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University Programming Has Blinded The Science Community To Our Skies

The education system in our country has been carefully and meticulously crafted to completely shut down objective or assertive thinking. The short essay below authored by a UC Berkeley trained PhD (chemistry) tells a very important story straight from first hand experience. This essay is an exceptional exposé of university programming methods and pressures. It is imperative to read, understand, and consider. My most sincere gratitude to Penny Teal for authoring this excellent report for geoengineeringwatch.org. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

The Public’s Programmed Response To The Word “Chemtrail”

What's In A Word? By Lisa Thomas, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org I am sitting beside a lake in Northern California and the sky is an open blue canvas as far to the left and right of me as I can see; but it is smeared with graffiti and it is the wrong shade of blue, dull and pale. Just few years ago it would have been turquoise from where I am sitting and only cumulus clouds might have hung low, seeming almost tangible behind the ridges on the other side of the lake. The rest of that open dome would have been nothing but solid aqua-blue, a shade that is almost beyond description. I fell in love with that sky when we came here to live nearly ten years ago, deeply, crazy in love. On February 14th, I sat in the front row at a conference on geoengineering at the 2015 AAAS meeting in San Jose, California. I watched a panel of scientists and one law professor each take his turn in a sort of performance that made no sense to me. On his way in, Alan Robock of Rutgers University went out of his way to say to a group of activists in front of the convention center, “I don't know what you're all protesting. It's nothing but water vapor.” This is the man who, in 2008, wrote “20 Reasons Why Geoengineering May Be a Bad Idea”. During the conference he made it a point to say that the reason those of us in Northern California notice these trails so much more than other people and think they are a problem is because our sky is so blue.

Would You Join The Fight To Stop Climate Engineering If Your Life Depended On It?

Article and 90 second video by David Weiss, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org I love the blue sky. I love to garden and grow my own food. I love being outdoors and enjoying a beautiful day. The problem is on the rare days that the sun shines clearly it isn't long before the geoengineers come along and obliterate the sky with their toxic aerosol spray. The lack of sunlight is robbing us of our health and our future by stopping our ability to create natural vitamin D. It's destroying the natural climate systems that keep our planet alive. Worse than that the chemicals they are purposely spraying over our heads are poisoning everything on earth and shredding our life giving atmosphere.  It baffles my mind that most people cannot see this or even believe it when it is first pointed out to them. I asked myself, what can I do to make people aware?  I first started posting pictures and videos about it on Facebook, but this didn't go over so well, at least in the beginning. Over time these seeds of information have started to sprout and more and more people are waking up to the reality every day. We need to hit critical mass and then the politicians and others will have the courage to stand up and do something to stop the insanity. Nothing will matter unless we all wake up to the truth of what is happening to us, we must demand answers. I print flyers and send them to activists. I made simple business cards and hand them to people when standing in line at the supermarket or walking at the beach that they can easily stick in their pocket which direct them to GeoengineeringWatch.org . I make videos and I talk about it on radio shows.  I can't bear to see what is happening right in front of our faces.  What will you do?  When will you do it?   Your life depends on it! My latest 90 second video is below, please consider the extremely important message it contains.

The Flaming Arrow Project, Sounding The Alarm On Climate Engineering

By Robert Barrett The Flaming Arrow project downloadable flyer is a tool you can use to motivate concerned citizens in your community to consider contributing to this interactive database of photos of aerial spraying programs world-wide. Simply click & download the JPEG document, print it out at home or at your local printer, and request that local merchants place it in a window or on a wall somewhere in their establishment. You can also hand it out to everyone you run into, and use it to motivate people connected with local environmental & health non-profit groups to consider ordering the DVD "Look UP!" for screening at their upcoming meeting. You can also send it to faculty at your local schools with a note to please consider doing the same in their classrooms. Also (for photography instructors) to consider assigning the Flaming Arrow Project (participation) as a class project, and for biology instructors to consider assigning a project to collect soil & water samples and to test for the types of heavy metals found in previous samples & patents for aerosol spraying (Aluminum, Barium, Strontium to name a few) and to share their data with www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

