over 25 years old makes it obligatory to have its emissions tested to comply with the  Drive Clean program. This means that if I prefer to buy a used car in order to save the environment in my own way by re-using existing cars to hinder car production's pollution, I am penalized because it might emit a little more pollutants than a newer vehicle. Knowing the fact that manufacturing a new car generates a carbon footprint between 6 to 35 tons of CO2 or if you prefer, the equivalent of what it will consume during its lifespan, this criteria becomes questionable since it does not account for the carbon footprint as part of the equation. We are being told by the government and the media that we should change our habits in order to reduce our individual footprint and on the other side, we are encouraged to get new cars with improved emission-control systems but avoid mentioning the additional carbon footprint being generated. This also implies that people, who can't afford new cars or overpriced hybrid-electric vehicles, have to pay more for their family vehicle’s registration. This is an additional hidden discriminatory fee that affects mostly the poorer portion of the population.     If a new vehicle is sold after only one year, it must have an other emission test performed by the new owner even though emission testing is ordered every two years. How is it that cars have to be tested every two years? Don't your respective ministries question the reasons why parts of emission systems do not have a longer lifespan or reliability? The Drive Clean program transfers the responsibility of a polluting vehicle from the big corporations to consumers. This facilitates the obsolescence of car parts rather than holding the car industry accountable for profiting financially in manufacturing polluting vehicles and emission systems which have created, in the long run, a series of collateral damages to the climate, the environment and the public's health.     Why not reverse the burden and make it mandatory for car manufacturers to produce zero emission vehicles from now on? The government can create new sustainable markets accessible to a majority of Ontarians by putting in place new policies to facilitate the

Climate Engineering, How It Changed My World

By Nancy Levant, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org Soon I will be turning 60, and I cannot help but recall my mother’s words when she told me she felt as if she had outlived her understanding of how the world worked.  She was in her eighties when she explained this sadness, and I felt this must surely be a common feeling in eldership, and I felt deeply sorry for her.  Little did I know that I would feel much the same at sixty. I grew up in a time when kids left the house at 8:00 a.m. and stayed outside all day minus the run-ins for lunch and dinner.  We rode bikes everywhere and miles and miles from home.  We went trekking through miles and miles of woods and tried to get lost so that we could make our ways back with tremendous pride in our outdoor skills.  We made creek rafts out of sticks and leaves, climbed every climbable tree, and we made forts out of deer thickets and snow.


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