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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 19, 2015

The power structure continues to connect the dots of their agenda. After a quick recap of last week's show, this episode will cover a new report from MIT which further confirms the fact that global climate engineering will only make an already bad climate scenario far worse. From catastrophic wildfires to the collapse of the world's forests (over 3 trillion trees have already been lost), the weather related destruction continues. Climate engineering is being used as a weapon of war all over the globe and the Middle East has been a primary battleground. When we consider the "Grand Chessboard" agenda of the global elite, the pieces of the puzzle are more clearly put into place. From the weather warfare used to cause catastrophic drought in a long list of countries (that were then destabilized and toppled), to the rapidly unfolding refugee crisis (that was well planned by those in power), all are pieces to the rapidly unfolding bigger picture. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault, Live Presentation

Governments around the world have long since fully deployed global climate engineering on a scale that cannot truly be comprehended. They decided (without public knowledge or consent) that they had the right to use the atmosphere of our planet to serve their own agendas which amount to nothing less than weather and biological warfare. On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting the global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. The video below is the primary PowerPoint informational presentation given at the event, "Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault". This presentation was given by Dane Wigington, lead researcher for geoengineeringwatch.org. The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault, Live Presentation

Governments around the world have long since fully deployed global climate engineering on a scale that cannot truly be comprehended. They decided (without public knowledge or consent) that they had the right to use the atmosphere of our planet to serve their own agendas which amount to nothing less than weather and biological warfare. On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting the global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. The video below is the primary PowerPoint informational presentation given at the event, "Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault". This presentation was given by Dane Wigington, lead researcher for geoengineeringwatch.org. The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineered Incineration Is Pushing The Planet Toward Venus Syndrome

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Yet more forest land is being incinerated by raging, unprecedented, and completely out of control wildfires in the US West.  Flames from the "Butte fire" rise over a pasture in Mountain Ranch California on September 11th. Photo credit: RT TV What will it take for the population to wake up and for "official agencies" and "scientists" start telling the truth about the ongoing "climate engineering"? Geoengineering and solar radiation management are sold as mitigation for global warming, but all available data makes clear the fact that these ongoing programs are making an already bad situation far worse, not better. Recent science studies solidly conclude geoengineering can't work for the stated objective of cooling the planet. Geoengineering is weather and biological warfare, nothing less. Climate engineering is ultimately about power and control, especially in regard to rapidly growing global populations. Tanker 60, a DC-7, drops on the Lowell Fire. Photo credit: Matthew Rhodes When will the cowardly denial of global geoengineering by "elected officials" (which is parroted by the entire climate science community) come to an end? When will the criminal denial of the climate science community and official agencies give way to the legal and moral obligations they have to inform the public about the climate engineering juggernaut of insanity? Jet aircraft aerosol dispersion Though countless forms of anthropogenic activity has decimated the planet, geoengineering is the single greatest contributing factor to the epic droughts and unprecedented fires which are occurring all over the planet. Geoengineering is the single greatest factor which is stealing precipitation from where it is needed most. This is not just the case in the US West, but is occurring on multiple continents. Geoengineering is the single largest factor causing crop failures around the world.   Shrinking Colorado River is a growing concern for Yuma farmers and millions of other water users. Photo credit: Irfan Khan/ LA Times As the forests burn, and the crops fail, the dangerous buildup of greenhouse gases will continue to fuel the planet towards record heating, catastrophic sea level rise, and mass methane release. Climate engineering is making all these scenarios worse overall, not better. We are already on track for a scenario called Venus Syndrome. Under this scenario climate feedback loops (which fuel a runaway greenhouse event) heat the planet (once triggered) and continue to spiral out of control until the planet becomes a scorched lifeless orb comparable to Venus. 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded globally. 2015 is on track to shatter that record and 2016 will likely break the record yet again. If we remain on the current course near term total global extinction is not just a possibility but a mathematical certainty.  Record shattering fires of unprecedented  intensity are scorching landscapes around the globe. Though the cessation of climate engineering will trigger what is termed "double catastrophe scenario", this is the only way forward. The planet must be allowed to respond on it's own to the damage done without the hindrance of the ongoing highly toxic climate engineering insanity.  Industrialized society has already decimated the planet beyond any chance of recovery to the formerly thriving biosphere we have known, geoengineering is the largest single factor in this destruction. Joining the effort to expose and halt climate engineering is a responsibility that we must all bear, make your voice heard. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 12, 2015

