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Geoengineered Western US Meltdown To Cool The Rest Of The Country, Again

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The Western US has, at minimum, long since become a climate sacrifice zone for the geoengineers. The current NOAA departure from normal high temperature "forecast" map is below. This map reflects nothing less than the "scheduled" weather from primary climate engineering contractor, Raytheon, who does all the forecast modeling for the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In this completely engineered scenario, ionosphere heater induced record shattering heat will bake the Western US while potential record cool temperatures may occur in the Central US. The scenario shown below has been repeated by the climate engineers countless times since 2007. The HAARP ionosphere heater installation in Alaska is only one of many large radio frequency / microwave transmitters located around the world that are utilized for climate engineering purposes. When the ionosphere is bombarded with the massively powerful RF / microwave transmissions from installations like HAARP, high pressure heat domes can be created and maintained. In the case of the current record shattering high pressure heat dome over the US West, the clockwise spin of upper level air currents around the high pressure zone allow the weather makers to steer cooler air from the Pacific into the center of the country while completely bypassing the West. Though the "official" forecasted record highs in the West are alarming enough, the actual temperature readings on the ground are now significantly higher than the "official" readings in almost all locations monitored by GeoengineeringWatch.org and others. The latest "Temperature Departure From Average" map shown below is very revealing in regard to the true state of global temperatures. Where is it cool? Where not? The coming climate engineering cool-down in the eastern two thirds of the North American continent truly stands out. Antarctica also stands out as a focus of the global climate engineering assault, a primary element of which involves chemical ice nucleation for weather modification. Due to the recent collapse of the immense Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica, the climate engineers appear to be fully engaged in an increasingly desperate and destructive attempt at damage control in the polar regions. The increasingly radical swings in Greenland melt extent is another glaring red flag in regard to the on and off engineered cool-downs which include chemical ice nucleation as a major factor. The extreme fluctuations in the Greenland surface melt graph below are alarming and indicative of the ongoing climate engineering assaults in the region. Sea surface chemical ice nucleation processes are also being utilized on a massive scale. The swirling patterns left from chemical ice nucleation materials on the sea surface are very clearly visible in the NASA satellite image below (east coast of Greenland). Such patterns are also clearly different from the usual broken ice mosaic seen in the upper right of the satellite image. The power of chemical ice nucleation elements must be seen to be believed, the lab test shown in the 15 second video below gives a glimpse. Arctic ice mass (volume) has dropped precipitously in recent decades and is now at dangerously low levels. In the attempt to hide this fact from the public for as long as possible, the climate engineers have decimated the planet and the atmosphere as a whole. The very short animation in the video below is even more revealing in regard to the true state of the Arctic ice volume implosion. Where are the US temperatures predicted (scheduled) to go in the coming months? The NOAA long term forecast map below reveal the accelerating warming that will soon become impossible to deny for even the most willfully blind. Again, the record heat / record cool weather whiplash scenarios (that has now become the norm in the US and the world) is completely engineered, completely unnatural, and until the recent past, meteorologically unprecedented. Why would the climate engineers carry out such scenarios? Because engineered cool-downs (like the one currently slated for the eastern two thirds of the country) continue to fuel the division and confusion in the population as to the true extent of damage to the climate system (which global geoengineering is making exponentially worse overall while simultaniously destroying the ozone layer). The climate engineering manipulated cool-downs are, of course, only temporary. They are also highly toxic due to the geoengineering jet dispersion of chemical, heavy metal particulates and polymer fibers. Just as there can be no legitimate discussion of the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the global climate engineering assault, there can also be no legitimate discussion of climate engineering without addressing the constant engineered cool-downs and the chemical ice nucleation factor. Chemical ice nucleation is a primary element in the ongoing climate engineering assault. If climate engineering is to be effectively exposed and halted, this critical aspect of the equation must be understood and addressed. While the majority of the masses are still allowing themselves to be distracted with power structure orchestrated political theater, the biosphere is collapsing and every breath we take is being contaminated with the toxic fallout from the climate engineering operations. How long till the power structure plays the WWlll card as a final option? What are your priorities? Make your voice heard in the critical battle to expose and halt the global climate engineering / weather warfare assault, and for the greater good.  DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Completely Manipulating Precipitation

