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Climate Engineering, Final Fatal Folly Of The Human Race

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Planet Earth, and all that live on it, are in the throws of unimaginable and immediate upheavals.  Even at this late hour, with the walls closing in from every side, the vast majority are completely oblivious to the tidal wave that is towering above our heads. Earth's climate and life support systems are unraveling at unimaginable speed as we free fall into the 6th great mass extinction on our planet.  In spite of all this verifiably and undeniably occurring, for the vast majority the immediate threat of a lifeless planet is not even on the radar as the graph below clearly indicates.  The total moral depravity, deception and betrayal by mainstream media  has now ensured that the population as a whole has no idea how close the current reality is to completely and permanently disintegrating.  Our planet is dying, this is a statistical and mathematical fact. The life that Earth has supported for untold millions of years will soon perish if there is not an immediate and total change of direction for the human race. Some 200 species of Earth's plants, animals, and insects are going extinct every single day. In the last 40 years over half of Earth's wildlife had been killed off while the human population has doubled in the same period. How long can such a trend possibly continue? Well over 200,000 people are added to the planet each and every day. As anthropogenic activity began to overburden and heat the biosphere (since the onset of the industrial revolution),  some 70+ years ago those in power made the fateful decision to attempt the engineering of Earth's climate system in the self-serving and suicidal effort to keep "business as usual" and to use the weather as a weapon of war. Aside from the inarguable destruction of weather warfare, the ever expanding global geoengineering/solar radiation management/ocean fertilization programs have now manifested into the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Recent studies confirm that  geoengineering and ocean fertilization CAN'T WORK. After 70+ years of climate engineering and weather warfare, the planet now appears to be descending into a runaway greenhouse event, an "abrupt climate shift" that could lead to "Venus Syndrome". 2015 was the warmest year since record keeping began, breaking the record just set in 2014. 2016 will break the record again and is already on path to do so. January 2016 was the warmest month ever recorded on our planet, February 2016 completely shattered that record again. Global Geoengineering is not mitigating global warming, it is helping to fuel it overall. Short term (toxic) cool-downs can be achieved at the cost of an even worse overall warming. The "global warming slowdown" narrative was a carefully crafted and well funded lie to help the geoengineers sell their programs of destruction as successful, a complete fallacy. How fast is the far North warming? At an astounding and completely unprecedented pace. We are in uncharted territory as the Arctic meltdown spirals out of control spawning numerous climate feedback loops. The Northern Hemisphere is warming at an even faster pace than the Southern Hemisphere. This is astounding considering the constant record heat that is occurring in locations like Australia. The deployment of global climate engineering was deployed at a significant scale just after WWll. Though there was an initial cooling effect as is clearly visible on the graph above, the rapid buildup of greenhouse gasses like Co2 and methane, and the countless negative consequences of solar radiation management built up rapidly. These factors soon overwhelmed the initial cooling effect of climate engineering and the planetary warming continued upward in the mid 70s, this trend is now accelerating. As previously mentioned, the ever more massive geoengineering assault is now only making an already horrific climate scenario far worse overall in addition to contaminating the entire surface of the planet. Geoengineering is also a form of biological warfare. In the completely misguided and unimaginably destructive attempt to temporarily and toxically cool some regions of the US, the climate engineers are heavily spraying (aerosolizing) massive flows of moisture that are pouring into the country from the west and the south. The brighter the reflection of the cloud cover on the combination satellite radar map below, the more aerosolized it is. The more moisture the geoengineers have to work with, the more spraying they carry out. The goal of solar radiation management is to broadcast out the available moisture into the most expansive cloud canopy possible. The planetary decimation from the ongoing climate intervention grows by the day, the creation of record drought in some regions, record deluge in others, and lethal ozone layer destruction, are only a few of the endless list of known consequences.  The atmospheric aerosol saturation tends to create an amorphous featureless cloud canopy when viewed from the ground below the flow of "storms" and atmospheric moisture currents.  The electrically conductive heavy metal aerosols that are saturated into the incoming moisture flows can then be scattered into a much wider region with the use of ground based radio frequency transmissions. The image below was taken on 3-9-2016 as the moisture streams in over the Pacific Northwest from the record warm Pacific Ocean. The transmitter location is northeast of Portland Oregon. The radio frequency transmissions are utilized to scatter the available moisture into vast regions of mostly rainless overcast skies as show in many locations on the previous map. The process of manipulating atmosphere moisture (for creating SRM  cloud canopy over the largest possible regions) is wreaking havoc on the climate and ecosystems. What is the effect of using the flow of moisture from the west for a form of "evaporative cooler" ? As already mentioned, the climate engineers can temporarily and toxically cool some regions at the cost of a worsened warming overall. If the NOAA "forecast" map below does not alarm you, it should. Each shade of color represents a 2-4 degree variance of temperature, above or below "normal", depending on the color hue. Record shattering warmth will continue in much of the country  ( adding

