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A Climate Engineering Introduction To Media And The Uninformed

Global geoengineering / solar radiation management programs are not just proposals, but have long since been a catastrophic reality. All available facts and data confirm this conclusion. Bringing the critical issue of global climate engineering to light and to a halt is the great imperative of our time. In order to have any reasonable chance of succeeding in this all important battle, all of us are needed to join the fight. Each of us can gain ground every single day in this effort by spreading and sharing credible introductory information with individuals, organizations, and media, that would care if they only knew of the issue and had a dose of solid data to go on. The introduction article below was drafted for the use of the public relations firm which is helping us with media exposure for the Geoengineering Watch Legal Team. This letter can be used by anyone to help with the effort to start "spot fires" of awareness everywhere possible. The more such an introduction to geoengineering is forwarded groups, organizations, media, and individuals (that, again, would care if they knew of the issue), the sooner we will reach a critical mass of awareness. If we all combine our efforts in this battle, we can yet make a profound difference even at this late hour. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

The Geoengineering Disaster Capitalists, Who are They?

These are indeed strange days on planet Earth. For all of the technological genius of the human race, we have not even considered how to save ourselves from ourselves. The absolute epitome of human insanity is the ongoing decades long attempt to completely engineer Earth's climate system (with countless variations of weather and biological warfare along the way). Even the U. S. National Academy of Sciences is trying to sound the alarm on the dangers of geoengineering (though these scientists have not yet shown the courage to admit global geoengineering has long since been fully deployed). As the biosphere implosion continues to accelerate, the disaster capitalists have come from every dark corner with the goal of profiteering in the final hours of industrialized civilization. I have had my own confrontation with internationally recognized geoengineer David Keith, but there are many more in the camp of climate engineering capitalists.  Who are these people? What are their individual parts in the planetary geoenigneering nightmare? Certainly those on the list below are only the lowest level pawns in the play, but it is still important to who they are and where they fit in. My most sincere gratitude to Jacob Brogan for assembling an excellent exposé of the geoengineering disaster capitalists. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 9, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org All available data from countless fronts makes clear things are not as bad as we are being told, in reality it's unimaginably worse. At this very late hour, even with the walls closing in from every side, so few are yet willing to acknowledge the oncoming train that is bearing down on us all. The idol of industrialized technology continues to blind the vast majority of the population. Those that can tolerate a realistic portrayal of where we are currently heading should sit through the full length version of the film "The Road" (2 minute video preview here). The quotes below are from Wikipedia. Denial is the refusal to accept reality or fact, acting as if a painful event, thought or feeling did not exist. It is considered one of the most primitive of the defense mechanisms because it is characteristic of early childhood development. Many people use denial in their everyday lives to avoid dealing with painful feelings or areas of their life they don’t wish to admit. The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster and its possible effects. This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare and, on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. As the biosphere collapses, modern civilization must follow. Industrialized/militarized society is disintegrating by the day. The harbingers of this unfolding reality are absolutely everywhere and in plain sight for anyone that is willing to face facts without flinching. The most untarnished global economic indicator of all, the Baltic Dry Index (the BDI is the barometer for all global dry shipping), has yet again crashed to new all time record lows.  Global shipping is plummeting, there will be no way to hide this fact for long. The price of oil is also crashing because industrialized civilization is about to hit the wall at full velocity. In the ever more desperate attempt to hide this reality from the public until the last possible moment the power structure is now more dangerous than ever before. For those feeding at the corporate media trough for their daily dose of information, the truth is now all but nonexistent. Smoke, mirrors, and blatant lies now dominate the "official" narrative. In order to monitor and suppress those that have managed to wake up in spite of it all (and are trying to sound the alarm), the completely out of control police state and the NSA are taking new measures.  NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland But who is the most afraid? It is those behind the curtain that cower in the shadows. Who are they? Just tyrannical men and women, not gods. They are not infallible, and they are not invincible. Those in power know they are going down with the ship and they know the curtain that has hidden them for so long is being pulled back. We are gaining ground in the fight to expose the climate engineering insanity, The Washington Post has just published an article that covered geoengineering. The excerpt below is from the article and contains a link that goes straight to the home page of GeoengineeringWatch.org To be sure, geoengineering has its risks. No one knows what the unintended results of tinkering with the global water cycle by cloud seeding or what effects unnatural carbon reduction schemes might unleash. There are online groups entirely devoted to the “clear and present danger” of climate engineering practices. They cite, often with alacrity, the threats that disrupting climate patterns through geoengineering programs could pose to health and property. Infighting within the ranks of the power structure is well underway, this is in our favor. We must all face the fact that the reality we have known is crumbling, and it is not coming back. The sooner this is accepted, and the sooner our combined energies are focused squarely on facing the most pressing priority issue, the more we may yet salvage of our planet and its remaining life support systems. Below is the January 9th installment of Global Alert News. The fight to expose and halt climate engineering is the top priority battle that we must win, or all will be lost. Make your voice heard in the most critical battle for the greater good. DW

Health Magazine Covers Climate Engineering: “Heavy Metal Contamination And Mass Extinction – What’s The Connection?”

As the global climate system continues to unravel at an ever more rapid pace, the effort to sound the alarm is also gaining ground. Health Freedom News magazine has yet again shown the courage to face the climate engineering insanity head on. I wish to express my most sincere gratitude to the personnel and management of Health Freedom News for continuing to cover the critical issue of global geoengineering. The editors of this first rate publication have shown a constant commitment to priority issues and to their readers, HFN has previously published a feature article on geoengineering. The magazine article below can be read by clicking the individual images to enlarge them or by clicking the PDF file icon of the full magazine issue at the bottom. All of us matter in the fight to wake the sleeping masses, make your voice heard. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 2, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The great unraveling of the reality we have all known is not off in the distance somewhere, it is now.  Even at this late hour (with a horizon that is getting darker by the day), the vast majority of the population is all too willing to diligently defend their denial of the converging catastrophes we face, apparently until the last moment. Rapidly unfolding events will soon enough break down such denial. It is thus imperative for us all to keep sowing the seeds of reality and awareness. During this last week of 2015 (the warmest year ever recorded globally and capping the warmest 5 year period ever recorded) it was warmer at the North Pole than it was in Southern California. In fact, at the very top of the world, in the pitch black of the sunless Arctic winter, it was raining at well above freezing temperatures. It was also colder in Texas than the center of the Arctic circle. This latest engineered cool-down in the Lone Star state has just killed 30,000 dairy cows, some of the best and most productive in Texas.  Normally cold hardy cattle have little chance in the chemically nucleated precipitation events. The heavy wet snow sticks to their coats, the endothermic reacting materials are extremely cold to the touch (can flash burn exposed surfaces), and the adhesive "snow" clogs their nostrils so they suffocate.  Events like what has just occurred in Texas are not new. On October 4th of 2013, 100,000 cattle were killed in an engineered snowstorm staged in South Dakota. At the same time the cows were dying in the heavy, sticky, chemically nucleated precipitation, it was almost 90 degrees and raining  a short distance away.  I took a screen shot of the South Dakota event at the time the cattle were dying (such telling maps were soon taken offline). How is it possible for 100,000 cattle to die in South Dakota with such extremely warm temperatures in all the surrounding areas? Climate engineering and Chemical ice nucleation. The ongoing geoengineering insanity is becoming all but impossible to hide in plain site. Climate engineering is further fueling the unraveling of an already decimated climate system. In addition to the devastating weather events already mentioned, the end of 2015 has also brought record flooding to the US, to the UK, and a rapidly expanding list of weather extremes around the globe.  