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org For many decades a covert global collaboration of governments has participated in the complete manipulation / disruption of the planet's weather and climate systems. There are many agendas being carried out in our skies by these global powers, none of these agendas are benevolant. The degree to which the weather-makers can manipulate precipitation is difficult to fully comprehend, the effect on populations and the planet has been devastating. The NASA satellite image below reveals extreme aerosol spraying operations being carried out in the Eastern Pacific over major flows of atmospheric moisture migrating toward the West Coast of the US. A large component of the jet aircraft sprayed aerosols are electrically conductive heavy metals like aluminum and barium. These elements assist the weather makers with their constant manipulation of precipitation events. Extremely powerful radio frequency / microwave transmissions are another primary means by which the weather makers manipulate heavily aerosolized flows of precipitation. The very revealing animation below clearly illustrates the effects from a powerful radio frequency / microwave transmitter near Beale Air Force Base, California. By these methods those in power can effectively migrate rain over some regions and allow it to come down elsewhere, often in the form of a highly destructive deluge. The climate engineers decide where it rains, and where it does not. They decide how toxic the rain will be, or if a zone will be temporarily cooled down by chemical ice nucleation processes. From drought to record flooding deluges, the geoengineers are the ones pulling the levers. In addition to the climate intervention insanity, it is important to also remember and consider the countless other forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate system and the planet as a whole.  Large incoming cells of precipitation are completely dispersed by the Beale transmitter with none of the migrating rain actually precipitating past the transmitter site. This next NASA image is a shockingly clear illustration of the climate engineering process already addressed in this article. A massive cloud formation off of the US West Coast has blatantly obvious signs of heavy aerosol spraying. This formation also has extremely unnatural borders due to radio frequency / microwave transmission manipulation.  The image above was captured as a massive high pressure dome was being set up over the US West Coast. This rain blocking heat producing scenario (termed the "ridiculously resilient ridge") was a primary causal factor in the record shattering California drought. Though much of California has been allowed to receive substantial rains this year, devastating drought could be put back in place by the climate engineers at any time. The NOAA precipitation "forecast" (scheduled weather) map below is the latest example of the now unprecedented precipitation patterns. Geoengineering is completely disrupting the global hydrological cycle. A primary purpose of precipitation dispersion / migration / manipulation is to create largest possible expanse of cloud cover / haze, and to keep the moisture aloft and available for creating precipitation events and/or chemical ice nucleated cool-downs. Extreme weather whiplash scenarios are increasingly the norm as the desperation of the climate engineers continues to manifest. Meteorologically unprecedented and completely engineered hot and cold zones now blot global temperature maps. Every engineered (and highly toxic) chemical cool-down event that the geoengineers carry out comes at the cost of an even worse overall warming of the planet. It comes at the cost of an even more damaged ozone layer and an even more contaminated biosphere. The human race has inflicted countless forms of damage to our once thriving planet (with the ongoing geoengineering insanity at the top of the list). How much more can the planet take before complete biosphere implosion? If we remain on the current course, we will very soon find out. Every single one of us is needed to help sound the alarm, make your voice heard. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineers Disrupt Hydrological Cycle In A Desperate Attempt To Mask Planetary Meltdown

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Hiding the severity and immediacy of countless converging catastrophes from populations (until the last possible moment) remains a top priority for the global power structure. The NOAA "departure from normal high temperatures" map below covers the period from October 16th through the 20th. NOAA modeling is done by private defense/geoengineering contractor, Raytheon, thus their "forecasts" amount to the scheduled weather. Every color tier reflects a 2-3 degree "departure from normal" to the high side or low side, depending on the color hue. If the profound imbalance of temperatures shown in this map does not alarm you, it should. While record high temperatures are being set throughout much of the country (and the world as a whole), the US West Coast and parts of Alaska are temporarily (and toxically) cooled off by a massive plume of moisture (snow is even falling in the Western US). Atmospheric aerosol spraying (including chemical ice nucleation elements) are being dispersed by jet aircraft as the ongoing climate engineering operations further derail Earth's weather and life support systems.  Record setting high, summer like, temperatures will continue into the week for much of the US. At the same time that record high temperatures being set in so much of the US, snow is miraculously falling in other parts of the lower 48 states. Snow is occurring (due to chemical ice nucleating elements) in some locations in spite of above freezing temperatures and in spite of warmer flows of moisture off of the record warm Pacific Ocean. Snow (shown in blue on the map below) is cleary showing up across the Western US. As the climate engineers continue to force the climate system to ever greater extremes of temperature imbalances, the biosphere's ability to cope is rapidly breaking down. In addition to the temperature extremes, there is the issue of the highly toxic geoengineering/solar radiation management fallout that is contaminating the entire surface of the planet and every breath we take. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below reflects variances from "normal" temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit. These imbalances are already far beyond extreme and growing worse rapidly. As the moisture flows in from the coast, the air masses below it are cooled by the aerosol/ice nucleating dispersions already mentioned (chemical ice nucleated events are occuring all over the globe). The same aerosols (which are manipulated with radio frequency transmissions) have the effect of scattering the moisture into vast expanses of largely rainless cloud cover. This is the stated goal of solar radiation management (SRM). The sun blocking aerosolized clouds, of course, also trap heat (in addition to countless other negative effects) which further fuels the overall planetary meltdown.  