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Crushing El Niño, Engineering Winter From Warmth

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org "Winter storm Kayla" is the latest creation from the climate engineering cabal that now controls Earth's life support systems (following "winter storm Jonas"). There is no longer any weather that can be considered "natural", the entire climate system has long since been completely derailed. Is it just a coincidence that the engineered winter weather is timed with the Iowa Caucus? The power structure controlled script reading weather forecasting agencies like The Weather Channel somehow know almost a week ahead of time that "winter storm Kayla" would form and take this exact track. This is not weather forecasting, it is the scheduled weather. What were the predictions for the "Mega El Niño? The 2015-2016 "winter weather" has so far been very different than what was predicted and from what should have been given the extreme El Niño event.  How can "Kayla" be a "winter storm" at all with record or near record warm temperatures (and tornados) predicted a short distance from the center of the snow storm?  The moisture for "winter storm Kayla" is being pumped right out of the record warm Gulf of Mexico. Exactly how far above average will the temperatures be at the height of this latest engineered "winter storm"? The glaring contrast of extremes in the map below are beyond alarming. Polar opposite temperature extremes like those reflected in the map above are historically unprecedented prior to recent years.  Warm flows of moisture coming from the south will be chemically nucleated to create concentrated pockets of "heavy wet snow" in the more heavily populated locations. The desired "winter weather" headlines will be achieved in spite of record warm temperatures in a very close proximity. Widespread areas of very light snowfall also helps the climate engineers create the desired climate confusion in a rapidly warming world. Take a good look at the radar map below. Snow is falling in northern Baja and northern Mexico while it is raining in the northernmost tip of Maine, US. Chemical ice nucleation processes can create frozen precipitation/snow under a wide variety of conditions. The Chinese were open about chemically nucleating snowstorms until they inflicted major damage to Beijing. The chemical nucleation process also produces a cold dense layer of air which descends to ground level and temporarily lowers temperature readings. Snow elevations are generally no longer referred to, due to the engineered winter weather characteristics. Power structure controlled meteorologists now refer to the "warm side of the winter storm" and the "cold side of the winter storm". How clearly wrong can this equation be? So, what happened to the "Mega El Niño"? Massive atmospheric spraying is drying up and migrating moisture across the US West, again.  As has been the case for so many previous years, the center of the below normal bullseye is directly over areas of California that are already immersed in epic and unprecedented engineered drought conditions.  Headlines of abundant snow in selected locations of California have caused many to conclude that the parched US West was getting all the needed rain. In an overall context, this is an absolute lie. Carefully crafted headlines have hidden the fact that the primary reservoirs in California have barely raised at all. The climate engineering/solar radiation management spraying of atmospheric particulates has countless negative impacts on precipitation. These particulates not only diminish and disperse overall rainfall, but the particles greatly reduce the "orographic enhancement" effect usually caused by topography. What does this mean? Rainfall/snow amounts should double or triple as storms move over mountainous zones. This is now all too often not occurring due to the atmospheric particulate saturation. The latest US Drought Monitor Map clearly shows the record drought conditions are still present. The drought in the US West (and in so many other parts of the world), is a result of climate engineering. No matter what one chooses to conclude is the motive or agenda behind the geoengineering programs, the impacts cannot be rationally or scientifically denied. "Winter storm Kayla" is also a direct result of the ongoing climate engineering insanity. Who gave the weather makers the right to wreak havoc on our planet? If you do not consent, than get in the battle and make your voice heard in this fight. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 30, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The anthropogenic assault on planet earth continues to accelerate on countless fronts, with climate engineering at the top of the list. The rapidly unfolding biosphere implosion is increasingly hindering industrialized civilization's futile attempt to perpetually expand on a finite planet with finite resources. The current paradigm is completely decimating the biosphere. The climate engineering interference with the global climate system and the hydrological cycle is a one primary manifestation of the ongoing assault against the planet.  "From The Nile To The Amazon, Climate Change Threatens Hydropower" Tourists watch floodwaters gushing out of the Xiaolandi dam on the Yellow River in China’s Henan province. Photograph: Miao qiunao/Press Association Images The latest energy industry cataclysm continues to go from bad to worse.  