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Geoengineering, It Is Real

By David Mispilkin I have been noticing unnatural things happening in my local sky and am aware that everyone around me is ignoring what is happening right above them. I first noticed that some days will be perfectly clear and then other days will be filled with planes leaving trails of smoke that then create wide “cloudy like trails” that do not go away.  I asked myself how come these lines, trails, cloudy trails can’t be seen every day. Is it that planes just don’t fly on certain days? No this can’t be because planes fly specific routes each and everyday without fail. The only times they are rerouted is when weather related problems arise. So why am I seeing clear skies for several days and followed by a couple days with major trails that spread out in various grids and angles. These trails mostly block the sun and are always easy to see. Local chemtrails exposed in Foxboro, MA The T.V. media and other outlets will have you understand these are “Contrails” and perhaps you will do a little digging online and find “GEO ENGINEERING” come up and be lead to believe it is a legit program that is saving our planet. This could not be farther from the truth. I ask those of you in the Foxboro, MA. (Patriots country) to take note of your skies and get a little educated on what Chemtrails are.  After you do some research it becomes clear as to what is happening right over our heads.  A great place to start would be Dane Wigington’s Geoengineeringwatch.org. He has done years of research and is a hero in that he keeps moving forward even with the media’s lock on the American people. I feel people are so addicted to television that it is clear that T.V. is the key activation. If you shut off T.V. you start to figure things out faster. What is happening in our skies is sinister and deserves more exposure than it gets currently. If someone can tell me what these lines are doing and why on some days planes do not fly at all, then I am all ears. I am not pushing this onto anyone as I am just expressing concern. ADHD, Autism, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, runaway flu outbreaks, sleeplessness, headaches etc. are accepted as atypical and normal. These are clues telling us to start  looking for real answers instead of waiting for the cause to be broadcasted by the so-called media. We will never learn the truth unless we help find the truth. It will take each and every person do to do his or her part at exposing truth. We cannot wait anymore because chemtrails have been happening for many years and these so-called diseases will just be getting worse. Listen to this interview with Dane Wigington, Leader in the fight against Geo Engineering. David M. North Attleboro, MA.

Major Geoengineering Billboard Goes Up In The City Of Rohnert Park On US Hwy 101

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The ongoing effort to sound the alarm continues to gain momentum. The most prominent billboard in the city of Rohnert Park on the major US 101 freeway now features the most recent GeoengineeringWatch.org awareness message. As the climate system continues to disintegrate, the ongoing illegal global geoengineering programs of omnicide are becoming ever more difficult to hide in plain view. Truly blue skies are now almost nonexistent, formerly sleeping populations are beginning to realize something is radically wrong. A massive billboard message in an urban location on a major California Freeway may be the last connecting dot needed for some to see the bigger picture. I wish to extend my most sincere gratitude to Brian Schuler for his efforts in arranging this very important major highway billboard message. And to Sean Slavin for his part in working with Brian. Sean's efforts to raise awareness of the climate engineering issue with complete strangers is what yielded the connection that has now lead to the accomplishment of the Rohnert sign.  It’s really that simple. A chance encounter and a random series of events led to something profound. We hope that this story helps inspire others. We also hope that this helps you to realize that we all make a difference. We are all the same. The choices we make and the action we take are the only thing that separates us. So to our fellow brothers and sisters fighting the good fight, remember this: We are not alone and we can all make a positive difference. One seemingly insignificant act can change the course of things forever. As the Hopi elders say: “We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for". ~ Sean Slavin If we all pull together, if we all look for every possible  opportunity to awaken others and to move the ball forward toward reaching a critical mass of awareness, we will yet positively effect the final outcome. Never give up, make your voice heard in this all important battle. DW   Other articles featuring GeoengineeringWatch.org billboards from around the country are below.  https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/stop-geoengineering-billboard-goes-up-in-the-heart-of-reno/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/another-geoengineeringwatch-billboard-goes-up-on-a-major-highway/ https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/two-more-geoengineeringwatch-billboards-go-up-in-idaho-and-montana/