The planet is already warming at a "runaway" pace with nightime low temperatures rising even faster than daytime highs. The brighter the white of the cloud cover shown in the combination satellite radar image shown below, the more aerosolized the cloud cover is. The constant aerosol saturation of the moisture flows, as they approach from the west, continues to rob desperately needed rain from California. The US Drought Monitor map below does not begin to reflect the true severity of the drought and the decimation it is causing. Why are National Weather Service and NOAA employees completely completely mute on the subject of climate engineering? Illegal federal gag orders have ensured their silence. Global climate engineering is weather warfare, and biological warfare, nothing less. Geoengineering is not mitigating the overall planetary warming, it is actually fueling it. In their increasingly desperate attempt to mask the unfolding climate crisis from the public, the climate engineers are tearing Earth's life support systems apart. Our battle for survival is here, and now. Help us with the critical battle to sound the alarm, every day counts. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Desperation, Decimation, And Destruction, What Will It Take To Wake The Masses?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Some 70 years ago our government made the decision to commit the human race and all life on Earth to a lethal global climate engineering experiment. The power brokers did this without our knowledge or consent while being fully aware that the consequences of this experiment could never be undone. Governments all over the world have long since been a part of the global climate engineering cabal, extensive historical documents prove this fact.  Of the countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate and the biosphere, the geoengineering/solar radiation management assault is mathematically the most devastating. Every life form on the planet has been completely betrayed by those behind the weather warfare atrocities, and betrayed by the science and media circles who are actively and aggressively helping to hide the ongoing geoengineering omnicide.  Aerosol saturated skies from the ongoing global climate engineering operations, Redding, California. Photo credit: GeoengineeringWatch.org The US West is experiencing record shattering heat, this is just the beginning. Burning hillsides in Azusa, California from erupting wildfires and record heat. Photo credit: Nick Ut/AP Astoundingly, only a few days before the scorching heat took hold in the US West, snow was falling in multiple states. The geoengineers are aggressively utilizing chemical ice nucleation methods (whenever and wherever there is enough atmospheric moisture) to temporarily (and toxically) lower the temperatures. In addition to the total contamination of the precipitation, the short term chemical cool-downs are also all too often extremely destructive. One primary agenda of the ongoing climate engineering assault is to continue fueling the confusion and division of populations in regard to the true state of the climate and the true extent of damage to it. The weather radar image below was taken on June 16th, clearly showing snow falling near regions of the West that experienced record shattering heat only days after.  Radar images now often reveal frozen precipitation occurring with surrounding air and ground temperatures that are far too warm to support natural ice nucleation processes. The atmospheric spraying of highly toxic metal and chemical particles is not only worsening the climate catastrophe and overall heating of the planet, it is also causing epic drought all over the globe (with record deluges occurring in other locations). With the water levels in Nevada's Lake Mead now at record shattering lows and dropping further by the day, the Las Vegas spigot is about to run dry. The dry season is just beginning with Lake Mead already at record low levels and long term forecasts (scheduled weather) for rapidly deepening drought. Las Vegas has recently spent nearly a billion dollars on a water project designed to drain the last drops of water from Lake Mead. A steel cap on top of an intake riser holds back what is left of the water in Lake Mead. This final  attempt to tap the last of the remaining water storage is a true sign of desperation. How long will the human race continue to believe the delusion that technology will somehow always correct or cover up the countless and ongoing crimes against Nature? Photo credit: John Locher Many citizens of first world countries have so far largely chosen to ignore the unfolding global climate cataclysm as if they are somehow immune to the accelerating biosphere collapse. Such arrogant denial will very soon be shattered on every front. Those who control the climate, control the flow of water, and thus the populations that depend on it. The masses in less fortunate countries have long since been reaping the full impact of the climate engineering assault. A farmer in India takes a drink while standing on a now parched lake bed. Photo credit: Manish Swarup The people of India (who are also suffering from record shattering high temperatures and record drought) are an example of what is unfolding all over the world. Due to the atmospheric saturation of electrically conductive particles from climate engineering, increased lightning strikes are also taking a heavy toll on populations. Nearly 100 people have just been killed by countless lighting strikes in India. Amritsar, India. Photo credit: Munish Byala If the human race and life on Earth are to have any chance of surviving the short term horizon, there must be an immediate and complete course correction. Industrialized/militarized society has decimated the planet, climate engineering is the epitome of this willful destruction. May, 2016, was the 13th month in a row of record shattering global temperatures, how long does anyone think we can continue on such a trend and still have any chance of avoiding total omnicide? Record high Arctic temperatures and the disintegration of Arctic ice is also accelerating at blinding speed. What is the response of our government? To place illegal gag orders on the majority of weather/climate scientists and to fire other frontline scientists. What we collectively face is nothing less than an existential threat. The single greatest leap forward we could make in this battle for survival is to expose and halt the climate engineering global assault. This battle can only be won if we are all committed to the effort, make your voice heard. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Fuels Fires Of Global Incineration