Irrefutable Film Footage Of Climate Engineering Aerosol Spraying

The geoengineers continue to ramp up their ongoing aerial bombardment of planet Earth. In order to wake up the sleeping masses to the war being waged against them in skies around the globe, visual proof is essential. Numerous forms of jet aerosol dispersions have been captured on film which inarguably reveal that elements are in fact being sprayed into the atmosphere. Footage of "on and off" dispersions from jet aircraft at cruising altitudes prove that what we are seeing is NOT CONDENSATION. ALL commercial flight carriers and ALL military tankers are equipped with a "high bypass turbofan jet engine". This type of jet engine is essentially a jet powered fan and is thus, by design, nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most rare and extreme of circumstances. Even then, only a short, very rapidly dissipating, trail could ever be produced from a "high bypass" jet engine due to its design characteristics. The 2 minute video below is exceptional and inarguable up-close film footage of an aerosol spraying assault. We must all make our voices heard in the most critical battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 5, 2016

The darkening horizon is fueling ever more desperate denial in populations around the globe. The majority of the masses are clinging tenaciously to a reality that was never sustainable and is rapidly unraveling. If one chose to accept the stated goal of climate engineering/solar radiation management at face value, to save the planet, what a profound paradox we are left with. Killing the planet to save it. Not only is climate engineering completely derailing and contaminating virtually all of Earth's life support systems, but the three primary forms of "renewable" energy (solar, wind, and hydro), which are needed now more than ever, are also being completely hampered by the overall impacts of climate engineering. "Global stilling" and "global dimming" are a direct result of the atmospheric aerosols related to the geoengineering programs (though the "science" community will not admit to geoengineering and thus blames "global stilling" exclusively on climate change which is patently false). In summary, global geoengineering is causing an overall reduction in wind, sun, and rain. Again, the key word is overall reduction. As the planet continues to warm at an unprecedented rate, the pressure in the climate system will continue to build. This will cause ever more extreme weather events under any scenario. A massive carbon monoxide release along the North American West Coast has been downplayed by "official agencies" as expected. MIT noted extremely anomalous atmospheric heating directly above the record Japanese quake . Could the globe's ionosphere heater installations be a factor in the carbon monoxide release? The fishing industry along the West Coast continues to collapse along with the rest of the biosphere. Were do we go from here? Will we accept the power structure programming that we have no say in what is unfolding? Or will we stand up and make the fight for the greater good out top priority? It is up to us to stand together and make our voices heard. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Climate Engineering Mayhem Continues To Take Its Toll

