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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 19, 2015

We have one way forward, to awaken a deeply buried and suppressed sense of justice and responsibility in the US population. The citizens of the United States are the last potential counterbalancing force that could truly change the equation for the better and help with the efforts to avoid WWlll. As the criminal cabal that runs our country is pushed further into a corner from all directions, their desperation will manifest. Crashing economies, nuclear meltdowns, resource depletion, a disintegrating climate system, and a juggernaut of geoengineering insanity, all are helping to fuel the fire. The power structure and their corporate media puppets are doing everything they can to hide the converging catastrophes from the public until the last possible moment. The cancer behind the curtain is unimaginably massive, it is up to us to expose those behind the cancer before they have made all their preparations for total collapse. All of us are needed in this battle to shine the light, all of us. Make your voice heard while there is yet time for us to alter our current course of mathematically certain demise. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

“Popular Science” Warns About “Weather As A Weapon”

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org I recently acquired two exceptional original copies of "Popular Science" from June of 1958. Almost 60 years ago the dialog about weather warfare was more open. As the power structure began to consider how negatively the public would respond to the decimation caused by climate modification programs of mass destruction, the push to completely suppress media coverage of this issue commenced. Current mainstream media sources have done their best to convince populations that it is not possible to manipulate the climate. This lie is used to compel the majority of the public to ignore the blatant spraying they see over their heads on an almost daily basis. Not only is global climate manipulation possible today, it has been going on for nearly 7 decades. Double click the image to enlarge and read "Control of Earth's weather and temperature is within the realm of practicability now" says Dr. Joseph Kaplan, chairman of the International Geophysical Year. Congressional documents from 1978 prove that global climate engineering had already been deployed at least a decade prior to Dr. Kaplan's statement. …present knowledge lists seven possible ways of changing weather on a global scale………..All of these methods would regulate the distribution of heat in different parts of the Earth's atmosphere. This is the basis of global weather control. Climate engineering is weather warfare, who gave those in power the right to experiment with our planet and all life? As a weapon (weather), it could be more disastrous than nuclear warfare. Geoengineering is wreaking havoc around the globe. The Russians may be ahead of us in weather control and that worries our scientists even more than the technical problems involved. Those who control the global power structure are driven by fear and thus have no regard whatsoever for the morality or consequences of their actions. We cannot trust to luck that we will be first to control the weather. Weather as a weapon has always been sought by the military industrial complex. Double click the image to enlarge and read The cloud of disinformation and deception surrounding the ongoing climate engineering insanity is massive beyond true comprehension. The entirety of the climate science and meteorological communities have participated in this deception, whether willingly (for a paycheck and a pension), or due to threats like the recent "gag order" placed on all National Weather Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employees by our government. Corporate media has, of course, done all they could to perpetuate the lies and deception, this is what they are paid to do.  Global climate engineering is nothing short of weather warfare and biological warfare that has been going on in plain sight for decades. The mounting consequences are becoming all but impossible to keep from public awareness. Countless organizations are discussing geoengineering but not yet openly admitting it has long since been a lethal reality with disastrous and deadly results. The 7 minute video below summarizes the ramifications of the Popular Science Magazine disclosures. We have one way forward, to expose and halt the climate engineering/weather warfare assault. This effort will take each and every one of us, make your voice heard.  DW

