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Climate Engineering: Programming Public Acceptance While The Planet Is Decimated

How many individuals in our society have completely abandoned any sense of honor or morality? How many have sold out to the cancer that currently controls the country and will now do or say anything so long as their immoral behavior provides a paycheck and a pension? This is the world we live in, this is the world that we have allowed to metastasize. The ongoing climate engineering all out assault against the planet is tearing Earth's life support systems apart while at the same time continuing to completely contaminate the entire biosphere and every breath we take. In spite of the clear and present dangers posed by the climate engineering insanity, there are those in academia who are all too willing to provide their skills to the power structure for the purpose of designing studies for the specific purpose of selling geoengineering to an unsuspecting population. The authors of such studies should be contacted and challenged to justify their criminal behavior. We must all work together toward the task of exposing and halting global geoengineering. We must also do everything we can to hold accountable those who are trying to hide the climate engineering crimes. The 3 minute video below highlights the tyranny of so many in academia. Our sincere gratitude to Co Creation Productions, Inc, for producing this video. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Major Awareness Event To Cover Climate Engineering And Other Critical Issues

California Jam will be a major gathering of 25 experts covering multiple critical environmental and human health issues that will be assembled in Southern California on March 18th through the 20th. The quote below is from the organizer of Cal Jam.  "Geoengineering is the most diabolical form of genocide currently being utilized by those at the top. We have a choice on what foods and water we ingest, we can decide whether or not to vaccinate, we can predetermine what goes into our brain, but we don't have any control on the toxic spray in the air we breath. The geoengineering programs must be stopped if we are to provide a place for our children to live in the future." ~Dr. Billy DeMoss, D. C. California Jam is the “largest event for increased human potential and life sustainability”. The level of caring and engaged people in attendance is also exceptional as Cal Jam is the “fastest growing chiropractic event on the planet”.  This major event will be held in Costa Mesa, California, from March 18th thru the 20th. Event details can be viewed on this link www.californiajam.org for those who want more information. There are many well known speakers who can be viewed directly on this link. Tickets for the general public are discounted and can be found here http://californiajam.org/general-public/ . My most sincere gratitude for Dr. Billy DeMoss, D.C. for his tireless efforts in organizing this ground breaking gathering. The video below will give a glimpse into California Jam, it is last year's presentation on global climate engineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

A Message To The “Order Followers” And The Geoengineers, Stop Facilitating Tyranny

How can so few at the top exercise so much power and injustice over so many? The blind obedience of the "order followers", this is the mechanism by which total tyranny has taken control. The brief moving statement below and the powerful short videos following it, are from a father and devoted activist. His message is extremely important and completely on target. My most sincere gratitude to Sezer Behlul for his very valuable contribution to the fight for the greater good. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Climate Engineering, Runaway Climate Collapse, Dead Judges, And The Push Toward WWlll, What’s The Connection

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Connecting the dots involves standing back far enough to examine the bigger picture, all are a part of the picture. End games are being played out on many fronts as the walls close in from every direction. The quest for total control (including the weather), pursuing remaining resources, and the collapsing climate system, all are intertwined. Western power centers and their allies are rapidly running out of options and are now pushing toward WWlll with the proxy war in Syria. The Turkish offensive against the Kurds (the most effective force fighting ISIS) is the most recent and glaring example of increasingly naked NATO aggression. Why would a NATO power attack the very force that is most effectively fighting ISIS? Why would a NATO country shoot down a Russian Fighter Jet that was engaged in bombing ISIS? Because Turkey is (and has been) actively doing business with ISIS. Because ISIS being used as a tool for Western governments (and their allies) who are trying desperately to overthrow Assad in order to continue the advance of their Eurasia conquest before the biosphere completely collapses. The "Grand Chessboard" is being played out. Is there a connection between the most recent abrupt act of total aggression on the part of NATO powers and collapsing Arctic sea ice? The timing of these events almost directly coincides. Arctic ice is now at record low levels) and plunging further lower by the day)? Is there any connection between the recent unexpected (and suspicious) death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia and the unfolding events already mentioned? Is it just another coincidence that Scalia's death will likely completely alter the outcome of the proposed Obama Climate change agenda that was just struck down by the Supreme  Court only days before Scalia's death? Was a further ramping up of the ongoing geoengineering assault a part of the administrations plans behind the scenes? Why are Arctic sea ice levels so critically important? As the Arctic ice extent implodes massive methane hydrate deposits are thawing and releasing into the atmosphere. Atmospheric methane levels are at record high levels and growing by the day. The Arctic ice methane release feedback loop has very real and very immediate ramifications for the human race and all life on Earth. Methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas (over a ten year time horizon) than Co2. The atmospheric methane is expanding and covering the planet like a heat trapping layer of glass.  In addition to the methane buildup, atmospheric levels of Co2 are also exploding. This is especially true throughout the northern hemisphere. The ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare insanity is not only NOT HELPING to mitigate the unfolding climate disintegration (as the proponents of geoengineering programs would have us believe), it is making an already bad climate scenario exponentially worse (2014 was a record warm year, 2015 broke that record, 2016 will break the record again). Rapidly worsening weather whiplash is battering the biosphere. All available data makes clear that climate engineering is only adding fuel to the overall planetary meltdown. Why would this be any surprise? But what about the record cold temperatures that just occurred in parts of the Eastern US? The corporate mainstream media weapons of mass distraction will do their best to trumpet the very brief chemically nucleated cool-down, but where are we going from here in regard to US temperatures? Right back to record shattering warmth for much of the country. Overall global temperatures escalations are accelerating rapidly. The constant engineered cool-downs of the Eastern US have been used to manipulate the perception of the population in regard to the true state of the climate damage already done. Climate engineering/weather warfare is the greatest and most immediate threat faced by the human race (and all life) short of nuclear cataclysm. The unimaginably destructive and highly toxic geoengineering atmospheric spraying programs can be directly linked to the rapidly unfolding conflict and chaos that is occurring and escalating around the globe. The environmental and human health impacts from the climate engineering assault are already far beyond catastrophic. These impacts are completely connected to unfolding global conflict.  We all have a responsibility to examine the facts, and to sound the alarm. Make your voice heard.  DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 13, 2016