A Former Pilot Pushes Forward In The Battle To Stop Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The programming of society is so total that the majority have long since abandoned their sense of reason in exchange for the official narration of reality. Even what their own eyes reveal to them no longer overrides the herd mentality and groupthink. The most glaring example of such total denial resides in the skies above us all. Jet aircraft are clearly and inarguably spraying the atmosphere all over the globe. Deductive reasoning should easily distinguish this as a reality when jets can be seen activating and deactivating spray dispersions. It should be obvious when one day the sky can by completely grid patterned and the next day there might be nothing even though atmospheric conditions are similar. A primary reason the public has disabled their own sense of reason is this, they have been well trained to accept the opinions of so called "experts in the field". But what if those experts have been paid and/or threatened into lying to the public on a scale that cannot be fully comprehended? Former commercial airline pilot and whistleblower Willem Felderhof had this to say in an article that was drafted for geoengineeringwatch.org I was mostly shocked by the fact that there was no uprising under the pilots and meteorologists whose job it is to observe, analyze, study and anticipate on weather phenomena like cloud formation, structure and dynamics.  Our once beautiful blue skies are now choked with toxic aerosols from the constant spraying I am very grateful to Willem for his continuing steadfast efforts to sound the alarm on the climate engineering insanity. Willem's most recent statement given to geoengineeringwatch.org is below. Just under his testimony is an extremely compelling 6 minute time lapse video (assembled by Willem) of the ongoing atrocities in our once blue skies. My name is Willem Felderhof. I am a former commercial airline pilot and whistleblower. This video is part of presentations I give on the subject of geoengineering & the war on humanity. Like many of us I dream of a simple life in harmony with Nature. Apparently to fulfill that dream we have to fight for it like never before. We all have to step out of our box and act, and do things we prefer not to do. It is easier to do that when we realize that it is about the future of our children and Mother Earth. In order to stop insanity at work we have to wake up our inner warrior, leave our fears behind and follow our hearts. The challenges we are facing are enormous but at the same time they present us huge opportunities, with the potential to heal humanity and Mother Earth forever. And just as with flying it starts getting interesting when you have to pass a line of thunderstorms while low on fuel. Because then you HAVE to act as well. It is really up to us, it's now or never. Warm regards, Willem Willem serves as an example to other pilots that have not yet found the courage to come out of the shadows. If we all work together toward reaching a critical mass of awareness on the dire climate engineering issue, other pilots may soon enough step forward and make their voices heard. DW