Who Is Helping The Geoengineers To Sell Geoengineering?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org What is the primary STATED goal of stratosopheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management programs? To cool the planet. If our goal is to expose and halt climate engineering, we need to recognize headlines that are manufactured to help the geoengineers sell their stock and trade. If an article or website claims the planet is cooling, without a word about climate engineering, alarm bells should go off. A recently circulated article titled "Paris Stunned As Scientists Debunk Climate Change Hysteria" is a case in point. Exactly who are these scientists? Who are they working for? What industries are the most heavily invested in manipulating public opinion on the climate issue? These same industries stand to lose the most if the public truly understood the truth. In regard to the above mentioned article, let's answer these questions starting with all of the fossil fuel industry paid "experts" featured in the article linked above. (click individual names for extensive details and verification of facts).  Dr. Robert Carter, former chief of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University. (Part of think tanks funded from sources like Exxon Mobil and The Koch brothers) Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist and geoscientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. (Soon has received over $1,200,000 from sources like Exxon Mobil, Koch Industries, and the American Petroleum Institute) Dr. Fred Singer,  founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. (Singer  has known ties to Koch Industries, Exxon Mobil, Texaco, Shell, the American Gas Industry, etc) Dr. Patrick Moore,  former Greenpeace co-founder. (Left Greenpeace for financial gain and has since been a spokesman for the energy industry) Dr. Christopher Essex, associated chair in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario. (Connected to the "Heartland Institute" which has ties to the fossil fuel industry) Lord Christopher Monckton (Monckton has such a shady and incredible record it is hard to find a starting point to cover it) Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), chairman of the Senate Environment Committee. (Inhofe has very direct and verifiable funding/donations from the fossil fuel industry. All of the individuals listed above are very directly funded by and benefiting from the very military/industrial complex that is behind the climate engineering programs. None of these people have in any way, shape or form admitted to the ongoing geoengineering. Why would they? They are indirectly a part of it. In fact, some of fossil fuel paid lobbyists named above have aggressively denied the climate engineering atrocities. John Coleman (co-founder of The Weather Channel) is also unfortunately cited (by many who claim to be fighting geoengineering) as "proof" that there is no global warming. First, Coleman's training and degree is in journalism, not meteorology. Next, Coleman has made it his mission to completely deny and "debunk" the geoengineering reality. Why would anyone claiming to be in the fight to expose and stop climate engineering use Coleman as a a source? Propagating disinformation from paid propagandists like those above is extremely harmful to the anti-geoengineering effort. Jet sprayed aerosols are saturating Earth's atmosphere What about about a few of the claims made in the article mentioned (and linked) at the top of this post? "There has been a pause in global warming."  All available front line data completely refutes this. "The oceans are not acidifying", also completely false. Oceans are acidifying to dangerous levels. "IPCC modeling is not complete therefore the models are invalid." This is true, but in the opposite direction of what many would like to believe. IPCC modeling contains no consideration for the damage done from the ongoing geoengineering programs, the massive methane releases going on around the globe, or the shredded ozone layer (primarily caused by solar radiation management programs).  All of these factors contribute greatly to the warming of the planet. The reality of the IPCC models are this, the ongoing global meltdown is far worse and more rapid than the IPCC models indicate. But what about the 30,000 scientists that signed a petition saying global warming isn't so? Again, with a real investigation of the facts, this petition is easily proven to be propaganda. As global temperatures continue to soar, record forest fires are scorching the planet. So What Was The Real Outcome From Paris?  As expected, and as has been the case with so many previous climate conferences (like the Copenhagen and Cancun conferences), the Paris talks were a grand facade. The climate engineering elephant in the room was scarcely mentioned, and even then, only as a possible proposal. There was absolutely no open admission of the ongoing geoengineering insanity let alone any attempt to legalize these covert programs of mass destruction. How about the many claims of new carbon tax laws to be implemented? The reality of the Paris "agreement" is this, it DID NOT INCLUDE ANY MANDATORY SCHEME OR ANY COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT MECHANISM WHATSOEVER. The Paris conference has been labeled "a fraud" by the most recognized climate scientist in the world. So what is the basis on which the Paris agreement will be enforced? "Domestic will", the agreement is based on voluntary compliance.  The Paris Climate Conference was a complete travesty designed for mass distraction Some victories were claimed at the Paris conference, primarily by those who are part of the fossil fuel/military/industrial/geoengineering complex. In fact, a group of highly paid disinformation propagandists (some of them were the very individuals named above) engaged in frantic celebrations after they helped to ensure the failure of the Paris talks. The Paris gathering did nothing to legitimately address our disintegrating climate or to admit to the ongoing criminal climate engineering. From left to right: Marc Morano, Tom Harris, Craig Rucker, Christopher Monckton, Bob Carter, Christopher Essex, Fred Singer, Willie Soon, Patrick Moore. How can toeing the line for big oil and the geoengineers help in the battle to expose and halt geoengineering? The answer is, it can't. It is imperative to actually investigate current front line data and to understand the primary agendas behind the climate engineering insanity. Again, one of the major objectives is to mask the true degree of damage already done to the climate system (while inflicting even more damage to the climate in