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The unraveling of Earth's life support systems continues to accelerate all over the globe. Devastating droughts, highly destructive deluges, record forest fires, and completely engineered snowstorms, all are taking a horrific toll on the planet. Though academia and mainstream media still refuse to acknowledge the geoengineering atrocities, the damage related to these programs is mounting at blinding speed and will be all but impossible to hide for much longer. El Niño is bringing rural Colombia to it's knees, a new report is showing the devastation El-Nino is having on the South American country Colombia. As Columbia bears the brunt of El Niño, thousands of dead animals and other shocking figures caused by the weather phenomenon of El Niño are devastating the South American country. The data has come from government entities and federations who discussed environmental and economic damage of the crippling drought in Colombia. The high temperatures and drought that the country faces as a result of El Niño has claimed the lives of at least 100,000 cattle and goats with some experts claiming the figure could be as high as 500,000. Formerly lush South American rain forests are being transformed into scorched moonscapes. Andres Felipe Garcia, chief advocate for agricultural affairs said that in addition to these deaths the El Niño phenomenon has also claimed around half a million hectares of crops along with the displacement of hundreds of people to Bolivia. Forest fires have affected a further 128,000 hectares. And the recovery of these areas could take up to 30 years to repair. The 128,000 hectares have affected about 23 forest. Rivers are drying, therefore, in addition it has been reported food shortages in districts of the Caribbean coast which can only receive supplies by boat, according to Semana. Magdalena has 10 critical points and has reached such low levels you can not even measure how much water runs out there. The same can be said of the Cauca River and the Sambingo has all but disappeared. In addition to rivers, lakes also have low levels, the Calima has lost 82% of it's water. It is thought around 20,000 children are at risk of malnutrition. To date, there are 316 municipalities at risk of shortage of drinking water. Today 96 have partial shortages and 90 are with rationing. As climate engineering continues to contribute to drought creation around the globe, the forests that remain will continue to burn at unprecedented rates. Though El Niño is a natural phenomenon with very real impacts, the protracted droughts that are occurring all over the world are more directly a consequence of the atmospheric aerosol saturation which is creating a "global dimming" effect. Though the constant geoengineered bouts of "winter weather whiplash" continues to confuse much of the population, the planet is likely already in a "runaway warming scenario" which is creating an "abrupt climate shift". The still continuing string of record breaking months of global heat just got broken again as February 2016 completely shattered all former monthly "above normal" temperature records globally.  Arctic ice is plunging into record low territory, sea levels are rising far faster than any former worst case predictions, heat waves are raging around the globe. Global climate engineering is making this entire scenario exponentially worse. In addition, our entire planet is being contaminated from climate engineering. How much longer can we remain on this course before there is nothing left to salvage? We must all stand together in the critical effort to sound the alarm. Other related articles: Tropical cyclone: Yalo (14P) forms in the South Pacific just days after cyclone Winston destroyed Figi Tornado season comes early to the US as 6 deaths many more injured, 65,000 without power and millions of dollars damage hits the country Plus 41C expected as the mercury is soaring in Sydney and NSW yet another heatwave bears down on Aus El-Nino blamed for 40 C (104 F) heatwave in parts of Malaysia Killer cyclone Winston leaves more than a 100 dead: Most powerful tempest ever documented in the Southern Hemisphere, winds reached 184 miles per hour. The most powerful storm to hit Fiji made landfall on the Pacific nation's main island, Viti Levu. And was greeted with a magnitude Mag 5.8 earthquake Tropical Cyclone Winston turns deadly: Category five Winston is now the strongest cyclone to hit Fiji in recorded history Cyclone Winston to reach Category 5 hurricane force and does a U turn back to Tongan islands with wind gusts expected to reach 250km/h damaging ocean swells and flash flooding. Tropical Cyclone Winston Threatening Tonga and American Samoa: Tropical cyclone Winston's maximum sustained winds had increased to hurricane-force Death Valley poised for wildflower 'super bloom' thanks to El-Nino

Total Climate Control Captured On Satellite Images

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The radar loop film footage in the 6 minute video below is an exceptional documentation of the total climate control that is being inflicted on our once thriving planet. The ongoing global geoengineering assault is becoming unimaginably blatant and extreme. The greater the damage to the climate system becomes, the more the climate engineers ramp up their atmospheric programs of drought, deluge, devastation, and destruction. From ozone layer depletion to mass methane releases in the Arctic (and elsewhere), to complete contamination of the biosphere, the weather-makers are wreaking havoc on planet Earth. My most sincere gratitude to "1Pacific Redwood", the producer of this very revealing 6 minute presentation. Of all the anthropogenic forms of damage to the atmosphere and environment, global geoengineering programs are mathematically the most decimating. What we collectively face is nothing short of a fight for survival. Make your voice heard in this critical battle while you can.  DW