Anti-Geoengineering Activist Sets An Example For Raising Awareness

Anti-geoengineering activist Maciej Kocialkowski has given us an an exceptional example of effectively raising awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. Visual information is the most powerful and Maciej is capitalizing on that fact. It takes time and effort to arm yourself with credible data to pass on to others, but the utilization of such materials is exponentially more effective than verbal introductions alone. Given the gravity and immediacy of the danger we collectively face from the ongoing geoengineering insanity, we must use every tool at our disposal to wake others, Maciej has done exactly that. My most sincere gratitude to Maciej, and to every activist that is commited to this most important fight to expose and halt the chemical spraying of our skies. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Anti-Geoengineering Activist Sets An Example For Raising Awareness By Maciej Kocialkowski, contributing writer for geoengineeringwatch.org Hi everybody! My name is Maciej Kocialkowski. I am polish national, I have lived in Florida for the last 15 years. I do not have a political or religious affiliation. My life experiences, observations of reality and studies on numerous important topics got me here. I am really the last person you would see going somewhere, picketing about this cause or another, I do everything I can to deflect attention, rather than attract it . And yet here I am, driving my car with this powerful message, carrying flyers and mini cards, passing them to anybody who is willing to at least look at them. So why am I doing that?  Let me go back with a short bio of myself. Growing up in socialist/communist Poland in the '70s and '80s, I am no stranger to government oppression, manipulation and lies. The very regime collapsed in front of my eyes in late 80's. A new "free" Poland, lead by solidarity movement and Lech Walesa arose. I had my share of experiences with "the bad guys" . What about the west? What about America?, that was the better world. In fact ,that was the world I sought! After all , one could not hide the economic abyss that separated "us" and the west. I settled in south west Florida, where I reside today. I gained a better life economically, and better weather, all at one time, way to go!  How did all that lead to climate engineering? Well, if we really take a closer look at the world, any political, administrative, ideological , cultural , language or even a  religious division, is only that: a division. Man made creation. This applies to human kind, not to natural world or any other animal or plant species. It is also important to point out that any past or present animosity or hostility, and even violence resulting from these divisions always affects the common folks, populations, and citizens, not their leaders. We did historically see trials of some of them, even executions in extreme cases. Generally though, even at the heights of international crisis and conflicts, we never see leaders or high ranking military officials fighting or even mouthing each other off. They always meet in nice settings, eat quality foods, and travel with style. That is only what we see. We really can't know what is going on behind the curtains. If the leaders fail to reach an agreement or some sort of solution, then troops and military are often sent to affected areas. Bloodshed and human suffering are assured.  We could ask a question here.  If leaders do not suffer consequences of their decisions,  then how can we possibly trust them with their judgement ?  What other factors, powerful influences and special interest are at play, that affect their decisions? I will let you seek the answers on your own. On top of that, consider the fact that top politicians (against common believe), are NOT the top of the power structure. The top authority figures remain hidden, their names are either unknown, or at least not associated with tremendous power they yield. It is a "fail safe" strategy, so unpopular politician can be replaced without surrendering a true power. The point I am trying to make here is this: although there are no shortage of conflicts around the world at any given time, some real and some "manufactured", there is a great degree of cooperation between nations, even those considered hostile or ideologically opposed to each other. For example, Stalin was still selling oil to Nazi Germany, even after they invaded him. There is a great deal of cooperation and secrecy involved in climate engineering . When you understand how the system works and how the world is "run",then, it will be much easier to tie everything together and you will become,"undebunkable"!  Becoming truly awake is one way trip. There is no way back! Take this as a warning, because you will NOT be pleased with what you find. However, if you are reading this, chances are you are awake, at least to some extend. Another thing is that one cannot really be awake to this issue and not another.  We may not be aware of some facts or aspects or even issues of  great importance. The awakening process is, when once aware, it gives one the ability to tell the propaganda and lies from the facts. One can also know where and how to look for it. I am not going to go to technical details of climate engineering itself( with methane release issue for instance being of top priority). There is enough information on this and other websites to explore and educate yourself.  One has to be mentally comfortable carrying this kind of message and be prepared to answer, at least some basic questions. I came to the point, I became uncomfortable driving without this message. That is why I did what I did. Here are some important key issues (rather than geoengineering itself) that will help everyone to understand why and how climate engineering is being done. Understand the money system we presently have in place. One must become familiar with

Hotties, Coolers & The Geoengineers

by William Thomas (See Illustrated version here) Feeling the heat? How about some Coolers? Not the drink. The cult. You know. Folks like Alex Newman, who in August 2013 slammed “wildly inaccurate supposed 'climate models'… that predicted major warming based on increasing CO2 levels.” Computer programs failing to factor seesawing ocean temperatures known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation had slightly overestimated the rate of 1998-2012 warming, which began with an extremely warm year and the strongest El Niño yet recorded and ended in somewhat less warm years of reduced El Niño activity. The corrections due to El Niño fluctuations “were in the range of a few hundredths of a degree” and did not affect the overall upward warming trend, Earth scientists point out. There was no “warming hiatus”. [Real Climate June/15] Temperature records everywhere were still being torched. In late July 2013, China’s meteorological center issued a nationwide “Red” temperature alert for 14 straight days as an ocean “heat dome” stalled off the China coast, cooking Shanghai at 105ºF. High humidity made record temperatures lethal as residents fried eggs atop manhole covers. [Robert Scribblers Aug 6/13; Washington Post Aug 8/13]