Global biosphere implosion and geo-economic collapse both continue to unfold on countless fronts while the corporate media spin machine tries furiously to keep the public focus completely distracted from any and all dire realities. The 911 event was certainly carried out by terrorists, but which terrorists? Who was responsible for spawning, funding, and arming groups like Al Qaeda? What about ISIS? What critical questions about 911 have yet to be addressed by the criminal cabal that masquerades as the US government? From the 911 events to the skies above our heads, the crimes of the power structure are being exposed rapidly, what will they do as the walls close in on them? Is the world war lll card going to be played? Don't sit out the fight for the common good, educate yourself and make your voice heard. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Prominent Northern California Neurologist Shows His Support For Anti-Geoengineering Cause

On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was organized for the purpose of exposing and halting global climate engineering programs that are decimating our planet and the entire web of life. Numerous experts spoke out at this event including attorneys, former government scientists, a former defense industry technician, former military personnel, a prominent Northern California Neurologist, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. Approximately 1000 people attended this event. Dr. Hamid Rabiee is a primary neurologist in the Redding area. He has shown great courage by even speaking at this anti-geoengineering event. The western medical system is known for pressuring all their doctors to conform with "the system" and the official narrative. Dr. Rabiee also spoke out with other experts in front of the Shasta County board of supervisors in 2014. My gratitude to Dr. Rabiee for his willingness to address the dangers of aluminum nanoparticles in regard to the blood-brain barrier.  The emcee for this important event was John B. Wells, radio host for the highly acclaimed "Caravan to Midnight" show. John works tirelessly toward revealing the truth for the common good. His participation in the Northern California event was of immense benefit to the cause of exposing geoengineering. My deepest appreciation to John, to all the speakers that participated and shared their knowledge, to each and every activist that contributed countless hours, and of course our gratitude to all those that attended the event. Individuals came from locations as far away as Valdez Alaska and St. Louis Missouri. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering And Greenhouse Gases, The Toxic Tug Of War

