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2/21/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Facebook blocking "Likes" to hinder our working exposing geoengineering. Freak winter storms are completely engineered. Oceans at all-time warm temperatures. How to get involved.

2/14/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Geoengineers can't hide the spraying much longer. Public does not care what those in power do. Dane's Facebook page reach suddenly dropped. Arctic Methane Emergency Group is reporting accurate date; numbers confirmed on the group. Brian Williams being punished but 3 of his collegues are dead now. High temperature records being broken all over the US; highs in the west, lows in the east. Ocean-iron fertilization causes algae blooms but acidifies the ocean. Weather Channel claiming ship tracks, but they aren't. Jellyfish flourishing in artificially-created ocean dead zones; everything else dying. Corexit made Gulf spill 52-times more toxic. How to get involved.

2/7/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Are they spraying lithium? Green energy is not so green. Public officials know the spraying is happening. Are they really spraying coal ash? Particulates trap more heat than they deflect. US split between record highs and record lows. Vaccine issue being pushed hard on mainstream media, probably because of mandatory vaccine bill in California. Dirty rain leaving residue everywhere. Haze around streetlights is visible despite low humidity. How to get involved.

1/31/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Engineered storms continue in the east. Former high temperature records being shattered in the west while media hypes cold in the east. Media ignoring thousands killed by U.S. drone assassination program. Power structure could change the mix to something more immediately lethal at any time. Wolf Blizter was APAC lobbyist; how could he possibly be neutral. Almost all news commentators pro war; why? Irag for Sale exposes war profiteering. Labs changing ownership scrubbing lab tests. How to get involved.

1/24/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Weather channel avoids reporting real weather. Info Wars did piece Weather Channel protest in Atlanta with Greg Pallen, former Congressional Representative Cynthia Mckinney will be attending. RT not covering geoengineering because they accept money from the Ford Foundation. Spraying can't be hidden because they are blocking convection. Government know what they are spraying is highly toxic. We must reach critical mass as soon as possible. Trees not dropping their leaves because of chemical interference with natural plant cycles. How to get involved.

1/17/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Places on Earth have higher UV than on Mars. CME may cause global extinction. Falsified data slanting temps colder then actual readings. Public officials acting cowardly. Tow the line or end up in a plane crash. How people stay in denial. What is the double collapse scenario? How to get involved.

1/10/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

30-degree temperature drops in Denver when descending 100 feet. "Professional" terrorists dropping their ID in the streets. More marine life die-offs. Media tells us not to question the "experts". Experts advise building cities at sea level. Those who question are more sane than those who don't. Chemical ice nucleated snow storms everywhere. Removing aluminum from the body. How to get involved.

1/3/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Meeting with the U.S. Forestry Service. Sea Lions nowhere to be found. Trees dying and tipping over. Polar vortex designed to confuse and divide the U.S. population. Water temperatures above normal on California coast. RT TV news not being honest about climate engineering. Al Sharpton causing division on Ferguson. Corexit banned throughout the world was still used in the Gulf of Mexico. Some people insist on remaining asleep. How to get involved.

12/27/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Short-term artificial cool-down coming. Record warm ocean temperatures. Trees not losing their leaves. The public must face reality. Taking personal responsibility. The power structure is counting on us to act selfishly. Science community is delusional. How to get involved.

12/20/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Constant cloud cover everywhere. Mainstream media preparing for a false flag event. Very small elite control everything. Wolf Blitzer former APAC member conflict of interest? Weather channel has no weather reporting anymore. Small directed storms in California put public back to sleep. 1,000 jet tankers per day necessary to accomplish David Keith’s geoengineering goal. Denial as a defense mechanism and responsibility avoidance. Arctic Methane Emergency Group claims spraying is not happening now. Using EMF to open cell walls and break the blood-brain barrier. How to get involved.


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