Breaking: They may have “entirely lost control of entire field”  involved in LA gas disaster, and it’s coming up everywhere… We learned there are many other leaks… We are told that global warming will trigger more extreme cooling events, is this conclusion supported by the latest science study? No, recent studies reveal that the anomalous cool-downs on our rapidly warming world are NOT a likely result of global warming. Snowstorms like "winter storm Jonas" are completely engineered events, a glaring red flag that reflects the rapidly increasing desperation of the power structure and the geoengineers. A woman digging out after "Winter Storm Jonas" Climate Change Does Not Cause Extreme Winters, New Study Shows. Cold snaps like the ones that hit the eastern United States in the past winters are not a consequence of climate change. Scientists at ETH Zurich and the California Institute of Technology have shown that global warming actually tends to reduce temperature variability. The geoengineers have already scheduled "Winter Storm Kayla". "Winter Storm Kayla" will be the next theatrically named event in a string of engineered chemical ice nucleated cool-down atrocities created by the climate engineering juggernaut of insanity. Possible record warmth and tornado outbreaks are forecasted on one side of this "Winter Storm", with blizzards predicted on the other side. If you think such scenarios are "natural", think again.  Many continue to falsely argue that the runaway Co2 levels are not a problem for the climate and ecosystems. Tell that to the fish that are trying to survive in our rapidly acidifying oceans. Lost at sea – fish getting drunk from rising carbon dioxide emissions UNSW researchers have found that carbon dioxide concentrations in seawater could reach levels high enough to make fish “intoxicated” and disoriented many decades earlier than previously thought, with serious implications for the world’s fisheries. On the current trajectory the horizon will continue to grow darker by the day. Yet, even now, so many are completely and willingly blind to what is unfolding and in plain site. The majority continue to unquestioningly support the very power structure that is responsible for the juggernaut of destruction and oppression. States, Stockholm Syndrome, and Pseudo-Patriotism Unnatural feelings of support for those within arbitrary borders, and dislike for those without, can only be explained as the product of a deep psychological phenomenon. Breaking free may be hard, even counterintuitive. But unless we do so, we risk being forever engulfed in blind obedience to a state that should command neither our will nor our support without first justifying its existence. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Stockholm Syndrome, normalcy bias, and simple denial, are so far ruling the day. These psychological defense mechanisms are an epidemic form of the public's willful blindness that must be shattered. Each of us has a part to play in this most critical battle to wake the masses.We will sink or swim together, all are needed in the battle to sound the alarm. What will you do? What will be your part in the play? DW

Runaway Sea Level Rise, Collapsing Coastlines, And The Chemical Climate Engineering Assault

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The current condition of the the climate and Earth's life support systems is not as bad as we have been told, it is unimaginably worse. Global climate engineering is the epitome of anthropogenic damage to our planet. Geoengineering programs are further fueling the biosphere implosion in what is already a runaway scenario. If we continue on the current course, "Venus Syndrom" will likely be the final destination.  We are not just facing climate change, we are facing what is more correctly termed as an "abrupt climate shift" which science makes clear is anthropogenic in nature. Climate engineering/solar radiation management programs are pushing the planet past any point of possible recovery. The record shattering heat in 2015 (breaking the record global heat just set in 2014) is compounding the rate of ice deposit melting around the globe. This in turn is pushing rapidly accelerating sea level rise which is now estimated to be happening at 10 times the rate previously predicted. Record coastal flooding caused by "Winter Storm Jonas" Sea level can mount due to two factors – melting ice and the thermal expansion of water as it warms. Sea Level Realities The amount of sea level rise that comes from the oceans warming and expanding has been underestimated…  The findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a peer-reviewed US journal, suggest that increasingly severe storm surges could be anticipated as a result.  The 6 minute video below of expensive apartments in Pacifica, California, is a glimpse of what is to come on coastlines around the world. In the decades to come, thousands more from along America's most fragile shorelines will embark on a great migration inland as their homes disappear beneath the water's surface. Over the last 10 years, the Isle de Jean Charles community in Louisiana has lost two-thirds of its residents to dislocation. In the Chesapeake Bay, Tangier Island's shoreline recedes by about 14 feet a year. On Washington's Olympic Peninsula, the Quinault Indian Nation relies on a 2,000-foot-long sea wall for protection until it can complete its move uphill. In the attempt to continue masking the true severity of climate disintegration, the geoengineers are carrying out ever more desperate weather events. "Winter Storm Jonas" was a stunning example of this desperation. Disaster cleanup at the taxpayers expense after "Winter Storm Jonas" Winter Storm Jonas was multi-billion dollar disaster “It is anticipated that this will be the first billion-dollar weather event of 2016 for the United States,” the re-insurer said in a statement. “Given the physical damage to homes, businesses and other structures and automobiles, plus the high costs incurred due to business interruption, it is expected that this will end up being a multi-billion-dollar economic cost.” The global power structure now controls most of academia and nearly all of the media. These completely subjugated institutions have repeatedly tried to tell the public that we should expect more severe "winter storms"  because of global warming. But is this counterintuitive conclusion that is pushed on us really backed up by the most recent science studies? The short answer is NO.  