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Our once thriving planet is spiraling toward complete meltdown and total extinction. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere (with the Co2 and methane greenhouse gas buildup being all too real), global climate engineering programs are the single greatest factor creating droughts and fueling fires on planet Earth. What will it take for the human race to abandon their tendencies of suicidal denial? What will it take for the paid liars in the ranks of academia to start telling the whole truth about the climate implosion? A subject which cannot be legitimately discussed without including the lethal reality of climate engineering. An exploding inferno of flames and unimaginably intense heat erupts along a highway near Fort McMurray, Alerta, Canada, May 7, 2016. This fire is expected to burn for months to come as the wild fire threat continues to increase around the globe. Even the Himalayas are now being ravaged by wildfires. Photo: Mark Blinch The fire had grown from 75 square kilometres Tuesday to more than 2,000 square kilometres – an area the size of Mexico City – officials confirmed Saturday, and surrounded the city on its west and southern edges. Some mainstream sources are acknowledging the "extreme weather pattern" that has created the anomalous heat dome over central Canada. But, of course, the part climate engineering has played in this engineered weather scenario is completely omitted as is any mention whatsoever of the blatantly obvious and unarguable ongoing geoengineering atrocities visible in skies around the globe.. It is up to us to hold mainstream media accountable for their lies of omission.  Unseasonably hot weather in Alberta, Canada, is fueling the worst wildfire disaster in the country’s history. An extreme weather pattern, known as an omega block, is the source of the heat. [Fort McMurray wildfire evacuation was largest on record in Canada, database shows] An omega block is essentially a stoppage in the atmosphere’s flow in which a sprawling area of high pressure forms. This clog impedes the typical west-to-east progress of storms. The jet stream, along which storms track, is forced to flow around the blockage. GFS model simulation of jet stream pattern and "omega block" over parts of Canada. Geoengineering is further fueling a climate of extremes that have now made "weather whiplash" the norm. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below highlights the magnitude of the engineered heat dome over central Canada Extreme (and historically unprecedented) temperature variations like those reflected in the map above have also been increasingly documented in the US over the last decade. 70 years of climate engineering insanity have left a decimating swath of total destruction across the entire planet. This statement in no way negates the countless other forms of catastrophic damage caused to the biosphere by human activity. But, mathematically speaking, climate engineering/solar radiation management programs are the single greatest destructive factor in regard to climate disruption, forest fires, and planetary contamination. Solar geoengineering is nothing short of weather and biological warfare.  How much decimation will have to occur before the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare insanity is acknowledged by the climate science and environmental communities? Photo: Scott Olson On Friday, May 6th, 2016, record heat was also recorded in the US. On this date, the warmest location in the entire country was Minneapolis, Minnesota.  On this same day (May 6th) that the all time high temperature records were set in Minnesota (in excess of 90 degrees), the Weather Channel live reporting forecast was for several inches of snow to fall in the US Southeast. By Sunday, May 8th, snow was still falling in some locations of Colorado and New Mexico. On the morning of May 9th, snow was falling in Montana at 45 degrees. Again, such radical anomalies are profoundly unprecedented, completely unnatural, and totally engineered. Chemical ice nucleation processes are a major component of the engineered cool-downs.​ The global "departure from average" temperature map below reflects an increasingly "blotchy" world of radical temperature extremes. There are, of course, countless contributing factors. One primary element is the buildup of greenhouse gasses (Co2, methane, and others). A second major factor is the creation of heat domes by the climate engineers (which are a part of jet stream manipulation process carried out by ionosphere heater installations like HAARP). A third major factor in regard to the increasing anomalies are the chemical ice nucleated engineered cool-downs previously mentioned.   We now occupy a world of increasingly engineered climate extremes. This is in addition to the underlying overall damage to the biosphere and climate system by ongoing anthropogenic activity on countless fronts. The satellite image below was taken on May 8th, 2016. Massive aerosol spraying particulate trails are clearly visible over regions off the US West Coast and over parts of the interior US. Two circular pressure zone perimeters are also very visible which are related to the jet stream manipulation already outlined.  So, while the fires in Canada rage on, the geoengineers continue wreak havoc on the climate with their all out assault against the planet and all life. Yet another ice melting heat wave is expected in the Arctic this week. The atmosphere and the climate system have long since been completely derailed by the constantly expanding geoengineering/solar radiation management assault. This assault must be exposed and halted if Earth is to have any possible chance to find a new life supporting equilibrium given the level of irreparable damage already done by geoengineering and industrialized/militarized society.  The GISS map below reflects the average degree of planetary warming that has occurred in only the last 16 years. The warming is now accelerating at unimaginable speed and is likely already a runaway event. Global climate engineering has further contributed to the overall meltdown of the of the planet, not mitigated it. Geoengineering is ultimately about power and control, there is no benevolence in these programs, none. The short term toxic cool-down anomalies created by the climate engineers (in order to mask the true severity of planetary meltdown from the population for as long as possible) have come at the cost of pushing the planet past the point of no return in regard to the once hospitable host that we formerly knew. The illegal federal "gag