A US Veteran Speaks Out About Government Secrecy

By Randy Sandberg I am one of the people who doesn’t have to struggle quite so much to believe that “they” are in fact capable of doing the horrible things that are passed off by most who say, “Naw. This is America, that could never happen here.” I have grown to HATE those words. My disposition to believe comes from an experience I had when I was taking my first steps in adult life. It was the description in this particular video about the threatening of employees that inspired me to write here. From late 1970 to mid-1973 I was a crew member on a nuclear ‘fast-attack’ submarine. The majority of that time our home port was Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. With normal submarine ops we were in and out, in and out during that time.  My particular work ended up being that of a Navy yeoman (administrative). I was granted a Top Secret/Special Intelligence security clearance because I had kinda “fallen into” the responsibility of preparing the mission reports. Submarine operations are always hush-hush in general, but the info about WHERE and WHAT of the spec ops (special operations) was super secret, as at the time the fast-attack boats played a critical role in “intelligence gathering” during the Cold War. The ballistic missile boats of course had a totally different mission. Something that I hear mentioned sometimes in the alternative media is the concept of “compartmentalization” of access to classified information. “Need to know” is used in the military and intelligence communities. Just because a person holds a Top Secret clearance does NOT mean that they have free access to any and all information at that level. I was thus only one of probably 8 of 120 crew members aboard at any given time who held that level of security clearance. My experience helps me to understand how this "need to know" works. The majority of my shipmates never had the same level of clearance. The day before I was to fly away—being released from active duty—I was taken to an underground command center at the Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor. Despite my almost 2 years working on that base I did not even know the place existed ("need to know" at work). I was given a “debriefing” that included being forced to swear that for 25 years I would not speak about anything I had seen, heard, or even smelled during my time as a crew member, lest I face serious criminal charges, etc., etc. It sounds like my experience was minor league compared to what is done these days as we heard in today’s video. Nevertheless my experience opened my eyes (I was only 22 years old the day I underwent the debriefing) and disposed me to mistrust the government based on seeing how much and how fluidly they lie and keep secrets. As for the geoengineering/chemtrails—I recall that I young age I asked my mother about the planes that made “stripes” in the sky. Of course she had no idea. She told me only that they were “sky writers.” This would have been in the late 1950’s, and serves as my own confirmation that these programs have been around for a long time. Again, keep up the good work. I am doing what I can to wake up the sheeple, but as you know it’s not easy.

Geoengineering, The Ultimate Weapon In The Toxic War On Humanity And Mother Earth. How To Protect Yourself In This Escalating Battle

Source: Juan Matus The irreversible awaking of humanity on the fact that we are under attack by the psychopaths in power is exponentially ongoing. More and more people are waking up, and are experiencing the reality of the fact that we are at war and under a vicious multi layered attack. The realization of this undeniable fact is a crucial element in our fight to save the future of humanity and the planet itself. Millions of people are realizing the implications and devastating effects of the geo engineering, climate engineering and weather modification programs. The enormous amount of information that is available on the dynamics and mechanisms of these programs and how they work in conjunction with each other is boosting the general awareness in an unprecedented way. Now it is time to make the next steps in order to fuel the reversing momentum. The toxic multi level assaults on our health make us weak and powerless and that’s exactly one of its goals. Epidemics of all kinds of diseases and health problems are exploding, while this information is mostly ignored or falsified in the corporate owned mainstream media. However, factual information on the reality of this ultimate health crisis is widely available on the Internet for anyone who does proper research. But those who are awake don’t have to look much further than their immediate vicinity to realize that there is something seriously wrong on the matter of health. In this crucial phase of the war against humanity we should strengthen ourselves on a physical and psychological level, and the good thing is; there are ways to protect you against the intensifying attacks by the maniacs that are loosing their power. Awakening of the inner warrior  A very essential and powerful step in your protection against the ongoing attacks to your health and life is the realization that you are under attack. You have to realize and accept the fact that you are part of a relentless “silent’ war, and the increasing attacks you are experiencing are part of a well planned agenda designed by psychopaths. It is a war against you, your loved ones and the planet you live on. Once you can see this, your instinctive reaction on this reality will trigger your sleeping inner warrior. And because of that you’re back in business, regardless of the situation you’re in. At this point you have to make the crucial decision; do I stay a victim, a passive bystander or will I be the fearless active warrior. When the realization that you are under attack sets in, your fight flight mechanism will trigger all kind of powerful biochemical responses that will serve to protect you on a physical level against the enemy. It does not matter what enemy we are facing, your ancient fight/flight instincts will wake up the inner warrior. And the warrior in you will come up with strategies in your battles. You can stop digging in your past at your therapist or psychiatrist because most of the health problems you are experiencing are the result of the ever increasing exposure to the multilevel toxic attack, and have nothing to do with personal inflicted stress. The highly damaging effects on a physical and psychological level as a result of the structural exposure to the ongoing slow killing programs like Geo engineering, EMF radiation, GMO’s and processed foods are the real source of the escalating health crisis. The message to yourself should not be “I am NOT ok , I have all kinds of health problems” but “I am 100% OK and perfect, my body is only reacting on vicious attacks from all directions”. This strong core understanding that you are 100% OK will have a profound effect on a cellular level and will protect you in your life in the toxic microwave. The realization that you are OK will reduce the resonating tendency of your cellular system on foreign unnatural EMF intruders. It will also reduce the FFR (frequency following response) in the brain. With this liberating perspective your actions will not be any longer focused inside or in your past for healing or solutions. You will change the dynamics of your actions 180 degrees. You’re no longer a powerless victim in fear but a fully aware fearless warrior willing to take any action that is needed to survive. As stated before you are back in business. From here it is you who decide what the next action will be. And the only right decision you can make if you are awake is to get involved with intelligent and powerful action. NOW. You will forget your own story and your irrelevant personal problems and goals, when you understand what we are facing. I will speak more in depth about this powerful element of protection during my coming tour in Europe. And also on different ways to detoxify your body and mind. Preparing for the mother of all false flag attacks The Kardashianation of Vladimir Putin in the alternative media is feeding the distraction of society in a highly effective way. The passive obsession with the actions of this noble oligarch in the Middle East, perfectly serves the worn out geo political script. While we are being distracted by the staged geo political chaos with all the insane wars and crisis, the geo engineering architects are paving the way for the mother of all false flag attacks. Despite the fact that a lot of people are waking up, most people are not familiar with the concept of false flag attacks. They are still in the doomed mindset of accepting the idea that we are continuously attacked and under threat by an enemy their elected officials and media presents to them. While the conditioning of the minds of the masses to accept geo engineering as a normal phenomenon is taking place, frameworks are being created to make geo engineering programs legal. When this stage is completed the road is free for a next Hegelian show. While numerous

