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Major Northern California Event Exposes Global Climate Engineering, Updated

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org This article has been updated and now contains videos from the speakers at the event. My most sincere gratitude to all the speakers, to John B. Wells for his exceptional emceeing of the event, and to each and every individual that attended. The primary presentation of the event, "Engineering Earth", is below.

David Suzuki Confronted On Climate Engineering Issue

Many people hold David Suzuki in such high esteem, but is such respect truly warranted and deserved? Is Suzuki really an oracle of truth and wisdom, or is he a power structure owned public relations prop that will speak only as much truth as he is allowed to tell? Is Suzuki also being used by the power structure to publicly deny critical issues like climate engineering that they absolutely do not want the public to become aware of? In the 1 minute video below, Suzuki clearly denies the subject of climate engineering before walking away from the camera and those who simply wanted to ask him legitimate questions. There is absolutely no excuse for Suzuki's attempt to cloud the truth. There are only two possibilities regarding his behavior, he is either completely blind and ignorant to the natural world around him which he claims to be an expert on, or he is paid and/or pressured to lie about the dire climate engineering issue. If David Suzuki was truly committed to telling the truth in regard to the environment, and fighting for the common good, why would he lie about the geoengineering issue? Why would he lie about his corporate donations? The entire climate science community is built on a foundation of lies and cover-up. The state of the climate is not as bad as we are being told, it is exponentially worse. Global climate engineering is helping to fuel the fire overall. My most sincere gratitude to Irene Parousis and Christina Parousis for this video and for their exceptional efforts to expose David Suzuki's dishonesty and denial. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Veteran Health Department Official Speaks Out On Climate Engineering Dangers, Again

Only a few State and Federal agency officials have shown any courage whatsoever in regard to speaking truth to power, especially on the subject of climate engineering. One shining exception is environmental health specialist Gary Attalla. I have had the honor of communicating with Gary for several years. During this time he has tried diligently and consistently to force the critical geoengineering issue to light with his peers and within his agency, the New Jersey Department of Health. In spite of constant resistance from other agency officials and politicians, Gary has pressed on in his battle to raise awareness. The letter below is Gary's latest update report on what the ongoing geoengineering contamination is doing to our health. My most sincere gratitude to him for his ongoing efforts, if there were more in the "system" with Gary's courage, we would not be in such a dark place today. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Shasta County Update On Heavy Metal Contamination, The Legal Ramifications

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org On July 15th, 2014 a group of experts testified environmental heavy metal contamination (likely a direct result of climate engineering) before the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in Northern California. On June 30th, 2015 a group of citizens returned to speak in front of the board in order to confront them about the Board's inaction on the verifiable contamination. In this latest update, Northern California's ABC station, KRCR, has done their best to spin the actual testimony of facts given in 2014 by experts and County representatives. The 2+ minute video below is the latest TV news update. In 2014 Shasta County Air Quality representative Rick Simon admitted in his testimony before the board that the current air quality testing equipment is not capable of detecting any air particles in the range of those in question (nano particles). "We measure for PM-10" , stated Mr. Simon (PM-10 means 10 microns which again are particles exponentially larger than the heavy metal nano particles in question. It is not possible to detect elements that are astronomically smaller than the currently used testing equipment is designed to detect and Simon knows this. The smaller the particle, the more dangerous it is for the environment and the human body because it is then much more bioavailable). So why is KRCR implying that the Shasta County Board of Supervisors has followed through with their responsibilities to investigate and disclose a public health hazard? This is simply not true. Here is the unvarnished reality, Shasta County officials have not done anything to investigate or disclose an indisputable heavy metal contamination (that state certified lab testing proves) which is a public health hazard (REGARDLESS OF THE SOURCE). They claim that this issue is "not in their jurisdiction", again, not true. This governing board has been given test data to prove the presence of the dangerous heavy metal contamination as far back as 2008, they have done virtually nothing to investigate or disclose this critical health threat to Shasta County citizens. There is currently a team of 6 US attorneys and 2 Canadian attorneys (and other qualified professionals) that are focused on this contamination issue. The legal consensus of this group of legal professionals is this, that county public health and safety agencies have a mandated, legal, and moral responsibility to disclose any and all public safety threats. Again, for over 7 years, no investigation and no public disclosure has taken place from Shasta County officials. As the verifiable heavy metal contamination continues to take it's toll, and the reality of this contamination can no longer be hidden, the question of legal liability will certainly be the primary focus of a justifiably outraged population. The 2014 edited testimony of experts is below.  Here is the full original article "Geoengineering Investigation Demanded By Numerous Experts".  DW

“Anonymous” Covers Climate Engineering Threat

The group "Anonymous" is constantly and actively working toward exposing tyranny in countless arenas around the globe. The video below addresses the most critical issue of global climate engineering, it was assembled by Anonymous and just forwarded to me. The gravity and immediacy of the total destruction being inflicted on our planet and our health from the ongoing geoengineering programs is immense. The threat posed by the constant toxic atmospheric spraying and radio frequency bombardments cannot be overstated.  My most sincere gratitude to Anonymous for their help with sounding the alarm on the climate engineering insanity. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Making Your Voice Heard, An Activist’s Message To A Geoengineer