Geoengineering, Runaway Climate Disintegration, And Programmed Societal Apathy

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The forests are dying, the oceans are dying, the Earth is dying, and even at this late hour the vast majority of first world societies remain completely immersed in total denial and apathy that is manifested in many forms. The ever growing list of extreme weather events and unfolding global die-offs are not discussed or disclosed by the power structure owned and controlled corporate media machine of mass distraction. Though climate engineering is aggressively denied by the criminal media cabals, it is real, ongoing, and lethal to all life. The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. Malcolm X Industrialized/militarized civilization is in its death throes, the pounding of the planet by the covert climate engineering assault is a testimony to the near total loss of sanity in modern society. Every breath we take is now toxic, air particulate pollution is taking an immense toll on human health. The largest source of this atmospheric pollution, climate engineering, is systematically denied by the central banker controlled so called "experts" whose paid for opinions societies blindly accept. Those who dare to even mention the truth often face draconian consequences from a societal system that has in so many ways abandoned any sense of reason or morality.  Geoengineering atmospheric aerosol dispersion with very visible radio frequency exposure. Palm Springs, California. Photo credit: Ron Morgan While criminal leaders seek the expansion of empire, the point of no return for life on Earth has potentially already been passed. The primary objective of the facade global climate conferences is to covertly force countries to accept the ongoing and expanding climate engineering insanity. The long term goal to limit global average temperature rise to 2C (set only last year at the Paris climate conference, 2015), may possibly be officially exceeded only one year from the date of the conference, 2016. Rapidly worsening global droughts are decimating ecosystems and populations. In regard to the epic droughts, climate engineering is verifiably the single greatest causal factor (also fueling forest fires like the catastrophic inferno currently burning in Canada), yet, again, this fact is completely ignored or blatantly denied by the corporate media, academia, and their paid for "experts". To control the water supply is to control populations. Ghost ships on a now dry Aral Sea, climate engineering is wreaking havoc on Earth's life support systems. The deadly heat wave that is occurring in India is only one example. It may become the most deadly ever, and summer is still to come. Is India being punished by the climate engineers for its recent ousting of Monsanto? Though the runaway planetary warming is all too real (with countless forms of anthropogenic damage fueling the fire), all available evidence makes clear that the geoengineers can clearly push extreme conditions further in any direction. It is estimated that Monsanto may be responsible for the deaths of as many as 300,000 Indian farmers. But what about all the headlines of the expanding Arctic ice? This narrative was just another well funded lie put out by the military/industrial complex and the geoengineers. The lie has been enthusiastically embraced by many that did not bother to look for (or perhaps did not want) verifiable front line facts. Arctic sea ice extent and volume is plunging far into record low territory and may not survive the summer (yes, this summer). If this does occur it would radically accelerate the already runaway warming scenario that climate engineering is contributing to overall. Climate engineering can and is creating short term toxic cooling events at the cost of a worsened overall warming. Recent studies indicate the Arctic has not had ice free summers for some 6 to 10 million years. Vanishing ice is impacting jet stream patterns (though geoengineering and the ionosphere heaters are also a major factor affecting and disrupting jet stream patterns). About our odds of extinction, a just published science report states that: “A typical person is more than five times as likely to die in an extinction event as in a car crash,” The reality of the rapidly accelerating climate disintegration is, unfortunately, much worse than even this headline indicates. In fact, global high temperatures have just skyrocket past the 12th consecutive month in a row of all time record high temperatures for any month. To be clear, this means that each of the last 12 months successively broke the all time high temperature record for ANY  month ever recorded since record keeping began. Coral reefs are bleaching and dying around the globe from excessive and accelerating ocean heating. Where is the human race and planet Earth headed if we do not immediately and completely change course? "Venus Syndrome" will be our near term final destination, and all the climate engineering/solar radiation management that the military/industrial complex can deploy is only further fueling the overall planetary meltdown.  In regard to Venus, if all relevant factors were equal to Earth, Venus would only be 20 to 25 degrees warmer than Earth. Instead, due to a "runaway greenhouse scenario" and the dense atmosphere that this scenario created, the surface temperatures of Venus are now nearly 900 degrees. But wait, the new film "Climate Hustle" completely disproves the global warming "theory", doesn't it?  The short answer is absolutely NOT. The "Climate Hustle" disinformation travesty is only relevant to those who are not truly interested in front line facts in the first place (and, of course, the film never mentioned the climate engineering elephant in the room). The excerpt below shines more light on the film producer, Marc Morano, who is clearly paid to cloud the climate disintegration reality. ExxonMobil's Climate Science Denial After decades of financing political groups to attack the science of climate change and the scientists conducting the research, ExxonMobil is embroiled in scandal. This follows revelations from InsideClimate News and the Los Angeles Times that Exxon not only recognized climate change as fact, and its root in fossil fuel use, but spent millions on scientific studies of our global climate system. After Exxon buried the evidence and waged an advertising and public relations campaign to deny the science, the company coordinated

