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Engineering “1000 Year” Weather Catastrophes, The Reality Of Weather Warfare

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org A "1000 year" flood has just occurred on the East Coast and a "1200 year" drought continues to worsen rapidly on the West Coast. In fact record shattering floods and droughts are rapidly accelerating all around the globe. "Official sources", of course, tell the American public that unprecedented weather events are just "natural" and the vast majority unfortunately accept this lie without so much as a second thought. Though countless anthropogenic (human) activities have done immense damage to the climate system, the ongoing global climate engineering (weather warfare) insanity is the greatest single disrupting factor of all. "100 year" disasters are now occurring every 100 days or less. Photo credit: Cieliazzurri The images below should be carefully examined. The flow of moisture from hurricane Joaquin was manipulated between a clockwise spinning high pressure zone to the north of Joaquin and a counterclockwise spinning low pressure zone to the west of Joaquin. There were at least 8 meteorological factors that all had to come together in order to create the fire hose effect that just devastated South Carolina. Even more astounding consideration is that these factors generally remained in place for three consecutive days. The spinning vortex from Joaquin helped the climate engineers cover the Northeast with heavily aerosolized SRM cloud canopy. Hurricane Joaquin was essentially a water pump for the geoengineers and the immense moisture from this source was profoundly focused on a specific region, South Carolina. Does this precipitation map look "natural" to you? The combination of factors required to create such a concentrated flow of moisture over such a distance was completely unprecedented. This image and the scenario it records is nothing short of shocking. Precipitation modeling image credit: James Spann In a rapidly warming world deluge events would be expected to increase. But it is the intentional manipulation of the climate system that is making some events so concentrated and deadly.  Record breaking rains inundated South Carolina Hurricane Joaquin was initially forecasted to make US landfall, in fact, it initially showed many similarities to the initial stages of hurricane "Sandy".  Then, literally overnight, all the "forecasts" changed. Meteorologists stated on the record that hurricane Joaquin was very hard to predict. How can the weather be predicted when the climate is being completely manipulated by multiple global powers? Yet, the geoengineering elephant in the room remains a tabu subject in the meteorological and mainstream media communities. Meteorologists are paid to explain away the completely engineered weather as "natural", they are covering the tracks for the geoengineers. As of October 5, 2015, the path of "Joaquin" was being heavily sprayed with aerosols by jet aircraft as the satellite photos below clearly show.  Massive aerosol spraying is clearly visible across the North Atlantic (top center of above image) directly in the path of Joaquin. Joaquin is heading toward (being steered?) the extremely anomalous cold "blob" in the North Atlantic which has scientists "puzzled". Excessive atmospheric moisture is a necessary component of the chemically nucleated short term cool-downs being carried out around the globe. Could the geoengineers have an agenda to direct this major moisture producing storm to this region? Many scientists are already concerned about the effect the "cold blob" is having on the thermohaline circulation (Gulf Stream), could the climate engineers be attempting to actually manipulate this critical ocean current? On the opposite side of the US the "forecasts" (scheduled weather) for continued record heat, drought, and fires, are still worsening.  The map above is a NOAA "departure from normal high temperature graphic. Each color coded band represents 2-3 degrees above "normal" temperatures. If this "forecast" map does not look alarming to you, it should. For the record, private defense industry contractor "Raytheon" does the weather "modeling" for NOAA and NWS (The National Weather Service). Raytheon is involved in the climate engineering industry. The engineered Western US meltdown continues as the geoengineers attempt to keep the Eastern US cooled down. Though weather "whiplash" of up and down hot and cold events is occurring in the US East, overall cooler temps in the eastern half of the US lower 48 are so anomalous that scientists (who refuse to acknowledge climate engineering) can't figure it out. Even Major University scientists have questioned how the Eastern US can be anomalously cool in a record warm world. How is it possible that the Eastern US has remained cooler overall during the last 3 years? This is in spite of the fact that high temperature records continue to be shattered all over the globe? The graphic above is an NOAA "departure from normal precipitation" map. Along with the record heat, far below normal rainfall is also forecasted (scheduled) for the already drought devastated California. The contradictions of precipitation reflected in this "forecast" map are a further reflection of the ongoing total manipulation of the climate system. As 2014 ended the California drought was considered the worse in at least 1200 years and it has gotten much worse since. If all available data is taken into account, the particular case of the California drought must be considered a direct consequence of the ongoing geoengineering/solar radiation management programs. Climate engineering is weather warfare, nothing less. Record shattering rainfall and record shattering drought are rapidly increasing around the globe. The highly toxic fallout from the ongoing jet aircraft aerosol spraying means that climate engineering must also be considered biological warfare. I receive many communications from people around the world asking "where can I move to in order to escape these programs"? Answer, there is no place to hide. We have only one choice, to unite in our efforts to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Make your voice heard in this most critical battle while there is yet any part of Earth's life support systems left to salvage.  DW