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 12, 2015

The reality we have all known continues to unravel from every direction. Industrialized/militarized civilization is comparable to a vehicle careening down the side of a canyon after crashing through the guardrail. The human race are the occupants of the vehicle, and even at this most critical juncture, their focus is on what seat they get and what radio station is playing. The power structure continues to facilitate the total distraction of the public in countless ways with mainstream media as a primary tool, this includes PBS. If you think you are getting the truth from such a source, think again. This week's Global Alert News elaborates on the current collision course we are all on. From false flags, US wars of aggression, ocean collapse, and biosphere implosion, the truth is being spun and shrouded from view. The public's perception of reality is being manipulated to a degree that cannot truly be comprehended. If we are to have any chance of altering the current course of our fate, the populations must be awakened. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Proof Of Retrofit Aerosol Spraying Nozzles On Airbus Jet Aircraft

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How much proof do we need before a majority of the population is willing to face the fact that we are all being sprayed with highly toxic elements from the ongoing climate engineering programs? Those in power long ago made the decision to subject all life to the unimaginably massive and lethal global experiments of "stratospheric aerosol geoengineering" (SAG), and "solar radiation management" (SRM). Over the course of decades populations have been programmed and conditioned to accept the commercial aircraft "condensation trail" lie.  Though short lived true condensation trails can, of course, occur under extreme conditions (much more often with specific types of jet engines like the "low bypass" units that are standard on fighter jets), the "high bypass" jet engine (standard on ALL commercial carriers and ALL military tanker jets) is by design nearly incapable of producing a condensation trail.  This engine is a jet powered fan. 85% of the air passing through this engine is NON COMBUSTED.  Back to the bottom line, commercial carrier aircraft have been retrofitted with spray nozzles mounted on the pylon directly in line with the jet engine thrust stream. This creates the illusion of a condensation trail from an engine that is generally incapable of producing one. What we are actually seeing in our skies are sprayed particulate trails that are the foundation of the ongoing global climate engineering insanity. The report below confirms the retrofit spraying nozzles on Airbus aircraft. DW Source: look-up.org.uk Here we detail the discoveries we have made about the dispersal systems we believe are being used on Airbus planes. We focus on the Airbus A320 family, which include the A319 / A320 / A321. A380 planes also spray over the UK and we have images on a separate page. A380s use a slightly different system and we have no idea yet if that system is original to the design of the aircraft, but we do now know that the A320 family aircraft belonging to any of the participating airlines have been modified illegally for the purposes of spraying aerosols into our skies during flight. Our investigations started when we saw a single-pipe system fitted to a Ryan Air Boeing 737. Being based near Heathrow we went armed with long lenses and took about 100 images of planes landing, and sure enough we found the smoking guns as we now refer to them. Below are just 3 of the many images we have of these modifications. There is a host of disinformation online that has been produced since we started to publish these images. Rather than waste time trying to counter them, we spoke directly to Airbus. They confirmed in an email to us in August 2014 that Airbus A320 Family aircraft DO NOT leave the factory with any pipes in the pylon. From: — name removed — Sent: 26 August 2014 13:07