In the email exchange contained further down in this post, a very justifiably concerned father with an 8 year old daughter addresses internationally recognized geoengineer David Keith about the ongoing climate engineering dangers and Mr. Keith's part in these programs. Having met David Keith at an international geoengineering conference, and having a fairly extensive knowledge of his actions relating to his pro-geoengineering advocacy, I have long since concluded Keith is the epitome of what is wrong with the human race. David Keith has absolutely no regard for the truth, nor does he have any regard for the global cataclysm that the ongoing climate engineering programs (which he is doing his best to sell to the public) are inflicting on the planet and every one of us. The 5 minute video below is an exchange I had with David Keith at a geoengineering conference in 2010, the exchange was quite damning for Mr. Keith. Geoengineering is not really a moral hazard, it's like free-riding on our grandkids. I had a difficult time gaining access into the conference above, the AAAS organizers (American Association for the Advancement of Science) researched me and initially revoked my press pass. After David Keith's self incriminating and damning statements during our exchange, all press was banned from a geoengineering conference the following month. Keith further exposes himself in this 6 minute interview with Stephen Colbert. Jonathan Létourneau is the father mentioned earlier, his heartfelt and moving communication with geoengineer David Keith is below. People like David Keith need to hear from justifiably outraged citizens. Mr. Keith's public contact is below, let him know what you think of his part in the climate engineering crimes, but don't stop there. We must all do our best to effectively and credibly sound the alarm in this most critical battle,  each and every one of us is needed in this battle. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

The Programming Of Our Children And Geoengineering, An Educator Speaks Out

The paradigm of industrialized society has been an orchestrated disaster for a very long time. How does it get so bad? The programming of children in the educational system leads to a programmed society. This in turn leads to a population that is completely blind and oblivious to the fact that they are being constantly sprayed with toxic materials. My gratitude to educator Cali Will for sharing his perspectives in the attached article. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

“Look Up”, A Doctor’s Plea To Awaken The Masses To Geoengineering

Thankfully members of the medical community are now throwing their weight behind the effort to expose and halt climate engineering. Dr. Billy DeMoss, D.C., has given a great deal of his time and energy to raise awareness on critical issues for the good of the whole. Dr. DeMoss is marching with us in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, thankfully he clearly recognizes the gravity and immediacy of the threat the ongoing atmospheric spraying poses to each and every breath we take. He has made exposing the spraying a priority issue. Billy was the organizer for the "California Jam" event which brought together doctors and concerned citizens from around the globe. I feel fortunate to call Billy my friend and fortunate to march with him in the fight to awaken the masses to the climate engineering assault. In the 3 minute video below Dr. DeMoss speaks to the Cal Jam audience about the critical geoengineering issue as he introduces the presentation on the subject. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

County Supervisors Blatantly Ignore Concerned Citizens

Those who strive for and attain positions in local government more often than not tend to be a particular personality type (very much like those who strive for higher government offices). I make this statement from 35 years of experience with dealing with such people in multiple counties of California and Arizona. What I have noted is this, there is, in general, a complete lack of honor (with occasional exceptions). The vast majority of "elected officials" and especially "appointed officials" are there for self-serving reasons, not for the common good. Personal ideology, paychecks, and pensions are what guides them. Again, this is not always the case, there are exceptions, but those are few and far between. The article below is a case in point in regard to the honorless self-serving individuals that so often occupy governmental positions from the bottom of the ladder to the top. They are nothing more than minions for the power structure. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Another GeoengineeringWatch Billboard Goes Up On A Major Highway

With the continuing help of friends and allies in the battle to expose and stop climate engineering, another geoengineeringwatch.org billboard has been put up on a major US highway. This latest billboard is in New Mexico, on I-25 between Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Billboards have a visual impact that helps to breakdown the well programmed denial of our society. The "normalcy bias" of our population is so profound that most have no idea what is going on in the skies above their heads day after day, already for decades. When the subject of climate engineering is brought up to the uninformed, the "conspiracy theorist" term is often the conditioned response without any conscious thought or consideration. Psychological studies prove that those who question are sane, those who blindly accept whatever they are told by "official" sources have psychological deficiencies. The more a particular threat is pointed out or "advertised", the more possibility there is of breaking down the denial. Thus, the anti-geoengineering billboard campaign continues. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   New Mexico, on I-25 between Santa Fe and Albuquerque Other billboards that have been placed on major highways are shown below  I-80 near Elko, Nevada Interstate Hwy 15 heading into Provo, Utah SOD004 – 105 S 1380 W – Lindon, Utah Visible when traveling East on I-80 from California to Reno On a major freeway in Atlanta, Georgia


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