The looting, pillaging, and plundering of planet Earth continues unabated, the all out aerial assault taking place in skies around the globe is the most stunning and destructive example. Populations have thus far silently stood by and accepted the official lies from official sources that are carefully crafted to continue pacifying them. Some of the most blatant false information is coming from our local meteorologists. Weathermen claim to represent the public, yet they are a key component to the continued cover-up of the climate engineering insanity. It is time to hold them publicly accountable. From radiation leaks to massive methane well blowouts, the cover-ups are business as usual with industrialized and militarized civilization. After many decades of official deception (and epidemic denial from the public), the unraveling of the biosphere and organized civilization is rapidly accelerating. As the global power brokers are increasingly pushed into a corner, they may become desperate enough to play their final cards. Will this include WWlll? Are the chess pieces already being put in place for this final option of the global elite? Each of us must play our part to help alter the current course of imminent global cataclysm. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Climate Engineers Continue To Disrupt Global Weather As US Military Conducts Climate Change War Games

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The vast majority of global populations are unfortunately not yet willing to face the fact that Earth's climate and life support systems are being totally disrupted and derailed by a global power structure that is inarguably insane and completely out of control. "US military planners have been ordered to war game climate change scenarios, focusing on geopolitical and socioeconomic instability linked to extreme weather". Photo: US Military/Flickr A new directive says forces need to undertake joint training exercises with allies to “enhance capacity” and “improve tactics” for tackling impacts linked to global warming. "Mission planning and execution must include identification and assessment of the effects of climate change on the DoD [department of defense] mission"… The blocking of the the previously forecasted rains from the US West is one of the latest assaults being carried out by the climate engineers. In May, of 2015, geoengineeringwatch.org stated on the record that in spite of the coming record El Niño, the climate engineers could still suppress the rain if they chose to (that is exactly what is occurring). Even mainstream sources are admitting "This Is Not What California Expected From A Super El Niño".The forecast map below clearly shows the previously predicted El Niño wet weather for drought stricken California (long since a victim of the ongoing climate engineering programs). Though some locations in California have received moderate amounts of early season precipitation, reservoirs are still not filling up. As "winter" passed its mid point, the climate engineers have yet again shut off the spigot. The NOAA precipitation map below reflects the complete antithesis of the predicted El Niño event. Far "below normal" precipitation is forecasted (scheduled) for the US West and South. As previously stated, the "ridiculously resilient ridge" of ionosphere heater induced high pressure is completely blocking the flow of precipitation from the US West once again.  The corporate controlled media has recently been glossing over the western US drought catastrophe which has not improved and in fact may now be heading into even worse territory in spite of the record El Niño. The population as a whole is unfortunately all too willing to continue ignoring and denying the geoengineering issue and its catastrophic impacts. The climate science community's denial of climate engineering is criminal. The protracted drought is ongoing in California. The geoengineers are again demonstrating that they can freeze the eastern half of the country (conveniently timed for election primaries?) while frying the West.  The completely unnatural and historically unprecedented scenario reflected in the NOAA map above has become all too often the norm in recent years as the weather makers wreak havoc on the overall climate system. The ongoing attempt to"Engineer winter" is clearly a top priority for the geoengineers as the climate continues into total meltdown from the Arctic to Australia. The January ice cover in the Arctic was the lowest ever and Australia is in "uncharted territory" in regard to the relentless record heat and increasing drought. Earth's oceans are superheating while global methane releases are also far worse than previously acknowledged by official sources. The planetary meltdown is accelerating with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire. Engineered snow storms are a primary tool for the climate engineers. The 90 second video below of an East Coast radar loop has clearly captured recent chemical ice nucleating efforts over the US East. On this short video clip, waves of precipitation can be seen migrating in from the record warm Atlantic Ocean. The flashes of blue (frozen precipitation) occur as chemical nucleating agents/elements are sprayed/dispersed into the rain cells. Our planet is not just dying, it is being killed. If we wish to survive for much longer, exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare insanity must be our top priority. All of us are inhaling the toxic particles being sprayed, the damage done to our health from air particulate contamination lasts for decades even after the exposure is stopped. Though there are countless anthropogenic sources of damage to the climate system and the biosphere, mathematically speaking, the global geoengineering is the most decimating of all. If you care, make your voice heard while we still have something left to salvage of Earth's life support systems. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Stockholm Syndrome, An American Epidemic