Climate Engineers Cut Off Critical Rain From Populations Around The Globe

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Why are there so many record droughts unfolding around the world? A warmer atmosphere holds much more water vapor (7% more for every degree in centigrade of warming). The laws of physics state it MUST rain more on a rapidly warming planet. So why are record shattering droughts increasing in regions all over the globe? Because geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are completely disrupting Earth's hydrological cycle. Geoengineered skies over Yosemite National Park, California. Photo credit: Ron Kauk By saturating the atmosphere with particulates (aerosols) to produce the "global dimming" effect (which is the stated primary objective of the SRM climate mitigation programs), the geoengineers have totally derailed the planet's primary terrestrial life support system, rain. The climate engineers literally control the global spigot. Controlling precipitation means controlling food supplies and populations all over the world.  The intentional attempt to create a "nuclear winter" is actually fueling the overall warming of the planet in addition to expanding global drought. Record droughts are decimating ecosystems and populations around the globe along with fueling water conflicts. Droughts comparable to the engineered catastrophe in California are happening in countless regions. The headlines below are all recent breaking stories, all are click to open links. "Thailand Hit By Worst Drought In Decades" "Thousands May Die From Drought In Somalia Unless Donors Give More" "Worst Middle East Drought In 900 years" "Climate Change Worsening Colorado River Droughts" "India Facing Worst-Ever Water Crisis" "Uganda: Water Crisis Worsens As Dam Dries Up" "Palau Suffers Worsening Drought, Emergency Declared" "California Drought: Get Used To It, Scientists Say" "Historic Drought In Southeast Asian Countries" "South America: Exceptional Water Deficits Are Forecast To Persist" "Drought In America Threatens Food Production" "Honduras: Drought Emergency Appeal" "Forests Struggle As Drought And Climate Change Bite" "El Nino Falls Short, Leaving California In Drought" "Vietnam's Southern Mekong Delta Faces Worst Drought In History" "Drought-Effected Farmers Block Kidapawan City (Philippines) Highway To Demand Relief" "Amid Climate-Fueled (Drought) Food Crisis, Filipino Forces Open Fire On Starving Farmers" Global geoengineering is not just ecocide, not just genocide, but planetary omnicide. Geoengineering is weather warfare, nothing less. Due to the highly toxic fallout, climate engineering must also be considered biological warfare. The ongoing weather/climate manipulation is not only wreaking havoc on the planet's climate system, geoengineering is also destroying the ozone layer. Without an ozone layer, there would be no terrestrial life on Earth. Though some "official sources" claim the ozone hole is recovering, UV metering from the front lines completely disputes any such conclusion. The ozone destruction will only get worse with every day that the atmospheric spraying is allowed to continue. The heavily damaged ozone layer is allowing dangerous UV radiation levels to reach Earth's surface. Many in the climate science and environmental communities are justifiably criticizing the special interest groups and organizations who are aggressively denying global warming, but what about their own inexcusable criminal denial of the single largest climate disrupting factor of all, global climate engineering? How can there be any legitimate discussion of the climate without first and foremost addressing the climate engineering atrocities? There can't be. We are now in the "Anthropocene epoch". Any form of anthropogenic activity that alters the biosphere (and thus Earth's natural systems) must be considered a form of geoengineering, This being said, climate engineering and its highly toxic fall-out is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. How do we stop it? Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward, all of us are needed to do our part in this most critical battle to salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Mayhem Continues To Take Its Toll

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The unraveling of Earth's life support systems continues to accelerate all over the globe. Devastating droughts, highly destructive deluges, record forest fires, and completely engineered snowstorms, all are taking a horrific toll on the planet. Though academia and mainstream media still refuse to acknowledge the geoengineering atrocities, the damage related to these programs is mounting at blinding speed and will be all but impossible to hide for much longer. El Niño is bringing rural Colombia to it's knees, a new report is showing the devastation El-Nino is having on the South American country Colombia. As Columbia bears the brunt of El Niño, thousands of dead animals and other shocking figures caused by the weather phenomenon of El Niño are devastating the South American country. The data has come from government entities and federations who discussed environmental and economic damage of the crippling drought in Colombia. The high temperatures and drought that the country faces as a result of El Niño has claimed the lives of at least 100,000 cattle and goats with some experts claiming the figure could be as high as 500,000. Formerly lush South American rain forests are being transformed into scorched moonscapes. Andres Felipe Garcia, chief advocate for agricultural affairs