The Desperation Of The Geoengineers, Documenting An Engineered Cool-Down

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Geoengineering can and does create large scale chemical cool-downs, but at what cost to the overall climate system and life on Earth? If we are to be effective in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, the effects of global geoengineering must be recognized, understood, and taken into consideration in regard to our conclusions. The following maps and radar/satellite images document a massive engineered cool-down of the US West while the Eastern US continues to hit record highs (the exact antithesis of the previous 3 years). The NOAA map below (produced on December 1st, 2015) reflects the predicted US temperatures for the period from December 7th through the 11th (2015). Each color shade represents an increase of 2-3 degrees above average temperatures. While some are still reciting a narrative of "global cooling", what is the real picture? And what major geoengineering impacts are being completely ignored by most? Shortly after the NOAA forecast map above was issued (reflecting an extremely warm US from coast to coast), an engineered cool-down of the Western US was put into motion.  The next map (December 8, 2015) shows profound changes from the original NOAA map above. With extreme amounts of moisture being pushed into the West, the engineered cool-down is underway. Though flooding is occurring in parts of the Pacific Northwest, and will continue to, the overall precipitation in most areas is still far less than what would have been the case without the massive atmospheric aerosol saturation from heavy jet aircraft spraying. When there are too many cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), precipitation is diminished and the moisture is migrated further east. Heavy particle saturation in precipitation can be noted by observing droplet size. Very rapid uniform raindrops (which can be observed in puddles and on windshields) are indicative of the condensation nuclei being dictated by the sprayed particles in the rain. Lab tests have confirmed that this type of precipitation does in fact contain the highest concentration of the heavy metals (such as aluminum and barium) contained in geoengioneering patents. Jet stream manipulation with ionosphere heater installations like HAARP allow the geoengineers to "firehouse" moisture into a given region, in this case the Pacific Northwest.  The stream of moisture aimed at the US Northwest stretches most of the way across the Pacific. What is the goal of solar radiation management (SRM)? To block out as much of the sun as possible. The atmospheric river of moisture streaming off of the record warm Pacific ocean is heavily aerosolized (as described above) which keeps much of the moisture from falling and broadcasts it out into massive regions of rainless (and toxic) cloud cover expanding out over the Western US. The brighter the white of the cloud cover shown on the combination satellite/radar maps above and below, the more heavily aerosolized the cloud cover is. So much of our skies are now covered with various degrees of aerosolized cloud canopy that "blue skies" are largely non existent.  As the heavily sprayed unorganized drifting masses of moisture pour into the West (shown in the satellite image below), the radio frequency signature cloud alignment ripples begin to show up. The radio frequencies help to scatter and disperse the sprayed particulates (and this diminish precipitation). "Global Dimming" is increasing in magnitude all over the globe as the ongoing aerosol assault continues. In the "Climate Reanilizer" departure from average map below, the projected results of the engineered Western cool-down are showing up. As the aerosolized moisture streams in from the West, chemical nucleation drops the cloud temperatures. This creates a cold dense layer of air that descends to the ground and lowers the temperatures, the desired outcome for the geoengineers. The extreme heat anomalies reflected in the reanilizer map above should be alarming to all. Such extremes are meteorologically unprecedented historically speaking. Not only are the climate engineers tearing the planet's life support systems apart, they are contaminating the entire surface of the Earth.  The updated (after the engineered cool-down) NOAA map below reflects the desired outcome for the geoengineers (compare this to the original NOAA map at the top of the page). If there had been too many record shattering temperatures across the entire US, geoengineering becomes a much tougher sell to other nations. There are undoubtedly countless "behind closed doors" meetings being carried out at the Paris Climate Conference at this exact window of time. The current Western cool-down is the exact antithesis of the last three years in the lower 48 states in which the Eastern US have been the recipient of constant engineered cool-downs. Radical temperature extreme imbalances like those shown in the NOAA map above are historically unprecedented. Though the corporate controlled weather forecasting liars will try to explain away the engineered extremes as just "natural variability", it is up to us to see reality for what it is. It is up to all of us to recognize the engineered cool-downs for what they actually are, completely unnatural and highly destructive to the planet. The engineered cool-downs come at the cost of an even worse planetary warming, how much more can the web of life take? So what is the true global average temperature picture for the last three years? The GISS departure from normal high temperature map below is revealing. The heavily geoengineered eastern half of the North American continent is one of the few zones in the world that have not been hovering in record high temperature territory since the beginning of 2013 (though 2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the US). The last 5 years were the hottest ever recorded globally. It is imperative for us all to look past short term (highly toxic) engineered cool-downs in order to see the larger ongoing picture. Every day that global climate engineering is allowed to continue, it worsens the overall warming of the planet. Though many cite dubious characters like former Weather Channel founder John Coleman, and "Lord Monckton", as proof that there "is no global warming", such individuals are hardly a credible source of data.  An honest examination

NATO General Expresses Alarm Over Atmospheric Aircraft Spraying

We are living at a point in human history when the willful blindness of global populations is truly beyond comprehension. The open blatant  tyranny of governments around the globe has been (for the most part) ignored by the masses. Many have convinced themselves that if they continue to ignore reality long enough, dire threats will somehow magically go away on their own. The folly of such thinking is manifesting by the day. A cancerous cabal of unimaginable scale is pushing the planet (and all life on it) past the point of no return, completely complacent populations are facilitating this omnicide. We must all utilize every credible informational tool at our disposal to help wake the sleeping masses to our common plight, the 4 minute video below is of help in this regard.   Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 5, 2015