In this aerial photo taken on 12/31/15, homes in Arnold, MO, are surrounded by floodwaters. Photo credit: Jeff Roberson As the immensity of what is unfolding on countless fronts becomes ever more apparent to the formerly sleeping masses, the power structure will be more dangerous than ever. Global conflict has always been the final option of choice for the military industrial complex and the central banking cartel. The Bush family history provides a shocking look into the tyranny of the global elite. How many are aware of their involvement with the funding of Nazi Germany? Now we have Obama and ISIS, the tyranny is still the same. We will face challenges in 2016 that are as of yet unimaginable to the vast majority. The danger now posed by those in power is more extreme and immediate than ever before. The January 2nd installment of GeoengineeringWatch radio is below.  We will sink or swim together, all are needed in the battle to sound the alarm. What will you do? What will be your part in the play? Choose to make a difference, make your voice heard in the battle for the greater good.   DW

Geoengineering Is Fueling Blindingly Rapid Climate Shift

The final week of 2015 may bring temperatures to the North Pole as much as 75 degrees above normal (complete report on this is below). At the same time the completely engineered "cool-downs" continue in the US. How far does the scale need to tilt before people begin to open their eyes? The vast majority of global populations are still completely oblivious to the gravity and immediacy of what is unfolding around us all. Epidemic denial is theme of the day on all sides of the climate issue. The reality is this, the "worst case" predictions of the climate science community fall far short of how severe the climate situation actually is. Some, astoundingly, deny that there is any problem with the climate system at all, even while the planet descends into total meltdown. Others (like most of academia) acknowledge the damaged climate but refuse to admit to the ongoing global geoengineering programs. In May of 2014, French foreign minister Laurent Fabius stated we had "500 days to avoid climate chaos". “And very important issues, issue of climate change, climate chaos. And we have – as I said, we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos, and I know that President Obama and John Kerry himself are committed on this subject and I’m sure that with them, with a lot of other friends, we shall be able to reach success on this very important matter,”  the foreign minister said. What did Fabius know that was not disclosed? How could the human race possibly avoid such "climate chaos" given the degree of damage already done to the planet and the climate system from countless sources of anthropogenic activity?  Was Fabius betting on the delusional hope of geoengineering saving the day and helping us to avoid the "climate chaos" he referred to? After 70 years of climate engineering/weather warfare, all available data makes clear the conclusion that geoengineering is wreaking immense havoc on an already decimated climate system. The equation we face is as non-linear as it could be. Unfolding climate cataclysms are already overturning the paradigm we have all formerly known. Man's decades long intentional intervention with the climate system (global geoengineering/solar radiation management programs) are only further fueling the climate destruction. The final week in 2015 will likely bring completely unprecedented and highly destructive conditions to the Arctic (and elswhere). We all have a responsibility to help in the battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard. Though the report below does not admit to the climate engineering elephant in the room, the front line data is still completely relevant, and absolutely shocking. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org   Warm Arctic Storm To Hurl Hurricane Force Winds at UK and Iceland, Push Temps to 72+ Degrees (F) Above Normal at North Pole Source: robertscribbler We’ve probably never seen weather like what’s being predicted for a vast region stretching from the North Atlantic to the North Pole and on into the broader Arctic this coming week. But it’s all in the forecast — an Icelandic low that’s stronger than most hurricanes featuring a wind field stretching over hundreds and hundreds of miles. One that taps warm tropical air and hurls it all the way to the North Pole and beyond during Winter time. And it all just reeks of a human-forced warming of the Earth’s climate… Freak North Atlantic Storm Featuring Extremely Low Pressures Today, a powerful, hurricane force low pressure system is in the process of rounding the southern tip of Greenland. This burly 960 mb beast