Anti-Geoengineering Legislation In Rhode Island Is Still Alive

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Rhode Island State representatives are showing a level of morality and courage that has so far been lacking from all other states. Representatives of the state, Karen MacBeth and Justin Price, are still pushing forward with their efforts to expose and ban the ongoing climate engineering programs that are decimating the biosphere and human health. GeoengineeringWatch.org has been supplying informational materials to the Rhode Island committee members and will continue to do so. In the 16 minute video below, the Rhode Island legislative committee is addressed by Tom Loiselle, a very dedicated citizen and activist that has been instrumental in the continuing effort to push H 7578 forward. I have been communicating with Tom for some time and Mr. Loiselle has also joined the Geoengineering Watch team of attorneys on 2 recent conference calls. Our most sincere gratitude to Tom Loiselle, and to Rhode Island State representatives Karen MacBeth (Dem), and Justin Price (Rep) for their ongoing courageous efforts to address the  extremely dire geoengineering issue. Click the icon below for the full text of the latest version of the Rhode Island anti-geoengineering legislation draft. Copies of this ground breaking Rhode Island anti-geoengineering legislation proposal should be forwarded to all elected officials (and other appropriate agency officials) in every state. Every day that the ongoing climate engineering insanity is allowed to continue further diminishes our odds of salvaging a planet that will continue to support life. Make your voice heard in this most critical battle. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 27, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The siege of planet Earth and the web of life continues on all fronts. All the while the delusion of perpetual growth on a finite planet with finite resources is alive and well. Many populations around the globe remain completely oblivious to implosion of the biosphere, this is especially true in the US. From the South Seas to the Pacific Northwest, dead marine life is washing up in unimaginable quantities. A weekly  parade of completely engineered Eastern US snow storms  carries on, the latest is "winter storm Petros". Between these chemically ice nucleated creations the record high temperatures return. Earth is warming at least 50 times faster than when it has previously come out of ice ages. Climate engineering is fueling the overall warming, not mitigating it. How can all this be hidden in plain sight? Mainstream media and the "meteorologists" that represent them are a primary tool of total deception for those in power. If you have had enough of life threatening lies, publicly (and peacefully) confront our news and weather personnel that claim to represent the public's interests (but instead have completely betrayed the public). The attached broadcast is a case in point. What remains as the greatest and most immediate threat to the web of life on Earth? It can be seen over our heads every single day. What is the real story? We must all keep connecting the dots, we must all make our voices heard in the fight for the greater good. DW

Climate Engineering Denial And Deception, Holding Mainstream Media Accountable

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Should we consider it acceptable for mainstream media news anchors and their "chief meteorologists" to completely ignore and marginalize the legitimate and verifiable concerns of the public that they claim to represent? Should we just stand silently by while media and meteorological "professionals" (that the community depends on) willfully blackout critical issues (that relate directly to public health and welfare) without doing a shred of honest or legitimate investigation? The short answer is no, we cannot, we must not accept such a betrayal of the public's trust. In Northern California, KRCR is an ABC affiliate that covers the North State. The chain of short messages below are my attempt to hold the ABC news anchor for KRCR (and their chief meteorologist) accountable by simply asking them to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting. This effort has been ongoing. The ABC news anchor finally gives a very unprofessional and completely inadequate response. A 40 year veteran Aerospace Avionics Engineer then directly addresses the ABC news anchor with his own letter which fully supports the reality of global geoengineering and our efforts to expose the ongoing atmospheric aerosol crimes. 1st Request Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas,  As I am sure you are aware, the rapidly growing public concerns over the issue of climate engineering continues to accelerate. As meteorological and media representatives for the North State (through KRCR), it is my hope that you will agree to accept this formal invitation to attend a locally staged public forum (in a town hall setting) in order to address the public's questions and concerns about what we see constantly occurring in our skies. The lingering expanding jet aircraft trails often haze out the entire skyline (which is the stated goal of "solar radiation management" programs). If (as the KRCR chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger believes climate engineering is not in fact going on, the public would like to know on what facts and information such a conclusion is based. I, and many others, hope you will accept this sincere invitation to address our concerns as our local weather and media representatives. If so, we would coordinate a date, time, and location for the meeting that would be acceptable to your schedules.  Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Verifiable facts sent for consideration: Federal "gag order" on all NWS and NOAA employees https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/government-implements-illegal-gag-order-on-national-weather-service-and-noaa/ Links to numerous film footage clips of jet aircraft spraying https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/audio-video/aircraft-spraying-videos/ New Science Study Examines Methods To Gain Public Acceptance Of Climate Engineering https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/new-science-study-examines-methods-to-gain-public-acceptance-of-climate-engineering/ New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/new-science-study-comes-closer-to-disclosing-the-catastrophic-health-and-environmental-consequences-of-climate-engineering/ Massive Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/massive-us-senate-document-on-national-and-global-weather-modification/ Historical presidential report documenting ongoing and expanding climate engineering programs https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/documents-library/ Extensive list of climate engineering patents https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/an-extensive-list-of-patents/ Solar radiation management governance initiative http://www.srmgi.org 2nd Request Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, I hope you would be kind enough to issue a response to the request sent last week. As mentioned in the former message, public concerns about climate engineering are escalating rapidly, it would seem appropriate for the chief meteorologist that represents our region to at least be willing to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting. Thank you for your consideration to this second request.  Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org 3rd Request Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, we are all still hoping you will be willing to answer questions from the public to address our concerns about what is happening in our skies. The photo attached was captured today from the NASA worldview site, what could cause such a cloud formation? This is one of the many questions we would like to have addressed at a town hall meeting at a date, time, and location, that would suite your schedule. Again, as the local chief meteorologist that represents our region, we hope you will be willing to address our questions and concerns. Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org What could cause an alarming cloud formation like what is shown below? And on such a vast scale? 4th Request Hello again Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, still hoping to have the courtesy of a response regarding the communities requests to have their questions and concerns about climate engineering addressed in a public town hall setting. Below is a satellite photo taken today over Northern California. It reveals an atmosphere that is completely saturated with aerosols which look more like blowing smoke on the radar image as opposed to natural cumulous or cirrus clouds. Smoke is of course a particulate, climate engineering/solar radiation management patents and programs expressly call for saturating the atmosphere with light scattering particulates dispersed from jet aircraft. If (as our chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger feels our concerns are unfounded, and that we should not believe what we can see with our own eyes, we would be very interested in hearing on what basis of facts he comes to such a conclusion. Sincerely Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org First response from KRCR ABC news anchor Mike Mangas On Feb 18, 2016, at 6:20 PM, Mike Mangas wrote: Hello Dane- I apologize for not responding to your emails. I didn't see them – to be absolutely honest, I blocked them some time ago. Going into the geoengineering debate, I tried to keep an open mind. I listened to you, to your followers, showed up at the seminar you had in the David Marr auditorium, and did online research. I'm not a scientist, and don't pretend to be, but of the things I could confirm, I have found lies, mistruths, conspiracy theories of all sorts (and not just geoengineering. That forum had a cornucopia of conspiracy theories. Who shot Kennedy, what really happened on 9-11, did we really go to the moon, etc.) Reading things like we the media are being paid off by the government to keep things quiet, or to believe humans are capable of intentionally altering the environment on a global scale, for nefarious purposes, or that such an alleged massive operation could be done in complete secrecy, and talking

