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Time lapse video of total atmospheric assault

On the one hand we are told everything is normal, therefore there is nothing to investigate. On the other hand, evidence that by their own admission is so abnormal to the extent that it can’t even be real(!), is dismissed as fake, therefore there is nothing to investigate.

Children Present Atmospheric Crimes and Danger

Jet Aircraft anomalies, metals in rainwater and patents all reveal that geoengineering our atmosphere has been deployed by the powers that be. This is literally an experiment with Life itself.

A Message for Geoengineer David Keith

The truth, ………… and nothing but ……………………………… the truth – The global geoengineering, weather control, and weather warfare industry is slowly being wrenched into the light from the dark cloak of secrecy. Certain advocates are attempting to deny the many geoengineering programs of the last 60 or 70 years, and to justify and expand these programs indefinitely.

Thy Wayseer Manifesto

ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers… Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you – is actually what’s right with you.

Nothing Kills More Animals Than Geoengineering, HAARP, & Nuclear Contamination

Animal Rights and Abuse: No one kills or abuses more animals than the federally sanctioned and funded geoengineering campaigns, HAARP facilities and nuclear contamination. Forget about the damages inflicted upon people from chemtrails/geoengineering campaigns and HAARP facilities for the moment. For now let us focus upon domestic animals and wildlife, critters who are affected far worse in many instances due to their size and total exposure to the out-of-doors’ elements. Beginning with insects, I cannot begin to tell you how many species no longer exist that existed in my childhood. The loss is, frankly, incomprehensible, and I know for a fact that we are rapidly approaching a total loss of insects. But before continuing, here is a refresher on the scientific divisions within the animal kingdom:

We Are The Future

“Greetings. We are from the future. Everything is going to be alright. The future is a beautiful place. But you will need some training in order to get there…” More: http://WeAreFromTheFuture.com


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