Coast To Coast Reports On Geoengineering

As the damage from decades of climate engineering increases exponentially, the weather warfare crimes are becoming all but impossible to hide in plain sight any longer. In the just posted link below, Coast to Coast host George Noory and I discuss the long and growing list of threats posed by the ongoing geoengineering assault. The full array of consequences directly related to climate engineering is beyond true understanding or comprehension. The complex systems of the climate are being completely derailed and disrupted by the weather-makers, this is fueling an already bad climate scenario. In addition, the highly toxic heavy metal fallout from the atmospheric spraying is contaminating the entire planet.  The public must be awakened to what is occurring in skies around the globe, all of us are needed in the critical battle to raise awareness.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 3, 2015

How did the horizon grow so dark? How did "civilization" get so far off track? Many focus only on the global elite's insatiable quest for endless wealth, power, and control, but there is an underlying causal factor that has most directly allowed things to get this bad. Those who are "just doing their job" or "just following orders" are the basis on which a small number of the mentally deranged power brokers can wreak havoc around the globe. This paradigm has now gone on to the point that all life is in the balance. The global controllers are doing everything they can to hide countless unfolding cataclysms from a so far completely apathetic population. It is up to all of us to help expose reality while there is yet time to make a difference. What will you do to help with the effort to pull back the curtain in order to fully expose the crimes of the power structure? Get educated and get involved, time is not on our side. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Revealing Data Confirms Geoengineering Is Stealing Rain From The Western US

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org So many forecasts for rain in the US West no longer develop. In recent years this scenario has become the rule, not the exception. The stated purpose for "solar radiation management" (SRM) is to block the sun with light scattering particles and thus to create as much atmospheric haze or cloud cover as possible (no matter how toxic that cloud cover is). Excessive atmospheric particulates cause profound disruptions to precipitation.  All too often in recent years, rain that should have fallen in the US West has consistently been blocked by two primary means, atmospheric aerosol saturation and the "ridiculously resilient ridge" of constant high pressure that has been consistently maintained over the US West. This scenario has been used to keep the Eastern US cooled down at the cost of catastrophic drought and heat in the West. The engineering of the "polar vortex" cool-downs of the Eastern US was repeated again and again during the winter of 2014-2015 The eastern half of the North American continent has been the most anomalously cool zone in the entire world for almost three years. This is not due to natural variability, it is a direct result of climate engineering. Engineered snow storms are an ongoing reality and the Eastern US has been an epicenter of such weather assaults. The Chinese government openly admitted to engineering snowstorms until they did a billion dollars worth of damage to Beijing. This GISS global surface temperature map reflects "departure from average high temperatures" for a two year period from 2013 to 2015. The extremely anomalous below average temperatures stand out with glaring clarity in the eastern half of rhe North American continent  When moisture is allowed to flow over the West, it is commonly scattered by the jet aircraft aerosol spraying assault. This spraying creates too many cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). When the quantities of CCN's are too high, moisture droplets cannot combine and fall as rain, thus the moisture just continues to migrate. The images shown are the same, only different filters are used. The public is generally not shown any photos with enhanced infrared imaging as the clearly visible spraying would likely create great concern with the population which the power structure is trying desperately to avoid. Geoengineering is causing catastrophic drought and fire activity. How consistently and aggressively have the climate engineers suppressed desperately needed precipitation from the US West? How much of the moisture that should have fallen in the West was blocked by engineered high pressure  domes and/or migrated over the West to the East by constant and extensive aerosol spraying? The must see 1 minute video animation below clearly illustrates with shocking clarity the effects of the scenarios just described.  Video credit: Grace Raver/ NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio  How catastrophic are the drought conditions in the Western US? The drought monitor map below shows conditions that are already unprecedented and getting worse by the day. The current drought in California is unprecedented in at least the last 1200 years The climate engineering crimes can only be carried out in plain site because of the total cooperation of the so called "experts" that the public relies on to tell them the truth. Weathermen are now little more than paid liars who read the scripts they are given by their paymasters in the power structure. These "forecasters" are simply compensated to cover the tracks of the geoengineers. We are told that climate engineering is for the common good and the good of the planet, this could not be further from the truth. Not only is geoengineering completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, shredding the ozone layer, and completely contaminating the entire surface of the Earth, recent science studies confirm that global geoengineering "CAN'T WORK for the stated objective of an overall planetary cooling. Geoengineering is only making an already bad climate situation far worse overall, not better. Climate engineering is about power and control, period. Make your voice heard in the effort to reach a critical mass of public awareness regarding this most dire issue. DW