Living on the Edge of Biological Nature

By Nancy Levant, contributing writer to geoengineeringwatch.org All of nature has existed from the beginning. It really does not matter what that beginning looks like to you or me; the earth has remained a ball of fire, rock and water spinning in the vastness of the universe from its beginning. It is a miracle unto itself, and its beauty is beyond comprehension; the green forests, the oceans, rivers, streams and wetlands, the blue skies; the creatures, the mountains, deserts, prairies and coastal areas, all interconnected works of seasonal art in a perfected, interdependent mastery of life itself. We have loved this planet, traveled to see its great beauty, and we have studied its mysteries from the beginning because we could not do otherwise. I have learned that to travel is to adopt the entirety of God’s creation, my belief I realize, and to love the nature of a creator as envisioned and demonstrated through such ultimate creative brilliance. I could not have imagined contempt for biological life as if it was lacking or inadequate. I never considered evolving into a new creature nor desired to change into a synthetic or scientific invention. I was educated in the liberal arts and was not science prone; I sought knowledge in the humanities; philosophy, religion, history, literature, the classics, and when one studies such, the fundamental nature of humankind becomes clear in its repetitive historical cycles. It becomes clear that as a species we are very unique in our steadfast seeking and infliction of any and all cruelties in order to gain power, riches, control and authority over all biological life and especially other humans. As a species we seek to overtake and control life itself and at any cost. All of human history speaks to this infliction as everything in nature, including humanity, was and is considered “acceptable losses.” In all of biological life, this belief is unique to human beings. We believe that to kill is to improve, to conquer is to win, and that constantly changing our tactics in war, wealth seeking, discoveries, and in our social systems and beliefs, we advance. Human history, however, does not back up this belief. What history documents is humankind’s steadfast seeking and infliction of any and all cruelties to gain power, riches, control and authority over planetary resources and people. Humanity has always remained fundamentally and profoundly vicious and contemptible in a near-suicidal contempt of itself. Though human inventions have advanced, the innate nature of humanity has actually never progressed at all. Good manners, even faith for example, are taught and enforced codes of conduct as is charity and kindness. These are not natural states or actions. Our actual natures are self-preserving, competitive, and prone to criticism and often contempt of others. We have an innate darkness within us, and once this darkness is combined with riches, control and powers, enhanced self-preservation, competition and criticism evolve; so much so that control seeking becomes vicious and often sociopathic at any cost. Strangely, history confirms that humankind attempts to control other humans and the planet above all other missions on earth. It is as if the ultimate goal is to reinvent life, even in efforts to recreate human life into slavish perfection. We are on the brink of humanity and biological nature. We are being deluged with nano-particulates of known and unknown origins, with synthetic, created substances of which there is no avoidance. Not only are all fresh and salt waters acidifying but forests are burning in the hundreds of millions of acres globally while methane releases are destroying planetary oxygen; we are now fed with unknown, genetically altered and jet-sprayed foods—all containing synthetic, created substances, nano-sized and, as such, unavoidable. We are being recreated genetically, intellectually and electrically. How much time human beings have left is unknown because we are beholding to those in control, their endless wealth and patents, and more importantly their wills. Due to the stratospheric spraying, particularly of polymer substances and metals, we are infected by their wills and intentions at present as is our food, water and atmosphere. This is the reason for the rapid physiological destruction of elderly and children’s brains, the epidemic failure of major organs in the human body, our chronic breathing problems, our deteriorating physical, mental, spiritual and intellectual conditions, the unfathomable extinction rates of animals, and the global destruction of water, soil and air. We are all infected to a purpose. In bitter and unconscionable truth, we are no longer purely biological creatures. Those in control have recreated not only humankind but also intellectualism and education. We have been taught that science is omniscient, robots are superior to biological humans, and that all decisions of those in power are benevolent. We clearly believe this as we steadfastly cling to our loyalty to Red and Blue leadership, the very people who knowingly damaged the entire planetary system, including our bodies. What they have created and what they have done and continue to do to the planet will seemingly play out. So many of us work for and await the global outcry and pray for its forthcoming. One way or another, I am thankful for my faith because, without it, I simply would not know who or even what I am. Please watch this video as my conclusion to this article:      