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Mainstream media sources are in so many cases completely omitting extremely dire news from the public and yet these same sources devote excessive coverage to absurd and irrelevent stories. A case in point is Northern California's "Record Searchlight" newspaper. The editor of this publication, Silas Lyons, completely blacked out any coverage whatsoever of the recent major anti climate engineering event in their hometown of Redding, California (even though CBS came all the way from Sacramento to cover the event). Though the Searchlight did find plenty of room in their newspaper to cover "Big Foot". The ongoing climate engineering programs are a real and present danger to the population. Media censorship of such critical information can only be considered criminal behavior. Once the geoengineering issue can no longer be hidden, and the population fully realizes that their media has been an accomplice to crimes which have irreparably harmed them, legal action should then commence against all guilty parties. Blind denial is also epidemic in the ranks of the environmental communities. On Saturday, November 28th, I attended a Global Climate March in Chico, California that was put on by 350.org. The photos below are of the anti-geoengineering activists that attended the march. An unfortunately high percentage of the 350.org marchers did not seem to want to know about the massive climate engineering elephant in the room that is mathematically the single greatest climate disrupting component (though of course there are many other factors). In the meantime, while so many choose to stay in their bubble comfort zones, the biosphere is collapsing, the global economy is disintegrating, and we are in free fall toward WWlll. We need everyone that is already awake to help in the effort to sound the alarm, each and every day. Once populations are forced to wake, a paradigm shift will follow.   DW

Manipulating The Masses As Societal Collapse Accelerates

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Conveniently timed mass murder terrorist attacks, completely engineered climate catastrophes, and media fueled materialistic mass distraction mayhem, all play into the hand of the power elite. The San Bernardino shootings are latest in a very long string of attacks in which authorities just happened to be engaged in a "drill" for just such an attack, on the day the attack was happening. Isn't it interesting that the same was true of the recent Paris attacks, the Boston bomb attack, the "7/7" London attacks, the 911 attacks, and many many more (at least 63). Is all this just coincidence? Really? False flag terrorist attacks have long since been a primary weapon for the power structure. Anyone that has truly examined the evidence relating to the 911 attacks can only conclude this event was a massive false flag event.  And how about the weather? There is no shortage of convenient coincidence in that arena either. Record drought disasters have occurred in every single country in the Middle East prior to the destabilization and toppling of these countries. In other countries, record flooding was the gateway to US/NATO occupation. The same pattern holds in many dozens of countries around the globe where there are now US or NATO bases and boots on the ground. The US "homeland" is also a target of the ongoing weather warfare by its own military, the epic California drought is one example. Though the climate is indeed disintegrating as the planet warms from countless sources of anthropogenic damage, global geoengineering is the largest wrench in the works of all. Weather warfare has been used for decades to manipulate and control populations all over the globe. The aftermath of record shattering cyclone Haiyan that cut a swath of total destruction through the Philippines. The US military moved in under a "humanitarian" pretext and is now setting up new bases. Weather warfare has long since been the weapon of choice for the power structure. So what do our leaders tell us to do after massive terrorist attacks or even during economic disintegration? "Just go shopping". The vast majority are unfortunately all too willing to take this prompting to remain totally distracted and completely disconnected from reality. A completely stunning video of black Friday 2015 shopping mayhem is below, consider that this materialistic mayhem is occurring while Earth's life support systems are virtually collapsing. This shocking 4 minute video must be seen to be believed, it is a true reflection of the society we have now become. Those in power are rapidly tightening the noose around our collective necks, and even now the vast majority of populations are completely asleep at the wheel. There are countless individuals willingly participating in the tyranny and deception in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. If the human race is to have any chance at all of averting mathematically certain short term extinction, the masses must be awakened. Those in the military that are carrying out completely immoral orders must refuse to obey. Those in law enforcement must uphold their oaths to protect their citizens. Those of us that are already awake must properly prioritize our time, energy, and focus, on effectively waking others that are still in the dark. Time is not on our side. DW