The Great Braid of our Being…One Writer’s Lament on the Unraveling of the Natural World

October 2015 As a human being I have lived rurally in the mountainous wilderness of far far northern California for 45 years. As a writer of stories that take place herein, living in the midst of this tragic decline observing and feeling its impact daily has become a difficult practice of juggling fear and hope. For one who has always been drawn to, taken solace in and deeply respected the elements in their bewitching, elegant systematic and magical perfection, this unraveling of the interwoven connection between humans and nature hits home, literally. Whether it be Terra Forming,  Solar Radiation Management, GeoEngineering, Fracking or Weather Modification, the natural rhythms and cycles of planet earth have been forever changed. Since the Industrial Revolution, humankind has progressively reached a level of technology that allows for the manipulation and mindless destruction of nature as we have known it. All in the name of greed.

Courageous Former Commercial Pilot Joins The Fight To Stop Geoengineering

How could the cancer of destruction and insanity that is tearing our planet apart grow so unimaginably massive? Because there are so many individuals in the "system" that have long since sold their morality and honor for a paycheck and a pension. Thankfully, there are exceptions to this rule who are making their voices heard. When credible professionals speak out about the ongoing climate engineering insanity, people listen. Former commercial airline pilot, Willem Felderhof, has long since shown the courage to make his voice heard in the battle to expose the toxic air inside aircraft cabins. Willem is also helping to sound the alarm in the fight to expose and stop global geoengineering, his testimony is below. My most sincere gratitude to Willem Felderhof for his dedication to fight for the common good. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Alaskan Restaurant Owner Shows Profound Dedication In The Fight To Stop Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Steven Chamberlain of Nikiski, Alaska is an exceptional example of assertive and constructive activism in the battle to expose and halt global climate engineering. Before there can be any chance of stopping global geoengineering programs, a critical mass of awareness must be reached with the population at large. Steven owns “Charlies Pizza” in Nikiski, his constant efforts to start “spot fires” of climate engineering awareness with his customers is effective and inspiring. When people wake up to the geoengineering nightmare, their first question is often “what can I do to help stop this”. In the 14 minute video below, Steven covers the multitude of constructive actions he is implementing in this extremely important battle to expose and stop climate engineering.  I had the pleasure of meeting Steven when he took the time and trouble to travel all the way to Northern California in order to connect and network with other activists at the presentation of “Climate Engineering, A Clear And Present Danger” in November of 2014. My most sincere gratitude goes out to Steven Chamberlain and to every single activist that is giving their all to this critical fight regardless of the resistance many show to hearing this dire truth. We are in a fight for life, every day matters in this critical battle. Let's all continue to make our voices heard until the climate engineering insanity is brought to light and to a halt. More pictures taken from the library of photos Steven has sent me is below.  


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