What Are The Climate Engineers Doing In The Arctic? Astounding Images, And Dead Scientists

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The far north is out of site and out of mind for the vast majority of the population, but the importance of this region to the overall survival of life on Earth cannot be overestimated. The global power structure has long since believed they have the right to experiment with our planet's life support systems. They have always felt they had the right to permanently pollute and poison any region in the biosphere they wish in the pursuit of their agendas. Chemical ice nucleation is a primary tool for the geoengineers. It is a major weapon in their arsenal of insane, toxic, and destructive technologies. Geoengineered snow storms are wreaking havoc around the globe.  This image is from a record breaking ice storm in Slovenia in 2014. I personally communicated with contact in Slovenia who stated their citizens feel the country was the target of NATO climate modification programs because they were not complying with global power structure mandates and policy. Chemical ice nucleation is a reality, lab tests prove this beyond any doubt. The 5 shocking satellite photographs below were taken in the Arctic Ocean on September 15th, 2015. What these images show is extremely anomalous ice formation in open water, far from any existing remaining ice. They also show extensive geoengineering aerosol cloud cover with very clear radio frequency signature patterns (my sincere thanks to anti-geoengineering activist Cori Gunnels for locating these alarming Arctic Ocean NASA satellite images). NASA satellite images taken September 15, 2015 On the same day that the disturbing images above were taken, the power structure controlled National Snow And Ice Data Center (NSIDC) confidently made the statement below. "sea ice extent dropped to 4.41 million square kilometers (1.70 million square miles), the fourth lowest minimum in the satellite record. ………… ice extent will now climb through autumn and winter". "Ice extent" is very different from the ice mass (volume), which is at record shattering low levels as the latest satellite imagery below clearly shows.  Click image to enlarge Arctic ice volume graphing The graph between the two images is a gauge for Arctic ice thickness in meters. As the 2015 imagery shows, the thick multi-year Arctic ice is almost gone. Is the surface of the Arctic ocean being chemically ice nucleated with the same process that has created the unprecedented "ice boulders" on Lake Michigan in recent years? Even when water temperatures were far above freezing? Unprecedented "Ice boulders" have appeared in Lake Michigan during recent years even at far above freezing lake temperatures The following questions should be considered:  How can a very thin layer of sea surface ice statistically remain over large areas of ocean when such astonishing decreases in ice volume (mass) occurring at the exact same time? How can the ice "extent" statistically increase in early September (ahead of the normal "minimum" melt date) when we have record shattering global ocean temperatures? When we have just logged the hottest 12 month period globally, the hottest start to any year ever, the warmest summer ever, and the warmest August ever? And finally, when we consider that the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world? What is really going on in the Arctic? Is there a connection between what the climate engineers are doing in the Arctic and the recent untimely deaths of three scientists that were investigating Arctic sea ice? How far will power structures go to hide climate engineering operations from populations? Click image to enlarge NSIDC shows a very anonymous upturn in Arctic ice "extent" near the middle of September Though the ice extent (surface area) for 2015 was in an alarmingly downward trajectory as rapid melting took its toll, it suddenly turns statistically upward during the same window of time when the anomalous photos (shown earlier in this article) were taken. The power structure and the geoengineers do not want any headlines from the Arctic that would reveal the true extent of damage already done to the planet. They do not want any headlines that would potentially expose the climate engineering crimes that have been going on for well over a half century. Those in power will do everything they can to hide reality (from a population that is so far all too willing to stay uninformed) until the last possible moment. Climate engineering can create large scale temporary cooling, but at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming. What is really going on in the Arctic? We must all examine the evidence and decide for ourselves. Geoengineering is not about the common good, it is about power and control at any price to the planet and the population. We must all do our part to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. DW