Climate change does not cause extreme winters, new study shows Cold snaps like the ones that hit the eastern United States in the past winters are not a consequence of climate change. Scientists at ETH Zurich and the California Institute of Technology have shown that global warming actually tends to reduce temperature variability. The climate engineers are chemically nucleating every bit of moisture they can (causing weather whiplash) in their increasingly desperate attempt to temporarily (and toxically) lower the temperatures on the ground. Engineered snowstorms keep the confusion and division going in regard to the populations perception of the climate. How else is climate engineering costing the planet and its inhabitants? Geoengineering is causing drought and fueling fires. On a warming planet, the laws of physics state there must be much more overall rainfall, not less (the atmosphere holds 7% more moisture for every degree centigrade of warming). Solar radiation management programs (and the global dimming scenario the atmospheric spraying causes) are pushing protracted drought all over the globe. Sau Palo, Brazil is one of countless locations around the world that is going dry From the Amazon to the Nile to the Mekong, rivers are a lifeblood for many nations, filling taps and irrigation canals and generating hydroelectricity that is powering economic development. But a new study warns that changes to river flows caused by climate change threaten that. Thousands of hydrodams risk being left high and dry by mid-century as global warming takes hold. The findings are stark… “climate change will reduce the existing power capacities of hydropower in most regions worldwide”. Up to 74% of current hydrodams will likely see reductions in useable electricity-generating capacity by mid-century. River water is the little-noticed essential for much of our energy supply. As the climate changes, that looks increasingly like a problem. Though mainstream science sources cite "air pollution" as a cause of drought, such sources have not yet admitted to the atmospheric particulate spraying.  How are things going in the Arctic? The geoengineers have been busy in the Arctic for a very long time, the artificial cloud creating solar radiation management programs are truly taking their toll. Recent studies now prove that constant cloud cover is rapidly speeding up the Greenland ice melt (also contributing greatly to the accelerating sea level rise), though, yet again, researchers are sill unwilling to admit to the ongoing geoengineering reality. The more the climate system and the biosphere breaks down, the more the climate engineers ramp up their planetary assault in the destructive attempt to mask the damage already done (while at the same time inflicting far greater damage in the process). Exposing and stopping geoengineering/weather warfare must be our top priority if we are to salvage what is yet left of the planet's life support systems.  DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The walls of the power structure are beginning to buckle, those that have served the power brokers are beginning to respond to their own instinct of self survival. The University of Michigan Department of  Environmental Health Sciences has just published a Science study, "Assessing The Direct Occupational And Public Health Impacts Of Solar Radiation Management With Stratospheric Aerosols" (excerpts from this study later in this article). Climate engineering is weather warfare, nothing less. The highly toxic materials being used in the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying programs all settle down through the air column, this makes geoengineering a form of biological warfare as well. Unimaginable and irreparable decimation is being inflicted on the biosphere and the entire web of life by the ongoing climate modification SRM programs. How long can the insanity in our skies continue without the consequences to the Earth and the human race becoming total? Geoengineering programs are wreaking havoc on the planet from every direction, including being the primary driver of the ever increasing record droughts and forest fires. Click photo to enlarge  Šiauliai, Lithuania. Photo credit: Zenonas Mockus It must be understood that no peer reviewed science publications that openly admit to the ongoing geoengineering programs will be allowed by the power structure controlled institutions. The tentacles of this control are vast beyond true comprehension, penetrating and permeating every imaginable organization. This being said, many within these organizations (that have gone along with the insanity so far in order to safeguard their own financial interests) are beginning to realize they are also going to go down with the