The American population is the last potentially counterbalancing force against a global power structure that is pushing the planet and all life toward mathematically certain near term total global extinction. If we stay on this course, our planet will not support life much longer. In spite of the obvious and rationally undeniable tyranny that is verifiably present at all levels of our government, the majority of the US population still enthusiastically embrace the false narrative of American exceptionalism. Our own government and our own military have routinely conducted lethal biological experiments on our own populations over many decades. The Pentagon has also routinely poisoned our own soldiers for decades. From Agent Orange to radioactive depleted uranium ammunition, there is virtually no sense of morality shown by those who run our country, even toward our own military brothers and sisters. Ongoing in the skies above our heads is the greatest and most lethal atrocity of all, global climate engineering. Geoengineering/weather warfare programs are rapidly destroying the planet's climate and life support systems in addition to completely contaminating the entire biosphere. No living organism is spared from this undeniable assault. Every breath we take is laden with highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals that are a part of the climate engineering nightmare (elements verified in US patents and lab tests from the field). Yet, in spite of all that has just been outlined, the majority of the US population continue to embrace and defend the very power structure that is literally killing them. There is a name for the psychological condition in which populations actually embrace and defend their oppressors, the condition is called "Stockholm Syndrome". The short video below outlines this perplexing condition. Our sincere gratitude to Co Creation Productions, Inc, for producing this video. Though "Stockholm Syndrome" is a factor in countries and populations around the globe, it is truly an epidemic in America. The masses must be awakened from their well programmed condition of apathy and denial if we are to have any chance of turning the tide in time. The fight for the greater good is a responsibility that must be born by us all, make your voice heard in the critical battle to expose the complete criminality of those in power. Time is not on our side. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 6, 2016

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act", George Orwell's words ring more true now than at any other point in human history. The vast majority of the masses have so far remained willfully blind to the countless injustices and atrocities that are closing in on us all from every direction. Climate engineering, nuclear contamination, dumping of highly toxic materials into our rivers and seas, the destruction of our forests, all are manifesting into a global die-off of life on an unimaginable scale. One of the Juvenile male sperm whales that washed up on the shore of eastern England last month. Photo: ZSL CSIP No matter how great the challenges we face, no matter how deep the current denial of the masses, the unyielding efforts of the few that are truly committed to the greater good can yet make a profound difference even at this late hour. Never give up. The latest installment of Global Alert News update is below.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Accelerating Into Total Collapse, The Consequences Of Denial And Inaction

The propensity of the human race to deny unpleasant and frightening realities until the last possible moment is truly profound. The power structure (and the mainstream media they control) are using every imaginable means at their disposal to fuel the constant distraction of the masses. The current facade is disintegrating on every front and even now the vast majority are completely oblivious to what is unfolding. As the horizon grows ever darker, we must all examine our priorities. What can we yet accomplish at this late hour that would have the most impact toward the greater good? Combining our efforts to expose and halt climate engineering would be the greatest leap we could collectively make in the right direction. The ongoing global atmospheric assault has already horrifically affected every living organism. This being said, there are also countless other aspects of the reality we have all known which are unraveling by the day. The report below directly addresses dire issues which the powers that be are doing their best to hide from public view. Get educated and help to sound the alarm, every one of our voices is essential in the fight for the greater good. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

New Science Study Examines Methods To Gain Public Acceptance Of Climate Engineering