roared out of an increasingly unstable Baffin Bay on Christmas. As it rounded Greenland and entered the North Atlantic, it pulled behind it a thousand-mile-wide gale force wind field even as it lashed the tip of Greenland with Hurricane force gusts. To its east, the storm now links with three other lows. Lows that are, even now, drawing south-to-north winds up from a region just west of Gibraltar, on past the UK, up beyond Iceland, over Svalbard, and into the Arctic Ocean itself. (GFS forecasts predict a storm bombing out between 920 and 930 mb over Iceland by Wednesday. It’s a storm that could rival some of the strongest such systems ever recorded for the North Atlantic. But this storm’s influence is unique in its potential to shove an unprecedented amount of warm air into the Arctic. A warm storm for the Arctic Winter time. Image source: Earth Nullschool.) Over the next few days these three lows are predicted to combine into a storm the likes of which the far North Atlantic rarely ever sees. This storm is expected to center over Iceland. But it will have far-reaching impacts ranging from the UK and on north to the pole itself. As the lows combine, GFS predicts them to bomb out into an unprecedentedly deep low featuring 920 to 930 mb (and possibly lower) minimum central pressures by this coming Wednesday. These pressures are comparable to the very extreme storm systems that raged through the North Atlantic during the Winter of 2013. Systems that featured minimum pressures in the range of 928 to 930 mb. It’s worth noting that the lowest pressure ever recorded for the North Atlantic occurred in the much further southward forming Hurricane Wilma at 882 mb. In the far north, a January 11 1993 storm between Iceland and Scotland featured 913-915 mb pressures. It’s worth noting that the GFS model currently puts the predicted storm within striking distance of setting a new record for the far north. Meanwhile, ECMWF models predict a somewhat less extreme low in the range of 940 mb. By comparison, Hurricane Sandy bottomed out at around 940 mb as well. Regardless of peak strength, the expected storm is predicted to be both very intense and wide-ranging as both model forecasts feature numerous lows linked in chain with a much deeper storm center near Iceland. Among these and further north, two more strong lows in the range of 965 to 975 mb will round out this daisy chain of what is now shaping up to be a truly extreme storm system. The Icelandic

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 26, 2015

Populations in first world countries have been very successfully conditioned to believe that they are immune to the world's problems. Most have convinced themselves that if they ignore dire issues for a long enough duration, the problems will magically go away. This very delusional notion is very close to being completely obliterated. Converging catastrophes are now here, there is no place to hide. As a boy I watched every one of the Jacques Cousteau documentaries, multiple times. Mr. Cousteau was a massive influence in my life, the sound of his voice is forever burned into my consciousness. One of his statements has always stood out prominently in my mind: "Not only have we failed to realize we are one people, we have forgotten we have only one planet. Today we have nowhere else to go". Very harsh and irreversible realities are already unfolding by the day, the fossil fuel fiesta is over. Do we just give up because the former way of life is over? There can be no virtue or solace with taking such a path. How could we look  our children in the eyes if we took this course, ever? If we have any chance to preserve what is left of Earth's life support systems, we are obligated to try with every fiber of our being. The greatest leap we could take in the right direction is to expose and halt climate engineering. Now is when we find out what we are made of, and why we are here. Make your voice heard. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Climate Engineering And Polar Meltdown, How Long Has It Been Going On?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org I recently posted a historical copy of "Popular Science" from June of 1958, which contained a feature article warning about the use of "Weather As A Weapon". There were a number of important informational declarations made that warrant critical clarification and investigation. "Control of Earth's weather and temperature is within the realm of practicability now" says Dr. Joseph Kaplan, chairman of the International Geophysical Year. …present knowledge lists seven possible ways of changing weather on a global scale………..All of these methods would regulate the distribution of heat in different parts of the Earth's atmosphere. This is the basis of global weather control. The next excerpt from the Popular Science publication is extremely important to consider. Air Force scientists are already experimenting with sodium vapor , ejected from jet planes, to intercept solar radiation (solar radiation management). Other gases would admit solar radiation but trap heat reflected back from earth. The last half-century, during which we have burned huge amounts of fossil fuels, has shown what an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide can do. The amount spewed from chimneys and automobiles has created a so called "greenhouse effect," which has raised Earth's temperature by an estimated two degrees Fahrenheit—- a significant rise.  