ship. Some are now whispering the truth in the shadows. The excerpts below are from the study in question that was just published on January 19, 2016. Although much is being done to unravel the scientific and technical challenges around geoengineering, there have been few efforts to characterize the potential human health impacts of geoengineering, particularly with regards to SRM approaches involving stratospheric aerosols. This paper explores this information gap. Using available evidence, we describe the potential direct occupational and public health impacts of exposures to aerosols likely to be used for SRM, including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum, and aluminum oxide aerosols. We speculate on possible health impacts of exposure to one promising SRM material, barium titanate, using knowledge of similar nano materials. Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via deployment of stratospheric aerosols. This paper will focus on SRM via stratospheric aerosol injection, and will describe potential direct human health impacts. We explore three knowledge gaps: 1) human exposures, 2) human health impacts, and 3) exposure limits. SRM may be expected to result in ecosystem damage and resulting human health effects through indirect mechanisms such as damage to, or contamination of, agricultural products and wildlife. Sulfates and nanoparticles currently favored for SRM include sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, black carbon, and specially engineered discs composed of metallic aluminum, aluminum oxide and barium titanate. Knoxville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Marla Stair-Wood Population exposures Due to atmospheric circulation and gravitational deposition, large-scale population exposures to atmospherically-injected SRM materials will almost certainly occur after their deployment. Population exposures could also occur through ingestion of food and water contaminated with deposited particles, as well as transdermally. Unlike occupational exposures, there has been virtually no research done to estimate ground-level personal exposures to SRM materials…  No models appear to have estimated the potential global burden of environmental aluminum, alumina or barium titanate that might result from SRM. … population exposures to SRM materials will be continuous and prolonged over months to years… Thus the health effects will be primarily chronic in nature. In humans, and in particular asthmatics, increases in specific airway resistance or decreases in forced expiratory volume or forced expiratory flow are the primary response following acute exposure… Aluminum is never found free in nature, and instead forms metal compounds, complexes, or chelates including aluminum oxide. Aluminum and aluminum oxide do not appear to differ in toxicity. Wheezing, dyspnea, and impaired lung function, as well as pulmonary fibrosis, have been noted… Dilation and hypertrophy of the right side of the heart have been seen in workers exposed to aluminum powder, as have decreased red blood cell hemoglobin and finger clubbing. Helper T-lymphocyte alveolitis and blastic transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in the presence of soluble aluminum compounds in vitro were found in an individual exposed to aluminum dust. In general, exposures to barium salts are associated with respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, metabolic and neurologic effects. For public exposures – which would likely be widespread following SRM efforts – the EPA, European Environmental Agency (EEA), and World Health Organization specify regulatory standards for ambient air quality. Importantly, tables show a very small sampling of air quality standards in use around the world that relate to potential SRM materials, of which the WHO standards may be considered most generalizable globally. Exposure limits differ substantially between these agencies, but, more importantly, there are currently no limits set by any of these agencies for most of the substances that may be used for SRM. The inconsistencies in established exposure limits for both occupational and community settings, combined with the absence of any exposure limits for a number of potential SRM materials, highlight the issues involved in protecting workers and the public from unintended health consequences resulting from SRM deployment. The substantial potential exposures and subsequent health impacts associated with SRM efforts based on stratospheric aerosols must be considered further before any attempts are made at SRM . Since exposures will inherently be global in nature, exposure limits must be harmonized to ensure that individuals around the world are given equal protection from adverse health effects. Global harmonization of standards related to SRM represents an immense but necessary bureaucratic and scientific challenge, and an important step towards establishing a formal governance framework for geoengineering. very little has been done to describe the potential human health impacts of this emerging disruptive technology. Though this study does not openly admit to the fact that global climate engineering has been deployed for decades

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 23, 2016