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org A shocking percentage of academia has completely sold out to the cabal that is currently controlling the world. What is the primary objective of this core of global power? To perpetuate at any cost. The inevitable killing of the host, planet Earth, is not a consideration for them. The true consequences of climate engineering are catastrophic beyond comprehension, yet, the dangers have never been a factor for those in power. The just released science study below is a reflection of the total moral depravity that now rules and runs industrialized/militarized society. What is the primary goal of the study? To determine the best approach to gaining public acceptance of "stratospheric aerosol injection". The individuals that authored this study and their employer (the Kiel Institute For the World Economy), should both be considered accomplices to the ongoing weather warfare crimes. Some excerpts from the report follow: Abstract: This paper analyzes determinants of technology acceptance and their interdependence. It highlights the role of affect in attitude formation toward new technologies and examines how it mediates the influence of stable psychological variables on technology acceptance. Based on theory and previous empirical evidence, we develop an analytical framework of attitude formation. We test this framework using survey data on the acceptance of stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI)… Furthermore, affect is an important mediator between stable psychological variables – like trust in government, values, and attitudes – and acceptance. A person’s affective response is thus guided by her general attitudes and values. We live in an increasingly dystopian world in which the power structure (and the legions of academicians it controls) are not only creating conditions of planetary omnicide in their quest for total control, but they are also striving to make the public at large embrace the unfolding omnicide.  1. INTRODUCTION Fighting climate change is one of the major global challenges of the 21st century. However, even timely and substantial cuts in greenhouse gas emissions may fail to limit global warming to 2°C above preindustrial levels (IPCC 2014). Against this background, new technologies to limit global warming, known as climate engineering or geoengineering, entered the scientific and political debate. Climate engineering technologies could be an effective way to cool atmospheric temperatures and prevent massive damages from climate change. However, many of these technologies carry substantial risks. Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), for example, could change precipitation patterns or induce abrupt temperature changes…  Public concern about climate engineering technologies is substantial (Bellamy and Hulme 2011; Borick and Rabe 2012; Macnaghten and Szerszynski 2013; Merk et al. 2015) and has been voiced in protests…  In the present study, we analyze the factors that determine the acceptability of climate engineering for the case of SAI.  (1) How do stable psychological variables – i.e., values, environmental attitudes and risk attitudes, and trust in government – influence technology acceptance? Do they enter attitude formation via cognitive or affective pathways?  The chart above (taken straight from the report) makes the objective of this study crystal clear, to frame "stratospheric aerosol injection" in a way that will most likely produce public "acceptance". 2. ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK Our model builds on established theories of risk perception and attitude formation and combines them into a comprehensive framework. It accommodates the value‐belief‐norm theory (Stern 2000) and the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen 1985) in assuming that the acceptance of a technology is determined by domain‐specific beliefs…  2.1. Risk and Benefit Perception Attitudes form in part from a weighing of risks and benefits (Ajzen 1985). Consequently, the perceptions of risks and benefits of a technology are direct antecedents of acceptance.  2.3. Trust in Government Trust in institutions associated with the technology is a consistent predictor of technology acceptance…  2.4. Egoistic and Altruistic Values Values are guiding principles in the life of a person (Schwartz 1992). As stable characteristics they direct attention and form beliefs and attitudes across an array of contexts (Stern, Kalof et al. 1995). For environmental behavior, egoistic and altruistic values are particularly relevant (Stern 2000). In attitude formation toward technologies with environmental consequences, these values guide a person’s focus in weighing perceived risks and benefits (De Groot and Steg 2007; De Groot and Steg 2008). People with strong egoistic values display a preference for social power, wealth, authority, and influence; they tend to mainly consider perceived risks and benefits for themselves. By contrast, people with strong altruistic values display a preference for equality, world peace, and social justice and tend to focus on perceived risks and benefits for others.  1. This causal model of trust is particularly suitable for assessments of new technologies on which people have little information but are knowledgeable of actors involved (Earle 2010). The associationist model of trust, by contrast, supposes that the acceptability of a hazard influences perceived risks and trust in authorities. The associationist model is particularly suitable if people are knowledgeable about a hazard, but not about actors involved. For example, the acceptability of a hazard may be used to assess the trustworthiness of regulatory authorities…  Heavy geoengineering aerosol spraying in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. Photo credit: Eric Jacobs The global geoengineering assault (stratospheric aerosol injection) has been wreaking havoc on the climate system and the biosphere for decades. In spite of the total decimation being inflicted on our planet from the ongoing climate engineering programs, the players involved are too committed to their quest for total power to turn back.  2.7. Acceptance Aerosol injection is yet only little known and protesting or supporting behavior has not yet evolved.  Through SRM, a portion of the sunlight is reflected before it can warm the Earth. This can be achieved by, for example, spraying sulfate particles into the atmosphere at a high altitude.  … respondents were asked about their acceptance, their risk and benefit perception as well as their affective response to aerosol injection. Finally, altruistic and egoistic values were elicited.  Risks It changes the amount of precipitation. It can take away people's motivation to change their lifestyle. There is the possibility of further unknown and unforeseeable risks. The abrupt increase of Earth's temperature in case of a sudden stop of SRM can lead


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