said that in addition to these deaths the El Niño phenomenon has also claimed around half a million hectares of crops along with the displacement of hundreds of people to Bolivia. Forest fires have affected a further 128,000 hectares. And the recovery of these areas could take up to 30 years to repair. The 128,000 hectares have affected about 23 forest. Rivers are drying, therefore, in addition it has been reported food shortages in districts of the Caribbean coast which can only receive supplies by boat, according to Semana. Magdalena has 10 critical points and has reached such low levels you can not even measure how much water runs out there. The same can be said of the Cauca River and the Sambingo has all but disappeared. In addition to rivers, lakes also have low levels, the Calima has lost 82% of it's water. It is thought around 20,000 children are at risk of malnutrition. To date, there are 316 municipalities at risk of shortage of drinking water. Today 96 have partial shortages and 90 are with rationing. As climate engineering continues to contribute to drought creation around the globe, the forests that remain will continue to burn at unprecedented rates. Though El Niño is a natural phenomenon with very real impacts, the protracted droughts that are occurring all over the world are more directly a consequence of the atmospheric aerosol saturation which is creating a "global dimming" effect. Though the constant geoengineered bouts of "winter weather whiplash" continues to confuse much of the population, the planet is likely already in a "runaway warming scenario" which is creating an "abrupt climate shift". The still continuing string of record breaking months of global heat just got broken again as February 2016 completely shattered all former monthly "above normal" temperature records globally.  Arctic ice is plunging into record low territory, sea levels are rising far faster than any former worst case predictions, heat waves are raging around the globe. Global climate engineering is making this entire scenario exponentially worse. In addition, our entire planet is being contaminated from climate engineering. How much longer can we remain on this course before there is nothing left to salvage? We must all stand together in the critical effort to sound the alarm. Other related articles: Tropical cyclone: Yalo (14P) forms in the South Pacific just days after cyclone Winston destroyed Figi Tornado season comes early to the US as 6 deaths many more injured, 65,000 without power and millions of dollars damage hits the country Plus 41C expected as the mercury is soaring in Sydney and NSW yet another heatwave bears down on Aus El-Nino blamed for 40 C (104 F) heatwave in parts of Malaysia Killer cyclone Winston leaves more than a 100 dead: Most powerful tempest ever documented in the Southern Hemisphere, winds reached 184 miles per hour. The most powerful storm to hit Fiji made landfall on the Pacific nation's main island, Viti Levu. And was greeted with a magnitude Mag 5.8 earthquake Tropical Cyclone Winston turns deadly: Category five Winston is now the strongest cyclone to hit Fiji in recorded history Cyclone Winston to reach Category 5 hurricane force and does a U turn back to Tongan islands with wind gusts expected to reach 250km/h damaging ocean swells and flash flooding. Tropical Cyclone Winston Threatening Tonga and American Samoa: Tropical cyclone Winston's maximum sustained winds had increased to hurricane-force Death Valley poised for wildflower 'super bloom' thanks to El-Nino

Crushing El Niño, Engineering Winter From Warmth

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org "Winter storm Kayla" is the latest creation from the climate engineering cabal that now controls Earth's life support systems (following "winter storm Jonas"). There is no longer any weather that can be considered "natural", the entire climate system has long since been completely derailed. Is it just a coincidence that the engineered winter weather is timed with the Iowa Caucus? The power structure controlled script reading weather forecasting agencies like The Weather Channel somehow know almost a week ahead of time that "winter storm Kayla" would form and take this exact track. This is not weather forecasting, it is the scheduled weather. What were the predictions for the "Mega El Niño? The 2015-2016 "winter weather" has so far been very different than what was predicted and from what should have been given the extreme El Niño event.  How can "Kayla" be a "winter storm" at all with record or near record warm temperatures (and tornados) predicted a short distance from the center of the snow storm?  The moisture for "winter storm Kayla" is being pumped right out of the record warm Gulf of Mexico. Exactly how far above average will the temperatures be at the height of this latest engineered "winter storm"? The glaring contrast of extremes in the map below are beyond alarming. Polar opposite temperature extremes like those reflected in the map above are historically unprecedented prior to recent years.  Warm flows of moisture coming from the south will be chemically nucleated to create concentrated pockets of "heavy wet snow" in the more heavily populated locations. The desired "winter weather" headlines will be achieved in spite of record warm temperatures in a very close proximity. Widespread areas of very light snowfall also helps the climate engineers create the desired climate confusion in a rapidly warming world. Take a good look at the radar map below. Snow is falling in northern Baja and northern Mexico while it is raining in the northernmost tip of Maine, US. Chemical ice nucleation processes can create frozen precipitation/snow under a wide variety of conditions. The Chinese were open about chemically nucleating snowstorms until they inflicted major damage to Beijing. The chemical nucleation process also produces a cold dense layer of air which descends to ground level and temporarily lowers temperature readings. Snow elevations are generally no longer referred to, due to the engineered winter weather characteristics. Power structure controlled meteorologists now refer to the "warm side of the winter storm" and the "cold side of the winter storm". How clearly wrong can this equation be? So, what happened to the "Mega El Niño"? Massive atmospheric spraying is drying up and migrating moisture across the US West, again.  