There is yet one major wildcard in the chessboard of unfolding circumstances and converging catastrophes, that is the population of the US. If Americans could be awakened to the sea of criminality and deception that is so rapidly surrounding us all, the outcome of the paradigm could yet be altered for the better (though our challenges have only just begun at best).  As the global economic collapse continues (fueled by the imploding biosphere), the US will soon find itself at the center of the storm. The further the curtain is pulled back, the more Americans will begin to realize that crimes like the poisoning of the water in Flint, Michigan, and the Southern California gas leak disaster, are only a small sample of what has been going on behind the scenes all along.  The massive methane leak in Southern California is going from bad to worse. The global elite are more desperate than ever, "Winter Storm Jonas" is a stellar example of their desperation. Climate engineering/weather warfare is being pushed to ever more disastrous levels all over the world. The entire climate system is  unraveling due to MANY causal factors, which is imperative to remember. This being said, geoengineering programs are like a bucket of gas that is being heaped on a fire that is already burning dangerously. Overall global land and ocean temperatures are in  record high uncharted territory and constantly shattering records. The mass die-off of wildlife will continue to accelerate with new examples coming to light constantly. The very foundations of industrialized/militarized society are crumbling, empires are floundering and preparing for inevitable conflict. The latest installment of Geoengineering Watch radio is below. Each of us, all of us, are going to sink or swim together. We are free falling into the most critical era in the history of the human race. Our daily actions and priorities (or lack of them) will determine our collective fate and future. Make your voice heard in the critical battle to expose and halt the global climate engineering insanity, every day counts. DW

Geoengineered Mass Distraction, “Winter Storm Jonas”

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The total desperation of the the global power structure and the geoengineers is manifesting into ever higher levels. There is no question that global climate engineering is a weapon mass destruction, but it must be considered (and remembered) that weather/modification (AKA weather warfare) is also a weapon of mass distraction. What are those in power trying so desperately to hide? Much more than the public wants to know or is willing to accept (on many fronts). The massive corporate media hype about "winter storm Jonas" started immediately before the global release of headlines like the one below from The Washington Post. It's Official: 2015 "Smashed" Global Temperature Records, It Wasn't Even Close Let's rewind almost exactly one year from the headline above, and move to a previous headline (also from The Washington Post) that is a near mirror image of this year's headlines. It's Official, 2014 Was The Hottest Year In Recorded History What were the weather-makers up to after this headline was released around the globe from countless media sources a year ago? The same thing they are doing right now with "winter storm Jonas". They were doing their best to completely eclipse dire news stories by manufacturing "winter storm Juno" in January of 2015. How parallel can these two scenarios be? What else is the massive media hype about "winter storm Jonas" helping to hide? The global economy is crashing and it's not coming back. This is not a bump in the road for industrialized society, it is the descent to the end of the road. The delusion is shattering, perpetual expansion on a finite planet with finite resources was never sustainable and it is reaching its breaking point. Global shipping is skidding to a halt, economies around the globe will follow. There are many other headlines those in power would like to hide including the poising of the population in Flint, Michigan and the rapidly worsening gas leak disaster in Southern California. And then of course there is the ongoing Fukushima cataclysm which continues to worsen and which those in power wish to obscure with headlines of mass distraction. Back to "winter storm Jonas", how engineered is it? Completely. If you don't believe winter storms can be engineered, think again. The power structure controlled "Weather Channel" has been tasked with hyping the manufactured winter weather to the maximum degree possible. One of the ways The Weather Channel accomplishes this is by assigning theatrical names to the engineered winter weather. The 2015-2016 list of "winter storm" names is below. The beginning of "winter storm Jonas" is documented in the map below. On the so called "warm side" of the "winter storm" there were temperatures in the 70s with a threat of tornados and thunderstorms. Then, heading further into the chemically ice nucleated "winter storm", there is a transition zone where the chemically nucleated materials reach the ground before freezing. These "ice storm" zones have now become the norm due to the constant engineering of "winter weather" events. Still farther into the chemically nucleated "snow storm", a layer of cooler dense air builds in depth (from the cooling endothermic reaction of the nucleating materials), the generally large flakes of "heavy wet snow" begin to form and fall. Thundersnow" is related to the chemical nucleation of warmer convective rain bands that would not have produced frozen precipitation without the artificial/chemical nucleation process. Those that don't believe jet aircraft are spraying in our skies, (as part of the ongoing global climate engineering programs) have simply not objectively investigated. Though the western powers continue to completely deny the ongoing climate