The Paris Climate Conference, What’s The Real Agenda?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org What is the Paris climate conference really about? What is really going on behind the endless assault of smoke and mirrors erected and orchestrated by those in power? Police clash with protesters in Paris before the start of the climate change conference The recent terrorist attacks (false flag?) have not only given the global power structure exactly the excuse they needed to further ramp up their intervention in Syria and other Middle Eastern counties, it also handed to them the pretext to completely clamp down on any form of protest at the Paris climate talks. There is no rational denial of these facts.  “All this makes us think that the state of emergency is being used as a way to shut us up,” said Juliette Rousseau, who coordinates a coalition of environmental and social justice groups known as Climat 21. Pushing The Ongoing Global Geoengineering Insanity The Paris climate conference is ultimately not about curbing global greenhouse gases, or slowing the mass planetary decimation being caused by industrialized society, it is about, yet again, doubling down on the status quo and climate engineering. Industrialized civilization is destroying the planet's ability to support life, global geoengineering is the absolute epitome of the industrialized/militarized destruction. The reality we have all known is spiraling into total collapse, we are far past the point of no return in regard to the once thriving planet that we previously knew. This being said, there is yet one quantum leap we could collectively make in the right direction, to fully expose and halt the global weather warfare/climate engineering assault while there is still some part of Earth's life support systems left to salvage. The insanity of geoengineers like David Keith must be brought to light. Completely engineered toxic skies over Paris. Photo credit: Kelcey Rushing Many claims have been made about the true agenda of this conference, do such claims match available facts? Dichotomous thinking must be abandoned if grounded conclusions are to be reached. Honest objective investigation without bias is essential. Claim: The major global powers are actually trying to force a legally binding carbon reduction treaty.  If that was true, why did the US and France already start backpedaling on any binding agreement before the climate talks even started? Claim: France has preemptively arrested "climate deniers" before the start of the conference. Though draconian arrests have indeed been carried out, available information indicates the incarcerations were of those who threatened to protest the lack of climate action, not of those denying climate change. Claim: Global geoengineering will be legalized at the Paris conference. In all previous climate conferences, global climate modification has never been admitted to as an ongoing reality. Thus far, there is no credible information to indicate the Paris meeting will admit to or confirm the geoengineering reality, let alone legalize it. Claim: Global warming is just a "problem, reaction, solution" scenario that has been manufactured by those in power as a means of producing profits. Also claimed: Global warming does not exist or cannot be verified unless or until climate engineering is halted. If a person was found injured and unconscious, but the cause or various causes of the injury were not yet known, admitted to, or conclusively confirmed, does that mean the injury doesn't exist in the first place? Wars are most certainly utilized by the power structure to produce massive profits, does that mean wars are not real? Such lines of thinking are not rational or a factual basis on which to form a conclusion. Though there are countless "disaster capitalists" trying to make all the profit they can from the disintegrating climate system, that does not negate the reality itself. Many claim that there has been a nearly two decade "pause" in escalating global temperatures. Does front line data support this claim? No. Not only was there no "pause" in the warming, the planetary meltdown continues to accelerate with the completely out of control climate engineering insanity helping to fuel the overall fire. Engineered short term cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall warming and a completely poisoned planet. Many countries are comfortable with both the term "treaty" and legally binding emissions targets. But this would increase the likelihood that the agreement would have to go to a hostile US Congress for approval, an outcome the Obama administration is keen to avoid. Veteran observers have long expected that a final deal would need to be worded in a way that satisfied the US, as well as China and other large emerging economies reluctant to take on onerous legal obligations to cut emissions. Clearly the major global powers (most responsible for the geoengineering juggernaut of destruction) want nothing to do with cutting emissions. Though these powers (like the US, China, and Russia) have well known and well publicized opposing interests, they are all collaborating on the issue of climate engineering. Extensive historical congressional documents (750 pages) on climate engineering call for such collusion between nations that otherwise have competing interests. Historical presidential reports also describe and detail the ongoing global weather modification. The global power structure is completely committed to the current model of total planetary decimation in the attempt to maintain their power until there is nothing left of the biosphere. Past climate conferences and agreements of course have done absolutely nothing to slow the polluting, plundering, and pillaging of the planet, they were never intended to. Paris will likely go down in exactly the same category.  Earth's atmosphere is a toxic dumping ground for industrialized society and the geoengineers There can be no legitimate discussion about the state of the climate without first and foremost addressing the geoengineering issue The planet is not just warming, it is being pushed into total meltdown. Any valid discussion of this fact must include the climate engineering factor. I attended a Global Climate March in Chico, California, on November 28th, the march was put on by the "350.org" group. Unfortunately, the climate science community and the environmental groups that support them are (with few exceptions) in total denial in regard to the geoengineering elephant in the room. Astoundingly, very few from this group were interested in geoengineering information I and other activists were trying to pass on


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