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Earth’s Atmosphere As A Gas Chamber

By Laura Sutton ABOUT GEOENGINEERING/CHEMTRAILS……………… A  few   ‘puffs’     in the sky  –  A  few  ‘streaks ‘  in the sky.          What the hell am I getting so upset about you might wonder.       I’ve watched this for years,   and it’s taken me quite a while to get this upset about it——-and here’s why I am:       Not only has it not stopped     (which was my hope initially),   but it has escalated enormously in scope,   in quantity,   in type of particulate matter.     It is the stated goal of this program to saturate our total Earth’s  atmosphere by the year 2025…and I finally believe it,   although it’s likely being sped up as more opposition develops.      What is being done can be likened to the implementation of a slow but lethal gas chamber ala Nazi Germany………whether the intention is the same is irrelevant.       It’s possible that not everyone in our contained atmosphere will die—-some will and some won’t…but KNOW THIS…..THE HEALTH OF EVERY HUMAN, ANIMAL, AND PLANT WILL BE AFFECTED.   THE HEALTH OF EVERY UNBORN CHILD WILL BE AFFECTED.         VITALITY AND HEALTH AS WE HAVE KNOWN THEM WILL DISAPPEAR.       THESE NANO-PARTICLES DON’T GO AWAY…THEY DO NOT DISSIPATE WITH TIME AND THEY DO NOT METABOLIZE.       THEY ARE PERMANENTLY IN OURBODIES,   OUR SOIL,   OUR WATER,      OUR AIR       AND OUR ANIMAL/PLANT LIFE.     THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE ACTIONS—-FOR THIS PLAN,   ARE CRIMINALS OF THE HIGHEST MAGNITUDEEVER KNOWN TO MANKIND.      THIS ISN’T BEING DRAMATIC AND IT ISN’T EXAGGERATION.        Our atmosphere,  though large,   is essentially contained and limited.       The TOXICITY of the content of the geo-engineering material      (nano-particles of aluminum, barium, strontium and other toxins)     being daily spewed into our atmosphere  is creating a slower,   but equally sure,   death —  or state of dying —   for all life within  THIS  CONTAINED SPACE………JUST LIKE  in the gas chambers of the concentration camps…..and not just temporarily;     but like Mars………..essentially forever.         Playing God has never been a good idea for Mankind……….and this is no exception.       The beauty,   the health,   the LIFE of this potentially wonderful planet will be sucked out and more and more as creatures, plants, trees, and our own health lose initial vitality and (even worse) the ability to REGAIN vitality.    We are currently losing species of plants and animals by the day.        THIS ISN’T BEING DRAMATIC AND IT ISN’T EXAGGERATION.     It  is  just  so  hard  to believe that humans are actually perpetrating this upon Life.    At best, it’s reckless and cavalier…………..at worst it is beyond greedy and evil,  and that is a pitiful understatement.     I’M GUESSING THAT THE MOTIVES OF THE PEOPLE DOING THIS VARY WIDELY.            MOTIVES AND INTENT MATTER NOT AT ALL.        THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS  IS  BRINGING  ABOUT  THE  CESSATION OF GEO-ENGINEERING IN TIME TO SAVE OURSELVES AND OURPLANET.               I live next to the ocean in Central California,    and it is tragically unfolding before my eyes here…….except,   still so far,  most people don’t see it,    or at least really grasp the ENORMITY of what is actually happening.     The people that are perpetrating this murderous activity   ARE COUNTING ON THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE PUBLIC TO STAY IGNORANT AND DISTRACTED.          The enemy of geo-engineering is public consciousness (AT LEAST INITIALLY)  and GIGANTIC ILLEGALITY after that.       PLEASE!!      LOOK UP………..DON’T TAKE MY WORD…..DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH……..TALK ABOUT IT WITH OTHER PEOPLE……….THISONE IS IMPORTANT….THIS ONE IS ESSENTIAL.  · · ·  If  each one of us briefs just one other person a day……..it very well could reach a critical mass…….THIS IS THE FIGHT.   THIS  IS  THE  ONE  WE  NEED  TO WIN.

What’s Up?

By Howard Glasser First, let me state from the outset that I do not belong to nor am I speaking on behalf of any group, party or organization so that you do not think that I have an agenda here because I don’t.

Look Up Presentation By Wanda Allen

Wanda Allen has put together an excellent presentation on the dire climate engineering issue. The kind of assertive action she has taken to educate others in her region is extremely beneficial to the cause of exposing the climate engineering crimes. This presentation is well worth the time to view, thank you, Wanda.    

Deadly Rain

“Deadly Rain” is now what falls on us all. This is also the title of the excellent 3 minute music video below by Alias Clay. The state of the world is what it is because until now the vast majority have chosen to ignore the gathering dark clouds in order to pursue their personal pleasures or to hide from uncomfortable truths. Now the storm is upon us, ignoring this reality will only guarantee our collective demise. Every one of us must strive to be the pebble that triggers the landslide of awakening. All of us are essential to the whole at this most critical time. All of us are needed in the desperate battle to expose and stop the collective insanity that is running the world. This is our time, this is our mission, this is our choice. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

White Lines

Video Description: Funny, and sadly oh so true. The White Lines song written originally about drug addiction is a perfect soundtrack to our addiction to technologies we don’t fully understand, and our inability to cope with reality. This video was inspired by “Poopie”. Please like or share this with someone who needs to look up and face reality.


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