engineering, China has openly admitted to engineering snowstorms in the past, though they have since also gone covert with their operations. The low pressure center and moisture feed for "winter storm Jonas" (shown in the map below) is feeding directly off of record warm oceans. The Weather Channel actors that masquerade as meteorologists are having an ever more difficult time covering the tracks of the geeoengineers. Watching them try to explain away the "warm side" of the "winter storm" (complete with thunderstorms and tornados) is troubling. Weather systems are being chemically ice nucleated all over the globe. As "Jonas" is migrated north toward its target area, the chemically nucleated "ice storm" zones will expand and likely do significant damage as reflected in the graphic below. The next forecast map below shows "Jonas" hitting home Saturday morning. With the warm flow of moisture coming off the Atlantic the temperatures along the coast are far above freezing. As outlined earlier, there is an "ice storm" transition zone where the chemical nucleation materials are still reaching the ground before freezing. Further into the "winter storm" (as the chemical nucleating materials are sprayed over the precipitation cells), some cooler air accumulates from the chemically reacting materials and thus facilitates the formation of the "heavy wet snow". The headlines of mass distraction sought by the power structure and the geoengineers are thus achieved. The "snow line" within the engineered winter storms now has little to do with elevation, rather, it is related to a particular side of the "winter storm"(the "warm" or the "cold" side). A word of caution about the chemically nucleated frozen precipitation, don't eat it. Main stream media sources have already sent out a warning against eating the snow, though they won't admit to the most significant source of contamination in the snow, climate engineering fallout. What is the final result of this massive climate engineering effort? The most populated urban centers of the most populated zones in the country are hit the hardest with the completely engineered winter weather. The desired headlines are thus created, maximum public distraction and political impact is achieved. Conveniently, Washington DC and Baltimore are at the center of the "Jonas" bullseye. What is the latest and most compelling update on the actual overall state of the global climate? The just released 30 second animation below is a stark and shocking glimpse of a reality that much of the public still does not know, understand, or believe. While the climate engineers manufacture weather in major US population centers, the Arctic continues into meltdown. The "departure from

“Weather Made To Order”, Connecting The Dots

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Geoengineeringwatch.org recently acquired 2 excellent condition original copies of "Collier's" magazine from May of 1954. The title on the cover of the 61 year old magazine is "Weather Made To Order….. Man's Progress In Weather Control" (our previous post from a 1958 edition of Popular Science, "Weather As A Weapon" is also important to examine).  This kind of straightforward reporting on the issue of global climate modification (geoengineering/solar radiation management) has long since been shut down in mainstream publications. Though global weather modification and weather warfare has been going on in plain site and at a significant scale for over 70 years. The "official" narrative now is that programs of such magnitude are only "proposals". This false narrative is propagated by all those in corporate media and academic circles that are paid to deny the ongoing and blatantly obvious atrocities occurring in skies around the globe. The so called "experts" are all too invested in the denial of climate engineering to turn back, so they just keep doubling down on the lie that it does not exist. Skies around the globe are now constantly obscured with the aerosol spraying onslaught. Even more astounding than this "official" denial, is the public's willingness to accept the "official" narrative and thus ignore their own eyes and their own sense of deductive reasoning. In spite of countless up-close film clips of jet aircraft spraying at altitude (turning the spray dispersion on and off), in spite of countless incriminating documents including US military reports like "Owning The Weather", also recent congressional documents for the governance of geoengineering, a 750 page US senate historical documents addressing the ongoing global climate engineering, an extensive list of patents, and even half century old presidential reports on the rapidly expanding US government weather modification programs, the geoengineering elephant in the room continues to decimate the planet and all life with no organized public outrage as of yet. A few damning quotes from the Collier's article are below. … we could use weather as a weapon of warfare, creating storms or dissipating them as the tactical situation demands. We might deluge an enemy with rain to hamper a military movement or strike at his food supplies by withholding needed rain from his crops. … the development of cloud seeding or rain making techniques since the first successful operations in November, 1946, by Drs. Irving Langmuir and Vincent J. Schaefer of the General Electric Company. The present method of "modifying" a cloud is known as "seeding" because it consists of introducing into the cloud certain particles which collect moisture and fall to the ground as rain or snow. It is used to increase