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Our planet and our climate are changing at an unimaginable and alarming pace. Though there are many complexities to what is unfolding, the fundamentals are straightforward and easily comprehended if the appropriate data is considered. There are two primary opposing factors which are the most critical in regard to our rapidly changing biosphere conditions: atmospheric aerosols and greenhouse gases. At face value, these two factors occupy opposite ends of the spectrum. Atmospheric aerosols have historically had an overall cooling effect while the rapid buildup of greenhouse gases (primarily Co2 and CH4) have forced the climate to warm. The spraying of reflective aerosols from jet aircraft for "solar radiation management" programs in a highly destructive and highly toxic attempt to mitigate global warming has been going on for decades. Film footage of the spraying is readily available for any that bother to investigate.  Images with geoengineering "proposals" always feature ridiculous and infeasible proposals (like space mirrors) along with the clearly ongoing reality of jet sprayed aerosols. Showing the ridiculous with the actual is of course done to cast doubt on the reality of the aircraft spraying and thus to facilitate the public's denial. Global climate engineering is a major component in the global warming equation on BOTH sides of the scale. Geoengineering is inflicting ever more catastrophic damage to the planet and the climate system in countless ways. The initial cooling effect from aircraft sprayed atmospheric aerosols (solar radiation management programs) going back many decades has since given way to the negative consequences of this activity and the continuing buildup of greenhouse gases. The net long term climate forcing result of the ongoing geoengineering nightmare is now a worsening of the overall planetary warming in exchange for the short term highly toxic cooling of some regions. The short term cooling is used to shape public opinion on the issue of global warming. Click image to enlarge One effect of atmospheric aerosols is to block a percentage of the sun's incoming thermal energy (creating "global dimming"), though, as already stated, there are numerous known negative effects including trapping heat. The jet exhaust from geoengineering aircraft are further loading the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. These gases have strong heat trapping characteristics, this is especially true in the case of atmospheric methane. The levels of greenhouse gases are escalating off the charts at blinding speed. The graph below reflects changing global temperatures since 1880. If historical data is examined, and the previously discussed factors are considered, the commencement of climate engineering on a significant scale in the late 1940s is very evident on this graph.  During the 1800s and early 1900s  greenhouse gases were building up from the industrialization of civilization, but so were atmospheric aerosols from the burning of fossil fuels and forests. Initially the sun blocking/cooling effect of the aerosols outweighed the buildup of greenhouse gases. This contributed to keeping temperatures down until around 1910 when the greenhouse gas buildup begins to overpower the aerosol effect, the warming of our planet then becomes inarguable. By the mid 1940s profound warming spikes occurred as the graph clearly shows. Many experts had recognized early on that the planet was warming from the greenhouse gas buildup. Historical documents confirm the fact that the US government had long since been heavily involved in climate engineering programs. From the late 1940s to the early 1970s global temperatures seemed to defy the laws of physics unless the fully deployed climate engineering programs are considered and accounted for. Crew members from project "Stormfury" Though some of the early US weather modification programs were officially canceled (like project Stormfury), this appears to have been an effort to make the climate modification activity more covert (though the spraying could not be more obvious to any that bother to look up and question). The statistical leveling out of global temperatures from the late 40s to the mid 70s was perplexing for many in the climate science community (though the majority of climate scientists still predicted the greenhouse gas buildup to overwhelm the temporary aerosol cooling effect from the mid 40s through the mid 70s). Much of the early larger scale climate engineering appears to have taken place over the polar regions (which still holds true today). An "Arctic haze" was observed during the 50s, this phenomenon was well documented. Though, of course, climate engineering was never admitted to in connection with the Arctic haze (and the official narrative for the haze attributed it completely to other sources), it's effects were noted on numerous studies. Geoengineered skies in the polar regions have long since become the a permanent feature.  Heavily aerosolized skies have been the norm in the Arctic for decades The weather makers attempt to preserve polar ice at any cost to the rest of the planet is apparent. The overall consequences of the ongoing solar radiation management programs is clearly irrelevant to the geoengineers. In spite of all their efforts (and in many ways because of their efforts), Arctic ice began this year's melt season at all time record low levels. It was also one of the earliest starts to the melt season ever recorded. Even more important is the mass of the ice (volume) which is also at record low levels. The toxic sun shade that is constantly sprayed into place by the geoengineers has shredded the ozone layer. This then allows immense amounts of UV radiation/energy to penetrate the atmosphere. The climate engineers have also altered wind currents which in turn has altered ocean currents. We now have warm water currents flowing into the arctic which is melting the ice from below in spite of the toxic sun shade above the ice. The rapidly disappearing ice pack is greatly impacting Arctic ecosystems and contributing to catastrophic methane release from formerly frozen methane deposits.  Some 35,000 walrus gather on shore near Point Lay Alaska in September 2014 due to extreme sea ice melting. Photograph: Corey Accardo/AP Those in power have always been willing to inflict unimaginable levels of irreparable damage to the planet and its inhabitants in order to