Dr. Joseph Kaplan (chairman of the International Geophysical Year) stated the following in the Popular Science article: This so-far accidental result (rapid warming of Earth) is already serious, and we must find a means to counteract it. Melting polar ice will make ocean levels rise at least 40 feet, and inundate vast areas in the next 50 or 60 years unless atmospheric temperatures are controlled. Again, it is important to understand who Kaplan was, the chairman of the "International Geophysical Year", an exceptionally important event that gathered scientists from around the world to discuss the state of the planet. The  global geoengineering card was played many decades ago. The campaign of total deception to hide this fact has been carried out for many decades. The whole of the climate science and meteorological communities can only be put in one of two categories. They are either lying to a degree that cannot be truly comprehended, or they are criminally ignorant to a degree that cannot be truly comprehended. Certainly we must consider that many in the science community are being threatened into silence or into lying, others are being muzzled with federal "gag" orders. Those in power (and the military/industrial complex they control) have long since known the planet was rapidly heating due to anthropogenic activities. Gases that enter the atmosphere stay there, they don't just float off into outer space as some seem to have chosen to believe. The historical photographs below show the already profound early signs of Arctic warming and polar meltdown as far back as 1959. USS "Skate" (SSN-578), surfaced at the North Pole, 17th of March, 1959 (NavSource naval history) Two US submarines surfaced at the North Pole in August, 1962 (NavSource naval history) Greenhouse gases have an impact on Earth's energy balance, there is no other possible outcome. There is (and had been) an ongoing toxic tug of war between atmospheric aerosols and the buildup of greenhouse gases. This fact is scientifically undisputed. The current rate of planetary warming is equal to the thermal energy of 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs per second, or 400,000 a day. In order to keep the military industrial complex juggernaut of insanity rolling forward, and to keep the myth of perpetual expansion on a finite planet going, those in power long ago unleashed the climate engineering insanity without the knowledge or consent of the people. Examine the graph below carefully. Note that the protracted warming of the planet hit a profound peak in the mid 1940s. Unexplainably, it then declined radically and leveled out until the mid 70s. Many sources now admit this cooling was due to atmospheric aerosols, though no mainstream source will admit to geoengineering as the primary source of the aerosols.  The post WWll comencement of climate engineering is clearly visible on global temperature graphs. The power structure deployed the first large scale geoengineering efforts immediately after WWll. Massive historical congressional reports and presidential reports prove climate engineering has been conducted since the mid 1940s. The warming of the planet was temporarily slowed (till the mid 70s) due to the short term cooling effect of injecting of aerosols into the atmosphere (as mentioned earlier in this article). The toxic battle between the buildup of greenhouse gases and the loading of the atmosphere with light scattering particles was underway. Arctic sky, photo credit: Thomas Laupstad The poles were an initial target for heavy spraying, likely for a number of reasons. These remote locations are out of sight and out of mind, and are also the temperature regulators for the planet. An unusual and unexpected "Arctic haze" was first reported as early as the 1950s, though the true primary source of this haze was not admitted to. The cooling of the Arctic was initially profound, until the catastrophic consequences of climate engineering began to manifest. The graph above clearly reflects the anomalous downturn in Arctic temperatures that occurred in the initial three decades after climate engineering was commenced. As the continued greenhouse gas buildup and ozone destruction effects began to overwhelm the cooling effect of the highly toxic geoenginering aerosols, Earth again began to warm rapidly, especially in the Arctic circle. Arctic sea temperatures are now the warmest on record. This factor is causing formerly frozen methane deposits to thaw and release, furthering the buildup of greenhouse gasses (this is one of many unfolding feedback loops that have now been triggered). Arctic ice extent hit record low levels in 2015. The geoengineers have continually increased the scope and scale of the ongoing aerosol spraying in a catastrophic attempt to compensate. The climate engineering creed is to relentlessly "double down" and thus they are plowing forward with their expanding course of planetary decimation to this day. The length the climate engineers are now going to in their attempt to retain what is left of the Arctic sea can only be categorized as unimaginably desperate and completely destructive to the biosphere overall.  Global temperatures have gone exponentially upward. The

