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Portrait of a Cult

By Rebel Siren TROLLS are everywhere, even the word “troll” is offensive. They have been systematically infiltrating social media, hiding in the shadows like rats. Many of them are paid, hired by PR companies to spin an issue, sway public opinion, and cause debate and controversy where none previously existed, nor should. Check online employment venues for “forum poster” jobs. Trolls contribute to the ills of our society and are a virtual plague upon the planet by perpetuating everything that is destructive from promoting GMOs to geoengineering, to marketing, spamming, and selling us stuff we don’t need.

Cosmic Dream, Cosmic Nightmare

June 25, 2014 If you still do not understand the catastrophic consequences of geoengineering and global warming (greatly exacerbated by geoengineering) then you must be either brain-dead, living in a personal, protective bubble, or a resident of another planet. The situation here has gotten SO BAD; just in the last month the disastrous effects have gone off the charts. Here in Northeast Ohio, as of today we have had 17.2 inches of rainfall since April 25. That is astounding, Unbelievable.

Mourning the Death of Our Mother (Earth)

Morning, June 1964. I am eight-and-a-half years old. School has just ended and I am snug in my bed. My windows are open and a warm and gentle breeze is ruffling my curtains. I can hear my dad out in the fields plowing with his little Farmall Cub, and it must be laundry day because I can also hear the wringer washer chugging away in the basement. Oh good! I will get up. I love to hang laundry. The sun is warm, the sky is blue and everything is so fresh and clean. The leaves smell good, the grass smells good, and the freshly plowed soil is rich and fragrant. The birds are singing and everything is peaceful. We don’t have much money, but we have what we need.

Natural Law, Occult Knowledge, Geoengineering and the Feminine Principle

By Jon Aretakis Morality is not constructed by our species. A fundamental, latent, universal, structure exists and it has existed for a long time. It is up to the people to align with the truth, not for the truth to align with the people. If the common people do not learn to align with truth, they will live in illusion and be controlled by those who understand the difference between the two. Understanding why Mother Earth and the common people are being sprayed with deadly chemicals hinges on an awareness of occult knowledge. The word occult has acquired a dark connotation, but the true definition of the word simply means hidden. Hidden knowledge creates an illusionary power differential that gives the people with the concealed information the ability to falsely control the masses because common people do not understand natural law. Most people fail to realize that words, symbols and myths have meaning that manifest reality. The outer is a reflection of the inner, and the bridge from the inner to the outer are actions, thoughts and emotions. If thoughts, actions and emotions are not aligned with natural law, the result is distortion. Geoengineering is the outer manifestation of an inner distortion.

A Timeless And Moving Message

In a world that is spiraling out of control, there are times when we all need to hear a short and hard hitting message of clarification. A message with focus, purpose, and great depth. The three minute video below contains just such a message. “The Greatest Speech Ever” is well worth the time to watch and consider. Our will belongs to us and us alone, it can never be taken, only given up. We must all unite in the struggle against the fading of the light. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Sacred Anger and the Power of Hard Love

“Love does not imply pacifism.” – Derrick Jensen As it stands, all of us are victims of an extremely unhealthy culture. In a culture of conquer-control-consume-repeat we are endlessly conquered, controlled, consumed and forced into repeating and facilitating this diabolical process to no end. We’re like a bunch of spoiled-rotten, whiny children, taking our vexations out on each other and the environment when we should be digging down deep and transforming our comfortable inertia into courageous action. The question is: how do we break the cycle. One answer may be through sacred anger and hard love.

Geoengineering and Negative-Pleasure

By Jon Aretakis For the first time in modern history, our planet and most of the species on it are in grave danger of an earth-shattering decline. Most people are in complete denial of this catastrophic fact. Geoengineering is driving Mother Earth toward an extinction event. If the chemical spraying in our skies and deforestation goes on, glaciers and permafrost will continue to melt; greater amounts of methane and carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere; temperatures will continue to increase, and an extinction event will occur.


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