precipitation over any designated area. How will we be able to prevent rain? … by overseeding a cloud. Over the last five years, our company has operated more than 150 separate projects in 18 states and six foreign countries. We had amassed more than 200,000 hours of seeding experience in varying latitudes. We don't think we can increase rainfall — we know it." … using weather as a weapon… Russia would be at a disadvantage in any "strategic weather warfare" because weather characteristically moves from west to east… weather – control planes operating from Western European bases might be able to deluge any selected area of Russia with heavy rain, disrupting lines of supply or movements of armored units by truck convoys and tanks to bog down in mud. Attacking The Enemy's Food Supply Weather modification might also be employed to strike at an enemy's food supply. Moisture clouds could be intercepted en route. over seeded and dried up, depriving crops of needed moisture. Man may well be on the threshold of a new era in which he will disprove the adage that nothing can be done about the weather. Click on images to enlarge them for reading the article. If you wish to make the image even clearer, you can click the image a second time once it has completely enlarged from the first click. The US military has made clear the fact they have long since considered climate change to be the greatest national security threat of all, are we to believe they would ask our permission before they would modify the weather and climate to suit their own agenda? Global geoengineering programs are not about the common good, they are not about saving the planet or humanity. The ongoing climate engineering insanity is about power, control, and attempting to mask the damage already done to our climate system while inflicting unimaginably more destruction to climate and biosphere in the process.  Exposing and halting the geoengineering insanity is the most important challenge we face at this critical time, make your voice heard in this essential fight for the greater good. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering And The “Coming Ice Age” Narrative

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org When a society has been very successfully polarized by decades of carefully crafted propaganda, beliefs and wishful thinking can (and all too often do) take the place of actual investigation and fact based conclusions. Belief systems and biases can become so powerful that they completely override and block out evident and readily verifiable realities. The "coming ice age" false narrative is an epic example of blatant disinformation that has been pushed by special interest groups with an agenda of creating division and confusion within the population. Confusion and division in regard to the true state of the climate is exactly what the global power structure and the climate engineering cabal want to achieve. What is the real big picture on the front lines of the climate unraveling? Hurricane "Alex"  was an unprecedented January hurricane, and a harbinger of what is to come. Its impact on the Arctic ice was not covered by mainstream media. Hurricane Alex appears to have further fueled the ongoing extreme Greenland ice melt, even in the middle of winter. Geoengineering/solar radiation managment, and the global dimming chemical cloud cover effect it is creating, are also worsening the Greenland melt as recent studies prove. We’ve seen unprecedented above-freezing temperatures at the North Pole coincident with record low daily sea ice extents. We’ve seen global temperatures hitting new, very extreme record highs. We’ve seen climate change related storms raging across the globe — flooding both the UK and the Central US, firing off record hurricanes during January in both the Pacific and the Atlantic — even as other regions swelter under record heat and drought. Now, it appears that Greenland is also experiencing an unprecedented melt during wintertime. Over the past few days, just such a major heat-up has been underway across a large section of Western Greenland. Warm winds flowing off the North Atlantic — driven by hurricane Alex’s merging with powerful lows south of Greenland — have roared up over the southern coastal ranges. Meanwhile, warm, tropical air has infiltrated northward over Baffin Bay. The net result is temperatures approaching 20-40 degrees Fahrenheit above average (16 to 22 C above average) over a broad region of Western Greenland. As the geoengineers orchestrate an early year cool-down in the Eastern US (in order to create the winter weather headlines they desperately need to fuel the climate confusion), the Arctic continues its ongoing meltdown with far above normal temperatures. The corporate controlled media do not show temperature maps that cover the entire planet and which reflect the "departure from normal high temperatures" (like the map above). For this reason most populations continue to be blind to the bigger picture. What about the "coming ice age" headlines that are seen on some news sites? The narrative is as far from reality as it could be. Excerpts from the most recent study on Earth's cycles of glaciation are below. The advent of industrial society has since raised this level to about 400ppm. Add another 1,000 to 1,500 gigatonnes of carbon to the atmosphere, and the next ice age is virtually guaranteed to be postponed by 100,000 years, the Potsdam scientists say. "The bottom line is we are basically skipping a whole glacial cycle, which is unprecedented," Andrey Ganopolski, who led the research