“The Guardian” Addresses Geoengineering And The California Drought

The avalanche of awakening to the climate engineering insanity is beginning, all of us are needed to continue fueling the fire. By working together we have elevated the geoengineering issue to the point that it is becoming too big to hide. More and more mainstream sources are now compelled to address the issue in the attempt to do damage control. Such attempts will only have the effect of triggering an even more rapidly growing awareness and that is exactly what is happening. The new article below from The Guardian is yet another leap forward in the battle to fully expose climate engineering to the masses. At this critical crossroad it is imperative for all of us involved in this fight to help sound the alarm by sticking to the hard science data and terms. Credibility must be maintained in order for us to continue gaining the traction we desperately need in this all important battle. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 26, 2015

Normalcy bias still prevails in many populations around the globe that have so far been somewhat sheltered from the unraveling reality that others are already mired in. This is especially true in America, where the masses have been very effectively trained to reject and ignore anyone that dares disturb their denial with uncomfortable news or information. An unfortunately high percentage of Americans have been asleep for far too long. The power structure controlled media is pumping out meaningless distractions and drama at a furious pace in order to distract the population and deflect attention from other converging catastrophes. From the rapidly unraveling geoengineered climate to the triple reactor meltdown nuclear volcano of Fukushima, the sand in the hourglass is running out. Who is really in charge of the agencies that are tasked with informing and alerting the public? The rapidly increasing radioactive fallout from Fukushima is a case in point. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) appears to control the World Health Organization (WHO). Is it any wonder almost no one has any idea how catastrophic the Japanese nuclear meltdown is? Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

INFOWARS Exposes Global Weather Warfare Assault

My most sincere gratitude to Alex Jones and INFOWARS for throwing their full weight into the critical battle to expose the toxic aerosol spraying in skies all over the world. The global climate engineering assault is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm, this is the most important untold story on the planet. The ongoing lethal geoengineering programs hold life in the balance, these programs must be exposed and halted. In the 30 minute video below Alex Jones and I cover the many lethal effects that are being inflicted on the biosphere and humanity from the geoengineering weapon of mass destruction. Help us to bring this dire issue to the light of day. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

CBS News Covers Climate Engineering

Though Northern California's ABC station (KQMS Channel 7) and Northern California's primary newspaper (Record Searchlight) blacklisted any coverage of the recent major climate engineering awareness event in Redding California. CBS (to their credit) came all the way from Sacramento to cover the event. Corporate media, of course, does their best to spin and marginalize the geoengineering reality (as they are paid and told to do), the story is still getting out and that is what matters. A 6 minute video and article from CBS news is below. My comments on their article coverage are highlighted in red and placed within the context of the written transcript. I have also listed 4 contact links at the very bottom of this article, which I hope all will utilize in order to express their views on the biased coverage (or lack of coverage) given to the critical climate engineering issue. Two of these links are for the two media outlets that boycotted the important Northern California anti-geoengineering awareness event with 1000 in attendance. The CBS Sacramento link is also included, as is the direct contact for the "scientist" CBS interviewed who did what he is paid to do, lie about and marginalize a completely science based issue. If you choose to message those on the contact list, a non-threatening and articulate manner will best serve our cause. Making our voices heard by those on this list is essential. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Disinformation, Battling Climate Engineering Deniers On National Radio

The more ground we gain in the fight to expose the dire issue of climate engineering, the more disinformation people there will be in this equation. They will aggressively try to slow down our progress and to cast doubt in any way they can. Debating a "double-team" of disinformation characters on a major radio station can make for some interesting conversation. After standing ground with solid information against the ideologue "head in the sand" disinfo host on an earlier show, he invited me back for another session. The second show was to be with his hand picked "expert" who teamed up with the host in an effort to discredit and marginalize the geoengineering reality. The two of them did their best to "debunk" hard geoengineering data, I will leave it up to the viewer to decide the outcome of this "debate". Though the interview was scheduled for a full hour, it seemed the disinformation "tag team" decided to throw in the towel at just over halfway through, when they apparently felt they were losing ground. The host even cuts off one of his own listeners who calls in to agree with the facts I had presented. We should all keep this in mind, deniers want to argue, create dispute, division, and cast doubt. They thrive on this. It is also important to remember that if such ideologues were really looking for the truth, they would have found it long ago. Generally speaking, disputes with people like those described above go nowhere. The best approach with willfully obstinate people is to pass them information and walk away. If they are truly interested in honest investigation they will look, if not, then you will only waste your time and energy in dialog with them. To engage in such disputes only feeds their idiocy. "You cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep", as the saying goes. On the occasions when standing ground and debating is worth the time and effort, it is my hope that the national radio show debate in the video below might be of assistance to activists that inevitably find themselves in such exchanges. My most sincere gratitude to Karen Ball for assembling this entire video. Her help is greatly appreciated in this battle. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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