Eye On The Skies

Source: The Glen Rose Reporter, article by Lori Smiskol I am a single mom and reflexologist and health practitioner in Granbury and I have seen unprecedented cases of one respiratory illnesses with my clients. Alzheimer's has increased 10 fold in recent years, allergies has increased significantly with my clients and cancer is in epidemic proportions. One in three women are now contracting cancer and one in two men are now getting cancer. They have documented evidence that Agent Orange, which was sprayed to eliminate foliage, has caused cancer to all of our veterans. I was just discussing this with Pastor Ray of the Triple Cross Cowboy Church in Granbury today. He shared with me that in his own congregation that cancer has significantly increased. There is definitely something wrong with this picture. Is anyone alarmed with this? The reason I am writing is to make more people aware of what is happening to our skies. I grew up as a state representative's daughter in Wisconsin in the 1960s. At that time, my father, Lewis T. Mittness, became a huge environmentalist. He introduced, along with other assemblymen, the legislation to ban DDT in Wisconsin. DDT was a chemical they used to spray over the crop fields and near our towns and cities. My dad used to have all kinds of concerned citizens calling him, and I remember this well because they were getting cancer at unprecedented rates, as well as alarmingly high birth defects. My dad fought against big business to end this and when the assembly unanimously passed the ban after much effort it was brought to the senate and they passed it as well. Wisconsin was the first state to ban the use of this chemical pesticide DDT and then the whole United States followed. I feel now my dad would want me to speak up about what is happening every day to our skies. It is not only across Texas, but apparently the United States and even the world as many concerned citizens from all over the world have reported. Yet no one listens that can change this and their cries go unnoticed. This last Thursday and Friday before Easter, my son and I photographed 12 white unmarked jets spraying a chemtrail over us from one end of Granbury to the other. I even pulled a woman out of her car at Brookshires to show her the planes that were literally putting a dome over our Granbury area of this white chemical emission. Contrails from jets dissipate within a matter of a few minutes. This does not. It only spreads into tiny tentacles that grow into rows across our whole sky but usually directed by the area of the sun. Once these trails spread out in rows, it blocks the sun which results in cloudy white and grayish sky eliminating most of the blue sky most days lately. It may even be causing our drought as I have researched to see the two states being widely under chem trails at this time is Texas and California. I just got back from Austin on Monday from a training and was amazed to see they were chemtrailing over our capital city and several cities on my way back home on Highway 281 in the middle of nowhere. They had these same white unmarked jets chemtrailing across the whole horizon and from the ground straight up by the sun. No flight path is vertical from the ground. They continued to loop through the same chemtrail path over and over until several rows are formed which form into the hazy clouds you see today. Something needs to be done and this is why I can not be silenced any longer. We need to get answers as soon as possible. Why is this happening to us? It’s up to us as citizens of our communities to start being aware. One way to do this is to look up and be informed. Then you may be inspired to take action in your own communities and with the people you know that can help bring this to media attention. Even though I was told by one of our own newspapers that I was not allowed to give my story on this highly taboo subject. What has happened to our freedom of speech? It never used to be like this. I am grateful to speak about this very urgent issue we are all facing. I guarantee you will see these jets and artificial clouds, which is almost every single day lately if you just look up and keep looking up. I know my dad would not want me to be silenced any longer and to stand up for my basic rights of clean air, water and food – which is all being taken away from us right now. Don't take my word for it do your own research. If it is for our betterment then why can't we understand why this is happening to us? If it is not … and is affecting our health, I want to know why? I hope you join with me in supporting this effort and talk to your community leaders to get answers so we can fight this just like my dad went up against impossible odds and won. We have a lot more power if we just stick together and I am open to forming a task force to see what we can do in my area of Glen Rose and Granbury. If we all start taking action then maybe we can take our sky back. There is a lot more info on this if you want to Google "Lewis Mittness" or "chemtrails." There are now several national petitions, one has over 17,000 people that have signed it including myself addressed to our Senator Ted Cruz and other constituents in the state plus it will ultimately go to President Barack Obama against the chemtrail spraying over our communities. I really hope you look into this in your own communities, where

The Awakening Grows, Italians Stage Impressive Anti-Geoengineering Protest

The citizens of Italy have now set the standard for organized protests against the climate engineering nightmare in our skies. This April 18th demonstration in Bologna, Italy sets the stage for the upcoming March Against Geoengineering planned for April 25 in various locations around the world. Those who do not have organized anti-geoengineering protests in your area should try to attend one of the countless Earth Day events that have also been organized for April 25th. The human race faces countless challenges that are converging from every direction, but of all the threats currently descending on us the most dire and immediate of all is climate engineering. We have the power to expose and stop the ongoing geoengineering insanity if we work together in this all important battle, make your voice heard. We extend our most sincere gratitude to "Reclaim The Planet" for organizing this outstanding event. Our gratitude also goes to all the citizens who helped with the demonstration in Bologna that is featured in this 4 minute video. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    


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