Meteorologists And Climate Engineering Denial, Perpetuating The Lie For A Paycheck And A Pension

How expansive and deep is the cancer of payed denial and deception which has long since permeated so much of the science community on countless fronts? How many so called "experts" have long since sold any shred of honor and honesty they may have once possessed in exchange for a paycheck and a pension? The blatant criminal denial of the climate engineering atrocities so visible in skies around the globe is the greatest deception ever perpetrated on populations of the planet. The majority of the masses have unfortunately so far been all too willing to accept a constant parade of lies from the power structure and their paid minions on an endless list of issues. Denial is epidemic in our society, the herd mentality has so far ruled the day. Populations have been successfully programmed to never investigate or question the "experts" or the "official narrative" no matter how obvious and glaring the lies become. We have been taught to criticize and marginalize any that dare to question. This is the Orwellian world we live in, it is a paradigm that is leading the human race and all life toward a mathematically certain near term extinction. A complete course correction begins with publicly exposing those that are perpetuating lethal deceptions. The six minute video below covers the cowardice and deceit that is rampant in the meteorological community. Shining a light on the insanity is a responsibility that must be carried by us all if we are to have any chance of turning the tide in time. Our sincere gratitude to Co Creation Productions, Inc, for producing this video. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 20, 2016

Modern industrialized society has been incredibly well trained to revere certain circles in our society. Trained to follow their dictates without question. The science and mainstream medical communities have enjoyed this blind societal obedience that the population has given it to its own detriment. We live in a paradigm of injustice and lies which is only possible to maintain because of the "order followers" that continually carry out their assigned tasks without conscious moral evaluation or concern. From endless wars of aggression, to fracking, nuclear power nightmares, and climate engineering, the human race is pushing forward at an ever faster pace toward its own demise. Even as we free fall into  the uncharted territory of a "climate shift", the vast majority are still completely unaware of what is unfolding. Can the combined efforts of those that are aware wake the sleeping masses in time? Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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