Winter Storms With Record Heat, What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org As strong plumes of moisture flow in off of the record warm Pacific ocean, heavy aerosol spraying of chemical ice nucleating materials begin the cool-down that is paving the way for "winter storm Ferus", the latest creation from the climate engineering cabal. The combination satellite radar image below reveals the flow of Pacific moisture over the Western US. It also reveals the extremely long plume of moisture and aerosolized cloud cover spanning from far out into the Eastern Pacific, all the way to Greenland. The brighter the white of the cloud cover, the more aerosolized it is.  The composition of the ever expanding aerosolized cloud canopies are very different than natural cloud formations. Some "streaking" can be seen on the image above from the constant aerosol dispersions. The aerosolization/chemical nucleation process (causing an endothermic reaction) dries up much of the moisture and scatters it over a much broader area. What is the result? A "winter snow storm" from a flow of moisture that originated over record warm ocean temperatures of the Pacific. The climate engineers are looking for "winter" headlines to counter the current record warmth in the Eastern US,  down under in Australia, and even unprecedented winter forest fires in places like Spain. Record forest fires are now occurring during all seasons and all over the planet. Click HERE for a photo gallery of the fires in Spain. In spite of all the global hot spots, (and the increasingly rapid overall planetary warming), the climate engineers are throwing everything they can at "winter storm Ferus". Naming the engineered "winter storms" dramatizes the headlines, the desired effect for the geoengineers and the power structure controlled Weather Channel. Does the scenario in the NOAA map below look in any way "normal"? The current scenario is the exact antithesis of the previous three winters in the US, it is completely engineered. The geoengineers are becoming increasingly blatant and desperate as the unraveling of the climate system continues to pick up momentum. A record warm Christmas is likely in the very locations that had record cold and record snow only last year. How warm will it likely be in the Eastern US? The air temperature map below should be a wake up call. The actual temperatures are likely to be even higher than the "official" forecasts and the "official" daily high readings reported. Underreporting of temperature readings is now becoming the norm as the power structure desperately tries to hide the full gravity of what is unfolding around us all (while making the situation even worse at the same time). What are the long term global temperature trends?  Multiple record graphing sources and an endless flow of frontline data paint a clear picture. Though the flow of disinformation in regard to the true state of the climate is epidemic, people must learn to look behind the headlines and the sources used to make them. Frontline data is the bottom line, those who truly want to get at the truth will take the time to examine such data. The rate of planetary warming is beyond dire, geoengineering is making the situation far worse, not better. Thousands of high temperature records have been set in the US during the last two weeks, many more will fall before the end of 2015. This will be the warmest year on record with temperatures shattering the former record set only last year. 2016 will likely break the record yet again. Even the world's lakes are heating and dying. Massive methane releases may have already pushed the planet into a runaway greenhouse event, climate engineering has also exacerbated the overall methane scenario. It is imperative for populations to wake up and realize the immediacy of the challenge we face. The equation could not be more "non-linear". Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic activity decimating the planet and the climate system, global geoengineering is at the top of the list. The extreme temperature imbalances and climate engineering contamination fallout are wreaking havoc on the biosphere and all life. The temperature extremes reflected in the map above are unprecedented.  The extreme heating of ever larger regions is beyond alarming. Many areas of Eastern North America are likely to be as much as 30 degrees above normal by Christmas eve. The planet's ability to support life is rapidly slipping away, what will you do? What will all of us do? Our challenges are many, but exposing and halting climate engineering should be, must be, our top priority. Make your voice heard by passing on credible information to all those around you, to all those that will listen. It is up to all of us to make every day count in this most critical battle. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Five Ohio Congressmen Call For New Aircraft To Continue “Specialized Aerial Spray Mission”

