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If The Trees Die, We Will Follow

The concerned Canadian woman that filmed this short video on the tree and plant die off occurring in her region has done an exceptional job of conveying the seriousness of what we collectively face. If humanity stays on the current course, the planet as we have known it will soon enough be no more. The single greatest leap we could currently take to preserve what's left of the Earth's life support systems is to expose and stop climate engineering. My most sincere thanks to the activist that shared this video, it is well worth the time to view. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Denial – Hey, That’s My Story – Oh, Your’s Too?

We are dumbfounded –  those of us deeply concerned about geoengineering and chemtrails –  by the apparent inability of so many people to see, acknowledge, or care about blatantly obvious chemical  trails in the sky. by staff writer geoengineeringwatch.org  

Collapse of The Biosphere – Dying Trees

Video Description A walk of four blocks in a small town reveals a pervasive, creeping death… the same scenes are unfolding everywhere on this planet. The trees stand in mute testimony to this global cataclysm that is so quietly occurring. Their barren fingers point accusingly skyward… at their attackers.

Waking Up The Masses

Sometimes it takes a billboard to get things done, and sometimes it takes lots of them. The billboard above is on Interstate Hwy 15 heading into Provo, Utah. My most sincere thanks to the couple that helped get this sign up. Though they wish to stay anonymous for now, they have done much for the cause of exposing the climate engineering nightmare, they deserve our gratitude. The word is getting out fast and people are truly beginning to “Look Up”. Lets all keep pounding the drums of the great awakening, our time is now. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Fresno Citizens Address Geoengineering

WRCFresnoTV — GeoEngineering Fresno Skies Without Informed Consent is No Laughing Matter, It is a Crime Against Humanity Request for an investigation into GeoEngineering in Fresno County 8.21.2014 San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Board Meeting.

Geoengineering Education Video Shows Astounding Contempt

I have seen some infantile public education productions from the climate science community in the past, but this 5 minute video truly takes the prize. Though the presentation was apparently designed for a “younger” audience, it appears to be fit for the intellect of no more than a 5 year old. This film shows the power structure’s complete contempt for the public’s ability to comprehend even the most basic facts as it pushes global climate engineering in an incredibly blatant and simplistic fashion. The production was done for the “Climate Engineering Conference 2014”  being held in Berlin Germany from August 18 through August 21, 2014. This “educational” video has to be seen to be believed, whatever IQ it was designed for, it is total programming propaganda. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org     Click here for details on the “Climate Engineering Conference 2014”    

Weird weather over Shambala

Source: Craigs List Can anyone really doubt the reality of global weirding now?This is not normal summer time weather.104 degrees the other day, and 73 degrees today, plus heavy cloud cover, here in the Sacramento valley?!Went up to Tahoe Sunday, and the traditional smell of campfire smoke was totally absent due to fire danger.I looked at the trees as much as possible, and many are either dead, or not too healthy.To my eyes, it was still too soon to tell if they are just severely stressed due to the drought, or being slowly killed due to ozone deterioration from chemtrail spraying increasing the ultraviolet exposure?

Sounding the Alarm on Global Geoengineering

Yet another major US highway now has a huge commercial billboard to help sound the alarm on the catastrophic climate engineering programs. An ever increasing number of citizens have had enough of the toxic weather modification insanity that is contaminating every breath we take along with the entire planet. My gratitude to the individuals that have put this sign up at considerable effort and expense. The battle to stop climate engineering is a battle that we absolutely must win. This fight will take all of us, every day matters. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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