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7/7/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Setting up a better system; reaching more people by rebroadcasting on a major northern California radio station. Largest event taking place in northern California. Greece fails as the environment collapses. Fallout from fires. Loss of 75% global biomass. Global plankton down 50% to 60%. Global wildlife down two-thirds. If the spraying stopped today, what would happen? How to get involved.

6/30/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

How do we understand those around us who don't care about global destruction? Deliver the message and move on. Many are waking up. Mainstream media keeping up the normalcy bias. How to get involved.

6/23/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Many battles about resources. Elevated atmospheric CO2 results in higher plant nitrogen levels. Congressional aids now turning against geoengineering truth. Don't run from the issues. Face it head-on. Calfornia approaching 120 degrees. The reality we have known is over, but don't be adverse to it. How to get involved.

6/16/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Things are going to start happening fast and furious. Why are there no hurricanes? Gulf oil well still leaking; media not talking. Whistleblower says aircraft used for spraying can be taken out if pilot defects. Pilots told, "You talk, you die!" Whistleblowers put in prison; Why? How to get involved.

6/9/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Artificial weather manipulation continues. Public officials continue to lie to the public. Some people feel the situation is hopeless. Using common law to battle tyranny. How much longer do we have? How to get involved.

6/2/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Weather anomalies continue around the globe. Weather temperature reports are absolute lies. Spraying to cool areas off temporarily. People delude themselves hoping the madness will all go away. Hail and crazy weather continues. Using common law to stop assaults against the people. How to get involved.

5/26/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Big wheels are turning. Important allies are becoming involved in the fight. Heat in India melting road surfaces. Flooding in Texas is related to climate engineering. Today's technology can determine virtually any weather condition. Mainstream media is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. How to get involved.

5/23/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

The population is waking up. Building cities at sea level. Universities taken over by military industrial complex. Shutting down protests; It's not like the 60's. Why is information about climate engineering is banned from mainstream media? Because it affects everyone and would never be accepted by the public. Dead animals washing up everywhere. How to get involved.

5/16/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Climate engineering is not the only issue. Baltic dry index has crashed. We now have powerful allies in this fight. Jade Helm and mass vaccinations are compounding, but resistance is growing. Mainstream media may run stories to help relieve your emotions to keep you from becoming active. How to get involved.

5/9/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Radical changes are coming for all of us. What is the “kill-them-all” mentality? How can anyone believe the official 9/11 story? Ignoring our current reality is no longer acceptable. Congressional staffers know the spraying is happening. Snow in San Diego while northern California in mid 90’s. Short trails are chemical aerosols too. Is toluene being sprayed? How to get involved.


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