team, told the Guardian. "It is mind-boggling that humankind is able to interfere with a mechanism that shaped the world as we know it." The study reinforces the assertion that the Earth has entered a so-called Anthropocene geological age, marked by humanity's impact on the planet. An international scientific panel is working towards formally classifying the new epoch, with the middle of the 20th century suggested as a potential starting point for the new era. What is coming for the US after the current climate engineering cool-down passes? The NOAA "forecast" map above is for the last week of January, 2016 and predicts above normal temperatures for the entire country with far above normal temperatures in many regions. Each color band represents 2-3 degrees above normal. This map is no less than alarming and is a clear reflection of the rapidly warming planet. The intensifying "weather whiplash" is a direct result of the ever more desperate and destructive geoengineering insanity.  How do we effectively fight back against the global climate engineering/weather warfare assault?  We start by learning to recognize blatantly false and theatrically hyped headlines, and completely engineered weather events. To do otherwise is to "toe the line" for the the geoengineers and the power structure they are a part of. Discovering the truth is not about believing anyone, it is about doing some real unbiased investigation from the front lines. Credibility is crucial in the battle to expose and halt global geoengineering, the greatest and most immediate threat faced by the human race short of nuclear cataclysm. The planet heating at blinding speed, geoengineering is helping to fuel the overall fire.  Make your voice heard in this most critical effort for the greater good. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 16, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Environmental collapse and economic collapse are both advancing, the dominos are falling and the momentum will increase rapidly from here on out. The human race has backed itself into a corner and the power structure is rapidly preparing for what is to come. "We have no democracy in the US", this is the latest conclusion from a Princeton study (a conclusion that all of us should have already come to long ago). From the disintegrating climate to dying bumble bees, the full truth is still not being told by the so called "experts" that are all too willing to lie for a paycheck and a pension right up until the last moment. The global geoengineering/weather warfare/biological warfare assault continues to be ignored and denied by those who are tasked with protecting the public welfare.   Geoengineered skies in North Ridgeville, Ohio (12/6/15). Photo credit: Dustin Webb Some of the long-standing disinformation and confusion surrounding the true state of the climate is crumbling as the data from the front lines paints an undeniably clear picture.  Though the weather-makers are engineering cool-downs everywhere they can, record high temperatures are continuing to increase exponentially around the globe. Record heat and record drought in South Africa, scorching temperatures in Australia,  record warm December in the US, record global temperatures in 2014, new record breaking global temperatures in 2015, and even hotter temperatures predicted for 2016. The "global cooling" false narrative that has been pushed by the power structure and the geoengineers (in order to confuse and divide the population) is rapidly breaking down. About the "coming ice age" disinformation, new studies confirm the inertia behind the current planetary meltdown is so immense that the next cyclical ice age (which would have occurred without anthropogenic activity) is at least 100,000 years away. Global geoengineering can create short term toxic cool-downs (which have helped to mask the climate implosion) at the overall cost of an even worse warming. The constant atmospheric aerosol spraying is also fueling record droughts in many locations around the globe. Those that want to see inarguable front line film footage of the disappearing cryosphere should view "Chasing Ice". From countless directions the all out assault on the planet by the human race is taking its toll, what can we do to change course while there is yet time to make a difference? The army of the awakened is growing rapidly, those who still sleep will soon be forced to open their eyes. It is imperative for each of us to continue sowing seeds of credible information to all the individuals, groups, and organizations that we can manage to reach, the paradigm of propaganda and lies must be broken. DW

Geoengineering Awareness, The Skeptics Are Now Waking Up

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win". These words of profound wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi should be kept in the front of our minds as we march forward in the battle to expose and halt the greatest single environmental assault ever launched by the human race. The geoengineering elephant in the sky is now becoming impossible to ignore even for circles that have formerly stayed well away from the critical subject of climate engineering and the threat it poses to us all. The comprehensive article below (which was just posted by "Stress Free Attorney USA") is further proof that a critical mass of weather warfare awareness is growing by the day. The geoengineering atrocities must be exposed and halted, this battle belongs to us all. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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