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The blatant and in plain sight experimentation on the US population continues unabated. A recent "press release" letter from 5 US congressmen sends a very clear message, they want a minimum of 10 new C-130J air tankers to continue "specialized spraying missions". C-130 Hercules, photo credit: Matt Dearden Though the "solar radiation management" (SRM) spraying around the world is done by jet aircraft, the C-130s are also a part of other ongoing toxic experiments on planet Earth and all life. We are told that this fleet of massive aerial tankers are:  "to control disease-carrying insects, to eradicate undesirable plants, or to disperse oil spills" Even the "officially" stated use of the C-130s is alarming, but what is the real story? Below are a few quotes from the letter issued to the DOD by US senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Tim Ryan (D-OH), Bill Johnson (R-OH-6), and Dave Joyce (OH-14). Dear Lt Gen Jackson: We urge you to replace the Youngstown Air Reserve Station’s 910th Airlift Wing’s current fleet of C-130H aircraft with a minimum of ten C-130J aircraft to ensure that the 910th’s Department of Defense (DoD)-mandated specialized aerial spray mission continues safely and without interruption. The Fiscal Year 2016 House of Representatives’ Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense  Report  includes  language regarding the Air Force Reserve’s specialized missions, specifically that: “The Committee encourages the Chief of the Air Force Reserve to review the requirements to ensure that specialized units are allocated sufficient training hours to successfully perform both their specialized and tactical missions and are allocated equipment upgrades necessary to address safety concerns associated with these missions. The Committee also supports efforts to build partnerships between units performing specialized missions and other government agencies when practical.” “It is critically important that we maintain the C-130 missions carried out by the Ohio Air National Guard units across Ohio,” said Johnson. “The Youngstown Air Reserve Station (YARS), in particular, plays an important role in America’s national security capability, and provides jobs vital to the Mahoning Valley. I’ll continue working with my Ohio colleagues to do everything in our power to make sure the YARS has the necessary resources to continue carrying out its important missions.” For these reasons, we request your consideration for recapitalization of the 910th Airlift Wing’s current fleet of C-130Hs with C-130Js at the soonest possible time, to ensure their continued and safe support of DoD’s only aerial spray mission. Again, what is the official story on what the C-130s are used for? "To control disease-carrying insects, eradicate undesirable plants, or disperse oil spills." But are we to believe the "official" narrative? Not that we should feel good about the spraying of highly toxic oil dispersants in any case. A recent incident that occurred in Arizona appears to paint a different picture. Arizona resident Cori Cunnells took this photograph of the three aircraft that she witnessed passing overhead in the skies of Arizona over her home just before strange fibrous airborne filaments covered the landscape. The C-130 in this picture was clearly accompanied by two more "chase" planes (perhaps to monitor the ongoing experiment?)  Numerous citizens in Arizona have also reported witnessing the strange fibrous filaments as shown in the photo below. Dewey, AZ (10/30/15). Photo credit: Bob Busch What were these airborne web like filaments composed of? Astoundingly, mainstream media tried to convince the public that the filaments were just "cattle gauze" (yes, cow bandages). So we are to believe cow bandages suddenly covered the landscape after a C-130 spray tanker passes over and these filaments subsequently blanket civilian areas? Testing done at certified labs proved that the filaments contained massive amounts of aluminum and barium.  The bottom line is this, those in power can (and are) using the C-130s (and countless jet aircraft) to spray whatever they want, wherever they want, and on whomever they want. Those that refuse to accept this fact are simply in denial. The subject letter of this article makes clear that our "elected officials" are doing everything in their power to make sure even more aircraft are put into service to do even more toxic spraying/experimentation. If you have had enough, get active in the critical battle to expose and halt ALL aerial spraying. DW


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