As has been the case for so many previous years, the center of the below normal bullseye is directly over areas of California that are already immersed in epic and unprecedented engineered drought conditions.  Headlines of abundant snow in selected locations of California have caused many to conclude that the parched US West was getting all the needed rain. In an overall context, this is an absolute lie. Carefully crafted headlines have hidden the fact that the primary reservoirs in California have barely raised at all. The climate engineering/solar radiation management spraying of atmospheric particulates has countless negative impacts on precipitation. These particulates not only diminish and disperse overall rainfall, but the particles greatly reduce the "orographic enhancement" effect usually caused by topography. What does this mean? Rainfall/snow amounts should double or triple as storms move over mountainous zones. This is now all too often not occurring due to the atmospheric particulate saturation. The latest US Drought Monitor Map clearly shows the record drought conditions are still present. The drought in the US West (and in so many other parts of the world), is a result of climate engineering. No matter what one chooses to conclude is the motive or agenda behind the geoengineering programs, the impacts cannot be rationally or scientifically denied. "Winter storm Kayla" is also a direct result of the ongoing climate engineering insanity. Who gave the weather makers the right to wreak havoc on our planet? If you do not consent, than get in the battle and make your voice heard in this fight. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Hurricane Patricia, Weather Warfare, Power Structure Desperation, And Climate Disintegration

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Hurricane "Patricia" is only the latest glaring example of the power structure's manipulation of Earth's rapidly unraveling climate system. Hurricane manipulation has long since been "business as usual" for the massive global climate engineering infrastructure. Historical documents prove the reality of the ongoing total government involvement with climate engineering, this includes extensive congressional reports. Though early efforts to manipulate hurricanes were disclosed, such programs have long since gone under the radar. Even "gag orders" have now been placed on government weather agencies like NWS and NOAA. Weather warfare is the weapon of choice for the global power brokers, this weapon is used to keep non-submissive countries in line. Hurricane Patricia exploded with an unprecedented increase in intensity that was so rapid computer models could not even follow it, completely "stumping scientists". The military industrial complex and the criminals that control them always have many agendas being carried out at once. In addition to impacting Mexico (perhaps for its ramped up trade and cooperation with Asia and for utilizing currencies other than the US dollar), the moisture from hurricane "Patricia" is being pumped toward the Northeast where it is being heavily aerosolized and chemically ice nucleated in order to cool down portions of the US. This process is used for engineered winter storms if the temperatures are cold enough. When it is too warm, the process simply cools down the temperatures on the ground as the colder air sinks.  Extensive atmospheric moisture is needed in order to produce the engineered cool-downs that have been repeatedly orchestrated over much of the eastern half of the US in recent years. The short term engineered cool-downs come at the cost of a far worsened overall warming. As the planetary meltdown continues to accelerate, the climate engineers are constantly "doubling down" on their climate modification assault of total insanity.  Moisture from "Patricia" will by utilized to cool parts of the US, the consequences are irrelevant to the weather makers. The brighter white cloud cover that shows up in the combination satellite radar image below is indicative of the most heavily aerosolized cloud cover. This bright white expands out in every direction from any core concentrations of atmospheric moisture. This is the the goal of solar radiation management, to create as much cloud canopy as possible, again, the overall consequences are not relevant for the climate engineers as they carry out a multitude of agendas for their own purposes. Flows of moisture into the western US are being completely aerosolized. This creates hazy white featureless skies over vast outlying areas and can greatly reduce or eliminate precipitation altogether in those areas, further fueling the already epic drought in the US West. As mentioned, the moisture from "Patricia" has been and continues to be heavily sprayed (saturated) with aerosols. This creates a temporary (and highly toxic) cool-down for portions of the US. As this moisture migrates over the eastern US in the coming days, the desired temporary cool-down sought by the climate engineers is now forecast to occur as the latest NOAA map below reflects. The latest NOAA winter outlook map is below. In spite of record warm oceans and record warm temperatures predicted for all  regions surrounding the southern US, miraculously, below normal temperatures are predicted for the southern tear of states. Welcome to "engineered winter". Just as the moisture from "Patricia" is being used to temporarily cool regions of the US, the flow of moisture from el nino this winter will be utilized to cool some regions while the rest of the planet descends into meltdown. The GISS "departure from normal high temperature" map below covers a two year period from 2013 to 2015, clearly, the most anomalously below normal temperature zone in the entire world has been the eastern half of the North American continent. This anomaly is a direct result of constant and extremely aggressive climate engineering. In regard to the ongoing climate engineering nightmare, it is imperative to remember many agendas are being carried out at once. "This OR that" dichotomous thinking needs to be abandoned, with one exception, there is NO benevolence in regard to the geoengineering/weather warfare insanity, NONE. Help us to expose and halt climate engineering while we still have any part of a functioning biosphere left to salvage,  make your voice heard in this desperate battle.  DW


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