Alaskan Restaurant Owner Shows Profound Dedication In The Fight To Stop Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Steven Chamberlain of Nikiski, Alaska is an exceptional example of assertive and constructive activism in the battle to expose and halt global climate engineering. Before there can be any chance of stopping global geoengineering programs, a critical mass of awareness must be reached with the population at large. Steven owns “Charlies Pizza” in Nikiski, his constant efforts to start “spot fires” of climate engineering awareness with his customers is effective and inspiring. When people wake up to the geoengineering nightmare, their first question is often “what can I do to help stop this”. In the 14 minute video below, Steven covers the multitude of constructive actions he is implementing in this extremely important battle to expose and stop climate engineering.  I had the pleasure of meeting Steven when he took the time and trouble to travel all the way to Northern California in order to connect and network with other activists at the presentation of “Climate Engineering, A Clear And Present Danger” in November of 2014. My most sincere gratitude goes out to Steven Chamberlain and to every single activist that is giving their all to this critical fight regardless of the resistance many show to hearing this dire truth. We are in a fight for life, every day matters in this critical battle. Let's all continue to make our voices heard until the climate engineering insanity is brought to light and to a halt. More pictures taken from the library of photos Steven has sent me is below.  

Climate Engineering Seeds Deadly Hail Storms

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Artificial/chemical ice nucleation and highly destructive hail storms, what's the connection? The 2 minute video gives a brief, but very impressive glimpse of astoundingly large hail stones striking a body of water near Naples, Italy, on September 5, 2015. This next 90 second video documents a devastating and and unprecedented hail storm that recently occurred in Mexico, which actually caused multiple mortalities.  Our climate system is spinning out of control. Though there are countless causal factors and countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate system, a great many  roads in this equation lead straight to the ongoing global climate modification programs. Artificial/chemical ice nucleation is now constantly used in the covert weather modification programs. The use of these materials cools down the clouds and thus the air mass below the clouds. But what happens when these unnatural elements cause ice formation at far above usual temperatures, in far greater concentrations, and far sooner than the process would have otherwise occurred during the progression of a storm? Much more frequent hail storms and exceptionally large hail stones are the expected result. This is in spite of the fact that the jet sprayed canopy of aerosols above the storm systems (solar radiation management programs) are actually limiting cloud convection in many or most cases. Even passenger jets are being pounded by the rapidly worsening conditions. Do records show an increase in the damage being done by unusually large and frequent hail storms? Yes, there has been an 84% increase in hail storm damage from 2010 to 2012 and that increase is still rising.  Are there other recent examples of unprecedented "ice balls" created by massive artificial/chemical spraying of nucleating elements? Yes, again. Ice boulders on the Great Lakes never before seen until the last few years. Do you believe the explanations given for all the unprecedented oddities by the mainstream media "experts" who are paid to say whatever their told to say? Global climate modification is a totally out of control juggernaut of complete insanity. There is no truly natural weather at this point, none. All is tainted by the all out geoengineering assault that has been unleashed on planet Earth. The climate engineers will continue to create ever more extreme conditions. Artificially/chemically nucleated storms with more frequency and intensity is a part of this scenario. In order to create the illusion of cold on a rapidly warming world the engineering of snow storms will also continue to wreak havoc around the globe. The constant engineered cool-downs in the Eastern US during recent years is a glaring example.  All of us must work together in order to bring the climate engineering insanity to light and to a halt. There is no silver bullet, there is no easy way forward in this battle, but we are indeed making progress. When a critical mass of awareness is reached regarding the geoengineering reality, and global populations wake to what has been done to them, there will be a paradigm shift. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 5, 2015

Corporate media continues to distract populations with completely irrelevant dramas while the power structure maneuvers to secure their stranglehold on the population while the biosphere implodes. The former US military chief of staff becomes a banker for the top banking cartel one week after retiring from the military. Who is making money from the ever increasing climate catastrophes? The weather trading derivatives gambling casino is run by those that are directly involved with climate modification, no surprise. New studies prove neurological disease and mortality are going off the charts and the studies state conclusively the increase can only be from "environmental factors" that are unknown (or unacknowledged). The highly toxic fallout from climate engineering programs is contaminating the entire web of life. The ship is going down, all are needed to help sound the alarm. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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